An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security
Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications
Lyazzat Atymtayeva
, Serik Nurmyshev
and Gulfarida Tulemissova
Kazakh-British Technical University, KBTU, Tole bi, 59, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Distance Learning Institute, Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, KazNRTU,
Satpayev, 22, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Active Information Security Audit, Vulnerability Scanners, Intelligent Approach, Fuzzy Expert Systems,
Information Security Audit, Fuzzy Data Management.
Abstract: Currently we observe increasing popularity of web technology that allows for reflecting traditional
businesses into web-based applications (web applications, for short). Such web applications are often
interesting to hackers aiming at stealing (confidential) user information; they would use such information
for personal gain. For providing the enough security level of computer and information systems the
companies should be interested in the regular information security active auditing. This process often
accompanies the checking and control of the security systems of enterprises but it is usually expensive by
finance, time and human resources consuming. The one of the tools for active security audit is the using of
vulnerability scanners especially for web applications security assessment. During the process of the web
applications checking the vulnerability scanners discover a lot of bugs in applications security system and
inform the users (auditors) by providing the list of vulnerabilities. Despite of the various types of
vulnerability scanners only few of them may contain the intelligent tools which can facilitate the auditing
process. Therefore, there is a high demand for the development of intelligent security scanners that are
compliant with the de facto security standard of OWASP - the Open Web Application Security Project. We
argue that embedding intelligent tools (expert systems) in such vulnerability scanners would not only
increase effectiveness but would also decrease the cost of an OWASP auditing process. We can claim that
using fuzzy sets and logic theories may facilitate this process in terms of processing that concerns the
human expert contributions.
Currently, many enterprise applications (such as e-
commerce applications, Internet banking
applications, blogs, web-mail applications, and so
on) are developed as web-based applications.
The increasing prominence and usage of such
applications has made them more susceptible for
hacker attacks because the applications store huge
amounts of sensitive user information.
Traditional security facilities, such as network
fire-walls, intrusion detection systems, and
encryption enabling, are capable of protecting the
network but cannot mitigate attacks targeted at web
For providing the enough security level of
computer and information systems, companies
should be interested in the regular information and
computer security active auditing. This process often
accompanies the checking and control of the security
systems of enterprises but it is usually expensive by
finance, time and human resources consuming.
One of the ways for active security auditing is
using vulnerability scanners especially for web
applications security assessment. During the process
of the web applications checking the vulnerability
scanners discover a lot of bugs in applications
security system and inform the users (auditors) by
providing the list of vulnerabilities. This list is often
very long and has a lot of repeating information that
should be analysed by auditors. Despite of the
various types of vulnerability scanners only few of
them may contain the intelligent tools which can
facilitate the auditing process. Therefore, there is a
high demand for the development of intelligent
security scanners that are compliant with the de
facto security standard of OWASP - the Open Web
Application Security Project.
Vulnerability scanners represent tools for
monitoring and management. They can be used to
check for security problems not only computer
networks and separate computers but also
applications, including web applications.
Many researchers have tackled the use of
vulnerability scanners for solving security problems
in web applications: Richard R. Linde, 1975; Kals S.
et el. 2006; The Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region, 2008; Fong E. et el.,
2008; Suto Larry, 2007; Kulmanov A and
Atymtayeva L, 2016; Nurmyshev S, et el., 2016.
Analysing the mentioned research and practical
experience, we realize that even though vulnerability
scanners are often used in web application security
assessment, there is little done on the development
of web-based vulnerability scanners using intelligent
expert-based tools. We can argue that embedding
expert systems in such vulnerability scanners would
not only increase effectiveness but would also
decrease the cost of an OWASP auditing process.
We can currently observe a great potential for
using expert systems in the process of information
security auditing, justified by research reported in
Atymtayeva L. et el., 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014;
Kanatov M. et el., 2014.
Summarizing the findings in the mentioned
research, we draw the conclusion that expert systems
can usefully help in decreasing the cost of
information security auditing that is characterized by
high complexity features.
