good QAPs is to dissociate the original question from
these clusters.
We presented a novel method to extract the rich
question-answering information from community-
based QA web sites and generate a large number of
QAPs. Experiments confirm that our method has a
high accuracy of extracting information and a high
quality of constructing QAPs suitable for chatbots.
We plan to investigate the following issues in fu-
ture studies: (1) Improve the ratio of good QAPs by
dissociating certain clusters with the original ques-
tion. (2) Generate an aggregate answer from different
answers in a cluster to a sub-question, instead of just
choosing the best one. (3) Devise a spam detection
mechanism to filter out spams from the data collected
from CQAW sites.(4) Compare the number of clusters
generated by HDP-LDA with the number of clusters
generated by our algorithm.
This work was supported in part by Eola Solutions
Inc. The authors are grateful to members of the Text
Automation Lab at UMass Lowell for discussions.
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