Random Graph Models Utilization for Economics Purposes
Jan Panus and Andrea Dymakova
Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice, Studentska 95, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Keywords: Social Networks, International Trade, Strategy Research.
Abstract: This paper explores the usability of random graph models from the field of social network analysis for
selected topics in the field of economic sciences. Specific examples are given in the field of international
trade and strategic research as part of international research analysis. At present, there is an increasing need
to connect individuals or organizations to increasingly complex networks, and as the complexity of such
structures grows, the need for understanding how such structures are created and what they actually mean.
The method of random graphs used in the paper serves as an appropriate method for such analysis.
From a historical point of view, trade is more
common within nations themselves than between
each other (Helliwell, 2000, McCallum, 1995). As
(Eaton and Kortum, 2002) estimated that areas that
do not have geographical boundaries are able to
have five times more trade than those with borders.
The lack of trade between countries can often be
explained by various formal trade barriers such as
poor enforcement of international contracts with the
help of governments (Anderson and Marcouiller,
2002), or inadequate information on possibilities for
international trade (Portes and Rey, 2005). Business
and social networks that operate between countries
can help to break down these barriers. Researchers
can then help to look at how to overcome these
barriers. Research can serve as documents and is
able to quantify the existence of such barriers.
While transnational networks are primarily
researched as a means of overcoming barriers to
trade, much of the research on the impact of
domestic networks on international trade is rather
motivated by the view that they are an informal
barrier to trade, with network members colluding to
increase their market power by restricting foreign
competition. There is also a line of work that
measures the effects of domestic networks on the
composition of international trade.
The aim of this paper is to highlight the
possibility of analyzing international trade between
countries in terms of social network analysis. The
paper brings some definitions of economic networks
and international trade as outlined in the following
chapters. Many publications deal with the field of
international trade analysis but few of them deals
with social network analysis as a tool to analyze
international trade. We discuss the possibility to
utilize social network analysis to international trade.
We use random graph model to analyze some basic
international trade characteristic.
Social networks and the analysis of relationships is
an important concept in many sorts of areas, from
public administration, sociology, management, and
even within international trade analysis. Social
network analysis focuses on the structure of
relationships between individuals or organizations
where the network is perceived as a set of actors
linked by social bonds. Some analyses focus on
organization theory. Over the last few years, there
have been many studies that deal with relationships
between organizations. There are studies that focus
on key factors and indicators of inter-organizational
relationships, and this phenomenon has a growing
importance as the links from dyads (organizational
sets) to networks are gradually shifting. In the
academic sphere, there is a view that both business
relationships and non-profit sectors are trying to
make any cooperation within the framework of the
growth alliances as one of the possible ways to be
more effective and competitive. It is clear that in the
current globally interconnected world, such
Panus J. and Dymakova A.
Random Graph Models Utilization for Economics Purposes.
DOI: 10.5220/0006578102300234
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 230-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cooperation is an important element among those
organizations that seek to take on the global market.
Such behaviour is not entirely possible in the
traditional market environment.
There are several well-known techniques to
measure the properties of networks (Snijders, 2001),
actors, or relationships. These techniques help to
understand certain features of the network that relate
to research questions.
1) Social behaviour is a complex process, and
stochastic modelling allows us to capture both
regularity in the processes that take place across the
network and variability, and we can then model
them in detail and detail. Adding a small amount of
randomness to an otherwise regular process can
significantly change the output of the entire process.
Researchers usually try to capture stochastic
process if they believe their model best reflects real
world problems. It is very important to design the
stochastic model well to allow them understand
uncertainty of the observation of real world
problems. Researches usually wants to learn
something new about the distribution of the possible
Researchers need to create such statistical model
that allow them to create judgment about certain
structure in the network. This structure occurs in the
model or occurs in the network with some
probability. Researches establish a specific
hypothesis about social processes.
The more complex data structures are in the
network the more useful model is achieve for data
Sometimes, different social processes can have
similar quality assumptions about network
structures, and can only be determined by
quantitative modelling. For example, clusters in
networks can be made from endogenous (self-
organizing) structures or from homophily. If
researcher want to decide which of the processes is
created, then we need to create a model and find out
from the results what suits us.
