Software Interestingness Trigger by Social Network Automation
Iaakov Exman, Avihu Harush and Yakir Winograd
Software Engineering Department, The Jerusalem College of Engineering – JCE – Azrieli, Jerusalem, Israel
Keywords: Software, Interestingness, Trigger, Social Networking, Automation, Randomization, Keywords, Application
Ontology, Knowledge Discovery, Message Frequency, Analytics, Marketing.
Abstract: Social Networking software is perceived as a fast way to engage people with potential interest in a certain
activity. However, interestingness has been defined as a product of a domain relevance – arbitrarily
determined by a person’s tastes – and a surprise – determined by how unexpected is an activity relative to
average activities in the domain. Therefore, one must manage two unknowns to trigger the desired
interestingness: the person tags and the activity description. The person tags are obtained from an application
ontology characterizing the chosen domain. The activity description tries to generate surprises by sharpening
what differentiates it from conventional activities. This paper describes a software tool based upon a social
networking infra-structure and illustrates its quasi-automated usage with inputs of the relevant tags and the
surprising activity for a specific domain, viz. marketing of an Event within a conference. Preliminary results
are analysed and discussed at length.
A Social Network is thought to be a rapid medium to
provide information to all its participants, and
selectively engage only those with a potential interest
in a certain activity. Thus, it can select sub-sets of
participants, say for marketing of the referred activity.
In order to effectively use a social network for these
purposes, we make two assumptions.
A first assumption is that one should have a model
of interestingness. Indeed, such a model has been
proposed and tested in a previously published work.
This will be succinctly described in sub-section 1.1.
A second assumption is that one must automate
the social network usage to the maximal possible
extent by means of an infra-structure embodied into a
suitable software tool. One should leave only a few
domain dependent unknowns to be entered as input to
the software tool. These include the characterization
of the human participants with a potential interest in
the desired domain of activity and a description of the
designated activity in which we are focusing.
The overall purpose of this work is to test the
validity of these assumptions, by means of building a
social network software tool, running it on case
studies and demonstrating the plausibility of the
1.1 An Interestingness Model
In previous work (Exman, 2009) we have defined
interestingness as a product – or more generally a
composition – of two functions: relevance and
surprise, the latter being then referred to as
Relevance is a measure of the fitness of a specific
item to the characterization of a domain. For instance,
“football” is an entertaining physical activity fitting
the “sport” domain. On the other hand, “chess-
playing” while an entertaining activity, is not
considered a “sport”, essentially because it does not
involve physical efforts.
Surprise is a measure of the distance of a specific
item from the average item in a domain. For instance,
many “sport” activities involve usage of a “ball”, say
football, basketball, tennis, ping-pong, etc. But,
“Badminton” which is certainly a sport, even with
some similarities to tennis, has the unexpected
property that it uses a “shuttlecock” instead of a ball.
Probably the reader is unaware that a shuttlecock has
a crown of feathers!
Formally, the definition of interestingness is
expressed in the following generic equation:
Interestingness Relevance Surprise=∗
Exman I., Harush A. and Winograd Y.
Software Interestingness Trigger by Social Network Automation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006591803260333
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 326-333
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For a better understanding of the interestingness
idea, we mention particular implementations of the
functions used to actually calculate interestingness.
These functions have two sets of keywords as inputs:
one set C characterizes the current activity, the other
set D characterizes the Domain of interest, say by its
average activity.
Relevance can be implemented as a match
function, in which one compares the sets C and D.
The simplest match function outputs a Boolean
variable: its value is 1 if at least one keyword is found
in both C and D, otherwise it is zero valued. More
sophisticated match functions are possible.
Surprise can be implemented as a mismatch
function, say by the symmetric difference
of the
referred sets, calculated as the union
of the
relative complements of these sets:
Mismatch C D
Thus, this particular interestingness is formulated as:
atch Mismatch
The Normalization Factor NormF compensates for
eventual differences of total number of keywords in
the union set
The definition (1) is suitably adapted to the needs
of the specific application of this paper, as seen in
section 2.
