Developing Information Systems with NOMIS
A Model-Driven Systems Development Approach Proposal
José Cordeiro
E.S.T. Setúbal, I.P.S, Campus do IPS, Setúbal, Portugal
Keywords: Information Systems, Information Systems Modelling, Human-Centred Information Systems, NOMIS,
NOMIS Vision, NOMIS Models, NOMIS Modelling Notation, NOMIS Metamodel, Model Driven System
Engineering, Metamodelling, Model Transformations, Domain Specific Language.
Abstract: NOMIS is a human centred information systems modelling approach that is based on human observable
actions. It models a business domain through a set of views focusing on human actions, human interactions,
context for actions and information. These views are represented by a set of tables and diagrams using the
NOMIS graphical notation. The modelling elements depicted in these views are defined in the NOMIS
metamodel. NOMIS metamodel and graphical notation are a first step for formalizing and automate the design
and implementation of computer applications with NOMIS. In this paper, we propose to develop NOMIS
applications using a Model Driven System Engineering approach. The suggested approach will define
formally NOMIS models and notation and, using model transformations, will derive a code structure to be
used by the computerized information system, and a schema for a relational database supporting business
data. Additionally, other components of a specified application middleware will be created.
NOMIS (Cordeiro, 2011) is a human centred
information systems modelling approach based on
human observable actions that intends to overcome
the difficulty to define an information system with the
necessary objectivity and precision. The key to
achieve these goals is on the philosophical stance in
which NOMIS is based – Human Relativism
(Cordeiro et al., 2009). According to Human
Relativism, reality is subjective, dependent on the
observer, but there is an observable part that can be
used objectively. The observability concept, used in
NOMIS, is a starting point to model precisely an
information system.
NOMIS models a business domain through a set
of views focusing on human actions, human
interactions, context for actions and information
applying some ideas and perspectives from,
respectively, the Theory of Organized Activity (Holt,
1997), Enterprise Ontology (Dietz, 2006) and,
Organisational Semiotics (Liu, 2000). The
information view is added by NOMIS. These Views
are represented by a set of diagrams where NOMIS
modelling elements defined in the NOMIS
metamodel are shown following a graphical notation
proposed also in NOMIS.
Despite NOMIS modelling formalisms, there is
no formal use of NOMIS models to create an
information system. For example, in Cordeiro, 2017
an e-learning prototype is modelled and created
according to NOMIS, however, a model based
strategy is used instead of a model driven one.
Therefore, in this paper we propose to develop
NOMIS applications that uses a Model Driven
System Engineering approach. We suggest the
creation of a domain specific language to represent
NOMIS models based on NOMIS metamodel for the
abstract syntax and NOMIS notation for the concrete
syntax. It is also suggested some transformations to
produce: 1) a code structure to be used by the
computerized information system, 2) a schema for a
relational database supporting business data and 3) a
rule based system to store business rules.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives
a brief overview of NOMIS. Section 3 presents a brief
overview of MSDE, section 4 introduces and
describes the detail of a NOMIS MSDE based
solution, section 4 refers related work and, section 5
concludes and points some future research directions.
Figure 1: NOMIS Vision – its views and foundational theories.
2.1 Introduction
NOMIS – NOrmative Modelling of Information
Systems is a human centred modelling approach to
information systems development (Cordeiro, 2011).
Recognizing the difficulty to define precisely the
requirements of an Information System, NOMIS
proposes a solution that is based on the observability
concept: “what we observe is more consensual,
precise and, therefore more appropriate to be used by
scientific methods”. In NOMIS, an Information
System is a human activity (social) system which may
or may not involve the use of computer systems. In
these systems what is observable are the human
physical actions and the physical things and, what is
not observable are 1) the human mental actions such
as decisions, intentions, judgements, goals, etc. that
are not externalized and, 2) the conceptual or
informational features of physical things such as a
price or a qualitative aspect of a specific good that are
not shown.
Observability is a key concept in Human
Relativism (Cordeiro et al., 2009), the philosophical
stance in which NOMIS is based.