Some problems about social network analysis is
to deal with how structures and processes in
networks affect forming of global pattern of the
network. It is very complicated to understand
without any kind of model or modelling. Sometimes
it is well understandable due to quality modelling
and simulations.
2.1 Random Graph Model
Random graph model (Erdos and Renyi, 1966,
Albert et al., 1999, Molloy and Reed, 1995) is usable
tool for creating some models and simulation of real
world problems. Many scientific applications is used
by helping of this model. We should follow these
steps for using random graph model.
1) Each network connection is perceived as a
random variable. This step involves a stochastic base
with a set of fixed points. The combination of these
points is then perceived as a relationship that arises
with a certain probability. It is not possible to
perceive this as the principle of creating a
relationship based, for example, on fashion, etc.
We'd rather determine that we do not know much
about the network and that we do not know much
about forming relations, that our model is not
capable of creating perfect deterministic predictions,
and that the results will contain some noise that we
cannot explain.
2) Eventualities are defined by hypothesis
dependence. Hypotheses represent local social
processes that are capable of networking.
Consequently, connections can be independent of
each, as people create social connections
independently of their previous connections.
3) Researcher should create a hypothesis for
introducing the particle formation into the model.
Each parameter corresponds to a network
configuration, a subset of possible network
connections. Such configurations refers some
structural characteristic of interest. The model
represents the distribution of a random graph. The
configuration is usually created by simple
connection between two actors.
4) It is recommended to simplify parameters.
This simplification is provided by using of
homogeneity and other restriction. Model is defined
by better way if the researcher limits the number of
parameters. The researcher equate some of the
parameters to unify or link other parameters in
different way.
5) Design and interpretation of the model and
its parameters. The focus for modelling is the
emphasis on designing and interpreting the model.
However, this approach usually requires the
completion of the previous four points. This last step
is very complex if the model structure is
complicated, as the real world problems usually are.
Researchers often use the benefits of statistical
models for networks in case of parameter estimates,
as well as an estimate of the uncertainty of the
Creating a random graph is done by taking a
number of N nodes and interconnecting each other
so that each pair i,j has a connection with an
independent probability of p. However, if we want
to examine models that are close to the real base, we
have to accept it. That such a simple model has some
weaknesses. One of them is the distribution of
degrees in the graph, which is to be calculated as in
the real world.
Consider a node in a random graph. With a
certain probability, p is linked to each of the N-1
other nodes in the graph, and hence the probability
that is assigned to node k with a binomial division
Many authors highlight as a positive feature the
transmission of information from the network can
serve as a source of information about the
possibilities of the business itself or of the
investments possibilities. Literature often uses the
notion of characteristic knowledge as a network
definition. The key is basic characteristic knowledge
of the agents that tend to create a network or
business in the future. Transnational networks can
facilitate such interconnection through commissions
of marketing operations that let potential traders
know that there are customers who are interested in
the product in another country (Chin et al., 1996).
Within a given market, these networks can help find
a suitable distributor of goods for specific customers
(Weidenbaum and Hughes, 1996).
Empirical analyzes point to the positive effect of
international trade on the creation of conditions for
trade between groups operating between borders and
for immigrants. Immigrants know the characteristics
and properties of buyers and sellers in their
homeland, and carry this knowledge to new
countries as well. However, it is often difficult to
predict the extent to which the impact of
transnational cooperation works by providing market
information or using official information. Often
customers' desire for goods from their homeland is
apparent rather than having any effect of being part
of any network (Gould, 1994). Gould estimates
separate import and export equations and the impact
of immigrants' influence on bilateral trade between
the United States and its partners during the 1970-
86. Gould also shows that for the two different rates
of immigration, the estimated coefficients are
positive and significant for both export and import.
Long-term elasticity for preferred goods shows that
there is a 10 percent increase in exports from Canada
to the countries of origin of immigrants by 1.3
percent and the increase in imports to Canada from
these countries by 3.3 percent.
Possible consequences for economic efficiency
in transnational networks that provide information
on profitable business opportunities are provided by
(Rauch and Casella, 2003). They use a model that
considers the following: the manufacturer needs to
match to his needs if such agreement is acceptable,
then it is possible to employ an internationally
immobile labor force and then to realize the
production. Within its home country, the
manufacturer is able to match his needs (i.e. what he
needs to produce and with which resources he can
find) based on his own experience. Typical needs
and knowledge abroad are not so familiar to
manufacturers from other countries, and they cause
problems. Such international consensus can then
serve to shift labor demand in the form of services to
manufacturers from countries where such labor is
rare in countries where it is enough.