1.2 Social Network Automation
In the original application of the interestingness
definition (Exman, 2009) the arbitrary domain D was
fixed for a given person, whose tastes were known,
say to be interested in basketball. Therefore there was
a single unknown, represented by the variable item C.
The outcome of the calculation was a best fitting of C
to the given D.
In the current application of marketing by means
of a social network there are two simultaneous
unknowns, turning it into a particularly challenging
problem of knowledge discovery. One unknown is
the person which one wishes to interest in a certain
activity. We don't know the different tastes of the
variety of participants in the social network. Thus, the
arbitrary domain D for each person may be slightly
If our application is marketing of e.g. a
Conference event, an industry oriented person may be
attracted by technological state of the art lectures to
keep him up-to-date, while an academic oriented
person may be attracted to the same Conference as an
opportunity to publish a paper. Furthermore, an
academic oriented person may be in his or her early
career stages looking for a doctoral symposium or be
a known professor in later career stages, with
different interests.
The second unknown is the characterization of the
specific activity C. In a same conference one may
have research lectures, doctoral symposium,
industrial keynotes, posters, and commercial exhibits.
Having simultaneously two kinds of unknowns
implies that a software tool to perform marketing in a
social network environment should have in its design
an automation mechanism. An important capability of
this mechanism is to cause random variations among
diverse types of potential participants and diverse
characterizations of the offered activities. The
purpose of these variations is to maximize the
interestingness value, i.e. to maximize the product of
the relevance and surprise functions.
1.3 Paper Organization
In the remaining of the paper we refer to related work
(section 2) introduce the software architecture of
Netomation, a tool for social network automation
(section 3), describe a Conference Marketing case
study (section 4), provide results of experiments with
the tool for the referred case study (section 5), and
conclude with a discussion (section 6).
The extensive related literature covers various aspects
of this work. We first mention approaches to
interestingness, then refer to social network software
Referring to interestingness concepts, a good
review to start reading on this topic is (McGarry,
2005) which refers to measures for knowledge
discovery. Tuzhilin in (Tuzhilin, 2002), in the
invaluable Handbook (Klosgen and Zytkow, 2002),
describes various approaches to interestingness,
whether pragmatic or foundational.
Specifically referring to the unexpectedness
component of interestingness, one finds
Padmanabhan and Tuzhilin in (Padmanabhan, 1999)
and Piatetsky-Shapiro and Matheus in their work on
the Interestingness of Deviations (Piatetsky-Shapiro,
Exman explicitly formulated Interestingness as a
product of a relevance and a surprise (Exman, 2009).
Together with co-workers they applied it to a few
different applications, such as discovery in the Web
of new chemical structures of interest to
pharmaceutics (Exman and Pinto, 2010), using tools
as described in (Exman, Amar and Shaltiel, 2012).
Regarding social network software automation,
one should be first aware of the ubiquity of bots (short
for software robots) in social networks. This is seen
e.g. in (Boshmaf et al., 2011). See also several
chapters of the book on Twitter and Society (Weller
et al., 2014) in particular the chapter on Twitter
Accounts by (Mowbray, 2014) describing Twitter
bots for marketing.
Shop-bots are internet agents that give buying
advice to online shoppers about products and their
best price. In a sense these are agents somewhat
similar to those which offer marketing suggestions.
An analysis by comparison of three models of shop-
bot use on the web is provided by (Gentry and
Calantone, 2002).
Another issue of importance is the ability to
distinguish bots from humans and make
classifications of bots. Chu and co-workers (Chu et
al., 2010) explicitly ask the question of who is behind
the messaging. The same research group (Gianvechio
et al. 2008) tries to classify participants in chats.
Recent works dealing with bots recognition
include (Gilani et al., 2017) in which an in-depth
characterization of Bots and Humans, finds reliable
classification despite, some surprising behavior
similarities between bots and segments of the human
population. Similar results are found in (Ferrara,
Figure 1: Netomation Schematic Software Architecture
Important upper modules (in blue) are: a- API: enables
access to social network APIs; b- Functions: message and
filter related. Supporting lower modules (in gray) are: c-
Core: basic interaction with Social Networks. d- Cache: I/O
fast storage. Arrows point to called functions. Dashed
arrows link to external units.
