ETL4Social-Data: Modeling Approach for Topic Hierarchy
Afef Walha
, Faiza Ghozzi
and Faïez Gargouri
MIRACL Laboratory, Sfax, Tunisia
Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: ETL, Social Data Warehouse, BPMN, Modeling, Topic Detection.
Abstract: Transforming social media data into meaningful and useful information to enable more effective decision-
making is nowadays a hot topic for Social Business Intelligence (SBI) systems. Integrating such data into
Social Data Warehouse (SDW) is in charge of ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) which are the
typical processes recognized as a complex combination of operations and technologies that consumes a
significant portion of the DW development efforts. These processes become more complex when we
consider the unstructured social sources. For that, we propose an ETL4Social modeling approach that
designs ETL processes suitable to social data characteristics. This approach offers specific models to social
ETL operations that help ETL designer to integrate data. A key role in the analysis of textual data is also
played by topics, meant as specific concepts of interest within a subject area. In this paper, we mainly insist
on emerging topic discovering models from textual media clips. The proposed models are instantiated
through Twitter case study. ETL4Social is considered a standard-based modeling approach using Business
Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN). ETL Operations models are validated based on ETL4Social meta-
model, which is an extension of BPMN meta-model.
User generated Content (UGC) are created by users
of a system or service and made available publicly
on that system. UGC most often appears as
supplements to online platforms, such as social
media websites, and may include such content types
as blog posts, wikis, videos, or comments.
Companies and institutions worldwide anticipate
gaining valuable insights from obtaining access to
such data and hope to improve their marketing,
customer services and public relations with the help
of the acquired knowledge. To this point, social
media content has given birth to a novel area of data
analysis, namely social media analysis.
Social media users publish their thoughts,
activities, and interests in the form of text streams to
share them with others in a social network. In this
context, most analysis research has primarily
focused on sentiment analysis and topic extraction
from the text streams. Textual UGC is unstructured
or semi-structured, noisy and informal. Thus, it
needs a semantic enrichment in order to identify as
much features as possible. The social media dataset
can be enriched and extended in many ways offering
a whole new set of analytical aspects to business
SDW modeling is giving more attention to the
UGC which became a key interest for business
owners. The enormous amount of valuable textual
clips must be integrated in Decision Support
Systems (DSS) which have to be adapted to this type
of content. One of the studied issues for this purpose
is the topic discovery from a text stream since the
topics play a crucial role in user search, friend
recommendation, and contextual advertisement. The
topic hierarchy is not similar to traditional
hierarchies regarding their schemata and instances,
which are fluid.
Recently, the emergence of opinion analysis and
topic detection of social data has generated much
interest in DSS research community. Researchers
take care of social data characteristics and propose
semantic analysis solutions. These proposals suggest
transformation methods to integrate social data in
SDW. Furthermore, it is recognized that data
transformation is the key role of ETL processes
which is a very time-consuming step, it takes about
80% of the total time of the decision-making
implementation due to its difficulty and complexity.
Walha A., Ghozzi F. and Gargouri F.
ETL4Social-Data: Modeling Approach for Topic Hierarchy.
DOI: 10.5220/0006588901070118
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 107-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Despite that, researchers did not propose a modeling
of ETL processes covering social data.
The design and the implementation of an ETL
process usually involve the development of very
complex tasks imposing high levels of interaction
with a vast majority of the components of DW
system. Our study is motivated by the fact that the
existing ETL modeling approaches didn’t cover
social activities. This step is complex because Social
ETL (S-ETL) modeling is not limited to standard
operations (e.g. location detection, time detection),
but it integrates semantic processing operations (e.g.
topic discovering, sentiment analysis). The difficulty
with semantic operations is caused by the
dynamicity of social sources and SDW schemas. We
propose for that a conceptual modeling approach,
called ETL4Social which deals with the complexity
of ETL processes in social environment. The main
objective of this paper is the design of S-ETL
operations including extraction, transformation and
loading processes. ETL4Social is considered a
standard-based approach because conceptual
modeling is based on ETL4Social meta-model
which extends BPMN meta-model. The proposed
models are instantiated on Twitter social case study
to be validated.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 reviews some related works
concerning conceptual ETL modeling approaches
and social data integration approaches. Section 3
summarises our proposed modeling approach which
describes Extraction, Transformation and Loading
processes specific to social data. Section 4 details
the ETL4Social operation models, which are
validated through examples correspondent to Twitter
social data. Section 5 presents the meta-model in
which we are based to design social operation
models. Finally, Section 6 gives a conclusion and
some future research perspectives.
