makes it possible to, visually and logically, validate
the correctness of the business rules before they are
put in production. The possibility to generate ex-
ecutable code representing the model of the busi-
ness rules, makes it possible to execute the same
model in different components without the need of re-
implementation. However, the PoC does not include
support for business requirements and the software ar-
chitecture mechanisms supporting the context frame
are very basic.
Together with Ericsson we plan to improve the so-
lution in order to make it useful in a business support
system offering. This includes the improvements dis-
cussed in this section and in Section 4.
This work was partially supported by Ericsson AB.
We thank the members in our former units for their
support and the time they spent with us during this
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Seventh International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design