For this reason, it is not surprising that recently
publications are increasing that are touching upon
this and envisioning adaptive network security:
Crispan Cowan et al., 1998; Robert E. Gleichauf, 2001; Wahyudi, Winda et al., 2007; Xiangqian
Chen, 2009; Ksiezopolski B. et al, 2009; Karthick R
et al., 2012 and etc.
We can distinguish between two major
technologies, namely: security analysis (safety
assessment) and detection of attacks (intrusion
The current paper focuses particularly on
security analysis. With regard to this, considering
the traditional active auditing process, we establish
that the network consists of communication
channels, routers, switches, hubs, servers, and so on.
All those network elements must be assessed for
their effectiveness as it concerns prevention of
Vulnerability scanning tools allow us to explore
the network, by looking for 'weak places' and by
analysing identified issues, taking into account
corresponding scanning results; in this, different
kinds of reports can be generated.
A current web security scanner represents a
multi-functional and highly complex product.
Therefore, it must be tested and compared with
similar solutions which have a number of features. It
is therefore interesting to analyse and test such
scanners, and compare their features with similar
Below we list several problem types that may
pop up during a scanning process:
Backdoor in code from third-party libraries;
Use of default or weak passwords;
Misconfiguration of the firewall, web-servers
and other server infrastructure;
Unnecessary network services;
--Discover the SQL Injections consequences.
These and other security problems may become a
reason for the high level of vulnerability of web
based applications.
Hearing 'panacea' success stories about powerful
security analysis systems (scanners), one would
come to believe that those systems are the definitive
security solution. However, it is not rare that a user
may encounter new kinds of vulnerability, for
example, in operating system that cannot be
captured by network security scanners. Usually, it
would happen because this vulnerability in operating
system work is not presented in the vulnerability
scanner database, and this is one of the aspects that
are inherent in all security analysis systems. Those
systems are intended to detect only known
vulnerabilities whose description is contained in
their databases. In this they are similar to anti-virus
applications that need to constantly update their
signature databases in order to work properly.
Thus, as mentioned already, we consider as a
possible solution direction the use of the multiple
expertises of auditors (referring to this as to a
knowledge base) in the productive OWASP auditing
process; this could be an effective update with
regard to the use of vulnerability scanners (Paul E.,
2006; Wichers D., 2013).
In the following sections we consider the
questions regarding the selection and using of
vulnerability scanners (Section 2), design and
simulation of fuzzy expert system in combination
with vulnerability scanners (Section 3). In
conclusion we summarize the research information
of the topic of this paper and give the directions for
further development.
An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications
2.1 Architecture of VS
In their work, vulnerability scanners can simulate
the actions of hackers who try to find "security
holes" in the networks of potential "victims".
Referring to Kals et al. (2006) and Nurmyshev et
al. (2016), we claim that usually vulnerability
scanners comprise four main modules, as illustrated
in Figure 1, namely:
1. a Scan Module;
2. a Database Module (so called "Vulnerability
3. a Report Engine (generating the results);
4. a User Interface.
- The Scan Module performs system checks for
vulnerabilities, conforming to corresponding
specified settings. The vulnerability scan logic is
incorporated in this module. There is a possibility to
scan multiple parallel resources.
- The Vulnerability Database Module contains
information about vulnerabilities and their methods
of use (for the attack vectors). That data is
supplemented by recommendations concerning the
measures on addressing vulnerabilities. Performing
such recommendations results in reducing the
security system risk. As studied by Stepanova et al.
(2009), that database module is used for both
security analysis and intrusion detection.
- The Report Engine (based on the collected
information) generates reports that describe the
discovered vulnerabilities. An important point is that
reports contain recommendations that address the
detected problems. Detailed reports help to remove
quickly the detected defects without losing time to
search for descriptions of detected vulnerabilities.
Reports can be obtained in a convenient form for the
end user.
- The User Interface allows to make the
vulnerability scanner operational. Often scanners
would have a GUI (Graphical User Interface) that
would nevertheless also offer the option of running
the scanner just in a command line interface.
