Model for Effective Integration between Research, Work Life and
Higher Education in International Security Studies
Kirsi Hyttinen
, Harri Ruoslahti
and Jorma Jokela
Research, Development and Innovation Unit, Laurea University of Applied Sciences,
Vanha maantie 9, 02650, Espoo, Finland
Information Technology (Cognitive Science), University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Security Management, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vanha maantie 9, 02650 Espoo, Finland
Keywords: International Security Studies, Innovative Learning Environment, Systematic Integration Approaches, Higher
Education, Research, Learning, Work Life, Knowledge Co-creation, Collaboration.
Abstract: This is an introduction about building an innovative learning environment for the integration of research, work
life and higher education. The current international security education facilitates higher education studies
through innovative, research integration and collaborative learning activities. Similarly, the education and
training faces challenges and new technology trends in learning delivery. It has been recognised that an
integration between research, work life and education studies may benefit each other in knowledge creation.
The research group completed a desk research and studied four different cases where the integration between
research, work life and higher education was implemented during years 2016 and 2017. According to the
findings of the desk research and case studies, the researchers build a model of innovative learning
environment in order to ensure successful integration processes in the international security management
This paper introduces the understanding of building
systematic and competence-based integration
between research, work life and education to meet
with current global challenges in learning and
education delivery. We must ensure that future
experts will gain high level of education in the real
life setting in order to successfully be employed.
This paper is based on four different cases during
three years where systematic tools for integration of
research and projects were facilitated in course
implementation with the view of lifelong learning and
Learning by Developing (LbD) -concepts (Raij,
2014) in higher education security management
studies. The overall goals of the courses were to
ensure the learning according to set objectives for the
Earlier research has mainly focused on how to
integrate the higher education to research and
development activities (Ojasalo et al; Pirinen 2008,
2013). Our approach is to focus on studying how to
successfully integrate research and projects to higher
education programs or independent courses. Beyond
the systematic tools for integration, our focus was
mainly on how the integration of research and
projects can benefit the course implementation and
learning in higher education. Before doing so, we aim
to review the current state of art on integration
between higher education and research. Moreover we
provide analysis of different learning approaches to
support the integration process.
2.1 Integration of Research and Work
Life with Higher Education
Higher education aims to meet with the work life
needs and is tasked to have a societal role nationally
and internationally. Universities are expected to
interact with the surrounding society so that their
research findings better impact society (Raij, 2014).
A systemic and competence-based approach to
integrate the work life and EU projects is highly
Hyttinen K., Ruoslahti H. and Jokela J.
Model for Effective Integration between Research, Work Life and Higher Education in International Security Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0006588102990306
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 299-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
needed to ensure successful transfer of knowledge
and research findings in large collaboration research
Earlier research identifies the term “integrative”
as a perspective within research and development and
education strategies that are recognized collectively.
The focus of integrative education has been in the
participation of students in projects and in achieving
advanced results and impact for the research and
development projects. (Pirinen, 2013, 8-26). Pirinen
(2008) announced the importance of learning
activities producing a sustainable drive for the
integration of research and development with higher
education. Beyond the research and development, the
meaning of well-structured work life connections are
seen crucial in order for students be successfully
employed after higher education studies in the
universities of applied sciences (Kirjalainen, 2010, 2).
Work life-oriented education includes a set of
definitions that clarify the competences needed in
today’s work life. The definitions are
comprehensiveness, internationality, research touch,
communication competences, change management
and entrepreneurship. (Salonen, 2010, 3). Also
Tynjälä & Virtanen (2013) address how higher
education students hope more work life competences
during their master level studies in universities.
Universities of Applied Sciences and current
higher education institutes aim to provide learning
possibilities for humans throughout their life-cycle.
Lifelong learning is considered an important part of
the Lisbon strategy of the European Union, whereas
the European Union aims to be the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based area as well as a more
cohesive and inclusive society (Eurostat, 2009). The
concept of lifelong learning is developed into a
broader concept from the everyday life learning of
people with its aim of improving knowledge, skills
and competences (Tissot, 2004, 102) in knowledge
societies (Boutsiouki, 2010). Learning is related to
politics, ideologies, knowledge employment, and
different creative and interactive ways of living
(Aspin & Chapman, 2007; Jarvis, 1998). Today the
lifelong learning is described as high-individualized
way of learning which is guided by the changes and
new ways of life (Field, 2006, 77).
