the model and importantly, the efficiency of the ap-
proaches in the absence of a large amount of data.
The multilayer Perceptron showed a different fig-
ure. While it performed well for the long texts, it per-
formed quite poor for the sentence classification. This
shows that the classifier has not been able to guess the
dialect with a high accuracy for short sentences. The
preliminary investigations show that this primarily is
due to the close relation between Kurmanji and So-
rani dialects which makes it difficult to differentiate
between the two dialects based on short sentences.
However, it requires further study to find out other
possible reasons for this outcome.
The article discussed the importance of the task of di-
alect identification in Kurdish NLP and CL. Through
emphasizing the dialect diversity and resource paucity
we presented the idea of using ANN to identify the
different Kurdish dialects in Kurdish texts. We in-
vestigated the efficiency and accuracy of ANN based
classifiers in the absence of large amount of texts
or corpora. We also compared the outcomes of
this approach with the previous work (see (Hassani
and Medjedovic, 2016)) on automatic Kurdish dialect
identification to compare the accuracy and perfor-
mance among the two approaches. The results sug-
gested that while the two approaches do not show
a significant difference in their accuracy and perfor-
mance with regard to long documents, the ANN ap-
proach performs better than traditional approach for
the single sentence classification. However, because
we were not able to find any baseline for the sentence
classifiers in Kurdish dialect identification studies, we
were not able to compare this part of the outcome.
Nevertheless, the sentence classifier performed with a
high accuracy at 99% for Kurmanji and 96% for So-
The multilayer Perceptron acted differently. It
provided quite a poor result for the sentence classi-
fication, while showed a reasonable accuracy for the
long texts. The early investigations suggest that this
behavior could be justified based on the close rela-
tion between Kurmanji and Sorani dialects. However,
more research is needed to become more certain about
this situation and to enhance the classifier to be able
to classify short sentences with a higher accuracy.
As for future work, we are interested in expanding
the research to cover the texts written in other scripts
for example, Persian/Arabic. We are also interested
in including other Kurdish dialects such as Hawrami
in the classification process. In addition, we believe
that the multilayer Perceptron requires further studies,
particularly on the error minimization process. We
are planning to work on the mentioned areas in an
extended paper that follows the current work.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their constructive suggestions and recom-
mendations which have improved the content of the
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