Analysis of Learning Experience Entrepreneurship to
Entrepreneurial Enterprises
A. Abriani Nur
Postgraduate State University of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Keywords: Experience of Entrepreneurship Learning, Interest in Entrepreneurship.
Abstract: The process of change that occurs in a learning person is characterized by the presence of visible behaviour
change symptoms, so the learning experience becomes an important need in learning. This type of research is
quantitative. Looking at the existing problems, then this research into the explanatory research category that
will explain the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Data collected from
questionnaires distributed to students with a total of 120 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis
with simple linear regression showed that testing of entrepreneurship learning experience variable (X) to
entrepreneurship interest (Y) obtained t-count = -2.913 while t-table = -1,657 or t-count> t-table with sig
value. 0.004 is smaller than 0.05. The results of this study concluded that there is a significant effect
(significant) variable (X) on the variable (Y) in SMK PGRI 3 Sidoarjo.
Learning is not just a gathering of knowledge, but
learning is a mental process that occurs within a
person causing the appearance of behavioural
changes. In the learning process, self-knowledge or
self-identity is very important in self-empowering
efforts. Introduction to self also means we recognize
the strengths or strengths we have to achieve the
learning outcomes we expect. On the other hand it
also means we recognize our own weaknesses so that
we can seek to constructive ways to overcome those
weaknesses. If the personal weaknesses of the self we
do not understand well, then potentially leads to
unsuccessfulness. Through the process of learning,
teachers are required to be able to guide and facilitate
students so that they can understand the strengths and
abilities they have, to further motivate students to be
encouraged to work or learn as well as possible to
realize success based on their abilities.
Entrepreneurship is one way of economic
development of the State of Indonesia to be better and
advanced. Now we face the fact that the number of
Indonesian entrepreneurs is still small and the quality
cannot be said to be great, so the issue of Indonesian
entrepreneurship development is an urgent issue for
the success of development. Entrepreneur is a
decision maker who helps the establishment of a free
enterprise economic system. The entrepreneurial
career can support the welfare of society, generate
real financial rewards. Entrepreneurs in various
industries help the economy by providing jobs and
producing goods and services for consumers
domestically and abroad. Although giant companies
attract the attention of many public but small business
and its entrepreneurship activities at least give a real
contribution to the social life and the world economy,
so to build an atmosphere entrepreneurship, then an
organization must implement supporting procedures.
Economic development will be more successful if
supported by entrepreneurs who can open jobs
because the ability of the government is very limited.
The government will not be able to work on all
aspects of development because it requires a lot of
budget, personnel, and supervision. This is in line
with Sunter's statement by manuere (2013) in Novi
trisnawati (2014: 1) in his research that
entrepreneurship is an important element in the
dynamics of the national economy and is seen as the
engine driving economic growth and job creation.
Therefore, entrepreneurship is a development
potential, both in quantity and in quality of
entrepreneurship itself.
Developing entrepreneurship interests should
start with teenagers. Because basically adolescent is a
figure of intelligent and creative. Unfortunately, their
creativity is not maximally developed, because
Nur, A.
Analysis of Learning Experience Entrepreneurship to Entrepreneurial Enterprises.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
creative teenagers are teenagers full of imagination
and able to create something new and beneficial for
themselves and for everyone. Just as teenagers now
often spend their time developing their creativity by
making any craft by having many ideas, discovering
new discoveries and mastering new technology.
Obviously will have a better chance, income than
those who do not have it. Therefore, creative attitudes
and behaviours and talents need to be developed early
on. It makes the human resources of Indonesia that
will come more qualified, not victim of technology
can actually control the technology so as to improve
their standard of living. Therefore, the role of
Vocational High School (SMK) PGRI existing in
Sidoarjo have the opportunity to develop
entrepreneurship and build the economy by utilizing
the stage of adolescent development, educating
students to entrepreneurial interests. Efforts to
develop interest in entrepreneurship in SMK PGRI 3
Sidoarjo one of them with the learning of
So it can be said that by having knowledge or
experience of entrepreneurship enough then the
student is likely to have a strong entrepreneurial
interest, which in the future will encourage to
entrepreneurship. So the authors are interested to
examine the "Analysis of Entrepreneurship Learning
Experience of Interest in Entrepreneurship in SMK
PGRI 3 Sidoarjo Program" with the aim of analyzing
the influence of knowledge or entrepreneurial
experience of student entrepreneurship interests.
2.1 Entrepreneurs
According to Joseph Schumpeter Entrepreneurs or
entrepreneurs are people who break the existing
economic system by introducing new goods and
services, by creating new organizational forms or
processing new raw materials. In this definition it is
stressed that an entrepreneur is a person who sees
opportunity and creates an organization to take
advantage of the opportunity.
According to Savary, an entrepreneur is a person
who buys goods for a fixed price, even if the person
does not know yet what the price of the goods or the
economy will be sold later.
Cantillon defines an entrepreneur as a risk taker,
exemplified to farmers, traders, craftsmen and other
business owners who dare to buy raw materials at an
undetermined price, therefore these people work in
risky situations.
Thus entrepreneurs are people who have the
values and entrepreneurial spirit that is in him, as able
to read opportunities that exist, Create business
activities, and have the courage to take risks with the
capabilities it has.
2.2 Can entrepreneurs entry?
A few decades ago there was an opinion saying that
entrepreneurship cannot be taught. But now
Entrepreneurship is a subject that can be taught in
schools and has grown very rapidly.
In developed countries the growth of
entrepreneurs brings a remarkable economic increase.
These new entrepreneurs have enriched the market
with innovative new products. The transformation of
entrepreneurial knowledge has developed in recent
years. Similarly in our State entrepreneurial
knowledge is taught in elementary schools, high
schools, colleges, and in various business courses. So
the entrepreneurial conclusion can be taught.
2.3 Entrepreneurship and training
Entrepreneurship education and training are growing
rapidly in Europe and the United States either in the
courses or at the University. Entrepreneurship courses
are given in the form of study program concentration.
Some of the courses that are given aims include:
Understand what the role of the company in the
economic system
The advantages and disadvantages of different
forms of the company
Know the characteristics and processes of
Understand product planning and product
development processes
Be able to identify business opportunities and
create creativity and establish cooperative
Be able to identify and locate sources
Understand the basics: marketing, finance,
production, able to lead the business, face the
challenges of the future.
In another aspect of courage to form entrepreneurship
driven by teachers in schools, schools that provide
practical and interesting entrepreneurial subjects can
arouse students' interest in entrepreneurship, as
happened at MIT alumni, Hardvard University and
several other universities. Encouragement to form
entrepreneur also comes from friends of the
neighborhood, environment Family, friends where
they can discuss about the entrepreneurial idea of the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
problem at hand and how to solve the problem.
Formal education and small business experience
owned by a person can be a major potential to become
a successful entrepreneur. Therefore it is said that
entrepreneurs are not bornthey develop. (Hisrich
Peters, 1995)
2.4 Interest
The interests of students in entrepreneurship differ
from each other because interest is a tendency to do
things with feelings of pleasure, desire, and attention
that comes from within yourself as well as other
factors that affect it such as environment and
knowledge. While entrepreneurship is an activity that
is done because it sees the opportunity then created a
new thing to take advantage of these opportunities.
In the interest of entrepreneurship there are factors
that influence entrepreneurship interest that is
according to Alma (in Novi trisnawati, 2014: 23)
states there are 3 factors that influence interest in
entrepreneurship are:
a. Personal, which concerns aspects of a person's
b. Sociological, which concerns the relationship
with family and other social relationships.
c. Environmental, which concerns the relationship
with the environment.
Therefore, with the factors that influence
entrepreneurship interests need an indicator to
measure entrepreneur interest. According to Super
and Crites disclosed by Sukardi (in Novi trisnawati,
2014: 25) that someone who has an interest in a
particular object can be known from the expression /
speech, action / action, and by answering a number of
a. Disclosure / expression (expressed interest)
A person with an interest in entrepreneurship
will express (expressed interest) with speech or
disclosure. A person may express his interest or
choice with certain words. For example
someone who is interested in entrepreneurship
in the textile then said that he wanted to open a
boutique business.
b. Action / action (manifest interest)
A person who expresses his interest with actions
/ deeds related to matters relating to his interests.
A person with an interest in entrepreneurship
will take actions that support his efforts.
c. Answering a number of questions (inventoried
A person's interest can be measured by
answering a certain number of questions or a
sequence of choices for a particular group of
Development will be more successful if supported
by entrepreneurs who can open employment.
Therefore, entrepreneurship is a potential
development, both in quantity and in the quality of
entrepreneurship itself. Nowadays we face the fact
that the number of Indonesian entrepreneurs is still
small and the quality cannot be said to be great, so the
issue of Indonesian entrepreneurship development is
an urgent issue for the success of development.
Today, many young people are becoming interested
and glancing at the business profession that promises
a brighter future. Beginning by the officials' children,
graduates and diploma graduates from college, have
already started to work in the business field. Today's
teenagers, with diverse backgrounds of the parent
profession start to direct their eyes to the field of
business. This is driven by competitive conditions
among the tough job seekers.