2.2 Technology in a Higher Education
Technology has re-organized human life,
communication and learning. (Siemens, 2004), and
century theoretical insights have raised the
collaborative practices in online learning. Thus
education is in a changing position and technology
brings new opportunities and challenges for teaching
and learning. Based on earlier theories, learning can
happen through one’s own experiences (see Kolb,
1984), through critical reflection (see Mezirow, 1981)
and as problem based solving (see Poikela & Poikela
1991). The theoretical background for online learning
has concentrated on behaviourism, cognitive and
constructivism learning theories. Furthermore, most
of the current online education tools and
environments are developed based on these theories.
Behaviourism answers to the question “what”,
cognitive to the question “how” and constructivism to
the question “why”. Researchers have raised criticism
regarding the theoretical background of online
learning technology.
E-learning can be implemented as distance
learning, where learners and teachers do not see each
other, and learners may be geographically distant
from one another. Moreover, e-learning is highly
appreciated worldwide because of its cost-effective
possibilities. An online training environment
provides a variety of opportunities: teaching can be
organized and the online learning environment can be
utilized in many different ways. Online teaching can
be divided into guided e-learning, self-study online
learning and multiform learning, in which classroom
training and e-learning are combined.
The new terminology of multiform teaching has
begun to use the term “blended learning”. When the
classroom based learning is more structured and
formal, informal learning is not typically classroom
based or structured and the learning is in the hands of
the learner (Marsick & Watkins, 2001). Furthermore,
the learning experiences provided by education
technology and applied in appropriate ways have
been show to enable positive learning experiences
and improve learning outcomes. (Carlson, 2013). The
challenges in learning in online setting and
technology supported may be raise when the
constructivist pedagogy is aimed to be implemented.
2.3 Learning by Developing and
Co-creative Approaches in Higher
From philosophical stance, it has found out that
students learn by working collaboratively with social
impacts and influence and as a definition we discuss
about constructivist pedagogy (Vygotsky, 1978).
Moreover, the social constructivism is not seen as
method but as a view of learning which leds to
decision making about pedagogy and curriculum
(Oldfather & West 1999, p.91). Ruoslahti (2017)
finds that there are cyclical connections between
value co-creation networks: cooperation platforms
and active facilitation are needed for co-creative
innovation and knowledge sharing. Active
stakeholder participation stems from common aims
that promise benefits for all collaborators, resulting in
an active drive for co-creation of knowledge and
Innovation environments and collaboration
technology are widely discussed in literature as ways
to facilitate active and open collaboration, which in
turn is the key to successful co-creation. First there
should be a need for collaboration, all collaborators
must feel that they benefit from the co-creation
process and its outcomes, and that the collaboration
becomes jointly constructed and lead. Any one
organization cannot be in charge alone. A common
problem and goals guide the co-creation process, and
just identifying these common problems may be a co-
creation process. These processes take time and are
not without challenges.
These principles also apply to the co-creative
processes of higher education. Ruoslahti, et. al.
(2011) note that, when learning becomes integrated to
projects, it becomes important to also actively
manage networks. First, on a teaching level the
teacher follows student learning and personal
curricula, as well as student specific project
advancement and competences. Second, on a project
management level a teacher may manage projects and
project resources. Third, on a network management
level a teacher manages partners and possible partner
registers. “To be able to genuinely and individually
follow and manage the learning of each student is no
easy task” (p. 12). A forth level for teachers to
manage, may be considered being the level of co-
creation. Ruoslahti (2017) notes that a value network
that aims at the co-creation of knowledge and its
cooperation platforms, which may be electronic or
traditional, require facilitation by the teacher, in order
to achieve the active stakeholder participation, which
is needed to co-create knowledge and innovation.
“Active and open collaboration is the key to
successful co-creation.” (p. 14).
