people. We even found that people with no reading
difficulties were assessing our framework in a
favourable manner. Furthermore, our framework is
easy to use for persons with basic knowledge about
technology use and reading skills on sentence level or
We also found that self-voicing benefits from
many options which the user should be able to adjust
individually, i.e. according to their personal needs
and preferences. This means that a one-size-fits-all
approach is not suitable for self-voicing support on
the web. Different persons have different needs and
preferences, and these differ even within the same
user group. The evaluation has shown, despite its
limitations, that the possibility of personalisation is
crucial to the usability of this framework.
In a nutshell, a web page with integrated self-
voicing framework is considered a useful addition in
the digital daily routine. A speech output can enable
access to information on the internet to persons from
various user groups. Without the framework, they
might be hindered or barred from this information.
Therefore, the framework has the potential to support
persons in their daily life.
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