This research uses quantitative approach by using
explanatory research type which describes simple
linear regression, between two variables that is free
variable and dependent variable. In this study the
dependent variable of entrepreneurship interest (Y)
and the independent variable is the entrepreneurial
learning experience (X). The population in this study
were students of SMK class XI amounted to 215
people while the sample taken as many as 120 people.
The sampling technique used in this study using
proportional random sampling.
Data collection methods used in this study are
questionnaires, and documentation. The
questionnaire provided reveals the varied learning
experiences of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial
interest. Data analysis method used in this research is
simple linear regression with the help of SPSS
version 22.0 for windows. Where simple linear
regression analysis is used to know the direction of
relationship between independent variable (X) with
dependent variable (Y)
Whether positive or negative and to predict the
value of the dependent variable if the value of the
independent variable increases or decreases.
Analysis of Learning Experience Entrepreneurship to Entrepreneurial Enterprises
As previously discussed, the data is collected from
questionnaires distributed to students with a total of
120 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis
with simple linear regression, shows that testing
Output summary model explains that the value of
correlation / relationship R is equal to 0.259 and
explain the percentage of the influence of free
variables to the dependent variable called coefficient
of determination which is the result of squaring R.
from The output obtained coefficient of
determination R2 of 0.067, which implies that the
influence of independent variables (Trust) on the
dependent variable (Participation) is equal to 6.7%
The Annova output section explains whether there
is a significant (significant) effect of the Trust (X)
variable on the Participation (Y) variable. Of the
output shows that F calculated = 8.497 with the level
of significance / Probability 0.004 <0.05, then the
regression model can be used to predict the variable
The output of the coefficients section in column B
in constant (a) is 29.369, while the value of Trust (b)
-0.234 so that the regression equation can be written:
Y = a + bX or 29.369 + -0.234X
The coefficient b is called the regression
coefficient of direction and states the average change
of variable Y for each variable X change for oneunit.
This change is an increase if b is positive and
decreases when b is negative. So from the equation
can be translated:
1) The constant of 29,369 states that if there is no
Trust value then the value of Participation is
2) The regression coefficient X of -0.234 states that
each addition of 1 Trust value, then the value of
Participation increases by -0.234
Meaning of Simple Regression Test Result
In addition to describing the regression equation,
this output also shows the significance test with t test
that is to know whether there is a significant influence
(significant) Trust (X) variable itself (partial) to the
variable Participation (Y).
Ho: There is no significant (significant) effect of
trust (X) variable to the variable Participation
H1: There is a significant (significant) influence of
trust (X) variable to the variable Participation
From the obtained output, it is known that the
value of t arithmetic -2.913 with the significance
value of 0.004 <0.05 then Ho is rejected and H1
accepted, which means there is a significant influence
(variable) Trust (X) variable to the Participation (Y)
The results of this study concluded that the
entrepreneurial learning experience has a positive and
significant effect on the interest of entrepreneurship
(Y) in SMK 3 PGRI Sidoarjo. Therefore, the better
the students' understanding of entrepreneurship
learning experience, the higher the students
entrepreneurship interest.
In making a work, not only the theory is needed.
Because deep theory without any practice in realizing
such knowledge still does not produce a product that
can be used directly. A person who has the ability to
combine theory and practice to produce something
means that person can already be said to have an
entrepreneurial spirit. That is what is currently being
sought to be embedded in students to be able to
achieve a better life in the future with the skills it has.
The results of this study is supported by research
from Andhika Wahyudiono (2016) which states that
entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship
experience and gender can be a positive and
significant influence on entrepreneurship attitude in
faculty of economics students of Muhammadiyah
University of Surabaya. Research Budi Wahyono, et
al (2015) also stated that entrepreneurship education
has a positive impact on the intention of
entrepreneurship SMK Negeri 1 Pedan Year 2013. In
addition, strengthened research also from Lukman
Fadhiliya, et al (2014) which states that 1) the
characteristics of entrepreneurial spirit proved to have
a high impact on entrepreneurial success, 2) dominant
factors that influence success. Entrepreneurship in
having clear vision and goals, confidence (self-
confidence), and having a leader's spirit, 3) positive
and significant vision and goals impact on
entrepreneurial success, confidence and significant
negative effects on the success of entrepreneurship,
soul leader, and A significant positive effect on
entrepreneurship success.
Based on the results of research that has been done
then it can be concluded that the entrepreneurial
learning experience has a significant effect on student
entrepreneurship interest SMK PGRI 3 Sidoarjo.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
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Analysis of Learning Experience Entrepreneurship to Entrepreneurial Enterprises