The Relative Importance of Perception, Embodiment, Metaphors, and
Ethics for Cooperative Human-Machine Coexistence
Norris Lee Smith
and Oussama H. Hamid
School of Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan Hewl
er, 30 Meter Avenue, Erbil, Iraq
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Kurdistan Hewl
er, 30 Meter Avenue, Erbil, Iraq
Human-Machine Coexistence, War Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Human Intelligence, Phenomenology,
Embodiment, Psychology of Perception, Metaphoric Language.
In applications of soft computing, one question raised is the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) and
human intelligence (HI) share similar quantitative or qualitative properties or both. Recently, we have argued
that phenomenology emphasizes first-person experience as one of the central differences between AI and HI.
Presently, we expand this argument to include perception, embodiment, metaphors and ethics. For experience
to occur, the experiencing entity needs a body, which contributes to the development of the first-person per-
spective. The work of Gibson and Merleau-Ponty supports this view by providing alternatives to information
processing and behavioral models in the study of perception. Similarly, Lakoffs central metaphors are com-
pelling in the field of linguistics. In case of AI, however, embodiment seems not to be apparent. As a result,
AI has difficulty understanding natural language because perception and many metaphors are expressed and
learned in terms of the body. The implication is AI can thrive as long as long as there is HI, which corrobo-
rates our view of human-machine coexistence. Furthermore, and not necessarily paradoxical, the humanistic
endeavor of ethics may be more suitable for AI in the case of war robots that successfully adhere to uni-
versal laws. The integration of AI and HI is accomplished by having humans as the source for first-person
experiences, whereas machines are the extended minds of humans.
Soft computing is a bundle of methodologies that
are often synergistic, working together to supplement
each other and provide flexible information process-
ing capability for handling vexing real-life scenarios
(Zadeh, 1994; Mitra et al., 2002). The field of soft
computing encompasses three main branches of re-
search and applications: (i) neural networks, which
serves as a framework for modeling how brains func-
tion, (ii) fuzzy systems, which models linguistic as-
pects of how humans describe the world around them,
and (iii) evolutionary computation, which accounts
for variation and natural selection in the biological
world (Keller et al., 2016).
Research on soft computing aims at exploiting the
tolerance for uncertainty, ambiguity, approximate rea-
soning, and partial truth in order to achieve tractable,
robust, and computationally economic solutions. One
question raised in applications of soft computing is
the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) and hu-
man intelligence (HI) share similar quantitative or
qualitative properties or both. Differences emerge
quickly in any comparison of AI and HI. At the same
time, despite the clear dichotomy between AI and the
first-person perspective in the experience of humans,
there are many instances in which human-machine
coexistence is increasing (Hamid et al., 2017).
This paper extends the differentiation of AI and
HI to include one model of the process of perception
and a recognition of the existence of the body for per-
ception, learning, and language. The paper is orga-
nized as follows. Section 2 introduces phenomenol-
ogy as a framework for describing first-person expe-
riences along with James Gibson’s (2015) account of
information in textured grounds as the source of di-
rect perception (as opposed to traditional accounts in
which information processing of stimuli after enter-
ing the eye becomes the source of perception). In
section 3, we argue for humans’ embodied existence
in the world as primary in the process of perception
and consider its implications in the design of interac-
tive artificial systems. We also examine the role and
prevalence of metaphoric language (Section 4), and
Smith N. and H. Hamid O.
The Relative Importance of Perception, Embodiment, Metaphors, and Ethics for Cooperative Human-Machine Coexistence.
DOI: 10.5220/0006558804290435
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
end with a consideration of one application of AI that
may have an ethical advantage over HI, namely war
robots (Section 5). Whether different aspects of AI
and HI are compartmentalized or integrated, the same
issues remain the exercise of judgment, learning,
and appropriate decisions.
