In the application of conventional models,
teachers are generally more often present the concepts
in the text of the book. This condition resulted in
students lacking a deep understanding of the concept
of the material discussed. In addition, the
conventional learning model is less stimulate students
to look for facts related to the material, because in
conventional models, students are only positioned as
the recipient of information and not actively involved
in reconstructing their understanding.
The effects of using conventional models and the
lack of innovation by teachers to improve students'
conceptual understanding are evident when students
are given in-depth and detailed test questions when
pretest. The average result of the pretest value shows
a low value.
Based on the questionnaire of students 'responses
to the Collaborative MURDER learning model, the
students showed positive responses on the 3rd, 4th,
and 7th items. This was evident from the percentage
of students answered "Yes" exceeding 80%, the
students' answers to these three items proved that the
Collaborative MURDER Is a model of learning that
makes students understand more about the material
being studied. In addition, this model makes students
more active in exploring students' abilities.
The active participation of students in exploring
their own capabilities has become the basis for more
searching for information relevant to the material
discussed in the classroom. This means that with the
Collaborative MURDER learning model, students are
not only positioned as recipients of information, but
students become part of the information resources in
the learning process in the classroom. Such
conditions are believed to have implications for
improving students' understanding of the concept of
To create a comfortable learning condition, in the
Collaborative MURDER learning model, the teacher
must have the ability to improve students' learning
motivation. Based on the questionnaire of student
responses on such matters, on items 8 and 17, students
answer "Yes" more than 70% of 33 students. That
means the majority of students expect motivation and
appreciation as a secondary factor in improving
conceptual understanding. In addition, proper use of
diction and loud voice also influences achievement in
the learning process.
Finally, if analyzed from the pretest and post test
results, the steps implemented in the Collaborative
MURDER learning model based on these three
educational theories succeeded in increasing the
students' understanding of the concept significantly,
with the average normalized Gain reaching 0.509
which means moderate category.
4.5.2 Differences in Understanding
Student Concept of Control Class at
Initial Measurement (Pretest) and Final
Measurement (Posttest)
Based on the results of the study there are differences
understanding of student concepts in the learning
process using Collaborative MURDER learning
model before and after treatment. Table 5 shows an
increase in the average increase that the pretest and
post-test values are from 54.89 to 72.41.
The conventional model here means the lecture
method accompanied by explanations of the division
of tasks and exercises. After the conventional model
has been implemented several meetings, the last
meeting was held by Posttest to increase the under-
standing of students' concept in understanding the
economic concept. The average value of Posttest
achieved is 72.41 that means the average value of N-
Gain is 0.364.
4.5.3 Comparison of Improved
Understanding of Stu-dent Concept in
Experiment Class Using Collaborative
Model MURDER and Student Control
Class Using Conventional Model
Based on the result of research, we get the average
gain in the experimental group using the
Collaborative MURDER model of 0,509. The
average gain in this experimental class is higher than
the average gain class gain that only reaches 0.364.
This indicates that the Collaborative MURDER
learning model tends to be more effective than the
conventional learning model in improving students'
economic concepts.
The Collaborative MURDER learning model is
more effective in enhancing the understanding of
concepts because the learning model focuses more on
the active participation of students in the learning
process. Student participation means the participation
of students in an activity which is indicated by their
physical and psychological behavior. For example;
involving student’s optimal learning will occur when
students participate responsibly in the learning
process. Participation is necessary for the learning
process because in principle learning is doing to
change behavior.
This active participation can be seen from
students' physical and psychological activity such as