Our work focuses on the design of social ETL
processes and the issues that arise when semantic
analysis of social data is adopted for ETL4Social
modeling. To this end, this section presents a review
of recent studies dealing with the conceptual
modeling of ETL processes and the integration of
social data in SDW.
2.1 Conceptual Modeling of ETL
One of the earliest researches on the ETL field was
conducted by (Vassiliadis et al., 2002). The authors
proposed a modeling approach based on a non-
standard graphical formalism. The special notation
devoted to ETL modeling reduces enormously
ambiguities for the designer manipulating the
graphical symbols. It provides customizable and
extensible mechanism so that the designer can enrich
it with his particular patterns. Recently, (Petrovic et
al., 2016) proposed Domain Specific Languages
(DSLs) defining concepts for different aspects
including data and control. The activities in ETL
process represent the actual data operations (i.e., the
data flow), while the control flow represents the
execution order of these activities. The aim of DSLs
is to provide only a minimal set of domain-specific
concepts, with clear and precise semantics, along
with a set of strict rules controlling their usage and
the way in which they can be composed.
Unfortunately, efforts are required to assimilate the
non-standard concepts and their graphical symbols.
ETL conceptual modeling approaches have been
also proposed based on the Unified Modeling
Language (UML). (Trujillo and Luján-Mora, 2003)
approach extends the class diagram by new UML
profiles to allow modeling of ETL operations. Still,
(Trujillo and Luján-Mora, 2003) represents multiple
important aspects, such as ETL constraints, filters,
and data mapping, as UML notes where no
restriction on their content is imposed. Despite the
advantage of this approach to offer a decomposition
of complex ETL to simple processes, the ETL
modeling using class diagram cannot represent
control flows or temporal restrictions, etc. In
response to this limit, (Muñoz et al., 2008) propose a
dynamic modeling based on UML activity diagram,
which offer a dynamic aspect considering the
execution order of control flows and temporal
constraints. This approach proposes a decomposition
of ETL processes into simple activities (e.g.
aggregation, filter, conversion, etc.). An activity is
designed by an UML activity diagram. It is
characterized by input and output pin(s), a set of
actions and parameters. Using activity diagram
offers a visual modeling of complex processes and
provides interoperabilities with others schemas.
(Muñoz et al., 2010) prove the efficiency of activity
diagram in representing dynamic aspects of ETL
processes through a set of validation experiments.
To this end, (Mallek et al., 2014) adopt the ETL
design approach proposed in (Muñoz et al., 2008) to
deal with web data. The proposed models are
extended to be suitable to data available on the web
including web logs, web sites and clickstreams, etc.
We notice that the mentioned approaches using
activity diagram have the following advantages:
standard-based, adaptation/extension of UML for
ETL modeling, top-down modeling process. In fact,
an ETL process is represented as UML packages
which enable the ETL process decomposition into
different logical units.
Considering an ETL process as a particular type
of business process, (El Akkaoui and Zimányi,
2009) and (Wilkinson et al., 2010) have adopted the
standard Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN). From the various BPMN symbols, the
authors have proposed a customization that allows
selecting a subset of graphical constructs (e.g., ETL
palette) for designing ETL processes. For the
implementation purpose, the authors have proposed
a mapping process from BPMN to Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL) which enables the
execution of the ETL process. These works were
followed by (El Akkaoui et al., 2012), which
propose a modeling framework based on a meta-
model in the Model Driven Development (MDD)
For the modeling of ETL process, BPMN
notation seems to be a good choice since it can cover
a deficit of communication that often occurs
between the design and implementation of business
process. The ETL modeling solutions based on
BPMN standard are rich enough to cover all ETL
steps. Otherwise, they are not suitable for social data
2.2 Data Integration in Social Data
In the context of SBI, the category of UGC that most
significantly contributes to the decision-making
process in the broadest variety of application
domains is the one coming in the form of textual
clips. Clips can either be messages posted on social
media (such as twitter, facebook, blogs, and forums).