Seeking to use observable elements, NOMIS
models information systems with a focus on human
observable actions including both material and
language actions. Straightly connected to human
actions is information. In fact, information is used as
an input, an auxiliary element, an output, even as a
target element for human actions. As human actions
information also has an observable part and a not
observable one: data is an observable material
support for information and information itself, as a
meaning extracted by humans from data, is an
immaterial part. NOMIS understands information as
the result of an interpretation process coming after
perceiving the observed reality. Information is only
available from data after being interpreted by a
human. There is no information without a human
2.2 NOMIS Vision
Based on human observable actions, NOMIS
proposes a vision of information systems composed
by a set of four views – Interaction View, Physical
View, State View and Information View
addressing, respectively, human interactions, action
processes and, context for actions besides an
additional view on information.
NOMIS views form a coherent and consistent
information system vision from a human observable
action perspective.
Considering the unpredictable nature of human
actions, NOMIS adds Norms as human behaviour
regulators. Norms addresses and regulates sequences
of human actions. Expected (human) behaviour is
derived from systems of norms or information fields
as they were defined within Organisational Semiotics
(Stamper, 1996). Within an information field people
tend to behave in a certain, expected and controlled
way. Examples of information fields could be an
organisation, a department, or even a family or a
team. Information Fields and Norms are a glue
connecting human actions and information.
NOMIS Overall Vision is depicted in Figure 1.
2.3 NOMIS Models
Modelling, in NOMIS, is done through a set of tables
and diagrams that represent NOMIS Views according
State View
Norms and
Theory of
Organized Activity
Ente rprise
Language Action
Activity Theory
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
to NOMIS Vision. The complete set of these
diagrams and tables is presented and described in
Table 1. The elements represented in these diagrams
correspond to the key concepts in NOMIS, namely:
Human Actions
Actors – human performers
Bodies – physical things
Information Items – without physical support
Language Actions (or Coordination-acts)
Environmental States
To represent NOMIS elements a modelling notation
is also provided (see Cordeiro, 2017).
Model Driven System Engineering (MDSE) is a
software engineering approach that aims at derive
software systems from models. Its core concepts are
models and transformations. For specifying these
models MSDE uses modelling languages. In a higher
abstraction level, metamodels are used to model
models themselves and, meta-metamodels to model
metamodels. Usually meta-metamodels are the
highest abstraction level. Metamodels are useful,
specially to define new modelling languages. In this
case, also modelling languages are specified by a
model (its metamodel). The second core concept
transformations – is used to transform a model into
another model according to a set of transformation
rules. Ultimately, a transformation can be used to
transform a model into code. Although there are other
applications, code generation is perhaps the most
important application of MDSE.
A good introduction to MDSE can be found in
Brambilla et al, 2017.
3.1 Modelling Languages
As stated before, modelling languages are used to
specify models and, metamodels can be used to
specify modelling languages. Modelling languages
can be classified as general-purpose modelling
languages or domain-specific modelling languages. A
well-known example of a general-purpose modelling
language is UML that can be applied in different
domains. A domain-specific modelling language, on
the other hand, is used to model a particular domain.
Examples could be HTML markup for creating Web
Pages or SQL for database access. These are text
based modelling languages.
A modelling language is defined by 1) an abstract
syntax that describes the structure of the language, its
primitives and the way they are combined, 2) a
concrete syntax describing its visual representation
and appearance and, its semantics, the meaning of its
Table 1: NOMIS modelling artefacts.
Diagram Content Usedin… Observations
Human Interaction
Actors and their interactions Interaction View
A kind of Construction Model as used
in Enter
rise Ontolo
Action Sequence
Sequences of actions
Interaction View and
sical View
A kind of UML activity diagram
Body State Diagram The different states of a body State View A kind of UML state diagram
Existential Dependencies
Environmental States and their
existential de
State View
A kind of an Ontology Chart as used
in Or
anisational Semiotics
Environmental State
Details each environmental state
its elements
State View
A kind of an Ontology Chart as used
in Or
anisational Semiotics
Action View Diagram
Show all the elements related to a
le action
Physical View
Shows Information Items, Bodies,
Actors related to an action
Action Body Diagram
Sequences of action related to body
state chan
Physical View
A kind of Diplan as used in the
of Or
anized Activit
Information Connection
Information Items related to bodies
and actors
Information View
Shows information interpreters and
information su
Content Usedin… Observations
Human Action Table
Human actions, actors, bodies and
information items
Interaction View and
sical View
Collects human actions, actors,
odies and information items
Human Actions
Human actions, their dependencies
on Bodies, Information and Contex
State View
Collects dependencies for human
Information Items Table Information Items Information View Collects details of information items
Developing Information Systems with NOMIS - A Model-Driven Systems Development Approach Proposal
Figure 2: Metamodel of NOMIS Elements.
