Bridge the Gap of Codification and Personalization
Strategies: Gain and Lost of Knowledge Management of
Postgraduate Student Project Meetings
X. Dai
, M. Oberhagemann
, K. P. Truong
and F. van der Velde
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Knowledge Capturing, Collaborative Decision Making, Student Project, Human Factors.
Abstract: It is acknowledged that knowledge management (KM) brings several benefits for an organization, and two
types of knowledge management strategies exist: codification and personalization, and a gap exisits between
both strategies. In this paper, the context of KM is placed on the campus of higher education. A knowledge
capturing tool, in the form of a tablet based APP, is introduced to capture problem solving knowledge
during a student project meeting. This tool intends to propose a new way of technology support to codify
knowledge during socialization. A series of comparative experiments were undertaken to investigate the
APP’s influence on users’ meeting experiences. This paper will present results based on interviews with the
participants, which showed both positive and negative effects of the APP usage on their meeting experience.
The concept of knowledge management has existed
for almost 40 years, originated from the
consultancy business in the late 1980s (Koenig and
Neveroski, 2008), theorized by Nonaka and
Takeuchi in the 1990s (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
1995). It is no doubt that a good knowledge
management strategy can foster innovation (López-
Nicolás and Meroño-Cerdán, 2011), increase an
organization’s competitiveness (Carneiro, 2000),
and promote organizational learning (Vera and
Crossan, 2003). In the last two decades, with the
fast development and vast implementation of
computer systems, IT begins and continues to
shape the knowledge management strategies. A
knowledge management strategy should to be
tailored to an organization’s specific context to
achieve its goals (Bierly and Daly, 2002). In
general, two knowledge management strategies can
be identified based on the use of IT: codification
and personalization (Hansen et al., 1999). In the
codification strategy, knowledge is extracted,
codified and stored, as a resource independent of
its creator. This process is usually done with the
help of a knowledge engineer, rather than the
knowledge creator him or herself. In the
personalization strategy, knowledge stays in the
memory of people, and it can be shared through
socialization among individuals. However, these
two strategies are not mutually exclusive
(McMahon et al., 2004), both strategies are
necessary for an organization, codification can
nurture personalization, and vice versa.
Several efforts have been made to bridge the
personalization and codification strategy together.
The ubiquitous use of computer systems in our
everyday life and work environment has drastically
changed the way we share knowledge. Many
collaborative work platforms and groupware have
been developed to support project management,
task realization and online communication, while
knowledge can be extracted from the voluminous
data generated through these platforms (Ackerman
et al., 2013) (Eseryel et al., 2002). However, face
to face meetings still play a crucial role in project
decision making (Kirkman et al., 2004), computer
mediated communication still can’t replace
physical conversation between individuals.
Recently, social computing has gained more and
more attention, it is an area of computer science
that focuses on the intersection of social behaviour
Dai X., Oberhagemann M., Truong K. and Velde F.
Bridge the Gap of Codification and Personalization Strategies: Gain and Lost of Knowledge Management of Postgraduate Student Project Meetings.
DOI: 10.5220/0006584602470254
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 247-254
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and computational systems (Wang et al., 2007).
New ICT technologies result in new technology
augmented human interactions, which brings new
opportunities for knowledge codification during the
process of personalization.
In this paper, the organizational context of
knowledge management is placed into a university
campus, the target group being graduate students in
higher education. J. Duderstadt envisioned in the
late 90s that higher education would evolve into a
global knowledge industry, and future universities
should offer new opportunities of learning through
the use of information technology in the “age of
knowledge” (Duderstadt, 1997). Nearly two
decades have passed since then, and the form of
higher education nowadays is hugely shaped by IT.