Cost-effective highly interactive higher education
level learning can be achieved, when partners
collaborate to first define a problem worth their
combined efforts, and then they develop dialogues
with their strategic partners to improve knowledge
sharing and develop collaborative processes. The
search for opportunities for the mutual benefit of the
partners serves to unlock the talents of the diverse
groups working together in co-creation (Powell,
Doyle (2010) identifies that awareness is needed
to clarify meanings between partners, when
universities’ engage with the regions that they are in.
Complex and pervasive cooperation can promote
economic and social inclusion, and community
development. But there is a need to facilitate this
development of mutual understanding, which calls for
both mutual expectations and a common language, so
that universities may become drivers of creative
Ruoslahti & Hyttinen (2017) promote the creation
of education programs that provide learning
possibilities, which are not tied to time or place.
Flexible approaches enable students across these
collaborative networks to choose a learning
curriculum matching its content to one’s individual
interest. They suggest that a co-created network
community could award higher levels of post post-
graduate and post-doctoral education, with a
specifically defined scope and focus on security, and
safety. “This should provide an opportunity to
experience a multi-disciplinary approach toward
security and safety of activities” (p. 10).
Raij (2014) finds that research and development
projects, which are directly based on real working
life, form a learning environment that motivate
students to develop new ways of action as
competences. The ability and preparedness for both
students and teachers to engage and interact with the
ever changing surrounding society becomes crucial in
building new knowledge and competences. The
impact of changes on the character of learning in
projects was first recognized. This in turn led to the
recognition of the characteristics and stages of the
Learning by Developing action model” (Raij, 2014,
p. 13)
3.1 Case 1: An International Approach
to Leadership in Crisis, Conflicts
and Disasters
The master level higher education “International
Approach to leadership in crisis, conflicts and
disasters” – course (5 credits) at Laurea University of
Applied Sciences was implemented with a strong
integration to European Commission Horizon 2020
funded project IECEU (Improving the Effectiveness
of Capabilities in EU conflict prevention) in the
Autumn 2016. In total, 32 students, a principal
lecturer, a group of lecturers, and three external
experts attended to the implementation process of this
course. The process included planning, execution and
evaluation phases. Most of the learners were adults
with bachelor level knowledge, competences and own
work life experiences. The approaches of adult
education, especially lifelong learning, and Learning
by Developing were used as basis of course
Hybrid learning methods were applied in the
course implementation. Different influences such as
reading (the background material of project
deliverables), watching (video material from the
conflict, crisis and fragile areas), peer discussions
(working groups), self-reflection (learning diaries),
writing (theory together with experiences) in and exit
tests (evaluation) and online learning tools (LMS and
social media) were used as teaching and learning
methods. Finally the grades were given as a
combination of different learning outputs.
The feedback of the students addressed that the
possibility to attend H2020 IECEU project network
community, and be involved in latest research, raised
their motivation towards the external security and
international approach of conflict prevention and
peacebuilding. The external experts working with
crisis management and peacebuilding were seen as
very important figures in receiving the latest
information from the field and future work
employment possibilities.
3.2 Case 2: Humanitarian Aid and
Crisis Management
The master level higher education "Humanitarian Aid
and Crisis Management" course (5 credits) by Laurea
University of Applied Sciences was implemented in
a strong integration with different humanitarian
programs and experiences. Experts have shared their
experiences and discussed with students how to lead
humanitarian work in crisis areas, such as in the
International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC), the
European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in
Georgia, the Organisation for Security, Co-operation
in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission
(SMM) to Ukraine and in Kosovo, and The Finnish
Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT)
peace keeping missions.
Training and deployment of Finnish experts to
humanitarian leadership and management missions
and humanitarian aid was the basis of the study unit.
The process included planning, execution and
evaluation phases. The majority of the learners were
adults with bachelor level knowledge or competences
and strong work life experiences of their own.
Approaches of adult education, such as lifelong
learning, and Learning by Developing (LbD) the
basis of the course implementation. The hybrid
learning methods were applied in the course
Assignments of the master level course were to (1)
raise the awareness in terms of international agencies
and organisations (students picked a national,
regional or international humanitarian aid agency that
they studied further); (2) practical methods giving a
guidance on “packing your “go-pack”; (3) plan an
international humanitarian architecture based on
response need.