3.2 Model Transformations
Model transformations are the engine of MSDE. They
can be used to transform models into code, to refine
or refactor models, to translate models, etc. Usually
model transformation can be applied between two
graphical models, known as Model-to-Model
transformations (M2M) or between a graphical model
and a text model, these are Model-to-Text
transformations (M2T). M2T are usually used to
produce source code from graphical models.
NOMIS allow us to model a business domain and
give us guidelines for a computerized support system
implementation. Effectively, in Cordeiro, 2017 an
eLearning system was modelled using NOMIS
models and implemented according to NOMIS
vision. Also, a system infrastructure for NOMIS
applications was proposed. In this system there was
no clear connection between NOMIS models and
system implementation. Therefore, in this section we
propose a Model Driven System Engineering
approach to derive part of the system implementation
from NOMIS models.
4.1 From NOMIS Models to a MDSE
As mentioned before, with NOMIS is possible to
model a business domain using a set of tables and
diagrams showing the key elements of NOMIS
together with their relationships. What is shown in
these diagrams is a representation of NOMIS Vision
and is the way NOMIS sees the Information System
reality. This is NOMIS language that is formalized
with the metamodel reproduced in
Figure 2 and a
notation (see Cordeiro, 2017). These are the first steps
for creating a domain specific language (DSL) for
NOMIS. A DSL abstract syntax will be provided by
the NOMIS metamodel, whereas a concrete syntax is
obtained from NOMIS notation. A DSL is the best
and required solution for implementing a MDSE
approach for NOMIS.
4.2 Deriving the System Boundary
The central element of NOMIS are human observable
actions. In a computerized information system these
actions correspond to the functionalities to be
provided by the system to a user. For example, if a
user wants to “store a document” the system will
provide this functionality. In this case, the system acts
as a tool enabling and supporting human actions. In
general, NOMIS human actions could be
implemented as services by a system that would use
a typical service oriented architecture (SOA). This is
to be achieved by a model transformation where
actions in models are transformed to service software
interfaces that are used in the implementation of the
corresponding functionalities. Also, interactions
between two actors are modelled as two services, a
request service from a first actor is delivered as a
receive service by the second actor.
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 3: The Interface software component.
4.3 An Interface System
Human actors do not interact directly with a computer
system. This is done through a mouse, a keyboard, a
computer monitor or other type of input/output
device. It will be the responsibility of a human
interface software component to make the connection
between user and services provided by the system.
For example, the action “store a document” can be
done through pressing an interface button in a
monitor screen. The interface software component
will be responsible to trigger the appropriate system
service in response to this action. This solution
permits to design and program the interface
separately from the rest of the system. Designers can
design the interfaces using different screen widgets
and programmers can make the necessary
connections to system services.
Some human actions does not need to be stored in
the system or have system services for it. This is the
case of simple interface actions. For example, in an
application forum component, a user usually wants to
check received messages. A service could retrieve
these messages but the interface component would be
responsible for implementing the actions of sorting or
paging and, showing the messages freeing the main
system from this usability task. A diagram of the
interface software component is shown in
Figure 3.
The separation of interface and system services
provides a desired flexibility to adapt or use
difference designs and interfaces with the same
services in line with user preferences.
Besides the separation between interface
functionalities and system services, an interface
system can also make use of activity elements from
NOMIS models. An activity in NOMIS corresponds
to a composite of human actions. So, some activities
can be mapped/transformed to an application window
(or a browser window) in a windows based
environment. In this case application windows will
make available actions for the different human
actions present in the activity. These actions will
trigger the associated system services.
4.4 Persisting Business Data
Information is another central element of NOMIS that
is represented by the information item element in
NOMIS models. Each information item is associated
with a business domain concept and is detailed within
an Information Item Table. In Cordeiro, 2017, content
of information items is stored as records in relational
database tables. This is part of a NOMIS Middleware
responsible for storing all business related
information. In that work is proposed a flexible
database structure that allows business terms and
concepts to evolve and change without being attached
to the underlying structure. Application data, on the
other hand, is kept separated from business data
outside NOMIS Middleware. Another model
transformation should be applied to information items
that will be used to persist NOMIS application
business domain data. This transformation will
generate or reuse the described database structure.
