HybQA: Hybrid Deep Relation Extraction for Question Answering on
Reham Mohamed, Nagwa El-Makky and Khaled Nagi
Department of Computer and Systems Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Question Answering, Relation Extraction, Linked Data.
Question Answering over knowledge-based data is one of the most important Natural Language Processing
tasks. Despite numerous efforts that have been made in this field, it is not yet in the mainstream. Question
Answering can be formulated as a Relation Extraction task between the question focus entity and the expected
answer. Therefore, it requires high accuracy to solve a dual problem where the relation and answer are un-
known. In this work, we propose a HybQA, a Hybrid Relation Extraction system to provide high accuracy
for the Relation Extraction and the Question Answering tasks over Freebase. We propose a hybrid model that
combines different types of state-of-the-art deep networks that capture the relation type between the question
and the expected answer from different perspectives and combine their outputs to provide accurate relations.
We then use a joint model to infer the possible relation and answer pairs simultaneously. However, since Re-
lation Extraction might still be prone to errors due to the large size of the knowledge-base corpus (Freebase),
we finally use evidence from Wikipedia as an unstructured knowledge base to select the best relation-answer
pair. We evaluate the system on WebQuestions data and show that the system achieves a statistical significant
improvement over the existing state-of-the-art models and provides the best accuracy which is 57%.
With the massive increase of structured data on the
web, as Freebase, DBpedia, Yago, etc, these data
sources can be considered one of the most impor-
tant and accurate sources of information to serve
users’ needs. However, querying these knowledge-
based (KB) sources requires query languages such as
SPARQL, which is difficult for an ordinary user to
use. Therefore, there is a great need of providing ac-
curate natural-language question answering systems
to answer users questions over structured knowledge-
based data. Generally, natural languages are complex
and ambiguous, where there are no specific rules or
terminology is restricted on the users. Moreover, nat-
ural languages are more prone to human errors, such
as: grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes.
This makes the problem of understanding and answer-
ing natural language questions more challenging and
requires many steps to account for these challenges.
Recently, a lot of systems have emerged to pro-
vide Question Answering (QA) over structured and
unstructured data. Unstructured QA systems such as:
(Cui et al., 2005; Kaisser, 2012; Abdelnasser et al.,
2014) are text-based systems where there are no re-
stricted rules on the arrangement of data. These sys-
tems depend on Information Retrieval (IR) techniques
to extract answers. While structured question answer-
ing systems such as: (Jain, 2016; Yih et al., 2015; Xu
et al., 2016) depend on structured data sources and
relational networks such as: DBpedia (Auer et al.,
2007), Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008), etc.
A structured knowledge-based question answer-
ing system is complex because it relies on other NLP
techniques. Mainly, structured QA can be divided
into two stages: (1) Question Analysis and (2) An-
swer Retrieval. Furthermore, the question analysis
can be subdivided into other NLP problems, such
as: text parsing, part-of-speech tagging (POS), depen-
dency parsing, named-entity tagging, relation extrac-
tion, among others. The retrieval stage concerns with
translating the extracted information from the ques-
tion into a query language (as SPARQL) to retrieve
the answer from the knowledge-base. This hierarchi-
cal chain of NLP stages causes more error propaga-
tion in the final output which contributes to more ob-
stacles for accurate QA systems.
In this work, we focus on improving the accu-
racy of Relation Extraction (RE) for providing accu-
rate structured question answering. In order to pro-
Mohamed R., M. El-Makky N. and Nagi K.
HybQA: Hybrid Deep Relation Extraction for Question Answering on Freebase.
DOI: 10.5220/0006589301280136
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 128-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vide a KB question answering, we need to construct
a query with a focus entity that is mentioned in the
question and a relation between this entity and the ex-
pected answer in the form of (e, r, ?). However, in this
scheme relation extraction is more complex because
one entity is missing and only information about it is
available such as: the answer type. This leads to a
dual problem where the answer entity and the rela-
tion are missing. Some efforts have been proposed
to solve this dual problem, such as: (Xu et al., 2016)
which provided a new system for question answering
over Freebase (FB) by extracting the relation between
the question and the unknown answer using evidence
from the question itself. The extracted relations are
jointly detected with the entities in the question to pre-
dict a FB query to retrieve the answer.