The general course feedback of students included
several feedback on motivating learning content and
getting familiar on interesting topic through external
speakers and professionals. This was also identified
as one of the key factor in an individual learning
process. Several earlier adult education research
supports the approach where the motivation of the
learner can be very crucial role in learning process.
3.3 Case 3: Student Integration and
Co-creation of a Guide of Practices
for Greater Social Responsibility
toward Immigrants
Project Antura was a co-creative project, funded by
the Finnish ministry of justice, which involved active
members of an independent citizens forum, area
neighbourhood associations, and active student
integration, based on the learning method Learning
by Developing at the Laurea University of Applied
Sciences (Raij, 2014). The project promoted active
cooperation between area actors, neighbourhood and
immigrant associations, researchers, and students of
both higher education and secondary level
institutions. This was realized in the spirit of open co-
The aim of project Antura was to evaluate the
effects of immigration themed citizens forums,
coordinated by the Greater Leppävaara Citizens’
Forum, a voluntarily coordinated arena for citizens’
participation in Espoo, Finland. Antura’s network
partners co-created forms to smoothen the integration
of immigrants by more open interaction, where all
actors are encouraged to ‘be on the same side’”
(Ruoslahti & Meristö, 2017).
The project was integrated to the Laurea
University of Applied Sciences bachelor level study
unit “Research and Development Methods (5 credit
points) in the fall of 2016. 17 students took the class.
The study unit was in Finnish, so all students were
Finns. The students formed three teams and each team
was responsible, under a student project manager and
senior lecturer supervision, of completing task 2, 3 or
4: student research team observation of the
immigration themed citizens’ forum discussion event,
observation of Finnish language discussion groups at
the local Library, or interviews of local
neighbourhood association representatives,
respectively. The aim of project Antura was to pave
the way to finding best practices, and development
suggestions for a better future with shared vision
towards greater social responsibility and better
integration between people, be they immigrants or
born in Finland. This was also the focus of the student
work completed.
The studies conducted as student integration
promote, on a very practical level, understanding of
the factors that facilitate immigration challenges, and
identify examples of positive co-existence and social
responsibility, while at the same time promoting
higher education level learning. But also the study
unit addressed the main learning objectives of the
study unit, where students are able to choose the
proper methods for development project and give
reasons for these choices, collect empirical data and
analyse it, interpret empirical results, make
conclusions based on empirical results, recognize the
ethical point of view of the research and development
work, and evaluate the reliability and validity of
research. They did all these on a very practical level.
3.4 Case 4: An Integration between
IECEU Project and
“Organisational Management and
An integration process between IECEU project
conceptual framework and security management
programme’s “Organisational management and
leadership” course (5 credits) was implemented in
Laurea UAS from September to December 2016. In
total, a group of 31 students, 3 IECEU project
researchers and 2 course lecturers participated to
integration process.
The IECEU project (funded by the European
Commission H2020 programme) published
multidisciplinary methodological framework for
analysing the effectiveness of the capabilities of EU
crisis management and peacebuilding with use of
comparative methods. The process of collaborative
creation of the conceptual framework included a
workshop of researchers in June 2015. Organisational
theories identifies capabilities as resources and
competences and in the context of IECEU project
research, the researchers apply the six different
capabilities in total. The capabilities were planning
capacity, organisational capacities, interoperability,
competences (skills and knowledge),
comprehensiveness and technologies. The conceptual
framework allows the use in a variety of contexts and
situations because of modularity. (IECEU project,
In terms of piloting the methodology in different
contexts, the conceptual framework of IECEU was
tested by the students in the research studies in
analysing the effectiveness of the capabilities in
private sector organisations. The implementation of
the student research part of integration process
included several steps; (1) Firstly, the IECEU
researcher and lecturers of the course produced in
collaboration a tailored model for bachelor students
with specific research methodology to meet with
course objectives and timespan. (2) Secondly, the
IECEU project researcher participated to teaching
seminar in the early phase of course implementation
in order to understand the course setting and
objectives in practice as well as to build the trust
among the students, lecturers and project. (3) Thirdly,
the students applied the IECEU conceptual
framework (incl. mixed methods such as interviews
and surveys in selected organisation) in their specific
course study in analysing the effectiveness of
capabilities in selected private sector organisation. (4)
Fourthly, the guidance was given twice a month in
small student group workshops by lecturers and
IECEU project researchers. These collaborative
workshops implemented the co-creation between
students (=peers), lecturers and researchers (=were
seen in a role of mentors). (5) Finally, the students
introduced their findings of their research studies in
seminar in order to ensure knowledge sharing, raising
the presenting skills as well as receiving the feedback.