Academic knowledge is being captured, structured,
represented, codified, and shared through all kinds
of computer systems: e-learning platforms, campus
wikis, academic online forums and social networks
just to name a few. However, numerous research
universities are still unable to grasp the importance
of KM (Tan, 2016). On one hand, collaboration is
regarded as the breeding base for new knowledge
in research universities, and a strategic knowledge
management approach is needed to encourage
knowledge sharing. On the other hand, the
educational domain is often engaged in a massive
and senseless duplication of effort due to the lack
of educational material sharing (Robson et al.,
2003). The few attempts that we found on
university campus knowledge management fall
exclusively into the division of codification
strategy, by implementing IT based infrastructure
within certain academic activities to facilitate
computer mediated knowledge sharing (Bender and
Longmuss, 2003) (Cain et al., 2008), or
personalization strategy, by proposing a
management policy to foster socialization among
individuals (Petrides and Nodine, 2003)
(Rasmussen et al., 2006) (Raymond et al., 2010)
(Marques et al., 2006).
This research is focused on a specific academic
activity: graduate student projects. With the trend
of project-based learning in higher education,
especially in engineering science and management
science, post graduate students are usually required
to realize several group projects with real industrial
partners. These student projects not only train
student’s working skills, but also contribute “real
world” value to their industrial partners (Hertel,
2002) (Gorman, 2010). Some of the student
projects may even lead to a real business. During
student projects, group members are involved in
complex problem solving, in which knowledge is
shared, used and learned. Therefore, these graduate
students should be considered as knowledge
workers (Nonaka et al., 1998), and their project
experience harbours valuable knowledge capital.
Student projects are usually documented in their
final project reports, which are usually a
combination of each group member’s task.
Although collaborative tools are generally used in
student projects for the main purpose of
communication and coordination, e.g. google
groups, FB messengers and what’sapp, face to face
meetings still play an important role in
collaborative decision-making (Joo and Mark,
2008), and undocumented face to face project
meetings remain a black box of knowledge.
In this paper we are going to introduce a tablet-
based APP to capture the problem-solving
knowledge produced during project meetings, in
order to codify knowledge produced through
personalization. However, this APP will change the
naturalistic communication among users, and it
may bring negative effects to the meeting
experience. A series of comparative experiments
were undertaken to study the influence of this APP
usage on participants’ perception of their meeting
experience, and this paper will present the results
based on the interviews with the users.
The paper is structured in five sections. First,
the concept argumentation-based design rationale is
introduced, and the APP interface will be
demonstrated. Second, methodology of the
experiment is explained. Third, results of this
experiment are shown. Next, the gain and cost of
this APP use for the purpose of knowledge
management are discussed. Finally, conclusions,
limitations and future research are presented.
One way to extract problem-solving knowledge
from a meeting is by analysing the meeting
transcription. The raw meeting transcription data is
a chaotic pool of dialogue among people, it is
extremely difficult for other people to make sense
of it. In order to transform the meeting data into
comprehensible knowledge, the data should be
further classified into concepts, and relationships
among these concepts need to be drawn. By doing
this, the dispersed meeting data will be structured
into knowledge networks (DAI et al., 2014).
Design rationale is originally defined as the reason
behind design decisions. From this perspective, it
can be used as a knowledge capturing structure for
the decision making process.
According to the source and goal, design
rationale can come in various forms. The ISAL
model aims to extract design rationales from design
documents (Liu et al., 2010), which consist of three
layers, namely issue, solution and artefact. The
decision rationale language (DRL) model is a
descriptive language that represents the elements
related to design decisions (Moran and Carroll,
1996). The argumentation-based design rationale
model adapts argumentation as the knowledge
representation of the design reasoning, and
argumentation is considered as the most common
form of reasoning (Toulmin, 2003), hence closest
to natural communication.
Several knowledge representation models were
developed to capture the design rationale, most of
these models are extensions of two fundamental
models, namely IBIS (Conklin and Yakemovic,
1991) and QOC (MacLean et al., 1991). These
models generally involve three major concepts:
issue, position, and argument. They are represented
in graphs, consisting of nodes as concepts and links
as relationships. The QOC model has proved to be
useful for each individual designer to clarify their
design intentions, but is unable to represent the
collaborative decision making (Lewkowicz and
Zacklad, 2000). Therefore, we choose to use the
issue based structure IBIS, since it is a flexible
structure that describes communication of the
design deliberation (Regli et al., 2000). In order to
better represent the dynamic negotiation process,
the IBIS model is further elaborated into a semantic
network as illustrated in Figure 1.