Phenomenology has typically used a figure-ground
structure to explain experience in general and per-
ception in particular, applying the methodology to a
number of areas of interest (Smith, 2002; Pollio et al.,
1997) where nuances of first-person human experi-
ence are important. Rubin’s vase in Figure 1A is prob-
ably the most common example of a figure-ground
grouping. James Gibson’s (2015) direct perception is
one such approach that emphasizes grounds and has
impacted the field of ergonomics. His ecological view
claims grounds in the environment define the spatial
character of the visual world, not what happens to
stimuli after entering the eye. In short, information
in a textured ground, not objects, explains perception.
Gibson was interested in the world as a source of in-
formation, not processing mechanisms in the head,
which contradicted the centuries-old epistemology of
perception as the processing of copies. We perceive
space directly from the ground hence the term di-
rect perception – which in many cases is a continuous
surface or an array of adjoining surfaces. Gibson pro-
vides examples of optic arrays and looks for patters of
optic flow in them such as the experience of changes
in the flow when approaching or moving away from
a certain point (Figure 1B). Moreover, learning does
not merely come from the stimulus-response model in
behaviorism. Gibson’s conclusions are that all spatial
perception is in regard to a textured ground, usually
the earth (Gibson, 2015).
The spatial character of the visual world is given
not by an analysis of the objects in it but rather by
a consideration of the background against which the
objects appear and become figural. In addition, most
perceivers are in motion either because they are mov-
ing in some direction or they are moving their heads.
Some information, however, remains constant as an
observer moves. Gibson calls these invariants, non-
changes that nevertheless persist during a change in
the observer. An invariant is a property of the en-
vironment that remains constant despite illumination
changes or movement of the observer, and Gibson
provides over 2 dozen examples in his three books
(Goldstein, 1981). In contrast to what Gibson refers
to as cognitivism, in Gibson’s view no intervening
mental processes are necessary and we reject any so-
called operations of the mind (mental entities such as
sense data). Grounds provide the information neces-
sary for us to perceive directly, and we use such in-
formation immediately with no need to transform it.
Unlike Gibson’s (2015) characterization of the “old
idea” that we process sensory inputs and convert them
into perceptions the information processing model
in any of its various forms the extraction of invari-
ants from the stimulus flux is, arguably, a more accu-
rate model of visual perception.
As shown in figure 1C, an observer’s movement
towards a location results in environmental textures to
flow everywhere except the invariant center. To stay
on course one needs to keep the unchanging center
of the optical flow pattern on the destination. One
application of Gibson’s model involves pilots landing
aircraft in the earlier days of aviation. In some cases
airplanes were not stopping soon enough on runways.
Gibson determined that the relatively fast or slow flow
of the optic array in relation to a fixed point of refer-
ence gives the sensation of speed, and that the appar-
ent speed related to one’s distance from the ground.
Consequently, Gibson explained how pilots in suffi-
ciently high airplanes sensed they were moving slow
enough to stop before the runway ended.
Although presented in contrast to information pro-
cessing and gestalt psychology, Gibson’s model of
perception is not entirely passive. The role of a mov-
ing, embodied active observer is clear throughout his
research. In his analysis of active touch, for instance,
there is a distinction between active and passive per-
ception. An observer may actively explore the sur-
faces of objects rather than merely feel an experi-
menter pushing on one’s skin. Bottom-up models
of perception where no learning is required, such as
that of Gibson, are not applicable to all situations in
the same way that any top-down model is not. One
theory postulates how the interaction of both bottom-
up and top-down processes in a perceptual cycle pro-
duces perception and interpretation (Neisser, 1976).
It is well understood that AI is particularly adept at
fast information processing that involves rules-based
logic and can be applied to related forms of compu-
tation, such as mortgage underwriting. Pattern recog-
nition (complicated situations when driving, for in-
stance) is better in HI with the development of ex-
pert thinking (Levy and Murnane, 2004). Complex
communication and ideation are also areas in which
Figure 1: A: Rubin’s figure. B: The pattern of optic flow when looking out of the back of a train. C: The point towards which
a pilot is moving appears motionless, while the rest of the visual environment appears to move away from that point.
humans are superior owing to the ability to generate
new, good ideas and read nonverbal cues in commu-
nication. Recently, we have argued that a first-person
perspective contributes to the difference between AI
and HI (Hamid et al., 2017) on conceptual grounds
without reference to perceived embodiment. At this
point, an examination of embodiment is warranted,
specifically the significance of the body-as-subject.
