Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models
by Using Intelligent Security Tools
Lyazzat Atymtayeva
, Gulfarida Tulemissova
, Serik Nurmyshev
and Ardakbek Kungaliyev
Kazakh-British Technical University, KBTU, Tole bi, 59, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Distance Learning Institute, Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, KazNRTU,
Satpayev, 22, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Keywords: Re-Engineering, Cyber-Attack, Security Systems, Expert System.
Abstract: Even though integrating IT (Information Technology) and business leads to more profits and increased
effectiveness, this is often accompanied by information security risks because many current businesses are
carried out via the Internet. Re-engineering business processes and re-designing business models may
improve the resistance of enterprises to information security threats and risks. In this case nevertheless, the
software application (and portal) developers should take into account the pitfalls of the latest technologies.
The usage of intelligent tools that are realizing system security auditing and are recommending (supported
by especially constructed expert systems) corresponding actions, may be valuable for both business
executives and software developers. Hence, a new paradigm is needed, reflecting the concepts of secure
application development and communication between all participants and stakeholders involved in the
application development process.
IT (Information Technology) usefully supports
business processes, by helping increase the business
capitalization, by facilitating process automations as
well as the remote business management and
financial transactions, and so on. For this reason, it
is not surprising that methods that support the IT-
driven re-engineering of business processes, are
becoming increasingly popular. Hence, the terms
"business process", "functional modeling",
"information modeling", "re-engineering", and so
on, are included in the lexicon of managers of all
levels. In parallel with this, we observe the
appearance of more and more computerized methods
and tools for business process analysis. In addition,
with changing the business paradigm, we can
observe corresponding changes in business
interfaces, and currently this is mainly reflected in
web-portals - for some types of companies, web-
portals are becoming the main tool for doing
However, for doing successful businesses via
Internet and using of web-portals it is necessary to
take into account the risks from cyber threats that
can make any information system and web-
application more sensitive and vulnerable for the
cyber attacks.
A special impact of cyber threats is its affection
to the financial balance items. Currently, cyber
threats and risks have become complex and
sophisticated for detection. The permanent
development of information technologies and close
dependence of companies and people themselves led
to escalation of cyber security threats at all levels of
Let us look at some statistics. According to the
results of the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) (Blackmer, W.S., 2016) researches in
Britain, "One in five firms was in the past 12 months
under cyber-attacks. The results indicate that 63% of
businesses are reliant on IT providers to resolve
issues after an attack, compared with just 12% of
banks and financial institutions and 2% of police and
law enforcement organizations”. By the words of
Adam Marshall, executive director of BCC, "The
firms need to be proactive about protecting
themselves from cyber-attacks”. He said that they
should be able to comply with GDPR starting from
May, 25 in 2018 (Report "The Global State of
Information Security, Survey 2017").
According to the report "The Global State of
Information Security, Survey 2017" for 2016 year the
number of confirmed incidents in the field of
information security all over the world in 2016 have
been increased to 48 percent and amounted to 42.8
million. It means that in average 117,339 attempts of
unauthorized access happen every day. To prevent
these incidents, companies use the following
methods of information security and information
technology tools: 48% of IT services are delivered
through the cloud, 23% plan to invest in artificial
intelligence and machine learning this year, 55%
collaborate with the extern partners to improve
security and reduce risks.
In spite of the efforts that companies make for
protection from the cyber threats the new kinds and
elements of cyber attacks appear every day and it is
almost impossible to prevent the risks from all kind
of cyber threats.
Therefore, for providing enough security level of
computer and information systems the companies
should be interested in the regular information
security active auditing. This process often
accompanies the checking and control of the security
systems of enterprises but it is usually expensive by
finance, time and human resources consuming.
The automation of the information security audit
procedure and the process for detection of new
forms of cyber threats require the creation and
development of new paradigms in the re-engineering
of business processes and models.
In the current paper, we motivate the claim that
the whole process of information and computer
security management can be improved and
facilitated, by using intelligent tools in the business
process re-engineering. The remaining of the paper
is organized as follows: In Sub-Section 2.1, we
describe how technological developments may
influence the appearance of security gaps in web-
applications; In Sub-Section 2.2, we consider the
main types of attacks as classified by the Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP) Community,
and we discuss how they can be discovered and
processed by vulnerability scanners, the special tools
for detection of vulnerabilities in web-applications.
