In order to streamline and optimize the web
applications development process, design patterns are
also reflected in web frameworks like Laravel,
Symphony (PHP), Spring (Java), Django, Flask
(Python) or AngularJS, ReactJS (JavaScript). The
web framework consists of a collection of software
components that help developers create and execute
web-based user interfaces (Vosloo and Kourie, 2008).
The framework manages the content displayed on the
web interface, the pages that are to be displayed, and
what actions are available to the user of the page.
They also standardize the ways of communication
between web applications.
Taking into consideration all these three factors:
very personalized and precisely defined user
expectations; different kinds of services and various
types of available programming patterns and
technologies - there is a need of a specific kind of
integration in the service e-marketplace area.
This integration should take into account a set of
viewing and managing of data in one place,
ease of access to data (Single Sign On),
consistency of data presentation,
a user-friendly interface,
keeping current information and reminding about
any user events.
The above-presented list of requirements has been
established on the basis of analysis related to the
feedback from scientific and research projects
conducted by the authors and the development of web
The aim of this paper is to present a concept of
integration of service e-marketplace systems using
web oriented architectural styles. The paper is a part
of the ActGo-Gate project funded by the AAL
Agency awarded on the basis of the agreement
number AAL6/1/2015.
There are different types of integration. Among them
the most common are (Hohpe and Woolf, 2004):
information portals,
data replication,
shared business functions,
service-oriented architectures,
distributed business processes,
business-to-business integration.
It is not a complete classification, it illustrates the
kind of solutions that integration architects build.
Information portals aggregate information from
different systems into a single display. User may
happen when many business systems require access
to the same data. When a user change something in
one system, all the other systems need to change this
element. To avoid redundant functionalities
developers can use a shared business function that is
implemented once and available as a service to other
systems. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is
applied when enterprise gathers a collection of useful
services and managing them becomes a critical
function. Remote services provided by other
applications ae integrated as distributed business
processes. A business-to-business integration
manages the execution of a business function across
multiple existing systems.
The paper is based on the experience from ActGo-
Gate project. In this project developers have used a
few types of integration simultaneously: information
portals, shared business functions, but mostly SOA. It
provides the basis of distributed application
frameworks in which software components are
delivered as modular and reusable services. The
benefits of a SOA approach are evident in the
flexibility of business processes involving loosely
coupled services and resulting potential cost decrease,
reduced complexity, reusability, and high flexibility
(Thies and Vossen, 2009).
A software architecture style which extends SOA
to web-based applications is called Web-oriented
architecture (WOA). This architecture emphasizes
generality of user interfaces and Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) to achieve global
network effects.
Pautasso (2014) draws attention also to the
Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture.
This architectural style emphasizes the scalability of
component interactions and promotes the reuse and
generality of interfaces. It decreases also coupling
between components. The basic principle of loose
coupling is to reduce the assumption that two parties
(components, applications, services, programs, users)
exchange information with one another (Fowler,
2003). Although REST is usually chosen to build
simple CRUD (create, retrieve, update and delete)
services, there is a possibility to develop REST web
services offering complex services and stateful
behavior (Rauf, 2013). REST comes with 4 basic
principles like: using HTTP methods explicitly, being
stateless, exposing directory structure-like URIs and
transferring XML, JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON), or both (Fielding, 2000).
In practice, the web service typically provides an
object-oriented web-based interface to a database
server, utilized for example by another web server, or
Web Oriented Architectural Styles for Integrating Service e-Marketplace Systems