Digging information useful for decision-makers
from textual UGC requires first crawling the web to
extract the clips related to a subject area, then
enriching them in order to emerge opinion
information from the raw text. This issue has
motivated many researchers to propose semantic
enrichment solutions of textual UGC in order to be
ready for decision analysis. Recent approaches
propose frameworks that transform social network
data into meaningful and useful information to
enable more effective decision-making. They
incorporate these data into the existing MD
The majority of approaches establish mappings
between incorporate data and their sources. A recent
approach to integrating BI with sentiment data was
proposed by (García-Moya et al., 2013) where a
corporate DW is enriched with sentiment data from
opinion posts. As a result, sentiment and business
data can be jointly analyzed by means of OLAP
tools. (Berlanga et al., 2015) propose an open and
dynamic framework, where data can be linked to
external sources on demand. They propose a novel
semantic data infrastructure for capturing and
publishing sentiment data to enable SBI. It also
performs automatic extraction of sentiment data
from posts, and their linkage to the infrastructure. As
a result, decision makers will be able to incorporate
opinion related dimensions in their analysis.
Incorporating social opinion data in SDW
modeling require a specific definition and modeling
of Extraction, Transformation and Loading
processes. Modeling such processes is a hot topic for
many researchers that proposed a novel approaches
for transforming the social data to SDW. (Rehman et
al., 2013) describe the process of transforming the
original stream into a set of related multidimensional
cubes and demonstrate how the resulting data
warehouse can be used for solving a variety of
analytical tasks. This approach presents the
implementation level based on multi-layered system
architecture that focuses on the critical stage of
transforming the original stream into a structured
multidimensional dataset consisting of measures and
dimensions. They also elaborated on various options
of enriching the dataset and its structure by means of
derivation, data mining, linking to additional sources
or using external APIs for detecting new features.
(Walha et al., 2016) define a lexicon opinion
analysis approach that extracts informal texts
expressed in the twitter social network, cleans them
and then analyzes them in order to derive their
sentiment polarity which is a dimension in SDW.
This approach proposed a text mining algorithm,
called POLSentiment, based on lexical resources to
firstly extract opinion words and emoticons from the
textual UGC and then analyse it to assign a polarity.
A key role in the analysis of textual UGC is also
played by topics, meant as specific concepts of
interest within a subject area. Several studies
attempted to discover user’s topics of interests from
a text stream since the topics play a crucial role in
user search, friend recommendation, and contextual
advertisement. (Shin et al., 2014) study a problem of
detecting the topics of long-term steady interests to a
user from a text stream, considering its dynamic and
social characteristics, and propose a graph-based
topic extraction model. In this model, a topic is
represented by a term in a social text stream, and
refer to the term representing a long-term persistent
topic of interest as a PT (persistently topical) term.
PT term is useful in user search, friend suggestion,
tag recommendation, and contextual advertisement
in microblogging services. The proposed model
discovers the PT terms by utilizing the information
of topically or socially similar streams based on a
graph-based ranking model.
Users are interested in knowing people opinions
regarding a specific topic. But, an analysis over the
reputation of a single topic is not sufficient to get a
clear idea about the global mood. Thus, decision
makers need to aggregate different topics according
to several criteria for performing efficient analysis.
Obviously, topics became a dimension in a Social BI
multidimensional cube. In order to enable the
aggregation of topics belonging to different levels, a
topic hierarchy should be defined. However, this
topic hierarchy is not similar to regular hierarchies
in terms of their irregularity, dynamicity as well as
the existing semantic relationships between topics.
Hence, creating this topic hierarchy is a challenging
task for the ETL team. (Gallinucci et al., 2013)
stated that a topic hierarchy can be approached in the
form of an ontology that should follow a well-
defined structure, which contains a complete list of
topics, their relationships, as well as their
corresponding levels. For instance, the topic
“Apple” is referring the level “Brand”. In
(Gallinucci et al, 2013), authors are focused on topic
hierarchies and their effective modeling.