Section 3 addresses the creation of an adapted
framework for process re-engineering, by using
intelligent tools. Finally, Section 4 contains the
2.1 Influence of Technology
Development to Security Gaps in
The main channel of penetration the cyber threats
are websites and web portals of organizations. There
is an evolution of web portals that have been
dramatically influenced to the business processes of
companies. On the one hand, there is a progress - is
greater openness to consumers, the establishment of
new and strong links with them and other
companies. The companies are increasing the speed
of decision-making based on the "fast" information,
which dramatically increases the productivity of
business tools. On the other hand, the "integration”
of the web component to the business interface leads
to increasing the information security risks of the
business itself. So, bank secrets, confidentiality of
information of various people become violated.
The development of web technologies has
undoubtedly many advantages but we shouldn’t
forget about the pitfalls.
Nowadays the technology level of web 1.0 is not
in use because it allowed only reading the
information. The technology level web 2.0 ("read-
write") gives the opportunity to share the content
with other web users. The development of web 3.0
technologies (semantic executing web) has the
possibility of pulling the information from various
sources but the company may not know about this.
The world is talking about the development of web
4.0 that focuses on the Internet of Things and we
don’t know still how it may influence to the business
in terms of security.
This phenomenon can be called as unintended
violation of the company security with the
components of randomness and unpredictability.
This is not always the actions of insiders. But, the
crimes related to the actions of "insiders" are more
costly for the company than the incidents in which
"outsiders" are guilty. Nevertheless, many
companies have not yet implemented a program to
counter threats from "insiders", and, accordingly,
such companies are not ready to prevent and identify
internal threats, as well as properly respond to them.
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
The problem of security of websites is complex,
so the security system should be comprehensive. In
this regard, simple security systems are no longer
able to identify all threats of the website operations
and applications, and it is necessary to use the
intelligent tools like expert systems, intelligent
vulnerability scanners, and so on.
2.2 Attack Vectors vs Vulnerability
There is an international non-profit organization
focused on analyzing and improving software
security: the Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) Community. OWASP has created a list of
10 most dangerous attack vectors to web-based
applications, called: OWASP, the TOP-10. It
focuses on the most dangerous vulnerabilities that
can cost a lot of money, from undetermining the
goodwill, up to loss of business (D. Wichers, 2013).
According to D. Wichers we can classify the
following vectors of attacks and distinguishes their
peculiar properties:
Broken Authentication and Session
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Insecure Direct Object References
Security Misconfiguration
Sensitive Data Exposure
Missing Function Level Access
Cross-site Request Forgery
Using Components with Known
Invalidated Redirect and Forwards
If attack vector V1 Injection (the most famous
among them is SQL Injection) can be consider as the
specific category of exploits and well detected by
vulnerability scanners. The vector V2 (Broken
Authentication and Session Management) may not
be automatically identified by the most of
vulnerability scanners. For example, the user’s
password which is stored in plain text in the
database (the good practice, however, is using the
hash instead of that). An automated web
vulnerability scanner can never know how user
credentials are stored in the backend of the target
system. An expert can only check it. Nevertheless,
some of the security issues are relate with V2, which
can be detect by scanners automatically. For
example, session IDs posted in URL or in the cookie
or the sending of user credentials through an
unencrypted connection.
Attack vector V3 (Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)) is
relate to the kind of technical vulnerabilities, which
can be reveal by security scanner. There are several
types of XSS including persistent and DOM XSS,
and for the best identifying of this type of attack the
scanner should support the detection of DOM XSS
(Su Z. and Wassermann G., 2006; Johns M., 2006).
The most vulnerability scanners have the
problems with identification of V4 attack vector
(Insecure Direct Object References) because it
relates to the logical security issue in targeted
system. The support of human (security expert) is
usually necessary. The V4 refers to the security
issues where some resources with limited access are
not secure properly and can be available for anyone.
For example, when user of a targeted system has
access to some sensitive information, which must
not be available for him. To avoid this problem the
system must check the role and privilege of the user
before giving him access. Scanner cannot identify
whether current user should have access to some
URL or not. Only a human who is familiar with a
business process of a targeted system can determine
the correct role and privileges for every users (Reis el., 2006).
The V5 (Security Misconfiguration) category of
vulnerabilities is resulted in misconfiguration at the
server during the initial setup of server, framework
and etc.
Here the following types of vulnerabilities can
been analyzed.
- Unnecessary network services, namely, turn of
unnecessary services such as FTP, DNS and SMTP.
The scanner can identify whether service is launched
or not, but the human must determine the necessity
of service and use the actions - setup service
correctly or shut it down.
- Out of Date Software. For example, if the
system has built, using the old versions of some
framework, which contains well-known security
holes, the scanner will alert about that. The scanner
also can identify the programming language of the
framework such as PHP, NET and etc., version of
the framework and name of the framework like
WordPress, Drupal, etc.
- Security Settings of Development framework.