Exman and co-workers made an exploration of the
survivability of a bot within a social network of
humans (Exman, Alfassi, and Cohen, 2012), which is
comparable to a sort of (anti)-Turing test.
In this work we take a pragmatic benign and
utilitarian approach to social network automation.
Here we shortly describe the software architecture of
“Netomation”, a social network software tool, and
mention its main modules.
3.1 Netomation Software Architecture
Separation Principle
The main principle behind the Netomation software
architecture is to separate generic mechanisms from
the interactions with any specific social network.
The goal is to make any social network
replaceable by any other one with minimal changes
of Netomation components. This separation principle
is detailed as follows:
1. Generic API access – this is a set of generic
functions common to all social networks,
extracted from their respective APIs and
wrapped to access any social network, in
contrast with API functions specific to a
given social network;
2. Generic Netomation functions – these are
application related message and filter
functions, specialized for Netomation, and
usable with any social network.
3.2 Netomation Modules Design and
The Netomation architecture is schematically
displayed in Fig. 1. Its main modules are:
1. API – its functions enable access to social
network APIs, carefully separating generic
from specific functions, according to the
previous software architecture principle;
2. Functions – contains specialized functions
to generate messages, frequency
randomization and filters;
3. Core – it contains basic active (worker) and
passive (listener) ways of interaction with
the underlying social network through its
4. Cache – is the place where input data are
supplied and minimal results are stored for
run-time I/O and fast saving for posterior
data analysis.
Netomation has been implemented in the Java
language. It runs in a client-server environment.
Special attention has been given to the efficiency
of the cache. For instance, instead of saving the whole
information of the messaging target, in real time just
the target’s identification number is stored. This
number can be later used to retrieve additional data
for posterior analysis of the results.
3.3 Automation Mechanism
The automation mechanism is defined by a set of
conditions including:
a- Basic Frequency – messages are sent with a
basic frequency Bf; for instance, Bf may
have a cycle of Bc hours, typically of the
order of 24 hours;
b- Randomization – on top of the basic
frequency there is a randomization R with a
smaller order of magnitude, i.e. the actual
cycle Ac is equal to Bc + R;
c- Message Variation – any message is sent
only once to each target.
As a case study, to test our assumptions formulated in
the introduction of this paper, and to measure whether
the tool brings practical benefit, we applied the tool
to the marketing of a Conference Event, within a
commercial social network.
Following the ideas of the interestingness model
of sub-section 1.1 we first characterize the people
who are the marketing target and then the Conference
Event activities being marketed.
4.1 Characterization of the Marketing
Target: Application Ontologies
As the Conference Event is science-oriented, the
potential audience is composed from students,
academics, workers in the hi-tech industries and in
research laboratories. The potential audience is not
uniform and variability should be taken into account.
Thus, the application ontology characterizing the
audience, needed to calculate the relevance in
equation (1), is obtained from selected terms from
more than one domain ontology. This is illustrated by
keywords from say three domains:
a- software related engineering disciplines;
b- academic institutions;
c- hi-tech industries;
Two of these partial application ontologies are
displayed in Fig. 2 for software related keywords and
in Fig. 3 for academic institution keywords.
Figure 2: Software Related Keywords – This is a partial
application ontology displayed as a table of terms referring
to software related engineering disciplines and software
development activities. Arrows have the usual meanings as
in ontologies (either subtype or composition), e.g. Agile is
a sub-type of Development.
Figure 3: Academic Institution Keywords – Another partial
application ontology referring to academic institutions and
roles/degrees of people working/studying in these
institutions. Arrows have the usual meanings as in
ontologies (either subtype or composition), e.g. an Institute
may be composed of Faculties.
4.2 Characterization of the Conference
Event Activities: Typical Messages
A pre-defined set of the order of magnitude of 10
messages was formulated as input for our software
tool to use as part of its regular operation. The
relevant URL was appended as an additional
information item.
