The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People's Economy
as a Way of Community Empowerment
Akhyar Akhyar
UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau,Subrantas KM. 15 street, Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: Role of Cooperatives, Creative Economy, Empowerment.
Abstract: This research was motivated the persistence of the low income group, limited employment opportunities and
a little information and dissemination on community empowerment policy at the local level (RW/RT) and
still focused on the level of the village. This study was conducted in RW (Rukun Warga) 14 Sail Tenayan
Raya Pekanbaru. While the research time was from August to November 2016 with qualitative descriptive
approach. The study sample consisted of RW chairman, MFI Chairman and members, and the community at
RW 14. The roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati provide significant economic contribution; creating a positive
business climate; Developing-based economy to a renewable resource; Innovation and creativity which is a
competitive advantage of a nation; provide a positive social impact. The research also concluded that the
cooperative has a very important role in supporting the economy of the community, one through people's
economic activities (creative economy). Cooperatives have become an alternative to other business
institutions. In this condition, people have felt that the benefits and role of cooperatives is better compared
to other institutions.
Pekanbaru is the area that has a very useful source of
information for government and for the public
interest, so that the growing resources is part of a
legal product and local wisdom in the city of
Pekanbaru. For that reason Pekanbaru’s government
has done through its policy plannings that one
people's empowerment.
As we know that community empowerment is
the development process where the community took
the initiative to start the process of social activities
to improve the situation and his own condition. At
the core of community empowerment can only
happen if citizens participate. It is the people who
become agents of development or also known as the
Koperasi itself has an impact on social and
economic development process. Empowerment in a
structured and sustainable co-operative will be able
to harmonize the economic structure nasionalm
accelerating economic growth, reducing the open
unemployment rate, reduce poverty, mendinamisasi
real sector, and improve income distribution
Koperasi judged suitable to empower people
because it has the values of justice, solidarity,
brotherhood, and prosperity. In Islam cooperatives
classified as syirkah / syarikah, as Allah says in QS
Al-Maidah: 2 which means: "And please work in
goodness and piety, and do not cooperate with each
other in sin and enmity". Thereby, through
cooperative societies are expected to build their own
economy and one of them with a productive
economy. As for productive economic activity is
community development by providing venture
capital strengthening. This helps the community in
order to avoid poverty. They were able to make
efforts rated contributing to their income.
Based on the foregoing, it is known that the
empowerment of communities in Pekanbaru City
was one of them has been implemented at the Rukun
Warga (RW) 14 Sub-District of Sail, Tenayan Raya,
President of Indonesia Joko Widodo said that
data about koperasi in problems in Indonesia that
from 212.000 koperasi, it was only 150.000 active
koperasi. "This means that around 62.000 koperasi
that is inactive. This is the real potrait that should be
informed," said Jokowi in the celebration of
Akhyar, A.
The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People’s Economy as a Way of Community Empowerment.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 63-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Koperasi Day in Jambi as cited by press of Media
and Informasi, Thursday (21/7/2016).
From previous researched done by Djumran
Yusuf, Amiluddin dan Jumrain (2014), it was
revealed that Cooperative gave sizeable role by loan
capital, supply equipment and daily needs of
cooperative’s members who work as a fisherman.
Hence, the purchase decision was not influenced by
the price, and but it was affected by product type,
and goods distribution.
Based on the above phenomenon and research
gap, it is important to do research on the existence of
Koperasi in Indonesia.
Identification of the Problem
Based on the problems described in the background,
the question surrounding this study include:
a. There are some people who are at low-income
groups (the poor) in Pekanbaru.
b. There are also some people in Pekanbaru who
cannot have their own jobs.
c. There are some people who do not know and
carry out productive economic activities in
their economic empowerment.
d. There are some people in Pekanbaru who don’t
belonging to cooperative membership.
e. There are still people in Pekanbaru not fully
determine the role of cooperatives in the
economic empowerment program.
1.1 Limitations
Based on the number of identified problems and
constraints of time, cost and effort, the researchers
limited the study to see what the role of Koperasi
Mitra Sehati in Improving People’s Economic as a
way of Community Empowerment.
1.2 Objective
This study aims to determine the roles of Koperasi
Mitra Sehati in improving people’s economic as a
way of community empowerment.
2.1 Definition of Koperasi
Koperasi or Cooperative derived from the English
term is cooperation, co which means togetherness,
while operation means work. So it can be interpreted
that the cooperative is working together or joint
venture for mutual interest. So generally we can say
that the cooperative as an association of people who
voluntarily unite to fight for their economic
improvement towards a better life to prosperity
together doing activities that can help improve their
economies 3.
In addition to the cooperative by Richard Kohl
and Abrahamson is a business entity with ownership
and service users are members of the cooperatives
themselves as well as the supervision of these
enterprises should be done by those who use the
services of the business entity.
The definition of Koperasi in Indonesia is also
contained in the Act No. 25 of 1992 regarding
cooperatives. This law states that the cooperative is a
business entity consisting of persons or legal entities
with the bases cooperative activities based on the
principle of cooperation, as well as people's
economic movement based on the principle of
kinship. The definition can be formulated from the
essential elements of the cooperative are:
1) Cooperatives are business entities.