We notice that the above-mentioned approaches
are high expressive to model topic hierarchies based
on same specific requirements: heterogeneity and
dynamicity of topic classification. Despites these
advantages, ETL activities that describe the
execution order of topic detection processes from
text stream to topic hierarchy attributes are not
modeled. This paper addresses this issue and
proposes a conceptual modeling of ETL operations
that focus on topic hierarchy building.
ETL modeling approaches above-reviewed in
section 2.1 provide very interesting models.
Otherwise, they are not adapted to social data
characteristics. The objective of ETL4Social data
modeling approach is to extend the proposed models
by semantic enrichment specific to textual social
data sources. In this work, we focus on ETL
modeling of the dynamic topic hierarchy.
3 ETL4Social-Data MODELING
Social data are unstructured and heterogeneous in
comparison with business data sources. Due to these
data characteristics, existing ETL operations cannot
be used by ETL designers to map social sources into
SDW. This problem requires the redefinition of
Extraction, Transformation and Loading processes.
ETL4Social modeling approach reply to this need
through social operations design.
3.1 Overview of ETL4Social Modeling
ETL4Social modeling helps ETL designers to
correctly use the adequate social operations
resolving the problem of complexity related to social
data. This complexity is due to the integration of
unstructured, informal and heterogeneous opinion
data extracted from social network sources (e.g.
The asset of ETL4Social-Data is the definition
and modeling of extraction, transformation and
social operations applied on SDS in order to be
loaded into the SDW. Figure 1 shows an overview
of the proposed approach. It is organized in four
main processes: media clips crawling, data
preprocessing, social ETL (S-ETL) operations
modeling and data loading.
Social networks hold a huge volume of data
about many topics of interests related to diverse
contexts of study. To keep only valuable information
replying to a specific study context, the data
crawling step is realized by crawling services based
on a set of keywords describing the ETL designer
requirements. During this step, useless media clips
data such as very short or non-English text clips
should to be also discarded before their storing in the
Data Staging Area (DSA).
In traditional ETL processes, the extraction step
is followed by transformation of data sources to DW
elements. In social environment, media clips are a
user generated content (exp. tweet text) that may be
informal and unstructured. So, the crawling of media
clips must be followed by a preprocessing step that
defines a set of cleaning operations specific to social
data. Among these operations, some are standard,
which are approved by many research communities,
and others are specific to semantic analysis
objectives. For example, cleaning operations before
topic detection differ from those defined before
sentiment polarity detection. At this point,
preprocessed media clips data stored in the DSA are
ready to the next step: Transformation.
The transformation process is realized through
the execution of a set of operations. This process is
defined by transformation rules that map data
sources to SDW. Existing ETL approaches designed
standard transformation operations which are not
adapted to social data characteristics and not deal
with semantic analysis aspect. In ETL4Social, two
types of social operations are proposed: (1) standard
and (2) semantic. In type (1), only data stored in
DSA are used to determine SDW elements.
Otherwise, type (2) uses other external resources
(e.g. domain ontology) to semantically enrich data
sources in order to be transformed into target data
(e.g. topic detection, semantic polarity).
The final process of our approach is the loading
of data into SDW. It consists on data verification
steps before its insertion in the SDW.
Figure 1: Overview of ETL4Social Modeling Approach.
The literature indicates that the BPMN standard
is well adapted to model ETL activities. Also, it
allows covering a deficit of communication that
often occurs between the design and implementation
of business processes. We choose this standard to
design social extraction, transformation and loading
operations as business processes.
3.2 Definition of DWB Schema from
Social Sources: Case of Twitter
In the literature, many approaches are interested to
decision analysis of twitter social data and they
propose many multidimensional views of twitter
SDW schema. These schemas were designed based
on the Twitter Data Warehouse schema presented in
(Rehman et al., 2013). In this schema, TweetFact
and UserFact are defined as facts according the
dimensions Time, Date, Tweet, and User.