We introduce HybQA a Hybrid-Deep Relation Ex-
traction based system for Question Answering over
Freebase. The system builds on previous efforts made
in structured question answering (Xu et al., 2016) and
proposes a new Hybrid Relation Extraction technique
which combines different features to improve the ac-
curacy of Relation Extraction. Our system builds sev-
eral RE classifiers based on different types of features.
Each classifier is built using a suitable Deep Network
type with the parameters that best fit with these fea-
tures. The outputs of these classifiers are then com-
bined using a Hybrid Relation Ranker based on the
accuracy of each classifier. Our goal is to mimic dif-
ferent human judgements of relations between entities
by using Relation Extractors based on different varia-
tions of NNs.
More precisely, first the entities in the question are
detected. Then for each entity the system extracts the
most suitable relation between this entity and the ex-
pected answer. In order to extract this relation, Hy-
bQA builds three RE classifiers that use Lexical, Sen-
tential and Dependency parse features. The classi-
fiers are built using Convolution and Recursive Neural
Networks. Each classifier works independently and
in parallel with the other classifiers to extract the topk
relations that could be represented by the question and
the unknown answer. The Hybrid Relation Ranker
then combines the outputs of the classifiers by rank-
ing the extracted relations using linear weights based
on the classifier accuracy. The final output of the re-
lation extraction module is a list of k ranked relations.
The ranked list resulting from the RE module is
then fed to the rest of HybQA to provide a final answer
to the input question from Freebase. First, the list is
inferred with the entities in the question using Joint
Inference, resulting in a set of ranked entity-relation
pairs. Finally, the best entity-relation pair is selected
using a Wikipedia Inference module, which extracts
the answer using lexical based search in Wikipedia
We evaluate HybQA using the WebQuestions data.
Our results show that our hybrid RE approach outper-
forms the single RE classifier. We also show that the
accuracy of our overall QA system is 57% which is
better than the state-of-the-art QA systems.
In summary, the contributions of this paper are as
1. Addressing the structured-QA problem by
proposing a new Relation Extraction technique
that aims to mimic different human opinions
about the relation type by combining different
types of features in three parallel Deep Networks,
then integrate their outputs to reach one ranked
list of relations.
2. Integration of the new RE scheme with the
structured-based Question Answering framework
to provide HybQA system, which processes natu-
ral questions and extracts candidate answer triples
from Freebase, then uses text-based information
retrieval to select the best candidate.
3. Implementation and evaluation of HybQA us-
ing WebQuestions data and comparison with the
state-of-the-art systems, showing that HybQA
provides the best answering on this data (57%).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 shows some of the related work to our system.
Section 3 shows the corpora used in our system. Sec-
tion 4 shows the details of the system architecture. In
Section 5, we show the results of the system evalua-
tion. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6.