As mentioned above, this all is illustrated in
Figure 1 where one can see the interaction between
different vulnerability scanner modules, by
processing the received information. The figure
demonstrates various graphical notations of the
modules that mean different contribution of each
part of scanner to the scanning process. The Targets
(or different web applications) may be processed in
parallel by the using of the special Scan Module
logic. The module "Generating Results" represents
the special format of report that is usually performed
by .csv format with tracking of the discovered
Figure 1: Architecture of a vulnerability scanner.
Any information/computerized system is
characterized by vulnerabilities. A software maker
would often release updates (called "patches"),
corrections, and so on. Then the computers that have
not installed immediately those patches, would
become vulnerable to virus attacks.
New vulnerabilities appear constantly, and
hackers know this. A hacker or attacker usually tries
to find a weak spot in the defense and use it for
further penetration in the enterprise network.
Auditing vulnerabilities of critical systems is
becoming a vital necessity nowadays for enterprises.
There are special tools to detect vulnerabilities in
a timely manner. Most of them allow us to evaluate
the extent to which particular systems are vulnerable
and recommend ways of fixing specific
2.2 Limitations of VS
The usual practice is to conduct vulnerability
scanning as part of a general security audit and
penetration test. This approach is potentially
dangerous for enterprises since new critical
vulnerabilities occur almost every day. To ensure its
protection, the company must conduct vulnerability
scannings more often.
Inspired by related work (The Government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2008;
Nurmyshev S, et al., 2016), we have identified the
following limitations of vulnerability scanners.
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
1. Single scan. Vulnerability scanners perform a
safety assessment of a system or a network only in a
certain period. That is why security scanning of the
system should be carried out as often as possible
because new vulnerabilities may appear due to
changes in the system configuration, and new
"security holes" may pop up due to used software
2. Necessity of human judgment. Most of the
vulnerability scanners can only detect vulnerabilities
that are already described in their logic and exist in
their knowledge base. After the completion of
scannings the security expert must review the final
report and take decisions accordingly.
3. Vulnerability Scanning identifies only the
potential gaps in the computer or information
system. However, it does not show us a real
possibility to exploit this vulnerability in the
penetration, and whether this vulnerability has
already been used by someone previously. For this
purpose, it is necessary to complete a penetration
test with regard to the targeted system.
4. Vulnerability scanners have a certain
percentage of false positives, i.e., discovered
vulnerabilities may be missing or incorrectly
interpreted by the program.
5. Others. Scanners cannot identify other security
threats, such as those associated with logical,
procedural errors.
Functionally, vulnerability scanners perform a
variety of anti-virus scannings. Some are better,
some worse. For more accurate detection the usage
of multiple scanners is more preferable. For small
businesses the buying of multiple or even one
scanner can be very expensive, moreover all
manufacturers provide a license for a limited period
(usually for 1 year).
Furthermore, many vulnerability scanners use
plug-ins to identify potential vulnerabilities. Plug-ins
are related to knowledge driven by logic,
instructions, and so on; this allows the scanner to
detect vulnerabilities.
The scanner can identify only those
vulnerabilities that exist in the set of plug-ins.
Despite the fact that scanning to identify
vulnerabilities is a powerful tool to analyse the
security of systems, vulnerability scanners
themselves cannot fix the situation only based on the
security-related information that is available in the
Scan results should be interpreted correctly and,
based on these results, adequate measures to protect
information assets need to be taken. Also, drawbacks
of all scanners should be noted: there is no
possibility to add own reviews.
2.3 Testing of VS as Software
Most scanners can detect the vulnerabilities that are
described in the WASC Thread Classification. We
can look at some issues related to the testing of
information security scanners as software (ISO IEC
27002 2013).
A modern web security scanner is a
multifunctional and highly complex product. For
selecting the best one, it should be tested and
compared with similar solutions which have a
number of features. In comparing various web
application scanners, a possible approach is to test
their procedures (Fong E. et el., 2008).