A tweet object is known as the basic atomic
building block of all things in Twitter. Tweet is also
known as a “status update”. In fact, it is a message
which may include texts, links, photos, or videos,
that may be embedded, replied to, liked, or deleted.
Thus, a tweet may be a rich source of information
through which users express their feelings and
opinions on every topic of interest. A tweet object
stores several data fields that can be assigned
directly or by semantic enrichment as fact/measures,
dimensions or dimensional hierarchies. We think on
extending the described twitter DW schema by
semantic analysis elements. This enrichment
integrates semantic attributes specific to new
analytical aspects including sentiment analysis,
study context and topics of interest. Figure 2 shows
the resulted semantic twitter SDW schema, in which
SentimentDim, ContextDim and TopicDim are
defined as semantic dimensions attached to the
analysis subject TweetFact. SentimentDim
attributes contains information about tweet
sentiment (e.g. high positive, positive, low positive)
and its polarity, i.e. positive, negative or neutral.
ContextDim attributes are related to the context of
study and its relevance. As shown in our proposed
semantic twitter SDW schema, TopicDim is
different from other dimensions. It is presented
without attributes because it has dynamic hierarchy
structures that can be designed according to the
study context specified by ETL designer (Gallinucci
et al., 2013).
Semantic dimension attributes are derived by the
execution of ETL operations on the textual social
data source. Due to the unstructured and informal
texts available in social networks, their extraction,
transformation and loading into SDW attributes is a
complex task. Our objective is to define social ETL
operations. In this paper, we insist mainly on those
specific to topic dimension attributes and
hierarchies. This work is an extension of our
previous work (Walha et al., 2016), which describes
a lexicon approach that determines sentiment
Figure 2: Multidimensional schema for Twitter SDW.
dimension attributes. ETL4Social operations will be
detailed in the next section.
ETL4Social-Data handles the modeling of ETL
operations applied on SDS in order to be loaded into
the SDW. These operations deals with data crawling
from social sources (e.g. twitter). Data crawling is
realized according to the analysis context (e.g.
internet technology), which is specified by ETL
designer. Data sources are then cleaned by means of
preprocessing tasks. To be adapted to SDW, a set of
standard and semantic ETL operations are applied
on data. Finally, they are loaded into the SDW.
4.1 Extract Media Clips Data
This process aims to crawl the web for media clips
extraction according to the analysis domain
specified by ETL designer. Based on keywords
related to the study context, a set of queries are then
formulated and sent to web crawlers, whose goal is
to retrieve media clips in the scope of the subject
area. As response to these queries, we obtain a huge
number of media clips. Otherwise, these data may
include a set of useless media clips, which will be
discarded before its storing in the DSA. Figure 3
summarizes media clips crawling operation tasks:
query formulation, query execution, discarding
useless clips and saving.
Figure 3: BPMN Model of Media Clips Crawling
Example: Twitter Statuses Crawling is the Media
Clips Crawling operation for twitter. Twitter
Streaming API is a social crawler used to search for
ETL designer queries, a list of statuses that could
store information about user, his friends and
followers, tweets published by a user, geo-location
and date information, etc. The crawling results may
store useless information. At this level, we offer to
ETL designer tasks that allow him to discard useless
statuses. Useless Data Removing activity is
presented in figure 3 by a BPMN subprocess
element. Figure 4 depicts some tasks including
discard retweet statuses or those having very short or
non-English text. The semi-structured statuses are
then transformed into a structured form and then
stored in the DSA.
Figure 4: BPMN Expanded Subprocess for Discarding
Uselss Statuses Activity.
4.2 Preprocessing of Media Clips Data
Detection valuable semantic information from
unstructured and informal text requires its cleaning.
Preprocessing is a crucial step before performing
any standard or semantic processing.
According to the literature, the majority of
preprocessing techniques applied on formal text
insist mainly on cleaning tasks, i.e. remove diacritics
(e.g. accents, unknown characters), URLs, and
punctuations and stops words, etc. Otherwise, UGC
available on social data is informal and may contain
other information that may later cause problems in
semantic detection process. For preprocessing
operation of social data clips, the existing cleaning
techniques are insufficient and should be extended
by other tasks according to ETL modeling
objectives. Media Clips Preprocessing operation is
then summarized by the following tasks: Get text
field, clean text, remove useless data and save
preprocessed text. Figure 5 depicts the generic
BPMN model specific to this operation.