The semantic network of decision making
includes the classic IBIS model concepts: issue,
proposition (position), and argument. In order to
represent the evolving nature of issue, the
relationship “reform” is introduced between
argument and issue to indicate that issue may be
modified according to the arguments, and a new
issue may be established if the group decides to
accept the modification. Compared to the IBIS
model, the concept “decision” is added to indicate
the outcome of problem-solving. This semantic
network will be used as the knowledge structure for
meeting data.
Figure 1: The semantic network of decision making
The IBIS model has been adapted by many
computer systems to capture the decision rationale,
but most of which support only computer mediated
communication. Since we want to codify directly
face to face meeting, a tablet-based APP called
MMrecord/MMreport is used in this research. It was
developed by the University of Technology of
Troyes, and can be downloaded from the APP store
on IOS devices, detailed instruction manual can be
found in the APP. They are originally designed to
record a multi-party meeting, with the function to
specify a meeting’s issue, participants, and
decisions. In this research, the interface of this APP
was arranged according to the decision-making
structure showed in Figure 1. The interface of this
APP is shown in Figure 2, as follows:
Figure 2: The user interface of MMrecord.
On the left side of the screen, a customizable list
of meeting issues is presented, on the right side are 5
interactive tags: argument, counter argument,
decision, off subject and proposition. The APP
enables the user to give one’s speech intention by
tapping on one of the 5 buttons while recording the
user’s speech. In MMreport, a meeting recording can
be generated, as well as a log file containing all the
tap events given by the users. Therefore, by using
this APP, the user is given the possibility to explain
intuitively their rationale in the form of
argumentation with a simple gesture of tapping on
the screen, and meeting data will be segmented, and
classified by these tapping events, resulting in a
more comprehensible form of meeting report that
can be shared with other users.
In order to study the influence of this technical
support on user’s meeting experience, a series of
comparative experiments were undertaken. 20
students, with an average age of 20 years (sd =1,01),
majoring in psychology from the university of
Twente were recruited for this study. They were
randomly divided into 5 groups of 4 people. Each
group was asked to go through two sessions of 30
minutes’ project meeting. In one session the
participants are required to use the APP during their
discussion, they were required to tap on the screen
button to indicate the intention of their speech in the
form of argumentation as showed above in the figure
2, in the other session the participants went through
their meeting without the APP. In order to rule out
the learning factor on the discussion topic, two
different meeting topics were assigned to the two
sessions. The first one is “design a university student
online forum for the university of Twente”, the
second one is “design a bike parking system for the
university of Twente”. Four different experiment
conditions can be identified: “with APP” and
“without APP” in terms of APP usage, “online
forum” and “bike parking” in terms of meeting
topic. In order to include all the four possible
conditions, the experiment was arranged as shown in
table 1.
3.1 Meeting Data Collection
The two meeting sessions of each group were hold at
two consecutive days, and took approximately 90
minutes each, including interviews and
questionnaires after each meeting. Each participant
signed an informed consent form before the
experiment, allowing their meeting to be registered
and used for research purposes. Then the
participants were given 5 minutes to read the project
specification, as for the APP session, a short
demonstration of the APP usage was given. The
maximum meeting time is limited to 30 minutes.
Each participant is required to wear a lavalier
microphone connected to an iPad to record his or her
speech, and two video cameras were set up in two
diagonal corners in the meeting room to record the
meeting’s audio and video in a holistic manner.
After the meeting, the participants were asked to fill
in a questionnaire, then being interviewed
individually in a random order, the interviews were
recorded with an ambient voice recorder.
Table 1: Experiment design of group meetings.
Participant Session 1 Session 2
1,2,3,4 No APP
5,6,7,8 APP
9,10,11,12 No APP
13,14,15,16 APP
3.2 Interview Design
The goal of the APP is to capture the collaborative
problem solving process without hindering it.
Although literature has shown that argumentation-
based design rationale is aligned with the conceptual
collaborative problem solving process, the problem
solver may still experience difficulties in explaining
it within this process, due to the fact that interaction
with the APP may increase user’s cognitive load,
resulting in poor conversation flow. The interviews
aim to investigate the influence of the APP usage on
participant’s meeting experience. The interview
examines generally three aspects: structure of the
discussion, group communication and individual
task focus. The detailed interview question list can
be found in appendix 1.