Merleau-Ponty is the best theorist to address the is-
sue of our embodied existence in the world as pri-
mary in the process of perception. In his view, our
embodied inheritance is more fundamental than our
reflexive capacity, and the analytic mode is deriva-
tive from the body’s immediate exposure to the world
(Merleau-Ponty, 1962). Such a first-person perspec-
tive reveals the failings of both empiricism and what
he calls intellectualism, known as rationalism or ide-
alism. Stated simply, we have a world and access to
the world through the body.
When Merleau-Ponty states we are our bodies,
he does not understate so-called mental phenomena
but rather incorporates the perceiving mind in an in-
carnated body; using our minds is inseparable from
how we are situated physically. In an embodied
state of being, the material and ideational are inti-
mately linked in the body-subject that thinks and per-
ceives. Merleau-Ponty stresses the body is not solely
an object, merely one of many material components
of the world, but is our means of communication
with the world (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
2017). An example he provides is when the left hand
touches the right hand while the right hand touches
an object; the right hand as object (muscles, flesh)
is different from it as a touching subject (Merleau-
Ponty, 1962). The body is both perceived object and
perceiving subject, if not simultaneously then in an
oscillation. Another example is when both hands are
pressed together. Either hand can alternate in its role
of touching or being touched. It is not the case that
one simply has two sensations together, as if grasp-
ing two objects next to one another. This ambiguity
of touching and touched is representative of the full
process of perception. Merleau-Ponty also refers to
the reversibility of the body in its ability to be both
sentient and sensible (Merleau-Ponty, 1962).
To continue with the emphasis on integration,
we can say when the body-subject acts, it is in-
separable from when the body-subject perceives.
Merleau-Ponty defines understanding as the experi-
ence of harmony between an intention and a per-
formance, or what we aim at and what is given to
us. Correspondingly, consciousness is better un-
derstood as a matter of “I can” instead of “I think
that”. In short, the lived experience of our bod-
ies denies the differentiation of mind from body and
does not allow the detachment of subject from object
(Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2017).
Technology design is one application that comes
from a recognition of the role of our experience of the
body. Somatics, in this case how it relates to experi-
ence in technology, provides embodied approaches to
learning and interacting that focus on attention, con-
text, and awareness in order to provide a set of de-
signs that show how to apply somatics (Schiphorst,
2009). Chow and Harrell (2011) use principles in
phenomenology along with embodied cognition ap-
proaches in cognitive science to examine animated
gestural interfaces in creative computing systems. In
their approach that centralizes embodied meaning
making, they focus on how the sensorimotor expe-
riences of users inform the construction of meaning
and how to incorporate this knowledge in the design
of interactive systems. The authors claim that to be
more engaging, creative computing systems in inter-
active narrative environments such as video games
and computer-based artwork require a new design
perspective that allows the use of more evocative ges-
tural interaction. The gist is that bodily motion em-
bodies our intention and should serve as the basis for
human-computer interaction (HCI). Such an outlook
emphasizes bodily familiarity and cognitive intimacy
in the design of creative computing systems, which
enables an engagement close in scale to our embod-
ied experiences (Chow and Harrell, 2011).
Considering mechanisms of user input, point-and-
click input and ongoing gestural input, Chow and
Harrell (2011) are concerned how the separation of
gestural input from other kinds of motor input may
lead us away from tight sensory-motor connection in
HCI. Instead, whether a kind of motor input has a
meaningful component of motion, i.e., is intentional
in a computational environment, is a more important
distinction. Gestural inputs that involve situated, em-
bodied, and evocative motions are more meaningful.
One of their examples shows that human-scale em-
bodiment is temporal as well as spatial. The round
jog dial of a videotape recorder, or VCR, allows the
user to include direction and speed. As with human
gestures, the faster the spinning, the more the inten-
tion is to hurry. For computer interaction, circling on
a touchpad could allow a user to browse through a
large database. With practice, more kinds of bodily
motion could be spatiotemporal embodiment of in-
tention (Chow and Harrell, 2011). The phenomena
of sensory substitution and phantom limbs along with
virtual reality, computer games, and overall human-
machine interaction are areas in which the experience
of embodiment is relevant.