In a slightly modified form the procedure can be
represented as follows.
1. Preparing the test content necessary for a
functional check of all technical requirements and
deploying test stands.
2. Initializing tests, receiving all necessary
settings for the tests.
3. Configuring the scanned web application and
selecting accordingly a corresponding vulnerability
type and a protection level.
4. Starting up the scanner with the selected
settings on the tested web application and passing a
set of functional tests.
5. Counting and classifying the web objects
(such as unique references, vulnerabilities, attack
vectors, and so on) accordingly.
6. Repeating steps 2 to 5 for each vulnerability
type and for each level of protection.
The changes after each iteration have to be
entered in a summary table (take as an example
Table 1) reflecting results that concern the detection
of objects.
Obviously, not all web application scanners have
the same set of scanning modules. Still, such a table
can be used for the sake of reducing the rating of the
scanner in the absence of certain modules of a
particular functionality (ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC
Preparing a test application, knowing in advance
the exact number of certain types of vulnerability is
impossible. Therefore, while preparing such a table,
we would inevitably be facing difficulties with
regard to the determination of the number of real
objects to be identified.
An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications
Table 1: Test methodology.
of scanner
in sec
Crawler module
XSS Module
SQL Inject
Broken Auth and
Hence, we consider the following as a possible
1. In approaching a vulnerability instance, one
could consider a relevant class of vulnerabilities,
taken from the test web application. For example,
classes reflecting equivalences of SQL-injection
vulnerabilities, can be considered with regard to all
vulnerabilities found for the same GET-request
parameter of the application.
In other words, if there is a vulnerable parameter
ID, which causes a change in failure Web server or
database, all attack vectors, using this option can be
considered equivalent to a permutation of
parameters, for example:
2. Developing simple test applications that
implement or simulate some vulnerability. Still,
those applications are using:
(i) different frameworks and turning them into a
variety of options for operating systems;
(ii) different web servers;
(iii) different databases, with access to various
types of network protocols, as well as through a
variety of proxy chains.
3. Deploying Content Management Systems
(CMS), vulnerable applications (DVWA, Gruere,
OWASP, Site Generator, and so on) and scanning
them using various security scanners. Taking the
references to the total number of vulnerabilities that
is found by all scanners and using them in further
One could use for example the OWASP Site
Generator tool to configure test applications and
manage them, installing the required level of
protection. Such a configuration can be stored and
edited in an usual XML file. Unfortunately, at the
moment, this tool has been deprecated and it is
recommended to create custom applications to
emulate today’s vulnerabilities.
The types of vulnerabilities for the
implementation of the tests content and testing the
scanner can be taken from the WASC Threat
It is not surprising that in a test procedure, the
expected number of runs with regard to all possible
combinations of installed applications will be very
This number can be reduced through the use of
technology pair wise analysis testing.
As a result of the scan, we get the numerical
vectors of the form (Protection level, the number of
detected objects, False Positive, False Negative, all
objects, scan time).
Then we can enter the scan quality metric that
may be used in comparing the performance of
scanners among themselves. These metrics can be
considered as fuzzy parameters that would facilitate
the process of scanners comparison and make it
more effective.
For selecting the scanners and providing the
process of comparison we can use four types of
testing (Suto L, 2007):
1. Run a Web application scanning mode, Point
and Shoot (PaS) and determine the number of
vulnerabilities found and confirmed.
2. Perform a re-scan after a preliminary
"training" and configure the scanner to work with
this type of application, determine the number of
vulnerabilities found and confirmed in this case.
3. Rate accuracy and completeness of the
description of the found vulnerabilities.
4. Estimate the total time spent by experts in the
preparation and conduct of testing, analysis and
quality assurance of the scanning results.