Table 2: interview results on user’s meeting experience (concept "discussion").
Communication Content Depth Flow Focus General Structure
Positive 3 0 1 0 3 0 4
Negative 2 0 3 6 9 1 11
Positive 4 2 1 6 7 3 1
Negative 0 0 1 0 3 1 7
Positive 4 1 1 3 12 4 12
Negative 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
Positive 0 0 0 0 3 5 1
Negative 1 0 0 0 5 0 3
Positive 6 0 0 2 8 5 10
Negative 1 1 0 5 2 0 5
Positive 1 0 0 3 2 3 3
Negative 1 3 1 1 3 0 8
Positive 2 1 2 2 3 2 9
Negative 0 0 1 1 3 0 2
Positive 0 1 0 0 3 3 4
Negative 0 0 1 0 1 0 4
Due to the absence of one participant in the first
group, the two sessions of group 1 was used as a
pilot study. First, the interview recording was
transcribed into text through a speech recognizer. In
this secion, results are based on the analysis of the
interview transcription. The analysis of the interview
transcription is done according to (Baarda et al.,
2005). The analysis is based on the concept of
“grounded theory”, which means that the data is
analysed in an iterative process, to extract new
theories. First, the interview transritpion was
labelled under the main topics of this study, namely
“discussion”, “communication”, “decision” and
“cognitive load”. These concepts were used as the
first-round classification by annotators. After they
finished labelling the transcription for the first
round, the labelled transcription was refined and
modified in a second-round classification, with more
specific sub-concepts identified under each first-
round concepts. In the third round, a variation code,
ranging from negative, neutral to positive, is
attached to the labelled data. The variation code
indicates the interviewee’s opition on a specific
concept. Each time a similar opinion is found about
a specific concept, score of the related variation code
will increase by 1. Finally, a total score was
calculated for each concept by adding up the score
of variation code. Two annotators were involved in
analysing the interview data, in order to validate the
rating reliability. The Cohen’s Kappa is between
0.84 and 0.96, which represents an almost perfect
agreement between annotators (Landis and Koch,
Table 2 shows the result on the concept
“discussion”, which is further specified into 7 sub-
concepts: group communication, content of
discussion, depth of discussion, conversation flow,
user’s focus on the primary task, general impression
and structure of the discussion. Table 3 shows the
average score of each concept of the two sessions.
Both sessions of discussions are perceived as
positive in general. The general impression of
discussion without APP (positive average = 3.50) is
rated slightly higher than that with APP (positive
Table 3: comparison of the two sessions.
Communication Content Depth Flow Focus General Structure
Positive 3.75 0.5 1 1.75 6.5 2.75 8.75
Negative 1 0.25 1 3.25 3.75 1 4.5
Positive 1.25 0.75 0.25 2.25 3.75 3.5 2.25
Negative 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 3 1 5.5
average = 2.75), whereas the discussion structure,
the task focus and group communication are
perceived better in the discussion with the APP.
The structure of the discussion was perceived
positive for the discussion with APP with an average
of 8.75 positive ratings (median = 9.5, range = 8, sd
= 3.403) and 4.5 negative ratings (median = 3.5,
range = 11, sd = 4.796) per group, whereas the
structure of the discussion without APP was rated
negative with an average of only 2.25 positive
ratings (median = 2, range = 3, sd = 1.5) and an
average of 5.5 negative ratings (median = 5.5, range
= 5, sd = 2.380) per group. The focus on the
discussion and the communication were rated
positive for both sessions, with and without APP.
However, the sessions with APP were rated more
positive for both factors. The focus on the discussion
with APP was rated with an average of 6.5 positive
ratings (median = 5.5, range = 9, sd = 4.359) and an
average of 3.75 negative ratings (median = 2.5,
range = 8; sd = 3.594) per group, whereas the focus
on the discussion without APP was rated with an
average of 3.75 positive ratings (median = 3, range =
5, sd = 2.217) and an average of 3 negative ratings
(median = 3, range = 4, sd = 1.633) per group.