4.5 Considering Environmental States
States and Environmental States in NOMIS are used
as context or condition for actions. The physical
elements, or bodies can exhibit different states. A
“special” type of body is the human actor. A human
actor state, in this case, is a role or roles performed by
an actor within a specific context. Different roles give
access to different types of actions. Other bodies can
have states as well. For example, a form can be
“filled” or “not filled”, a book in a library can be “for
lend” or “not for lend”, if it is “for lend” can also be
“lent” or “not lent”. A lent book cannot be lent again
before being returned. Therefore, different body
states lead to different possible actions.
Environmental States (ES) represent a composite of
NOMIS elements, namely: actions, bodies, actors
and information items where actors and bodies may
exhibit a particular state. An ES is an utmost
important element in NOMIS, it constitutes the
information system anchors. For example, in a library
information system a “membership” ES is a required
condition to lend a book (see Cordeiro, 2015). This
ES is composed by an actor, in this case a library
member, his/her membership data and a “paid
membership fee” condition. Only with all this ES
elements fulfilled, is possible for a library member to
lend a book. “To lend a book” is a key action for a
library information system. To acquire a
“membership” state there is a registration activity that
collects the registration data and the membership fee.
This activity is a typical business process. In reality,
it is possible to create different registration business
Developing Information Systems with NOMIS - A Model-Driven Systems Development Approach Proposal
processes but the states (ES) stay essentially the same.
For a most complete MSDE solution also NOMIS ES
and states need to be translated to system features and
code using model transformations. In this case, all
information necessary for ES is already stored in
NOMIS Middleware database but, for example, a
state machine can be derived or, at least,
complemented with the necessary code to identify
and process NOMIS ES elements.
Figure 4: NOMIS Application System.
4.6 Normative Nature of Actions
In NOMIS, action sequences are regulated by
(Behavioural) Norms. A Norm is defined by a semi-
formal analytical representation as defined in
Organisational Semiotics (See Liu, 2000):
IF condition THEN agent
ADOPTS attitude TOWARD something
The condition part refer to an Environmental State
that induces a human actor (the agent) to perform a
particular action (attitude).
So, sequences of actions
are not mandatory as they depend on human
behaviour. Anyway, an implementation of a business
process as a sequence of system services or a service
orchestration may have an automatic implementation
as long as it is possible to be easily changed. A
possible solution, mentioned in Liu, 2000 is a rule
based system to store norms known similar to a
Normbase (Stamper et al., 1991). Norms are not
shown directly in NOMIS Models, instead they can
be attached as notes to some NOMIS elements.
Norms are written in text and therefore, require a
M2T transformation to derive the correspondent rule
to be stored in the described rule system.
4.7 NOMIS Information Systems
Following our proposed approach, resulting
information systems will have a clear separation
between the technical and the business domain.
NOMIS is used to model the business domain
focusing on human actions and information. States, in
NOMIS, are used to bring a necessary system stability
but they depend mainly on information which is
already addressed. On the other hand, the technical
domain deals with technical aspects and can be
modelled separately. The connection between both
domains is derived from NOMIS models through the
definition of (human action) services, the schema of
a business information database (the middleware
database) and a special database for NOMIS norms
(the normbase). A diagram of these systems is shown
in Figure 4.
4.8 Summary of the NOMIS MSDE
NOMIS models provide a comprehensive, coherent
and consistent view of an information system from a
business domain perspective. By using an MSDE
approach it will be possible to derive the business
software elements that will be used by the technical
system. This will be achieved by MSDE model
transformations of NOMIS Models. For this goal, a
first step it to create a Domain Specific Language
(DSL) to be used with NOMIS. This DSL abstract
syntax will be based on NOMIS Metamodel, whereas
its concrete syntax will follow NOMIS notation.
Next, model transformations will create part of the
computerized information system. These
transformations are applied to NOMIS modelling
artefacts. As described, each NOMIS key element
have a clear correspondence to a technical part:
NOMIS actions and interactions are transformed in
system services software interfaces, information
items are transformed to database tables and bodies
are simply registered as information although
electronic bodies may also be stored in the technical
database. Finally, norms will be stored in a specific
database – the normbase.
By using this approach most of the technical part
needs to be developed separately but, the boundaries
are clearly defined simplifying the technical
development work.
NOMIS was not formalized before as proposed in this
work. Hence, there is no known previous work.