Based on the above information, it goes without
saying that social networks, as an analytical tool is
an appropriate way to describe and understand
networks at international level. There is a large
number of problems in transnational co-operation
where it is necessary to establish relationship with
other producers or employees who know the
environment and are a suitable tool for how to
efficiently use resources in the countries concerned.
The exponential random graph model (ERGM),
which will be described in the next chapter, is then
an appropriate tool for analyzing and modeling a
given situation.
Exponential random graphs model is a part of
random graph model has following form:
Where X
is a random graph that represents the
connection between actors. X then represents the
element matrix n and x then represents the matrix of
the realized network connections. A then represents
another network of configuration types. Z
represents a set of dependent variables on the model,
expressing that any set of statistics A calculated on x
affects the probability of creating a given network.
An unknown parameter is represented by µ
coefficient and this parameter estimated and
expresses the effect of network statistics in the
monitored network model. The coefficient k
represents the number of numerators displayed in a
possible network with n number of elements.
Parameters are initially estimated in ERGM
using pseudo-similarity (Strauss and Ikeda, 1990)
but this approach is often not reliable. Instead, it is
more appropriate to use the Markov Chain of Monte
Carlo as a similarity estimate (Geyer and Thompson,
1992). Monte Carlo simulates the distribution of a
random graph using the initial values of the
parameters, and this process is repeated until we
reach the cleaned values that we compare with the
simulated distribution of the given graph with the
observed data (Snijders, 2002). The advantage of
this approach is that with an infinite number of
network configuration distributions, we give an
estimate equivalent to maximum like-hood
estimation and provide a reliable number of standard
errors (Wasserman and Robins, 2005). A series of
other network specifications, called the social circuit
dependence (Pattison and Robins, 2002), have been
developed that significantly reduce cases where the
high level of triads often occurs due to poor model
specification (Hunter and Handcock, 2006, Robins
et al., 2009).
The possibilities of using the ERGM method on
economic themes have been demonstrated in (Kim et
al., 2016), when the connections between firms and
their boards of directors (Mizruchi, 1996) were
modeled. The number of selected companies were
set on 95. The influence of the independent variables
on the characteristics of various companies was
studied, namely the company characteristics, dyad
co-variates and structural effects. These properties
identifies as important features for establishing a
connection within a multinational network in
international trade. If companies have similar or
even the same company characteristics, or Structural
effects, it is possible with some probability to define
that there is a connection within the network.
The ERGM methodology allows significant
expansion for the development of a strategy to
expand business opportunities or attract new
potential customers and businesses in the field of
transnational trade. ERGM's ability to directly
describe network dependencies allows for a more
accurate analysis of the factors that were examined
in the previous research. The results can be used to
test the formation of connections to create rigorous
empirical evidence for developing models that are
not only attractive but also scientifically valid
(Colquitt and Zapata-Phelan, 2007). Previous
research proves that the influence of organizational
resources on alliance formation is important. Multi-
source companies have more opportunities to build
links, and their higher level of resources makes it
possible to eliminate the need for co-operation
through the alliances.
The promising area where ERGM can be used is
also the area of micro-transactions in the area of
inter-organizational and transnational cooperation.
Various research highlights the important role of
existing links between individuals and their
connection to the creation of links between
organizations (Gulati and Westphal, 1999,
Rosenkopf et al., 2001). Typical examples are new
startups that are founded by people who previously
worked in multinational companies. These people
are then linked to the staff of these large companies
and can be contacted for further cooperation.
In conclusion, ERGM is an important technique
that can be used in various areas of research, be it in
the field of international trade and modeling of
producer and vendor networks, but also in other
economic areas such as strategic research, that can
be taking into account of transnational trade. As the
interconnection between individuals, organizations
or entire communities grows, there is a growing
need to better understand and understand structures
within networks. The ERGM method can build on
the classic foundations of social network analysis
and move them in the next direction to better
understand the organization network genesis.
This paper is supported by project number
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