ble. With about Euro 700, the price objective was
met by the selection of the Epson Moverio BT-200.
The performance was acceptable although the hard-
ware was not powerful enough to carry all three sce-
narios within one common application. Each scenario
has had to be realized as separate application. Since
the room was not scanned and 3-D modeled by the
AR system, augmentations did not consider physical
obstacles so that the objective to consider real world
physics has to be limited. Augmented parts, which
should not be visible because of real world elements,
were visualized although. Hence, the design of each
scenario was optimized w.r.t. the position of the in-
tended QR code. Interactions with the augmented
world were possible on behalf of the camera system
of the AR glasses. The results of a look through a
common camera (scenario 3) were very good so that
further parties will be able to enjoy a persons perspec-
tive on a display.
In this paper, an integration of AR technologies in
process modeling has been drawn and realized on be-
half of the KMDL. Main contributions and scientific
novelties are the following: A modeling language has
been prepared for augmenting the real world. This in-
cludes the building of three-dimensional shapes of the
KMDL, the identification of required shape proper-
ties and the definition of AR required modeling tech-
niques such as the ground and sketch plan. An ex-
pansion of an methodological approach for augmen-
tations has been drawn. On that base, three non-
transparent process scenarios have been designed on
behalf of the KMDL and brought to a time dynamic
realization. With this, the drawn integration could
have been applied and proven. Hence, the research
question was answered and the following potentials
are suitable next steps:
The realization of an outdoor scenario was attrac-
tive in order to get insights about the precision of aug-
mentations. Further, the comparison of AR glasses of
the same price level was attractive as well as the com-
parison with more powerful AR glasses. Still promis-
ing is the deepening of the AR integration in pro-
cess modeling phases such as the bidirectional inter-
play of modeling within the augmented world and the
two dimensional process model world. For example
a process model could be created while standing on a
real world position and dropping model items. Fur-
ther, process optimizations could be realized within
the augmented world in grabbing and moving certain
process steps. Here, a systematic research consider-
ing all modeling phases as shown in Figure 1 was
attractive. In presented approaches, given three di-
mensions were interpreted as spacial dimensions but
the use of further meanings can rise comprehensibil-
ity as well. Considering further dimensions in created
scenarios, those can be tested quantitatively through
surveys that shall identify a rise in comprehension.
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