Several attempts to solve the Question Answering
problem have been proposed in literature. Over the
years, QA has been of the main focus of NLP re-
search due to its importance in the semantic web. QA
systems can be divided into structured and unstruc-
tured systems. Unstructured systems are QA systems
which try to solve questions against unstructured data
sources, such as Wikipedia. In (Ravichandran and
Hovy, 2002), question answering is done by retriev-
ing information from textual data using surface text
patterns. (Iyyer et al., 2014) uses RNNs to answer
factoid questions over textual paragraphs. Some sys-
tems use semi-structured data sources, such as (Ryu
et al., 2014) which uses some sources of Wikipedia,
including article content, infoboxes, article structure,
On the other hand, structured-based QA systems
tend to answer user questions over structured linked
data sources, as DBpedia, Freebase, etc. These data
sources are usually formulated as triplets of two en-
tities and a relationship between them (e
, e
, r). Re-
cently, many approaches have been proposed in the
structured QA domain. (Zhu et al., 2015) formu-
lates the QA problem into two subproblems: Se-
mantic Item Mapping which focuses on recognizing
the semantic relation topological structure in Natural
language question, and Semantic Item Disambigua-
tion which instantiates these structures according to
a given KB. (Usbeck et al., 2015) combines linked
data from DBpedia and textual data from Wikipedia
to form SPARQL and text queries which are used to
retrieve answer entities. Linked and textual data are
also combined in (Xu et al., 2016) which uses Rela-
tion Extraction to retrieve relevant answers from Free-
base, then filters these answers using textual data from
Wikipedia. In (Jain, 2016), Factual Memory Network
are used which learn to answer questions by extract-
ing and reasoning over relevant facts from a Knowl-
edge Base. In (Aghaebrahimian and Jurcıcek, 2016),
a different approach has been proposed which ad-
dresses open-domain question answering with no de-
pendence on any data set or linguistic tool, using the
Constrained Conditional Models (CCM) framework.
Some campaigns have also been constructed to
evaluate question answering systems based on linked
data, such as: Question Answering on Linked Data
(QALD) (Dong et al., 2015), BioASQ (Tsatsaronis
et al., 2012; Balikas et al., 2015), TREC LiveQA
(Agichtein et al., 2015), among others. Neural Net-
works have proven good accuracy for the structured
QA task. Most of the recent systems rely on dif-
ferent variations of Neural Networks, such as (Xu
et al., 2016; Jain, 2016; Dong et al., 2015; Bor-
des et al., 2015). Despite these efforts, structured
knowledge-based question answering is not yet in the
mainstream. This is because QA systems rely on a
chain of NLP tasks which might have low accuracy.
In this paper, we focus on the Relation Extraction
step as a critical building block in the structured QA
architecture and the most challenging step. Therefore,
we propose our hybrid RE model to provide better
overall QA performance.
In this section, we describe the data corpora that we
use to build our system.
3.1 Wikipedia
Wikipedia is one of the most commonly used re-
sources in computational linguistics. The attraction
to Wikipedia returns to its large size, its diversity and
for being always up to date. The English version of
Wikipedia is the largest Wikipedia dump. It has over
5M articles, and over 12% of the total Wikipedia arti-
cles belong to the English edition
3.2 Freebase
Freebase is a large collaborative knowledge based
data source, which was composed by Freebase com-
munity members. It was developed by the Amer-
ican software company Metaweb, which was then
acquired by Google. Freebase is an online collec-
tion of structured data collected from many sources,
such as: Wikipedia, NNBD, Fashion Model Direc-
tory, etc. Freebase offered an entity-relationship
model and provided an interface that allowed ordinary
users to fill data and connect data items in semantic
ways. Moreover, a JSON-based API was provided
to be used by programmers for commercial and non-
commercial purposes
Freebase was built using a graph model which is
composed of nodes and links to represent the rela-
tion between nodes. Using this model, it could repre-
sent more complex relationships than a conventional
database. The Freebase version we use in this paper
is the version of (Berant et al., 2013) , which contains
4M entities and 5,323 relations. Its RDF triples were
loaded into Virtuoso server.
The system architecture is shown in Figure 1. The
system operates on the input question and links the
entities in the question to Freebase entities using the
Entity Linking module. Then, the Hybrid Relation
Extraction module operates on the question to ex-
tract the relation between the topic entity in the ques-
tion and the answer entity. This module is com-
posed of three Relation Extraction approaches that
work concurrently to extract the top-k relations, then
their output is combined usng Hybrid Relation Rank-
ing. The tagged entities and the extracted relations are
then merged using Joint Inference module resulting in
ranked candidate FB triples. Finally, the best answer
is selected using Wikipedia Inference module which
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English Wikipedia
Hybrid Relation Ranking
Joint Entity-Relation Inference
Wikipedia Inference
Freebase triples
Entity-Relation pairs
Figure 1: System architecture.
operates on the Wikipedia page of the topic entity to
filter out incorrect relations using lexical search. In
the next subsections, we discuss the different modules
of the system architecture in detail.