The students gained competences how to apply a
research concept and different research methods
(interviews, surveys, desk research) practically.
Finally, the use of IECEU conceptual framework in
student research task ensured the possibility to
compare the findings. From the learning perspective,
the students gained especially professional research
skills and competences. An integration of higher
education with work life is seen crucial especially for
polytechnic and applied sciences. Therefore, the
connections and activities between students and work
life representatives can bring added value for learning
and reaching the set goals. The implementation of
IECEU Conceptual Framework in student task
enabled real life contacts with work life
representatives in different private sector
organisations. The research competences of the
students were seen rather limited in bachelor level
studies. Therefore the implementation of research
concepts from H2020 projects was required a tailor-
made guidance for the course participants.
In order to ensure systematic approaches in the
integration, the students, lectures and researchers
identified challenges in piloting the IECEU
conceptual framework in student research. The
guidance by researchers and lecturers was seen
crucial to ensure the progress of research process.
Students identified challenges in finding joint time
among each other, whereas the project management
skills were seen crucial in the implementation of the
task. Students also felt collaborative practices with
researcher raising their motivation and involvement
to larger research communication. As a conclusion,
the integration process was time consuming and the
tailoring of IECEU framework to meet with bachelor
student course objectives required several
collaborative interaction cycles among researchers
and lecturers. The process reached the set goals and
student work reports gained valuable findings also for
the H2020 research project. The IECEU project also
met one of its dissemination goals to integrate key
research findings to higher education.
The successful integration of research and projects to
higher education programs and courses is seen to
raise the motivation of students towards the learning
topics and themes. A good motivation can help reach
the set learning objectives as well as increases the
knowledge creation within the topic. Group and
community level learning can raise the socio-
constructivism in life-long learning. Integration
should be embedded with a systematic approach
where the research will primarily benefit the learning
objectives and later, if needed, can influence towards
the process of development of courses and programs
in higher education. The integration of international
research projects to higher education may benefit the
level of knowledge when the external experts are
giving lectures and provide current research results
for bachelor and master level students. A research
project can be a very useful platform for knowledge
creation and the students get opportunities to access
larger expert communities. Integrating project tasks
with studies serves both project and curriculum goals
very well. The co-creative approach involves
students, teachers, citizens, and outside experts
creating shared excitement and commitment. This in
turn facilitates reaching these shared goals.
At the same time, there have been challenges in
the integration of research projects and work life to
higher education studies in the context of
international security. The integration does not often
follow systematic processes and it often requires
time-consuming collaborative practices among
lecturers, researchers, work life representatives and
students. Moreover, the integration may need to apply
of new methods and strategies for the teaching in
collaborative activities. These activities may be time-
consuming although they may serve better in
problem-based and constructivist learning processes.
It was also identified that online tools are only used
as one method during course implementation. The
online implementation still happens mainly in
information sharing between lecturer and students
and social media tools were not actively used part of
learning practices by the institution.
The implementation of integration of work-life
and research requires that the educator has
competences to facilitate blended learning activities.
The role of networking in projects is much greater
than in the traditional teaching paradigm, where the
teacher mainly shares one’s knowledge with the
students. The implementation of integration of work-
life and research requires that the educator becomes a
guide and facilitator to ways of finding and creating
The case studies identified that the integration
practices may include both, content and competence
related, learning taxonomies. The case studies
showed that the awareness of professional knowledge
finally led to analysing and producing professional
knowledge in constructive frames as required EQF7-
8 levels. Overall, the integration between research,
work life and education requires new systematic
collaboration skills and competences among
personnel in higher education. As a final result, based
on the literature review (Ruoslahti, 2017) and the
findings of the case studies presented in this paper,
the model of innovative learning environment in
order to facilitate integration between research, work
and higher education studies in the international
security studies with actors and practices was created.