Several other researchers in psychology, neuro-
science and other areas have examined embodiment.
Chilean biologist Francisco Valera, for instance, pop-
ularized neurophenomenology as an emerging field in
neuroscience by incorporating the phenomenological
method along with an emphasis on embodiment. He
co-wrote The Embodied Mind to propose a common
ground between mind in science and mind in experi-
ence (Varela et al., 2017). Specifically related to AI,
the embodied approach has been referred to as nou-
velle AI, situated AI, behavior based AI, or embodied
cognitive science.
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (2003) have ex-
plored the role of metaphorical concepts in how we
fundamentally understand, organize, and share the
world, and they explicate the experiential grounding,
coherence, and systematicity of metaphorical con-
cepts. From this perspective metaphors are primary
not only for language but also in human thought pro-
cesses; they simply dominate cognition. The idea is
that our conceptual system is structured metaphori-
cally, and this is why metaphors as linguistic expres-
sions are possible and sensible. Lakoff and John-
son (2003) also demonstrate how an experiential view
can explain how metaphors are frequent, organized,
and useful, in contrast to schools of thought that ne-
glect the necessity of an experiential basis. Further-
more, metaphors structure our most important con-
cepts such as “education is a journey” and “life is
a play”. Although the authors’ explanations of par-
ticular metaphors (“time is money”) are not set in
stone, to understand metaphors fully one cannot sep-
arate them from their experiential base.
In addition to describing basic orientation
metaphors such “in vs. out” and “up vs. down” (“ra-
tional is up; emotional is down”), Lakoff and John-
son (2003) provide an excellent example of how ar-
guments are equated with battles in different forms in
the metaphor “argument is war”. As rational animals,
and especially in the legal, diplomatic, journalistic
and academic worlds, we have institutionally evolved
to fight without physical conflict in the form of ver-
bal arguments, although we conceptualize such argu-
ments in the same way as physical battles. Scientists
have observed animals challenging, intimidating, at-
tacking, defending, retreating, and surrendering, and
human arguments are similar, whether characterized
as crude or rational. If I have something to win or
lose, I may develop a strategy to shoot down your ar-
gument, defend my position, establish territory, coun-
terattack, or convince you to accept my viewpoint. If
I am operating from a “lower” level, I may use what-
ever means I can, such as to threaten, invoke some au-
thority, insult, belittle, evade an issue, bargain, flatter,
or even claim to give a rational reason while doing
some of these. Of course from a “higher” level, the
construction of premises and conclusions in rational
argumentation, these are forbidden, yet arguments in
this form operate the same way in that you attack and
destroy the opponent’s position while defending your
own in the expectation of victory or even wiping him
out if completely successful.
... not only our conception of an argu-
ment but the way we carry it out is grounded
in our knowledge and experience of physical
combat. Even if you have never fought a fist-
fight in your life, much less a war, but have
been arguing from the time you began to talk,
you still conceive of arguments, and execute
them, according to the ARGUMENT IS WAR
metaphor because the metaphor is built into
the conceptual system of the culture in which
you live. Not only are all the “rational” argu-
ments that are assumed to actually live up to
the ideal of RATIONAL ARGUMENT con-
ceived of in terms of WAR, but almost all of
them contain, in hidden form, the “irrational”
and “unfair” tactics that rational arguments in
their ideal form are supposed to transcend.
(Lakoff and Johnson, 2003), pp. 63-64.
Examples from Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and
Johnson, 2003) that exemplify the path from “high”
rational argumentation to everyday, irrational argu-
ments include: (1) it would be unscientific to fail to
... (threat), (2) the work lacks the necessary rigor for
... (insult), (3) your position is right as far as it goes
... (bargaining), (4) the work will not lead to a formal-
ized theory (belittling), (5) in his stimulating paper ...