4.1 Entity Linking
Entity linking is done using S-MART
entity link-
ing tool (Yang and Chang, 2016). The tool takes en-
tity spans marked by POS tags and retrieves the top
5 matching entities from Freebase. Entity spans are
identified by hand-built POS sequences (Bao et al.,
2014). S-MART is a tree-based structured learn-
ing framework based on multiple additive regression
trees. It first uses surface matching to retrieve all pos-
sible entities of Freebase, and then ranks them using
a statistical model.
4.2 Relation Extraction
For the Relation Extraction task, we use several clas-
sifiers which add different levels of features. All clas-
sifiers are based on variations of Neural Networks.
The output of the classifiers is then combined in the
Hybrid Relation Ranking module. The goal is to
mimic different human judgements for relations mod-
elling different features in the most suitable NN clas-
sifier. The approach is illustrated in Figure 2.
4.2.1 Sentential Relation Extractor
The first Relation Extractor encodes sentential fea-
tures represented as the words in the question exclud-
ing the question word and the entity mention. Their
word vectors are convoluted using CNN to give one
vector representation of the sentence. In relation clas-
sification, we concentrate on learning discriminative
word embeddings, which carry more syntactic and se-
mantic information. This classifier utilizes word em-
beddings of the words in the question to capture the
sentence words information that discriminates the re-
lation. It uses a Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
where the convolution layer tackles the input of vary-
ing length returning fixed length vectors which are
then fed into softmax classifier. This simple RE ap-
proach have proven to be effective in extracting rela-
tions and therefore is built separately to exploit this
discriminative feature and to avoid noise caused by
increasing dimensionality.
4.2.2 Rich Relation Extractor
The second Relation Extractor combines more rich
lexical and sentence level clues from diverse syntactic
and semantic structures in a sentence. In this model,
we use a convolutional DNN to extract lexical and
sentence level features for relation classification. The
extractor first takes word tokens and transforms them
into vector word embeddings. Then, extracts lexical-
level features according to the given entities. Sen-
tence level features are learnt according to a convolu-
tion module. The two level features are concatenated
and fed into a Softmax classifier to predict the rela-
tionship between two marked entities. This classifier
adds the Position Encoding feature which is used to
measure the distance between the two entities. In our
system, we use the output of the entity linking task
and the question word to mark the two related nouns
(entities), provided that a question as “who played Y
role?” is expected to be answered with “X played Y
role”. Since we do not have the answer phrase, we
assume that the entity X is substituted by the ques-
tion word “Who” in the question, so we mark the two
nouns in the question “Who” and Y. The system ex-
tracts the features based on these two nouns.
1. Lexical-level Features: represented by the word
embeddings: question word, entity, right tokens of
question word, left and right tokens of the entity,
in addition to hypernyms from WordNet.
2. Sentence-level Features: obtained by a max
pooled convolutional neural network. Each token
is represented as word features (WF) and Posi-
tional Features (PF), then convolution is applied
and sentence level features are obtained by non-
linear transformation.
The Word features (WF) combines a word’s vec-
tor representation and the vector representations
of the words in its context, which most probably
have related meanings.
Hybrid Relation Ranking
Sentential RE Rich RE Syntactic RE
Question tokens
Word to vector
Features Extraction
Final Output
Figure 2: Illustration of the Hybrid Relation Extraction.
The Position features (PF) is used to capture the
position of the word in the sentence with respect
to the given entities. Thus, for each word the
relative distance is calculated from the two enti-
ties. Each distance value is mapped to a vector
randomly initialized with dimension d
two vectors: d
and d
which are combined into
PF = [d
, d
These local features of each word are merged us-
ing a convolutional neural network to get a global
feature vector.