System can been launched in producing the
developer's options. For example, the debugging
Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models by Using Intelligent Security Tools
may been enabled, and some functionality may be
disabled to speed up the development process.
The attack vector V6 (Sensitive Data Exposure)
are may analyze via prism of the next case. Most of
the web pages do not protect important data such as
the bank cards and other user data for authentication.
Hackers may steal or modify such unprotected data
are to be used for their own purposes. The simplest
example - the transfer of data over HTTP. The fact
that data transmitted over HTTP protocol being not
encrypted, and the passage of data through the
person’s computer to the server, all data will be
transferred from a router or a home office router,
ISP router, the router on the channel, hosting
provider’s data center router and so on. At each of
these nodes of hidden malware can exist, for
example, sniffer program that reads all the traffic
and sends to the attacker, who can view the personal
data and credit card data. Such data shall be transmit
only over HTTPS, which is be read as the
corresponding inscription in the address bar of your
The vulnerability V7 (Missing Function Level
Access Control) concerns the issues of the lack of
availability of proper access to the requested object.
The most web applications check the access rights
before displaying the data in the User Interface. But,
web applications must do the control checks for an
access on the server when requesting any method.
After all, there are still a lot of support service
requests, which often sent in the background
asynchronously using AJAX technology. If the
query parameters are not sufficiently carefully
checked, the hackers will be forge a request to
access the data without proper authorization.
- Default Accounts and Passwords. Weak
passwords may be detect by brute force, which uses
special dictionaries, or default password that comes
from the vendor is not change to new one.
To understand how vulnerability scanner
analyzes the attack vector V8 (Cross-site Request
Forgery - CSRF or XSRF) we should consider the
mechanism of this attack implementation. Firstly,
the CSRF/XSRF attack vector allows an attacker to
perform actions on behalf of the victim on the server
without additional checking and testing. For
example, in a payment system to transfer funds to
another account, for instance, there is a web page of
the form:
&account=558246557 where "operation_amount" is
the amount of money to transfer and
"operation_account" is account number, where
money must been sent.
If the victim visits a site created by the attacker,
an attacker sends a request to the page mentioned
above of the payment system. As a result, the money
goes to the account of the attacker, then, are likely to
been quickly converted to Bitcoin, or translated into
another irrevocable payment system where money
cannot be returned. It is assumed that the victim
should have been pre-authenticate to the payment
system and must be opened an active session (for
example, payment system page is open in another
browser tab).
For understanding V9 type of vulnerability
(Using Components with Known as vulnerabilities)
we consider the following. Often, web-applications
have written by using special libraries and
frameworks, which are supply by third parties. In the
most cases, these components are made by open
sources, which means that anyone can have access to
the code (see and use), he can study the source code
for vulnerabilities and can find them including the
finding the errors in the code. In addition, often
vulnerabilities are found in the low levels system
components, such as database server, web-server,
and finally in the operating system components up to
its core. It is important to use the latest versions of
the components and monitor for known
vulnerabilities appearing on famous sites (like
The attack vector V10 (Invalidated Redirect and
Forwards) works with the problems of redirection.
Web-based applications frequently redirect the user
from one page to another. In this process may be
improperly verifiable parameters that indicate the
final destination of the redirect page, which can be
discover. Without proper checks, an attacker can use
these pages to redirect the victim to a fake website
that, may have very similar or indistinguishable
interface, but can steal credentials, sensitive private
data and etc. This type of vulnerability, as well as
many others listed above, is a type of incoming data
validation errors (input validation).
The vulnerabilities mentioned above can met
very often and the methods of their identifying and
alerting for vulnerability scanners become very
critical. We can notice that the most of the attacks
depend on human detection and the adding of the
intelligent components to the scanner's logic may
become the beneficial element in security analysis.
The above types of attacks can be eliminated
only by intelligent security systems that are
combined with some types of vulnerability scanners
(Nurmyshev S, et el., 2016).
Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
3.1 Re-engineering of Business Process
and Business Model in the Context
of Security Issues
The concept of reengineering has various
definitions. For us, the definition is that
reengineering is a cardinal reorganization and
redesign of business processes and organizational
It is undeniable that every organization now uses
IT management in one or another perspective. The
strategic goal of IT is to promote management, to
respond to the dynamics of the market, to create,
maintain and increase the competitive advantage.
The main component of the IT management system
in the organization is the information security
subsystem (Threat management), which must be
supported technically, legally and operatively,
relying primarily on the use of artificial intelligence
systems, which today significantly influent to the
decision-making of executive management.