To determine the amount of time that
professionals need to spend to get good results, we
can use a simple formula:
is Total Time; T
is Learning Time ;
is False Positive ; F
is False Negative;
is fixed time (about 15 minutes);
The next step in the procedure of scanner
selection can be choosing of appropriate test type
and test procedure. The diversity of test types, test
procedures, and test results may be described as
1. For example, basic functionality (smoke) tests
should check the efficiency of the basic low-level
scanner units such as work of the transport
subsystem, a configuration subsystem, logging, and
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
others. If during the scanning there were not
discovered the error messages, exceptions and trace-
back in the log files, the scanner may not stop using
different transports, redirects, proxy servers, and so
2. Functional tests must implement major test
scenarios to check the technical requirements. It is
necessary to check the function of each of the
scanning modules in order to find the different
module settings and test environment. For these
purposes test procedures include the processing of
positive and negative test scenarios, various stress
tests using large arrays of valid and invalid data,
recovering the scanner to the response from a web
3. Tests for the comparison of functionality may
be performed by quality and average speed of
objects. The test procedure includes the searching of
the appropriate module with similar functionality in
the selected competing products (scanners). Each
specific scanning module is checked by quality of
search and speed of object interaction.
4. The performance of evaluation criteria may be
represented by special comparison tests for the
previous versions. During this test procedure the
speed and quality of search are checked by
comparing old and new version of the scanner
systems. The appropriate criteria should show that
all features were not deteriorated in the new version
of the system.
Summarizing the above-mentioned, we can say
that scanners selection procedures and quality
metrics can be successfully applied to any process of
choosing the appropriate security system. (Fenz
S.and Ekelhart A., 2009). As a development of this
idea we can consider fuzzy indicators, scales and
metrics that can simplify the process of scanners
3.1 The Process of Discovering the
As mentioned before, there are many security issues
requiring attention (and human presence).
Because of the high dynamics in vulnerabilities
and attacks, we have to provide the security control
very often and add new vulnerabilities to the
database of scanners.
However, those procedures alone cannot provide
sufficient protection and an active system auditing
needs to be performed regularly.
To facilitate the process of discovering new
vulnerabilities and identifying the level of security
risks of a computer systems or web-applications we
have to use the possibilities of vulnerability
Obviously, the combination of adequate human
decisions and good scanning results would
contribute to the realization of appropriate system
protection measures and also to the prediction of
"security holes".
Therefore, as mentioned before, a major
contribution of the current paper is proposing the
idea of using the principles of fuzzy expert systems
in combination with vulnerability scanners, in order
to better fulfil the security challenges discussed in
the paper. The way we envision the combination
between the two has been inspired by Van Deursen
The experts can analyze the vulnerabilities,
which are found by the scanner during the process of
scanning, and then make a final decision about the
general risk level of vulnerabilities and give some
recommendations how to fix that. These
recommendations can be added to the main
knowledge base of the expert system and then be
easily used during the next procedure of security
These measures can decrease the time for
identifying the risks of the computer system during
the process of active security audit and reduce the
cost of all related expenses for system owners.
Some vulnerabilities may also be used in
combination with each other and by applying the
procedures of social engineering can define the
critical risk level. After the procedure of multiple
experts assessment by combining or choosing the
best opinion and recommendations from the
knowledge base (Stepanova, D., et el., 2009), the
system may report about many potential attacks,
which cannot be detected by the traditional
vulnerability scanners (Farahmand, F. F., 2013).
It is often difficult to find optimal solutions to
practical problems, based solely on classical
mathematical methods. This is because often
adequate analytical descriptions are missing that
reflect the problem.
Even in cases of successful implementation of
the analytical problem description, to solve this
requires excessive time and costs.
An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications
However, there is another approach to solve this
problem. We can use the fact that the human is able
to find optimal solutions, using only abstract
information and subjective perceptions of the
problem. However, in this case during the process of
the determining the security risks level of the system
we can use only human judgement which is an
inaccurate knowledge and cannot formally define
the main concepts - in our case, the system's risk
level and the level of expertise of each expert.
Therefore, the usage of concepts related to fuzzy
expert systems (Atymtayeva L. et. el., 2012) may
become the useful tool facilitating the security
checking process and reducing the related costs.