The characterization of the Conference Event
activities is reflected in the surprising messages sent
to the potential audience. Two examples are as
Example Message 1:
“Software is Knowledge and Knowledge is Power:
Event-Name, Submit paper by September 4”
Example Message 2:
“Event Name: Concepts are the ‘atoms’ of Software
Knowledge, Submit paper by Sept 4”
Each of the messages have three distinct parts:
a- Event name: The Conference Event;
b- Action to be taken: Submit paper by date;
c- Surprise Sentence: ‘Concepts are atoms…’
The surprise sentence usually links terms in the
application ontology – e.g. Knowledge, concepts –
with a somewhat unrelated term and therefore
contributing to the surprise in equation (1) – e.g.
Power, atoms.
Moreover, each sentence was modified to create a
few variants such that the social network server will
not flag program messages as potential spam.
In order to test the assumptions behind our tool and
its effectivity by means of the outcomes, we have
performed a series of experiments. The execution of
the experiments continues in this ongoing project.
Here we display results of preliminary
experiments performed during a series of consecutive
days, just before the paper writing. The experiments
collected data about targets, which our tool followed,
our followers and messages received from some of
the targets. The followers and messages received are
shown both as time-dependent results and as
geographical data.
5.1 Time-Dependent Results
The time-dependent curve showing the number of
followers is displayed in Fig. 4 for 24 consecutive
days, in the dates marked in the horizontal axis of the
The number of messages received increased
during the initial period of four days with the same
general trend as the followers, but slightly faster.
After this initial period, the rate of messages received
Figure 4: TIME DEPENDENT RESULTS – Cumulative
number of followers during 24 days from August 31, until
September 23, in 2017. The vertical axis is the number of
followers. The horizontal axis shows dates in a numerical
format of “day.month”. The graph is an estimated fitting.
5.2 Geographical Data
The geographical distribution of followers is seen in
Fig. 5. The total number of followers from all
countries in this
24 days period was 1341. The
majority of these results come from the USA and
Great Britain. Other countries include:
Asia: Bangladesh, China, Hong-Kong,
India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi
Arabia, Singapore, Turkey, UAE;
Europe: Belgium, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherland,
Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Ukraine;
Other African: Algeria, Congo, Egypt,
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South
Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe;
Other American: Argentina, Brazil, Canada,
Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela;
Other Oceania: Australia and New Zealand;
Figure 5: Geographical Distribution of Followers – The
majority of followers are from the US and GB (Great
Britain). The “O = Other” rubric includes countries with
small numbers of followers. “Unknown” means unavailable
country information.
Figure 6: Geographical Distribution of Sources of
Messages Received – It shows that the majority of
messages were received from the USA, GB (Great Britain)
and India (included in Asia). The same conventions are
used as in Fig. 5.
The geographical distribution of sources of
messages received is seen in Fig. 6. The total number
of message sources in this 24 days period is 199. The
overwhelming majority in these results comes from a
few countries, similarly to the followers in Fig. 5.
Other countries include:
Asia: Bangladesh, China, Hong-Kong,
India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand
Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy,
Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Other African: Egypt, Ghana, Kenya,
Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe
Other American: Argentina, Brazil, Canada,
Guyana, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela,
Other Oceania: Australia
Please note that there is a significant overlap
between the geographical distributions of the list of
countries of our followers (corresponding to Fig. 5)
and the list of message sources (corresponding to Fig.
6), but these lists are neither identical nor one is a
subset of the other.
This discussion examines the obtained preliminary
results. Then it deals with foundational issues,
pragmatic considerations and future work. It is
concluded with a short statement of the main
contribution and our wider vision on this work.
6.1 Examination of Preliminary
One could summarize the obtained preliminary
results with respect to its three aspects.