The communication was rated positive for the
discussion with APP with an average of 3.75
positive ratings (median = 3.5, range = 4, sd =
1.708) and an average of 1 negative rating (median =
1, range = 2, sd = 0.816) per group. Compared to
that the communication in the discussion without
APP was rated less positive with an average of only
1.25 positive ratings (median = 0.5, range = 4, sd =
1.893) and an average of 0.5 negative ratings
(median = 0.5, range = 1, sd = 0.577) per group.
In contrast to that, the conversation flow was
rated positive for the discussion without APP with
an average of 2.25 positive ratings (median = 1.5,
range = 6, sd = 2.872) per group and only one
negative statement (average = 0.25, median = 0,
range = 1, sd = 0.5). The flow on the discussion with
APP on the other hand was rated negative with an
average of 3.25 negative ratings (median: 3; range:
5; sd = 2.630) and only 1.75 positive ratings
(median: 2; range: 3; sd = 1.258) per group.
The results above have shown that the APP usage in
a group discussion has both positive and negative
influences on participants’ meeting experience. The
problem-solving structure, group communication
and task focus were reported to be improved by the
APP, while conversation flow was reported to be
hindered by the APP.
One of the challenges of small group decision
making lies in the fact that they don’t know where to
start. The APP guides the collaborative problem-
solving process by allowing the participants to
follow a systematic discussion structure through a
intuitive tactile interface, which improves the
efficiency of decision making (Antunes et al., 2014).
The visualization of topics and issues increases the
awareness of participants, which leads to better task
focus. The participants’ perception of communica-
tion is also improved by the APP. Communication in
a project meeting is very decision oriented, the
function of communication is to share information,
coordinate conflicts towards consensus, and
argumentation offers the participants a common
framework of communication, which makes them
aware of their speech intention, leading to a more
explicit communication. One participant said in his
interview that his discussion in the second session
without the APP was improved by his experience
from the first session with the APP, he felt that he
was better at structuring the group discussion, and
more mindful of the topics that he needed to discuss.
The major negative effect of this APP is to over
burden user’s cognitive load, making them distracted
from their primary task, resulting in poor
conversation flow. According to (Watson et al.,
1988), a 20 minutes training is needed for the users
to get used to a new computer system, which is
missing in this study. Therefore, the negative effect
on conversation flow can be potentially mitigated
with training.
Knowledge management is a research topic that
encompasses several disciplines, from management
science to computer science, from economy to
anthropology. Although the conceptual framework
of KM has been developed extensively in the last
two decades, relatively few empirical
implementations of KM were discussed. In this
paper, KM is placed in the context of higher
education. It is argued that graduate students should
be regarded as knowledge workers, and their student
project experience harbours valuable knowledge, for
both pedagogic and entrepreneurial purposes. A
knowledge capturing tool is introduced to capture
project meeting knowledge during the meeting
process, and a series of comparative studies were
undertaken to investigate its influence on user’s
meeting experience. Results based on interviews
with the participants showed that the tool usage
improved the structure of problem solving, group
communication and task focus, but hindered
conversation flow. Participants also reported that the
tool usage trained them at better structuring their
problem solving.
This study is limited by its small number of
subjects, and subjects’ prior knowledge on the
discussion topic may also influence their meeting
experience. In the following research, more meeting
data will be collected. More subjects are needed to
mitigate the influence of their prior knowledge, and
a long term experiment is needed to examine the
learning effect of the tool usage.
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Interview 1 (meeting with APP)
What do you think about your discussion?
What do you think about the structure of
your discussion?
What do you think about the structure of
your communication?
How would you describe the focus on the
defined issue in the group?
What do you think about your decision(s)?
What do you think about the communication?
Do you think the app influenced the
communication? How?
How did the app influence your focus on the
How did the app influence your focus on the
communicational aspects that are pointed
out by the app (buttons)?
Do you have any other comments or questions?
Interview 2 (meeting without APP)
What do you think about your discussion?
What do you think about the structure of
your discussion?
What do you think about the structure of
your communication?
How would you describe the focus on the
defined issue in the group?
What do you think about your decision (s)?
Do you have any other comments or questions?
Interview 3 (comparing the two sessions)
What are the differences you perceived,
comparing the decision making without the app to
the decision making with the app, regarding to the
Do you have any other comments or questions?