3.2 The Design of Fuzzy Expert System
in Combination With Vulnerability
The main principles of the development of fuzzy
expert system in combination with vulnerability
scanner can be described by the following. Proposed
expert system uses principles of fuzzy sets and logic
(Zadeh, L., 1978) to analyze experts’ assessments in
discovering the vulnerabilities and making a final
decision about general risk level and the
recommendations for the scanned targeted system.
The system is designed to provide an information
security active audit process more faster. It also
helps to facilitate this process for the end users
(experts) by making available the recommendations
of several experts.
The used vulnerability scanner is the scanner
OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) (Fong E., et al.,
2008). It is one of the most popular tool for free
security checking of web applications. ZAP helps to
find automatically the security vulnerabilities of the
targeted system. Nowadays it is actively supported
by hundreds of international volunteers.
Any integration of system with a security
scanner may have some problems. For example, the
availability of API(Application Programming
Interface) of vulnerability scanner may become a
problem that requires making changes in scanner's
program code for calling the necessary functions
from the expert system side. For this purposes it is
very critical to have an open source and code for
making changes.
ZAP as an open source scanner contains the
special API interfaces that make the process of
integration more easy. Such features make it
possible to develop system integration without any
modifications in source code. This advantage of
ZAP Attack Proxy scanner could give us possibility
to save time and spend it to another tasks of the
The fuzzy expert system focuses on the defining
the level of security risks for targeted system based
on the notes of experts, their assessment and
recommendations. In this process we use the main
principles of fuzzy logic (Zadeh, L., 1978). The
priority of the proposed recommendations is
identified by the level of expertise of each expert.
This parameter is also fuzzy metrics.
The principles of using fuzzy metrics can be
described in the next steps.
The basic building blocks of fuzzy logic are
linguistic variables described by fuzzy numbers. In
our case each vulnerability could be defined by
linguistic variables "low", "middle", "high".
The areas for assessment for each expert we
defined as the following:
1.Risk level of the vulnerability.
2. Confidence of an expert.
3. Urgency of fixing vulnerability.
4. Use of vulnerability in combination with other
5. Expert’s level in this area (expertise)
6. Solution and recommendation
The parameter "Vulnerability Risk Level" has
the values from 1 to 10 by which expert can gradate
the potential risk level of a vulnerability.
The parameter "Confidence" is also chosen from
1 to 10. This indicator shows how expert is
confident in his assessment.
The "Urgency of fixing" is the set of parameters
"immediate", "later" or "ignore". This special
parameter "Immediate urgency" means that bug fix
must be done quickly as possible. The other one
"Later urgency" means that bug can be fixed slowly
after some time. "Ignore" means that the risk is not
critical, and alert can be ignored by developers and
may be not fixed.
The option "Can be exploited with another
vulnerability" means that this alert can be combined
and be exploit with other vulnerability. This fact in
general makes risk level of vulnerability more higher
since the results of these risks may be expressed in
appearing the security hole that is vulnerable for
future attacks and actions of other vulnerabilities.
The "Expert level in given area (expertise)" has
the gradation from 1 to 5, which indicates the
expert’s background and his/her experience with this
types of alerts.
The "Solution" is a text field where expert writes
his recommendations how to fix the problem and
mitigate the risk. This recommendation will be
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
reviewed by other experts and they will decide
whether to accept or decline that recommendation.
The "Final Solution" is available in final report
form for user. After expert submits his
recommendation the general risk for the given
vulnerability can be calculated (Bojanc, R., 2013).
The fuzzy expert system is developed as a thin
client application (Sheriyev M. and Atymtayeva L.,
2015) with Vaadin Java Framework user interface
(UI) framework.
The UI is developed in a such way when user
(expert or company owner/worker) can scan the
selected targeted system without any difficulties. On
the user page "My Scans" for experts there are three
statuses: "scanning", "reviewing", and "ready" so
the expert can scan, or review (propose suggestions/
assessments about the level of security risks and
describe the problem), or finish the reviewing (make
the status "ready").