Example: Tweet Preprocessing Operation before
Topic Detection. In order to transform a tweet text
into topics in the SDW, we apply the well-known
existing cleaning techniques on the tweet text
followed by the removing of opinion words, their
modifiers and emoticons, which are useless for topic
detection. Figure 6 illustrates the tweet text
preprocessing tasks before topic analysis process.
The preprocessing steps of textual media clips
provide structured information enriched by semantic
data. The following section details transformation
operations in order to reach SDW elements.
Figure 5: BPMN Model for Media Clips Preprocessing
Figure 6: BPMN Model for Tweet Preprocessing
Operation before Topic Detection.
4.3 ETL4Social Data Transformation
Transforming data from their social sources to the
correspondent DWB elements is a complex task.
This complexity increases when we think about
transforming social text, considering their dynamic
and informal characteristics into semantic
dimensions. In this section, we detail the definition
and modeling of data transformation operations
specific to ETL4Social modeling. Operations are
distinguished into standard and semantic operations.
Standard means applying atomic or composite
transformation rules on data sources to be associated
to SDW. For this transformation type, input data are
sufficient to determine the target elements.
Otherwise, semantic operations are determined by
using external resources including domain ontology,
and lexical dictionary, which ensure the semantic
enrichment of SDS in order to handle SDW opinion
elements, such as sentiment polarity and topics.
4.3.1 Standard Operations
The objective of standard operation is to map data
sources fields to SDW elements. We propose a
definition and modeling of standard operations
specific to social data.
Social Standard Transformation operation
aims to associate each stored status fields into the
correspondent SDW attribute(s) without the use of
external resources. It starts by getting input field(s)
and output attribute(s), which are already defined in
the correspondence table (CT), ensures the mapping
of data sources to the target attributes based on a set
of transformation rules and finally it inserts data in
the DSA. These steps are shown in figure 7 as the
succession of the following activities: get input
field(s), get output attribute(s), field-attribute
mapping and data insertion.
Figure 7: BPMN model for Social Standard
Transformation Operation.
Example: Determine Tweet Popularity is a social
standard transformation operation. It is applied on
tweet text field (source) to determine the values of
TweetDim attributes: rankScoreT and
popularityT. These attributes are absent in the
source table (tweet). To detect their values, we
define a set of tasks applied on tweet text. Figure 8
details the execution order of these tasks. The value
of rank is then calculated based on favoriteCount,
and retweetsCount values following the score
formula (1). According to the resulted score, the
popularity (pop) is derived based on a set of criteria
defined in (Rehman et al., 2013). rank and pop are
respectively associated to rankScoreT and
popularityT attributes of the dimension tweetDim.
rankScore= RetweetCount80+FavoriteCount20
Figure 8: BPMN Model for DetermineTweetPopularity
4.3.2 Semantic Operations
Textual clips available in social data sources are
unstructured in comparison to structured fields in
business data sources, but it can provide valuable
semantic opinion information. In twitter SDW
(figure 2), we have three semantic dimensions:
ContextDim, TopicDim and SentimentDim. These
dimensions data are determined from tweet text,
after applying semantic transformation operations.
Semantic_Social_Mapping is a transformation
operation that occurs when we want to associate
semantic data derived from input text to semantic
dimensions attributes. These data are determined by
querying external resources, like domain ontologies,
dictionaries, etc. Semantic_Social_Mapping is
modeled by the following activities (presented in
figure 9):
Get input text
Get dimension attributes
Semantic enrichment: clips enrichment is
realized through asking external resources, which
detect semantic information of the input text.
Semantic social mapping: applying
transformation rules that determine the instances
of dimension attributes.
