Standards of Education, one of the standards to be
developed is the standard of process. The
Government has set a standard of education that
regulates teaching and learning process, namely in the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture
(Permendikbud) No. 41 of 2007 on the Standard of
Process. The Standard of Process is the criteria of the
implementation of teaching and learning in one unit
of education to achieve the Graduate Competency
Standard (Permendikbud No. 41 of 2007 on
(Mukarramah, Juanda, and Fitriah, 2015)). From this
definition, there are several things that need to be
underlined, namely: (1) the standard of education
process applies to every formal educational
institution at a certain level of education. This means
that all schools must carry out the teaching and
learning process in accordance with the standards
formulated in the standard of education process; (2)
the standard of education process is related to the
procedure of the implementation of teaching and
learning. This means that the standard of process can
be used as a guideline for teachers in making
instructional planning for a certain period of time or
on a daily basis in executing the planning in the real
activities in the field; and (3) the standard of process
is directed towards achieving Graduate Competency
Standard. Graduate Competency Standards the
primary source or reference in determining a standard
of process (Wina Sanjaya, 2007). This means that the
standard of process can be applied if the graduate
competency standardis already in place (Raharjo,
The standard of process includes the planning of
teaching and learning process or instructional
planning, the implementation of teaching and
learning process, the assessment of learning
outcomes, and the supervision of teaching and
learning process for an effective and efficient
teaching and learning process (Rahmawati and
Soeharto, 2013). Through the standard of education
pr process, every teacher can develop the teaching
and learning process in accordance with the specified
rules. Instructional planning becomes mandatory for
teachers before conducting a teaching and learning
activity. Planning can be interpreted as the process of
preparing instructional materials, instructional media,
approaches and methods of learning and assessment
for a certain allocated time implemented at a certain
time to achieve the set goals (Abdul Majid, 2008).
Instructional planning includes syllabi and lesson
plans that both refer to the content standard
(Rahmawati and Soeharto, 2013).
Syllabus is a reference for the framework of
teaching and learning for each subject matter of study
(Permendikbud No. 41 Year 2007). Lesson plan is
defined as a plan of face-to-face teaching and learning
activities for one or more meetings. The educator
must prepare a complete and systematic lesson plan
so that teaching and learning will take place
interactively, inspiringly, efficiently, and will
motivate students to actively participate in the
teaching and learning activities. The components of a
lesson plan include the subject identity, competency
standard (CS), basic competence (BC), competency
achievement indicators, learning objectives, teaching
materials, time allocation, learning methods, learning
activities, assessment of learning outcomes, and
learning resources. Therefore, every teacher should
not ignore the instructional planning when carrying
out the teaching and learning activities so as to keep
the learning activities in control.
The Implementation teaching and learning
process is the implementation of the instructional
planning prepared by educators. The Implementation
teaching and learning process consists of requirement
of implementation teaching and learning process and
implementation of learning. Requirement of
implementation teaching and learning process
include study groups, minimal teacher workload,
textbooks, and classroom management.
Implementation of learning it includes preliminary
activities, core activities, and closing activities
(Permendikbud No. 41 of 2007).
Assessment is a systematic process which
involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting
information to determine the extent to which a student
or a group of students has achieved the set learning
objectives, both in the aspects of knowledge and
attitudes (Kusaeri, 2014). Assessment is done by
teachers to the learning outcomes to measure the
levels of attainment of learners’ competences, and the
result is used to make progress report of learning
outcomes, and a basis to improve teaching and
learning process (Permendikbud No. 41 Year 2007).
Assessment is carried out consistently,
systematically, and programmatically by using test
and non-test activities, in written or oral form;
performance observation; attitude measurement; and
assessment of work in the forms of tasks, projects
and/or products, portfolios, and self-assessment.
Assessment of learning outcomes references the
Standard of Educational Assessment and the
Guidelines for Subject Group Assessment.
The role of teachers is crucial in an attempt of
improving the quality of education. Therefore,
teacher as a learning agent is required to be able to
organize the teaching and learning process as well as
possible to support the development of education. A