In the system each expert can see the review of
other experts and make some adding or correction if
he/she disagrees.
3.3 Matlab Simualtion of Fuzzy Expert
For development and design of the proposed Fuzzy
Expert System we use the algorithm that is laid in
Mamdani’s fuzzy inference method (Zadeh, L. 1978).
To calculate the output of the Fuzzy Inference
System (FIS) inputs, we go through the main four
- Fuzzification of the input variables
- Rule evaluation
- Aggregation of the rule outputs
- Finally defuzzification
For simulation of the Fuzzy Expert System to
identify the general risk we used the fuzzy logic
toolbox in MatLab.
With crisp inputs for alerts we used the rules for
calculating the general risk (Figure 2) which can be
defined by applying the natural language (if-then
Figure 2: Crisp inputs for alerts.
These statements are usually made by experts to
get an optimal result, for example:
1. If (risk is high) and (confidence is low) and
(urgency is ignore) and (is-comb-avail is impossible)
and (expert-level is low) then (general-risk is low)
2. If (risk is high) and (confidence is high) and
(urgency is later) (is-comb-avail is possible) and
(expert-level is med) then (general-risk is med)
3. If (risk is high) and (confidence is high) and
(urgency is immediate) and (is-comb-avail is for-
sure) and (expert-level is med) then (general-risk is
and so on.
We have generated 3^4=81 rules (by ignoring
some repeating rules the number of rules can be
reduced to 57). According to these rules the general
risk can be calculated (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Calculation of general risk.
Currently we have 3 experts, so when we
calculate general risk from every expert we use
another rules to combine the obtained results in
order to calculate the final risk level.
The used algorithm is the same, while rules and
inputs are different (Zhao, X., 2013). Calculated
general risk from experts is used as an input. Rules
are described below, total count of rules is 3^3=27
(by ignoring some repeating rules the number of
rules were reduced to 21). The obtained result can be
shown to the end user as a final risk level:
1. If (expert1 is low) and (expert2 is low) and
(expert3 is low) then (general-risk is low)
2. If (expert1 is low) and (expert2 is low) and
(expert3 is high) then (general-risk is med)
3. If (expert1 is med) and (expert2 is low) and
(expert3 is low) then (general- risk is low)
and so on.
If the number of experts will be increased the
number of rules would also be increased as 3^n,
where n is a number of experts. In this case the
technique of smoothing the final assessments and
finding the level of agreement of the experts'
opinions could be successfully applied (Akzhalova
A., et el., 2005).
At the end of scanning and reviewing process the
expert system generates the report in .xls format
with specifying the level of general risk based on the
analysing of expert judgements, types of serious
alerts with description and probable solutions. (see
Figure 4).
An Intelligent Approach and Data Management in Active Security Auditing Processes for Web Based Applications
Figure 4: Generated report in .xls format.
Summarizing what was already mentioned, we can
say that the usage of intelligent scanners and
development of knowledge base system may
improve efficiency of information security OWASP
auditing processing. In addition, the combining of
expert system and vulnerability scanners may reduce
the cost of the auditing process.
This work was done to prevent the problems
which occur immediately in information security
auditing process. We have described the process
development of fuzzy expert system in the
integration with vulnerability scanners for web
application security checking. The selection of a
proper vulnerability scanner and its integration with
an expert system may encounter with different
problems such as finding the relevant API functions,
constructing the proper algorithm for fuzzy
inference system and development of appropriate
fuzzy metrics.
There are many security scanners but they do not
use the analytic capabilities of human thinking,
which capabilities help see some potential threats
that a scanner is unable to recognize. For this reason,
we argue that the usage of expert systems in security
auditing may become a solution. Such a solution can
have a significant value as it concerns the
development of intelligent vulnerability scanners
that work in combination with human experts. The
prospective development of this work we see in the
following directions:
Making an integration with the best commercial
Using several scanners;
Making system more scalable;
Using additional algorithms, for example,
genetic algorithms for achieving best results;
Making a new commercial product.
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