(flattery), (6) Behaviorism has led to ... (challenging
authority), (7) Hume observed that ... (authority), and
(8) Obviously ... (intimidation).
Moreover, conceptual metaphors such as “knowl-
edge is food” or “social organizations are plants”
shape perception and communication. Although dif-
ferent cultures formulate key concepts differently
truth, love, hate, war our bodies are the basis for
much of our everyday thinking and conceptualization
of more abstract thought. In this view, we form cogni-
tive models early in development, the basis of which
are early sensorimotor experiences. A related discus-
sion of contextual learning of time is found in a previ-
ous work by the coauthor of this paper (Hamid, 2015).
The container metaphor is a good example of how
we think in spatial terms. A glass contains juice,
and we project this metaphor onto something we en-
counter that is less concrete. For instance, we could
use the word in to think of something else in the
same way, perhaps a tribe that lives in a forest (Lakoff
and Johnson, 1999). This process is in stark contrast
to computational and representational models of the
mind and challenges the concept of truth in humans
because from this perspective, truth – or at least com-
prehension and coherence – is relative to the concep-
tual system used to understand situations. If our con-
ceptual systems arise from interactions with the envi-
ronment, it is axiomatic that understanding is always
grounded in metaphorical experience.
Rather than delineate the differences between AI and
HI by pointing out the respective advantages of each
when working separately or together, it is construc-
tive to present at least one emerging area in which AI
may hold a clear advantage: ethics in war involving
robots. A look at the literature on the subject shows
an acceptance of the inevitability of fully or nearly
autonomous weapons and a debate over their partial
or total elimination. The views of the USA, China,
and Russia regarding robotic weapons appear to be
to increase automation while simultaneously empha-
sizing the continued presence of humans (Guizzo and
Ackerman, 2016). Any serious arms-control agree-
ment seems unlikely, and if robotic military systems
are here to stay, then a focus on protocols such as the
Geneva Conventions and global/local Rules of En-
gagement (ROE) is warranted so as to highlight the
Laws of War (LOW) for international exposure. The
creation of an independent robot may be easier than
other forms of AI because of the numerous treaties on
laws of war that have existed for decades.
Ronald Arkin (2008) is one researcher who be-
lieves robots can perform more ethically than human
soldiers in certain circumstances because we can pro-
gram them appropriately. International humanitarian
laws, for instance, can become incorporated in robot
behavior by translating particular concepts into vari-
ables and operations accordingly. Whether it is a
Boolean variable of permitted or prohibited use of
lethal force, or a determination whether a target is
an enemy, Arkin successfully tested his set of algo-
rithms. There is much room for improvement in bat-
tlefield ethics, and robotic systems can exercise more
restraint when necessary and invariably follow our
guidelines to avoid harming civilians (Arkin, 2008).
They do not suffer from negative emotions or other
factors that cloud judgment, which means they can
outperform humans (Guizzo and Ackerman, 2016).
Colin Allen provides a diverging view of the ethics
of military robots in that programming specific rules
would likely work well in an ideal war free of civil-
ians, though this is increasingly rare. Employing ma-
chine learning would be preferable, but this is un-
likely in the next 50 years (Bland, 2009).
Apart from benefits provided to a military that
uses them, such as immunity to biological or chem-
ical weapons, precision, endurance, and persistence,
robotic weapons systems could lessen collateral dam-
age by an ability to act conservatively. Unless pro-
grammed with self-preservation, there is no need to
act when certainty is low. Sensors equipped for bat-
tlefield observations and faster integration of infor-
mation from multiple sources are other factors. In
addition, robotic systems do not suffer from scenario
fulfillment or cognitive dissonance, and they are even
able to monitor independently the behavior of human
soldiers or anyone within range of observation, which
could lead to a reduction in ethical infractions (Arkin,
In 2008 the U.S. Navy (Lin et al., 2008) exam-
ined multiple issues involving the ethics of robots
in a broad report. A quick summary of these fol-
lows. With legal challenges, it is unclear who would
be assigned blame for harm resulting from an au-
tonomous robot. What would happen when a robot
refuses an order, and do soldiers need to give con-
sent to additional risks? Who would give the or-
der to strike if the system is not fully autonomous,
and if it is, should we demand 100% accuracy in
the identification of a target if human soldiers cannot
reach this level? Barriers to start wars could be low-
ered, and there is imprecision in the LOW and ROE
that could easily complicate interpretation. Technical
challenges include discrimination among targets and
acceptable standards, problems with first-generation
models and beta-testing, unauthorized overrides and
hacking, competing and possibly inconsistent ethical
frameworks in the design stage, coordinated sharing
of information before attacks, and the establishment
of a chain of command among robots.