Data insertion: associate the obtained data to the
correspondent attributes
In this paper, we propose to define and model the
main Semantic Social Mapping operations of the
dimension TopicDim, which is a dynamic
dimension (as described in section 3.2) in
comparison to other semantic dimensions. Indeed,
many possible hierarchies may be defined in
topicDim. The absence of this dimension attributes
in twitter SDW schema is justified by their variation
from one study context to another one. For example,
in a commercial context, attributes may be company,
product, type product, category product, etc. In
politic context, none of those attributes mean
anything. In this case, a topic may be people or
political event, etc.
Figure 9: BPMN Model of Semantic Social Mapping
Topic Semantic Social Mapping starts by
entities detection. After studying the existing
platforms, we choose Thomson Reuters Open Calais
service (Calais, 2016), which is sophisticated to
automatically analyze and tags input text to pinpoint
relevant data contained within the text, including
products, people, companies, political events, city
and country. Topic detection is followed by entities
data transformation in order to be affected to
topicDim attributes, which are based on a Topic
Correspondence Table (TCT). Its role is to associate
each entities field to its correspondent attribute in
the SDW. Table 1 is TCT example that enumerates
some detected entities specific to the context
“internet technology” and their correspondent
elements in topicDim.
In the following, we will detail
Semantic_Social_Mapping transformation
operations for two examples of Topic hierarchies:
Product_Brand and Product_Category.
Table 1: TCT example for “internet_technology” context.
Entity Field SDW Attribute Example
productName Produc
“iphone 5”
productType Type “Electronics”
companyName Brand “Apple”
operatingSystem Operating system “Paris”
Example 1: Topic Semantic_Social_Mapping for
the hierarchy “Product_Brand”.
According to the hierarchy definition proposed in
(Gallinucci et al., 2013), Product_Brand hierarchy is
defined as follows:
Hierarchy Name: Product_Brand
Levels={Product, Brand} with Product>Brand
Relation(Product, Brand, hasBrand)
BPMN model specific to Topic
Semantic_Social_Mapping (figure 10) illustrates
the execution order of tasks specific to the hierarchy
Product_Brand. The first step is to determine from
TCT the entity fields correspondent to
Product_Brand attributes, i.e., product and brand.
According to these fields, a query is then
formulated. OpenCalais service executes this query
and returns a list of entities. Tables 2 and 3
respectively enumerate entities examples specific to
“product” and “company” types for the study sub-
context “smartphone”. The next step consists on
realizing the mapping between entity fields and
hierarchy attributes. For Product_Brand hierarchy,
the principle is to search for each product type its
correspondent company name, by querying DBpedia
ontology. Yet, if the relation “hasBrand” exists
between productName and companyName instances,
the join between the two entities product and
company is recommended. Finally, the next step is
the mapping between entity fields and
Product_Brand hierarchy attributes. ProductName
and companyName are respectively mapped to the
attributes Product and Brand.
Table 2: Examples of entities of type product.
EntityName EntityType ProductType
iphone 5 Produc
galaxy J7
Product Electronics
nokia 3 Produc
Figure 10: BPMN model for Semantic Social Mapping for Product_Brand.
Table 3: Examples of entities of type company.
EntityName EntityType FullName
apple Company apple Inc.
samsung Company
samsung electronics
otorola Company motorola solutions, Inc.
Example 2: Topic Semantic Social Mapping for
the hierarchy “Product_Category”. The
Product_category hierarchy is defined as follows:
Hierarchy Name: Product_category
Levels={Product, Category, Type} with
Product>Category, Category>Type.
Relation{R1, R2}:
R1{(Product, Category), hasCategory}
R2{(Category, Type), isOfType}
The goal of Semantic Social Mapping of
Product_category is to associate data detected from
tweet text to Product_category attributes. The
BPMN model proposed for this operation is
illustrated in figure 11. As in the example 1, it starts
by detecting product entities. Table 2 mentions
instances of products. As input, a product is
characterized by its name and its type. For the
Product_category, a product is characterized by
three parameter levels, i.e., product, Category and
Type. Table 4 mentions some instances of the
product_category hierarchy table.
Semantic_Social_Mapping for the
Product_category aims to realize the mapping
between instances mentioned in table 2 (source) and
those of table 4 (target). By way of comparison
between contents of the two tables, it may be noted
that Category information is absent in the first one.