The purpose of the model is also to meet with
European Qualification Framework (EQF) standards
and lifelong learning practices in the integration
The model identifies the key actors, practices and
sets requirements to key competences to facilitate the
innovative learning environment in integration
between research, work life and higher education.
The key actors identified are 1) Educators, teachers
and lecturers, 2) Researchers and project
professionals, 3) Work life representatives and
professionals, 4) International higher education
students which are already enrolled for Higher
Education Institute (HEI). The systematic practices in
integration were found out as 1) traditional face-to-
face lecturing, seminars and workshops, 2)
knowledge creation through collaborative expert
groups among students as peers, mentors and
professionals, 3) guidance and mentoring, 4)
documented inputs and outputs (e.g. assignments), 5)
professional knowledge and information sharing in
online setting, 6) professional knowledge analysing
and co-creation by students in online setting. The
innovative learning environment requires
competences for facilitating the collaboration among
actors and practices successfully. This study supports
the findings by Ruoslahti, et. al., 2011, who identified
teacher competences needed in project and
networking based learning. A teacher should be able
to understand and manage both learning and the
required collaborative process, but also understand
project management in order to manage the co-
creation process, when integrating teaching into
project work.
The role of higher education is in changing position
and a need for new methods is identified. The
research and development projects may benefit also
with these future needs in co-creation of knowledge
in innovative environments. The integration between
research, work life and higher education supports the
perspectives of lifelong learning in Europe. The
social collaborative practices between higher
education students, researchers, lecturers and work
life representatives ensure constructivism and
effective information sharing among different
communities of interests. The innovative learning
environment may facilitate the experience
possibilities for social constructivism. Jarvis (1998,
p.199) addresses the experience as necessity in
learning process.
It is important to make sure that primarily the
learning objectives of the course or study unit in
question are met. But this not enough, also the work
done on the course or study unit must benefit the
project in some way. This can be reached through
selection of actors and practices in an innovative
learning environment. At the same time, the effective
integration practices have been time-consuming and
require more resources. To support the integration,
the implementation can address systematic process in
an innovative environment but especially it may bring
benefits for different groups and professionals. There
is a growing pressure to higher education teachers’
competences. This shift in teaching and learning
paradigm adds further pressure towards the
management if projects, networks, and co-creation
activities. Furthermore, the professionals
collaborating with higher education and their
institutional professionals must further improve their
knowledge regarding degree and programme
requirements and EQF objectives.
The teaching profession is changing. Teaching
professionals need a more varied set of skills and
competences to manage network-based co-creative
integration. Students need teachers to guide them to
discover learning. Projects provide an excellent basis
for learning. The teacher is required to have the skills
to make this connection between benefitting both the
students learning and the accumulation of knowledge
for the project. The teacher needs competences to
identify what are the best ways to apply this in
practice. One way of making sure that the learning
objectives and project aims meet can be achieved by
setting a specific set of macro learning objectives for
the integration tasks. One possible direction to further
enhance students’ learning could be to encourage
them to publish as part of professional knowledge
creation. As it is now students produce a variety of
different level research papers, such thesis.
Institutions could develop paths, where these papers
could be further developed into both professional and
academic articles. Teachers can provide the needed
support and if needed be co-authors. Since the higher
education setting requires better practices in online
basis, the use of technology in collaborative
information creation and knowledge sharing must be
addressed. The technology may benefit different
groups and brings new tools for social activities. The
use of social media and open source tools should be
better piloted and studied especially among
international security professionals and other
communities of interest. Universities should follow
and foster closely at the networks that they have. Just
as one example, Laurea University of Applied
Sciences is implementing a Partner Relationship
Management (PRM) System as online tool for
network management. With PRM students and
teachers will have a better access to the university
contacts and the university can better follow and
quantify the network contacts made and facilitate
their online connections.
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