Regarding human-robot interaction, there could
be effects on squad cohesion if human soldiers are
being watched. Robots may need self-defense ca-
pabilities, and local populations may not build trust
with robots as well as with humans. So-called
comfort robots could become a controversial topic
of increased scrutiny as well. If military victory
is quicker and more dominant with the use of au-
tonomous weapons, then there could be counter tac-
tics resulting from asymmetric warfare as well as pro-
liferation, including into space. Related concerns are
our increased dependency on technology and the en-
croachment of robots into everyday life and the pri-
vacy/security dilemma that ensues. Finally, a mil-
itary could co-opt the work of ethicists to serve its
own agenda, robots could or may need to have legal
rights, and excessive precaution could slow progress
and limit the effectiveness of solutions to many of
these concerns (Lin et al., 2008). Regardless of the
eventual relevance of the above points, it is clear that
the juxtaposition of AI and HI is increasing and the
same issues of decision making arise.
What does it mean to learn something? Can we teach
wisdom? Is a robot a weapon or does it operate a
weapon? The more we can clarify terms, especially
those that are particularly emotional, the more under-
standing emerges. Even a quick look at metaphors re-
veals how we often structure issues, including in AI,
as “technology versus the humanities” or “rationalism
versus romanticism” when such projections may not
apply. For instance, while there are legitimate con-
cerns about so-called killer robots, there is no men-
tion of any serving in law enforcement, which would
immediately change the context and possibly one’s
perception of threat if abuses by the police are sub-
sequently curtailed. A related consideration is how
comfortable we are having automated systems record
our own aggression. While it is difficult to conceive of
AI either being or having a body or following the de-
velopmental progression of human children, there is
an emerging trend of increasing integration of AI and
HI not only in the design of creative computing sys-
tems but also in forms of cooperative coexistence such
as increased efficiency with automation in the work-
place, playing chess, strategies in professional sports,
writing simple news articles, and disease detection in
radiology (Hamid et al., 2017).
One utilization of automation that has merged
with a human proficiency is commercial piloting. The
basic idea is that increased use of automation is sup-
posed to prevent mistakes from human shortcomings,
such as fatigue and inattention, and free pilots to think
about the big picture and thus improve overall watch-
fulness and attentiveness. Unfortunately, more au-
tomation has led to more mind-wandering such that
lack of monitoring has become a factor in the major-
ity of accidents. Although it is difficult to identify and
assess complacency and boredom, it is simple to con-
clude that pilots need to pay attention and properly
monitor the controls when employing autopilot (Kon-
nikova, 2014). It appears that automation has not re-
duced the number of errors, but it has changed their
form. A smoother integration would involve taking
into account the way pilots’ minds operate when in-
troducing and innovating forms of automation. This
is an immensely practical application of successful
coexistence. One study (Casner et al., 2014) tested
how the prolonged use of cockpit automation affected
the manual flying skills of pilots, based on a concern
of potential deterioration resulting from the adoption
of a more supervisory role after the increased em-
ployment of automation systems. The results showed
that while some skills remained intact, even if infre-
quently practiced, certain cognitive tasks needed to
fly the plane manually were more problematic. Cru-
cially, performance on these tasks was associated with
how often pilots were inattentive when using cock-
pit automation. Again, a more detailed understanding
of the mechanisms at work in the coordination of AI
and HI allows us to acknowledge problems and imple-
ment solutions in various subfields, which is already
happening (Hamid, 2017).
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their valuable time and helpful comments.
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