user needs, and national and EU-wide strategies, and
also taking into account the assets, which cooperative
third country nations may bring. Shared maritime
information systems should inherently include both
tools and processes for continuous re-evaluation of
both the objects and phenomena, which it should be
able to provide its users.
The cooperation between these different
authorities has the potential to evolve into a deeper
and more encompassing mode of co-creation, where
the added complexity may greatly reduce the time to
value creation and innovation. In this context the
ability to create greater common knowledge,
learning, and value can be seen as innovation. The
value in this innovation to EU and national authorities
are the in faster recognition, assessment, planning,
and reaction capabilities, which lead to a safer, more
secure European maritime domain.
Seemingly adding complexity to the common
information sharing systems and processes is the way
to substantially faster innovation: detection,
assessment, planning, and response. In becoming more
complex, mere cooperation has the potential of
reaching deeper forms of co-creation. This enables the
network to yield more value and innovation. In this
case the innovation potential is in the faster and widely
shared information. It demonstrates as confirmed
objects and phenomena resulting in an accurate
Recognized Maritime Picture.This in turn supports
threat assessment, asset and operations planning, and
sharing of resources. This is innovation and value.
The work in project MARISA, as also this paper,
is just the beginning. Identifying these practical user
needs can serve as a basis for further technical
development of CISE, and these results directly serve
further work in projects MARISA and FINCISE.
The framework of objects and phenomena identi-
fied in the DET analysis of this study is seemingly
complex, but only by this adding of complexity can we
shorten the time to innovation and value. Further
research should amend and validate the results of this
study, and continue to identify new objects and
phenomena, while evaluating and redefining the
existing ones. This research facilitates the study aiming
to create the technical elements of CISE and bridge
between the technical and human aspects of
information sharing, and co-creative collaboration.
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