This information may be stored in a domain
ontology and accessible by applying the relation R1,
i.e., hasCategory, to the productName. The resulted
value is associated to the parameter InterCat. Then,
R2, i.e. isOfType, is then verified between InterCat
and ProductType. In case of existence, the mappings
between productName and product, InterCat and
Category, productType and Type are then permitted.
Figure 11: BPMN Modeling of Semantic Social Mapping
for Product_category.
Table 4: Example of Product_category hierarchy table.
Product Category Type
iphone 5 smartphone electronics
ipad tablet_compute
samsung galaxy J7 smartphone electronics
oto 5 smartphone electronics
ETL4Social data is a set of Extraction,
Transformation and Loading processes applied on
social data to reach SDW. A process is composed of
data operations. In the previous sections,
ETL4Social operations are modelled by BPMN
diagrams. Figure 12 depicts the meta-model for ETL
processes, which extends BPMN 2.0 meta-model. A
BPMN diagram is designed by BPMN base elements
that are classified into Flow objects, Connecting
objects, Swimlane and Artifacts (BPMN, 2011).
ETL4Social operations are modelled by
succession of activities started by a start event and
finalized by end event. Activities are categorized
into atomic and compound. An atomic activity (e.g.
map, convert, join, etc.) are presented as task in
BPMN diagram. Otherwise, a compound activity
(e.g. Discarding Useless Clips defined in figure 3) is
illustrates by a sub-process, which is an Activity that
encapsulates a Process that is in turn modeled by
Activities, Gateways, Events, and Sequence
Flows. In ETL4Social operations models, activities
are inter-related through sequence flows. A
Sequence Flow is used to show the order in which
activities will be performed in a process. Many
sequence flows may be related to an activity. The
gateway is then used to control the divergence and
convergence of sequence flows in an operation
process. Thus, it may determine branching, forking,
merging, and joining of paths. Gateway internal
markers indicate the type of behaviour control,
including parallel, exclusive, inclusive, based-event,
and complex gateways. During the execution of an
ETL4Social operation activity, events are something
that may happen during. These Events affect the
flow of the model and usually have a cause (trigger)
or an impact (result). There are three of events: start,
beginning and end.
In ETL4Social operation, processes often require
data in order to be executed. In addition they may
produce data during or as a result of execution. Data
requirements are captured as Data Inputs and Data
Outputs. In addition to these two types, Data may
be data object or data store. Data Objects are the
primary construct for modeling data within the
process flow. Data Store (e.g. domain ontology)
provides a mechanism for activities to retrieve or
update stored information that will persist beyond
the scope of the process. Data are associated to
activities through Data association elements, which
are connecting objects. Another type of connecting
object is association that links information and
artefacts with BPMN graphical elements.
In this work, we are interested to model ETL
operations specific to social environment in which
social data are unstructured and informal. This
approach offers to ETL designer the opportunity to
easily integrate social data into SDW.
ETL modeling is based on the explicit
knowledge stored in the design step. The
ETL4Social data processes modeling as detailed in
this paper greatly minimize the complexity and the
time allocated to the implementation of extraction,
transformation and loading of social operations.
As compared to existing methods which integrate
social data in SDW, the power of ETL4Social
approach is demonstrated by the proposed generic
models that illustrate a succession of operations
related to extraction, transformation and loading of
text stream to be integrated in semantic dimensions
including topic dimension, sentiment and context
Taking into account the complexity of ETL
processes, the various aspects of ETL processes
(control flow, data flow) should be modeled
separately. We aim to handle ETL4Social processes
as a combination of control and data processes,
where control processes manage the coarse-grained
groups of tasks and/or sub-processes, and data
processes operate at finer granularity, detailing how
input data are transformed and output data are
ETL4Social-Data handles the modeling of ETL
operations applied on social data sources in order to
be loaded into the SDW having static elements. Yet,
a SDW schema may contain dimensions having
dynamic and fluid structures such as the topic
dimension presented in the twitter case study. In the
near future, we aim to propose an ETL4Social-
schema that ensures the conceptual modeling of ETL
operations dealing with SDW schema
Figure 12: Class Diagram of ETL4Social Operations Meta-Model.
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