Concerning time-dependence:
a. General Trend – the general trend of
increasing numbers of followers and of
numbers of received messages with time is
reasonable for the initial experimentation
period; much longer periods should be tested
in order to analyse in depth the Netomation
b. Slope of Increase with Time – graphs of
followers (shown in Fig. 4) and received
messages increase faster than linearly; the
specific values of graph slopes needs more
experimentation in order to be understood
and to check whether one can exert a
desirable control over it;
Concerning geographic distribution of countries:
a. Bias – there is a clear overall bias towards
English-speaking countries; this deserves
further investigation, since its source is not
absolutely clear; one could perhaps link the
size of some of the countries (USA and
India), but this does not explain the case of
Great Britain; once one formulates an
hypothesis about the source of this bias, it
will be tested, to allow better control of the
automatic application steering;
b. Partial Information – the number of
“Unknown” locations both of followers in
Fig. 5 and sources of received messages in
Fig. 6 is non-negligible (more than 20%); it
is possible to reduce the number of
unknowns and improve the information
obtained by means of a more extensive
investigation, besides the direct data from
this variable provided by the social network.
Concerning randomization:
a. Event Contingencies – it is important to
stress the reasons behind and the
contingencies of the randomized nature of
communicating with a social network
server, as many parameters and environment
variables are unknown. Netomation had to
wait arbitrary numbers of seconds before
every action it performed, since from time to
time the social network server did mark
Netomation operations as “spam”. It forced
the program to either wait for the warning to
fade or to skip to other actions.
b. Human Beings vs. Bots – the undisclosed
nature of human beings, which means
designing an efficient filter to identify
potential target audience – is a given
follower a human being or a bot? – can be
challenging to say the least.
6.2 Foundational Issues
Foundational issues refer first and foremost to the
plausibility of the assumptions made for this work
(stated in the Introduction section of this paper), viz.:
a. Interestingness Model – is the model
adequate for the kind of application
described in this paper?
b. Tool Automation Nature – is the separation
boundary between the generic tool
automation from specific data (referring to a
particular social network and to a particular
application, such as marketing) adequate
with respect to software architecture?
Regarding both of these issues we are in a too
early stage of experimentation within this project, in
order to provide clear-cut and definitive answers.
In order to answer the first question one needs to
explicitly calculate the values of the relevance and
surprise functions from the tool inputs and check their
correlation with output results.
In order to answer the second question one needs
to use the tool with different social networks and
provide success criteria to be checked.
6.3 Pragmatic Considerations
Pragmatic considerations involve a long series of
issues, referring among other things to:
a. Social Network API – the comprehensive
and generous support of the social network
API (Application Programming Interface)
should be of interest for both users and
social networks themselves, as it opens wide
horizons to newer kinds of applications; we
mention here e.g. Rest API and language
specific support;
b. Software Efficiency – is the time and
memory resources utilization efficient in
practice? In particular we mean the storage
of only identification (id) numbers and
posterior off-line retrieval of further data
based on these id numbers to perform
c. Application Success – is the approach using
social networks in the proposed general lines
important, necessary but not sufficient or
powerful enough for the chosen kind of
application? Is it useful for other related
d. Biases and Filters – how easy it is to
automatically steer the software tool, by
means of filters, in order to correct eventual
biases, and to focus, on say specific desired
countries, within marketing applications?
6.4 Future Work
There is still much work to be done in this ongoing
project. Some of the most important open issues are:
a. Explicit Interestingness Calculation for
given inputs and check their correlation with
application outputs; comparison should be
made between an application with and
without usage of “surprises”;
b. Extensive Datathe preliminary data in this
paper refer to a relatively short time period;
we need to run the tool for longer periods,
while experimenting with different inputs
and filters;
c. Diverse social Networksin order to test
the actual generality and robustness of
Netomation, one needs to use it with a few
different social networks and compare their
behaviours and results;
d. Receiver Automation – in the current work
we emphasize what we learned from
“sender” automation; it seems that there is
much opportunity of work to be done in the
complementary “receiver” automation.
6.5 Main Contribution
The main immediate contribution of this work is the
separation principle within the software architecture
of social network automation for practical application
purposes. In the long term, it opens horizons for
newer kinds of applications and a wider vision for
social networks.
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