4.2.3 Syntactic Relation Extractor
There are two ways to represent relations between en-
tities using neural networks: recurrent/recursive neu-
ral networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural net-
works (CNNs). RNNs can directly represent essential
linguistic structures, and dependency trees (Tai et al.,
2015). In this RE classifier, we combine word se-
quence and dependency parse tree features to extract
relations between entities. Like the previous classi-
fier, entities must be tagged to get the dependency
path between them. We substitute the first entity with
the question word and the second entity is detected in
the entity linking module.
The dependency parse is used to represent the
relation between two target entities. This classifier
forms a NN layer using the shortest path between a
pair of target words in the dependency tree which
are shown to be effective in relation classification
(Xu et al., 2015). The classifier employs bidirec-
tional tree-structured LSTM- RNNs (i.e., bottom-up
and top-down) to represent a relation candidate. The
relation candidate vector is constructed as the con-
catenation d
= [ hpA; hp1; hp2], where hpA
is the hidden state vector of the top LSTM unit in
the bottom-up LSTM-RNN (representing the lowest
common ancestor of the target word pair p), and
hp1 , hp2 are the hidden state vectors of the two
LSTM units representing the first and second target
words in the top-down LSTM- RNN.
The text is parsed using Stanford neural depen-
dency parser
4.2.4 Hybrid Relation Ranking
The outputs of the three relation extractors are com-
bined to select the best relation candidates. For each
relation extractor RE
, the top k relations are selected.
The weight of a relation r
is computed as follows:
) = w
) + w
) + w
) (1)
Where p
) is the probability of relation r
the j
relation extractor and w
s are linear weights
proportional to the relation extractors accuracy.
4.3 Joint Entity-Relation Inference
Detecting entities and relations separately is more er-
ror prone. In this module, we jointly detect entity-
relation pairs that are globally optimal. We fol-
low the approach proposed in (Xu et al., 2016).
The pairs of entities and relations are formed
, r
), (e
, r
), .., (e
, r
and ranked using SVM
Rank classifier. Scores for the training data is created
as follows: if both entity and relation are correct, the
score is 3. If only one of them is correct, the score is
2, if both are wrong, the score is 1. A set of features
are extracted to train the classifier, including: (a) En-
tity features, such as the score of each entity, number
of overlapping words with FB entity, number of word
overlap between the question and the entity descrip-
tion. (b) Relation features, such as: the relation score
from the Hybrid Relation Ranking, the sum of the tf-
idf scores of the question words with respect to the
relation. (c) Answer features: the result of the query
(e, r, ?) is used as the answer, features from the an-
swer are such as: matching between answer type and
question word.
4.4 Wikipedia Inference
The Joint Entity-Relation Inference outputs triples
with entities, relations and the retrieved candidate
answers from FB. To filter the incorrect triples,
Wikipedia is used as a source of evidence. The sys-
tem retrieves the Wikipedia page of the topic entity
and searches for sentences containing the candidate
answers. A binary classifier is used to tag each candi-
date answer as correct or incorrect. The features used
are the set of all possible pairs of words in the ques-
tion q
and words in the sentence s
in the form of
, s
) for all values of i, j.
5.1 Training and Testing Data
We use the WebQuestions (Berant et al., 2013)
dataset. The dataset is composed of 5,810 questions
crawled via Google Suggest service. The answers are
annotated on Amazon Mechanical Turk. The ques-
tions are split into training and test sets, which contain
3,778 questions (65%) and 2,032 questions (35%), re-
spectively. We use the same data split for our training
and testing tasks. Furthermore, 20% of the training
set is used as the development set.
For the relation extraction task, since gold-
relations are not provided with the dataset, we use
Figure 3: Effect of Relation Extractors.
the surrogate gold-relations as shown in (Xu et al.,
2016), which are the relations that produce answers
with highest overlap with the gold-answers. For each
question, the 1-hop and 2-hop relations connected to
the topic entity are selected as relation candidates. For
each relation candidate, FB is queried using the this
relation and the topic entity to get the answer. The re-
lation that produces the answer with minimal F1-loss
against the gold answer, is selected is the surrogate
5.2 Experimental Setup
We use the Freebase version of Berant et al. (Berant
et al., 2013), containing 4M entities and 5,323 rela-
tions. We use the word embeddings of Turian et al.