However, some elements and diagrams in NOMIS
have similar concepts in the underlying theories in
which NOMIS is based. Effectively, except for the
Information View, NOMIS Views are inspired by the
theories of Enterprise Ontology (EO) (Dietz, 2006),
Organisational Semiotics (OS) (Liu, 2000) and, the
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Theory of Organized Activity (TOA) (Holt, 1997).
Some diagrams in NOMIS are adaptations,
improvements or extensions of the diagrams used in
these theories. Therefore, related work can be found
in written research on these theories, this will be
exposed in the next sections.
5.1 Diplans in TOA
The Theory of Organized Activity (TOA) that is
related to the Physical View in NOMIS, uses a
diagrammatic language – Diplans (Holt, 1988) – to
show human actions, bodies, states and their
relationships. This is a language similar to Petri Nets
but applied to a business environment. In NOMIS is
possible to have a similar representation with ABD
diagrams. In Cordeiro, 2007 there is a proposal to
formalize Diplans with UML profiles. Unfortunately,
UML was found not suitable for this task due to some
adaption difficulties such as extended UML
metaclasses with underlying features that did not
match extension classes, limited UML relationship
types or limited UML element combinations. To the
best of author’s knowledge there is no other related
research work in Diplans.
5.2 Ontology Charts in OS
Organizational Semiotics (OS) is behind NOMIS
State View, where some diagrams inspired by OS
Ontology Charts are used to show states and their
existential dependencies. This is the case of EDD and
ESD diagrams used in the State View. Also, in
Cordeiro, 2007, Ontology Charts are modelled with
UML profiles. As with Diplans, similar adaptation
problems were found with Ontology Charts.
Bonacin et al, 2004 proposes some heuristic rules
for class diagram derivation from OCs. This work just
gives some hints on how to obtain (and translate) the
OC elements into UML elements. Used UML
elements are limited to classes and associations,
compositions and generalizations relationships
between them.
Tsaramirsis and Poernomo, 2008 proposes the
generation of a prototype system from Ontology
Charts. The solution uses a database structure to store
information from the elements in the OC. From
NOMIS point of view, this solution is not consistent
with the proposed theoretical framework. Tsaramirsis
and Yamin, 2014 suggested later the generation of
UML 2 use cases from Ontology Charts. They map
agents to actors and communication acts to use cases.
This transformation is not suitable as well for NOMIS
as it does not cover the required detailing.
Santos et al, 2016 made an extensive review on
OS literature from 2011 till 2015 covering
conferences, journals, and book chapters with 91
publications found. We could not find any related
research in those publications.
5.3 Aspect Models in EO
Enterprise Ontology (EO) uses aspect models to
model a business system. These aspects models uses
a set of diagrams, textual rules and tables for
modelling purposes. From EO diagrams, NOMIS
only has equivalents for Actor Transaction Diagrams
(ATD) and Process Structure Diagrams (PSD) with,
respectively, HID and ASD diagrams. They are used
in the Interaction View. In Cordeiro, 2008, there is
also a proposition for a UML profile for ATD, PSD
and Actor Bank Diagrams. Again, there were issues
in extending UML with specific profiles for these
diagrams that excludes UML profiles as a suitable
EO is the most studied and researched approach
from the foundational theories of NOMIS. Therefore,
we just mention some relevant research related to this
work that can inspire a MSDE approach.
First, Wang et al, 2011 suggests the
transformation of EO metamodels to a XML schema.
This could be an interesting transformation to be used
in a MSDE approach for NOMIS.
den Haan, 2009 provides a complete MSDE
based approach for EO. It uses a SOA architecture
with a process engine to execute EO models. The
overall view is provided.
van Kervel et al, 2012 describes a EO processor
that fully automates EO development. Also uses a
MSDE approach.
This paper presented a proposal of a MSDE approach
for NOMIS computerized information system
implementations. The proposed solution uses a DSL
for representing NOMIS models and establishes the
guidelines for the necessary model transformations.
As a result of these transformations part of the
implementation code together with a persistency
system for business information and business norms
will be created. Using this approach, the technical and
the business part will be modelled separately, but the
connection points between these parts will be
established and derived from NOMIS models.
Developing Information Systems with NOMIS - A Model-Driven Systems Development Approach Proposal
As future work, it is our intention to create a DSL
for this proposal using the Eclipse Modelling
Framework. This DSL will include the creation of a
concrete syntax using the Graphical Modelling
Framework, model validation and model persistence.
A prototype of a simple application will be used to
validate this approach.
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Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design