The subsystem of information security today rely
on artificial intelligence systems, such as intelligent
information retrieval systems, expert systems,
calculation and logical systems, hybrid expert
The development of new paradigm in re-
engineering process may include the IT strategies
with the security issues processing. In this case it is
very important to reorganize the staff of the
enterprise with involving the information security
experts and knowledge base of intelligent tools
(Expert System, for example).
From the existing 12 principles of organization
of business processes, an expert system for
information security in the process of reengineering
can influence the following:
1. Decentralization of responsibility (vertical
compression of business processes) when the
executors are make the independent decisions in
cases, which they traditionally had to turn to
2. Adoption of management decisions and
rationalization of horizontal links between units.
This makes it possible to coordinate highly effective.
3. Culture of the problem solution - minimization
of coordination in the course of the process
execution by reducing external contacts.
4. In the new process, all the processing is
performed by one specialist, equipped with an
information expert system that provides decision
making and access to all the necessary data and
tools. Now, in most cases (more than 90% of
queries), one specialist provides the solution to the
problem, in difficult cases he addresses the expert.
The business model with elements of
information security should affect to the business
process. It must contain the following:
1. Uses a business-oriented approach
2. Can be used regardless of an enterprise’s
size or the information security framework it
has in place
3. Focuses on people and processes in addition
to technology.
4. Is independent of any particular technology
and is applicable across all industries,
countries, and regulatory and legal systems.
5. Includes traditional information security, as
well as links to privacy, risk, physical
security and compliance.
6. Enables information security professionals
to align the security program with business
objectives by helping to widen the view to
the enterprise.
3.2 The Adapted Framework
When developing business models, it is necessary to
involve specialists of two types - professionals in the
field of the reconstructed business and developers of
information systems. The experience of
reengineering shows that a truly successful and
innovative introduction of information technologies
is a unique and creative process: managers of
companies and technologists, getting acquainted
with the methods of information technology, make
discoveries about the possibilities of their use in
their business. At the same time, the creation of
high-quality information systems requires the
participation of professionals in the field of
information technology. There is a problem of
finding a common language. The solution to this
problem is in the integration of such modern
technologies as knowledge engineering, object-
oriented programming, situational technologies,
simulation of processes and active graphics. This
trend is currently observed in the development of
methodologies and tools for business process
reengineering. A great contribution to finding
common points of contact is given by methods of
knowledge engineering, with the help of which it is
possible to directly represent in models poorly
Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models by Using Intelligent Security Tools
formalized knowledge of managers about business
processes, in particular, about working procedures.
In addition, the task is to quickly develop
applications and create an intelligent end-user
interface with complex tools for analyzing models.
For productive interaction between the
stakeholders of re-engineering processes it is
necessary to create the understandable language.
This language may be based on the special
framework and patterns (Atymtayeva L., et al.,
For storing the patterns for business process,
security and software patterns, IT processes and so
on may be built the special repository that can
become the knowledge base for the expert system
and serve as intelligent tool for selection of the right
re-engineering methods and models (Atymtayeva L.,
et al., 2015).
If the business model contains the secure
applications there is a problem for communication
between security experts and software developers
(Atymtayeva L., et al., 2015). The repository and
patterns that are included to the framework may be
the good base for development of stable business
processes and intelligent tools in this case can serve
as a good solution for decision-making process.
For example the adapted framework for secure
applications development in the paper of
Atymtayeva L., et al., 2015 shows how to organize
communication process between the stakeholders
security experts and software developers. However,
here it is necessary of adding one more “actor’
which can be responsible for giving possible
solutions and analyzing the results. It is expert
system (intelligent system) which can take into
account the possible threats and pitfalls of the
process (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The adapted framework for secure application
development with adding the intelligent tools
In this connection, the issue of an expert in the
reengineering complex becomes particularly
important. The carried out developments allow to
confirm: the expert complex of reengineering can be
created on the basis of software products available
on the market. But not with every type of software
you can carry out reengineering, but only with
innovative ones.
In this case, the tasks of reengineering are similar
to the tasks of innovation: the development of
innovations to ensure the competitiveness of
products and ultimately the survival of the
Summarizing the paper, we claim that even though
integrating IT into businesses leads to more profits
and increased effectiveness, this is also accompanied
by increased information security risks because
many current businesses are carried out via the
Internet. We claim as well that business process re-
engineering can improve the resistance to cyber
security threats and risks. However, in this case
software application developers should take into
account the pitfalls of the latest technologies. Not
only business owners but also software developers
and security specialists could benefit from using
intelligent tools in auditing system security and
making decisions on the base of corresponding
recommendations. New paradigms are needed,
reflecting the concepts that concern the secure
application development and communication
between all participants and stakeholders involved in
the application development process.
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Some Issues in the Re-Engineering of Business Processes and Models by Using Intelligent Security Tools