(Turian et al., 2010).The system was implemented on
an Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance with 32 GB RAM.
5.3 Results
We evaluate the system using WebQuestions data. We
use the average-F1 as the evaluation metric.
5.3.1 Effect of Hybrid Relation Extraction
Figure 3 shows the accuracy of each relation extrac-
tor on the relation extraction task using top-1 relation.
We tag the training and test data with the surrogate
gold-relations, and use them for evaluation. The sen-
tential and syntactic extractors rely on the output of
the entity linking, therefore they are more exposed to
error propagation. Also, the syntactic extractor relies
on the output of the dependency parser which further
increases the error. Combining the three extractors
improves the accuracy to 49% as it captures the rela-
tion from different perspectives.
5.3.2 Effect of Joint Inference Parameters
In the Joint Entity-Relation Inference module, we se-
lect the top-k relations and top-m entities which are
1 2 6 8 10
Average F1
1 3 4 6 10
Average F1
Figure 4: Effect of Joint Entity-Relation Parameters: (a)
Effect of using top-k relations. (b) Effect of using top-m
jointly ranked using SVM Rank classifier. We show
the accuracy of the system with changing the value of
k and m in Figure 4. The best accuracy is achieved
with k = 1 and m = 3. This shows that our Hybrid
Relation Extraction model is good enough to provide
the best relation, where introducing other relations de-
grades the accuracy.
5.4 Overall Performance Evaluation
In this section, we compare HybQA with a baseline
model that uses one CNN relation extractor to per-
form QA. Figure 5 compares the accuracy and the la-
tency of HybQA and the baseline model. We show
that since HybQA uses parallel NNs, it does not dras-
tically increase the latency. The small delay in the
latency is due to using the tree-based LSTM-RNN.
However, using this network is essential as it best
fits the dependency features. This delay could be im-
proved by implementing the RNN on GPU. This also
results in a significant improvement in accuracy with
t-test of p < 0.05.
5.4.1 Comparison with other Systems
Table 1 compares our system with the related systems.
We compare four variations of our system: using lex-
ical features only for relation extraction, using lexical
Figure 5: Overall performance of HybQA compared with a
baseline QA system with CNN relation extractor.
features with sentential features, using lexical features
with syntactic features and the Hybrid RE which uses
the three types of features. Our system outperforms
the other variations and achieves the best accuracy for
the WebQuestions data (57%).
Table 1: Comparison with other systems.
Berant et al. (Berant et al., 2013) 35.7
Yao and Van Durme (Yao and
Van Durme, 2014)
Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2014) 39.1
Berant and Liang (Berant and
Liang, 2014)
Bao et al. (Bao et al., 2014) 37.5
Bordes et al. (Bordes et al., 2015) 39.2
Dong et al. (Dong et al., 2015) 40.8
Yao (Yao, 2015) 44.3
Bast and Haussmann (Bast and
Haussmann, 2015)
Berant and Liang (Berant and
Liang, 2015)
Reddy et al. (Reddy et al., 2016) 50.3
Yih et al. (Yih et al., 2015) 52.5
Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2016) 53.3
Jain (Jain, 2016) 55.6
This work
Lexical RE 49.8
Lexical+Sentential RE 53.8
Lexical+Syntactic RE 53.4
Hybrid RE 57
In this paper, we proposed a novel structured-based
Question Answering system over Freebase. Our sys-
tem builds a new Hybrid Relation Extraction model
that combines different types of NNs to model differ-
ent features resulting in a ranked list of candidate rela-
tions. The system then infers the list of relations with
the question entities to produce candidate relation-
entity pairs. The best of these pairs is then selected
using lexical-based search in unstructured data.
Our experimental results on WebQuestions dataset
show that the system achieves 57% average-F1 accu-
racy which outperforms the state-of-the-art systems.
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