under regional authority and a national priority
(Minister of Finance, 2013).
Potential resources owned by each city/regency
in East Java Province vary. Thus, the ability of each
city/regency to produce goods and services as a
source of income is also different. The economic
growth generated by the city/regency economy also
varies. Thus, the amount of balance funds received
each city/regency is expected to support the
city/regency that can still generate low income or
low economic growth. In the long term, the balance
funds are expected to make the community welfare.
The welfare of the people is not only measured by
the increase in city/regency income or economic
growth, but also other socio-economic indicators
such as equity of income and education.
Equity of education can be supported by
government through education investment in
education expenditure function. Based on Article 31
Paragraph 4 of the 1945 Constitution of the 4th
Amendment, the state at least 20 percent of the State
Budget of Admissions and Expenditures as well as
from the Regional Budget of Admissions and
Expenditures prioritize the education budget to meet
the needs of the implementation of national
Doriza et.al. (2012) suggested that the special
allocation funds for education, the special allocation
funds non education, and locally original revenue
had significant impact in reducing education access
disparity along with the wealth and regional
characteristics. Nonetheless efforts need to be done
to optimize the equalization of education access
including strengthening the provincial government
role in resources allocation and distribution of basic
education services. It means that fiscal
decentralization has negatively effect on education
Akai et.al. (2007) suggested that financial
decentralization has effect on education. But, the
effect of financial decentralization is not clear in the
primary level. The financial decentralization is
effective in the secondary level. The paper analyses
the effect of financial decentralization by focusing
on the difference of levels of education, primary and
secondary educations.
Ahmad (2016) suggested that “different sources
of fiscal decentralization have distinct effects on
education expenditure and quality. While
subnational governments that are financed through
own-tax revenues are more likely to increase the
funds allocated to education, they also seem less
concerned with maintaining teaching quality. The
study provides evidence that decentralized structures
cater better to local social needs. Fiscal
decentralization is, therefore, an important policy
instrument for achieving social goals”.
Bakti and Kodoatie (2012) had a different
opinion, they suggested that fiscal decentralization
did not have significant influence to women
education access in Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The balance funds that are transfers of funds
from the central government to the regencies are
sourced from the State Budget of Admissions and
Expenditures, not only concerning the potential
aspect of resources of each regency in generating
revenue, but also paying attention to the direction of
national priorities. This means that the use of the
balance funds is not only intended to meet the needs
of the city/regency in running its economy, but also
to support national priorities allocated in special
allocation funds. This national priority, during the
era of President Jokowi's administration is contained
in the Economic Policy Package.
Besides influenced by national priorities, the
amount of the received funds is also influenced by
regional needs as stated in the regional development
Work Plan. According to regional development Plan
of East Java Province 2016 (East Java Provincial
Government, 2015), it is mentioned that the priority
and direction of spatial development policy of East
Java Province in 2014-2019 is directed at
consolidation of urban National Centre of Activities
as metropolitan in East Java Province, Activities of
Territory, and increasing the linkage of the main
production pockets in East Java Province with the
processing and marketing centre as the core of
agropolitan system development as well as
stabilizing the development of strategic area by
dividing the strategic role of regional development.
The focus is on areas that functionally can contribute
to economic growth for the strategic regency and the
surrounding area.
The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of
fiscal decentralization on education inequality
among regency or city in East Java Province.
This type of research is an explanatory research
using quantitative method used to test and analyze
the effect of fiscal decentralization on education
inequality between city/regency in East Java
Province. Data analysis techniques used panel
analysis method.
Fiscal decentralization is a balance of funds
consisting of revenue-sharing funds derived from
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship