Research in software adaptation ranges from the de-
velopment of generic architectural frameworks to
specific middleware using component frameworks
and reflective technologies for specialized domains.
Mechanisms proposed include: DA by generic in-
terceptors (Sadjani, 2004), which do not mod-
ify a component’s behavior, but intercept messages
between components; DA with aspect-orientation
(Yang, 2002); parametric adaptation (Pellegrini.,
2003) or dynamic reconfiguration by means of ad-
justing or fine-tuning predefined parameters in soft-
ware entities; dynamic linking of components (Es-
coffier and Hall, 2007); and model-driven develop-
ment (Zhang and Cheng, 2006).
However, while existing techniques offer a wide
range of options to achieve different degrees of DA,
questions related to the identification and soundness
of a given adaptation model are still open. Formal
methods grant clearer definitions and precision for the
adaptation framework. Our project focuses on how to
extend and build on this previous research while spec-
ifying and validating LDS specific requirements like
on-the-fly reaction to change, loss or addition of re-
sources. We consulted the area of formal methods and
chose the ASM technique proposed and exemplified
in various industrial examples by (B
orger and Stark,
Modeling LDS has been addressed in several
cloud and grid related projects. The ASM technique
contributed to the description of the job management
and service execution in (Bianchi et al., 2013). Speci-
fication of grids in terms of ASMs have been proposed
also by (N
emeth and Sunderam, 2002), where the au-
thors focused on expressing differences between grid
and traditional distributed systems.
The current paper proposes an approach for achieving
a reliable adaptation solution for LDS. By employing
the ASM formal method we analyze the properties of
the model and identify reasoning flaws. The knowl-
edge scheme presented in the paper supports adapta-
tion related processes and is reflected in the model.
We analyzed the model with the aid of the AsmetaV
tool and validated the reliability of some of our mod-
els when executing an adaptation solution.
In the future steps of our work we aim to enhance
the models and express their properties in terms of
CTL logic, which is supported by the Asmeta toolset.
By these means, faults and drawbacks of the proposal
can be identified and corrected.
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Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design