2) Cooperation may be established by a legal or
cooperatives as well as members of the
cooperative in question.
3) Cooperative managed based on the principles
of co-operative.
4) Cooperative is managed based on the principle
of kinship.
Based on the above notions, it can be concluded
that the cooperative is association of people or
entities that have the goal of achieving economic
prosperity based on the principle of kinship and
mutual cooperation. Cooperative is seen as a
cornerstone of the economy of Indonesia.
The Purpose of Koperasi
As stated in Article 3 of Law 25 of 1992
regarding cooperatives, the purpose of the
cooperative is to promote the welfare of members in
particular and society in general and to help build a
national economic order in order to realize an
advanced society, equitable and prosperous based on
Pancasila and the Law Constitution of 1945. Under
the Act, it can be concluded that the purpose of the
cooperative can be described as follows:
1) To promote the welfare of members of the
2) To promote the welfare of society
3) Build a national economic order.
Moreover as set out also in the Law No.17 of
2012 Article 4 also explains the same thing that the
cooperative aims to improve the welfare of members
in particular and society in general, as well as an
integral part of the national economic order that is
democratic and fair. Then, based on the article can
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
be explained that the cooperative has a direction and
mandate among others:
1) Cooperation is expected to be a tool to improve
the welfare of its members and the people of
2) Cooperative is expected to be a major part in
the structure and the system of national
3) Cooperation is expected to be a reflection of
national economic democracy with justice 5.
2.2 Principles of Koperasi
Under Law No. 17 In 2012, Article 6 in detail that
Indonesia has seven principles of Koperasi, as
follows 6:
1) Membership is voluntary and cooperative
2) Supervision by a member made democratically
3) The members actively participate in the
economic activities of cooperatives
4) Koperasi is a business entity that is
autonomous and independent
5) To conduct a cooperative education and
training for its members, supervisors, managers
and employees as well as inform the public
about the identity, activity and benefits of
6) Koperasi services to their members are primed
and strengthen the cooperative movement by
working together through a network of
activities at the site level, national, regional and
7) Koperasi works for the sustainable
development for the environment and their
communities through policies approved by the
2.3 Role and Functions of Koperasi
According to Article 4 of Law No. 25 In 1992,
Koperasi has the function and role as follows 7:
1) To build and develop the potential and
capabilities of member economies in particular
and society in general, to improve the
economic and social welfare.
2) To participate actively in efforts to enhance the
quality of human life and society.
3) To strengthen the economy of the people as the
basis of power and national economy and
become basic principle of economy.
4) To realize and develop the national economy
which is a joint venture based on family
principles and economic democracy.
2.4 The People's Economy (Creative
Based on the definition of Howkins that the Creative
Economy is an economic activity in which the input
and the output is the idea. True enough, the essence
of creativity is the idea. Imagine only the capital of
ideas, a creative person can earn a very decent. The
ability to realize the creativity mixed with a sense or
value of art, technology, knowledge and culture be
authorized to deal with the economic competition, so
comes the creative economy as an alternative
economic development to improve the welfare of
The reason why Indonesia needs to develop a
creative economy partly because the great potential
in the creative economy: provides significant
economic contribution; creating a positive business
climate; image building and national identity;
developing-based economy to a renewable resource;
innovation and creativity which is a competitive
advantage of a nation; provide a positive social
Creative economy is highly dependent on human
capital (human capital or intellectual capital, there is
also a call creative capital). Creative economy
requires creative human resources of course, able to
generate ideas and translate them into the form of
goods and services of economic value. The
production process may follow the rules of the
industrial economy, but the original idea was
To boost the development of creative industries
in the country, many benefits that can be achieved if
the government and the supporters of the creative
economy are serious in carrying out their duties,
such as:
1) SME Business growing majority of SMEs
engaged in the creative industries. Some
problems of SMEs in Indonesia, such as
marketing, promotional, managerial,
information, human resources, technology,
design, networking (networking), and the
financing is expected to be resolved soon. As a
result, the expectations of SMEs become a
major driver of the national economy,
contributing 54% to GDP and average growth
of 12.2% per year in 2025 can be realized.
2) To reduce the level of poverty. According to
BPS, the poor in 2007 has reached 16.5%
(approximately 37.1 million), an increase
compared to 2005 of 15.9%.
3) To reduce the unemployment rate. In 2005, the
official unemployment rate was recorded at its
The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People’s Economy as a Way of Community Empowerment
highest point, which is 10.3%. Meanwhile, the
open unemployment rate in August 2007
reached 10,01 million people. The rural
unemployment rate was slightly higher than in
urban areas.
According Elitua and Bastian (2011), the
development of creative economy quantitatively
over the last 5 years (2006-2010), indicated that the
average growth in output for 5 years at 3.1%. Then,
Based on the average contribution of the national
economy, creative industries contribute quite large at
7.28%, this result is greater than the contribution of
the sector contributed Finance, Real Estate and
Business Services (6.53%), Transportation and
Communications (6.5%) and Electricity, Gas and
Water (0.85%). In employment, the creative industry
average of 7.75 million labor absorbing than 108
million average amount of the national workforce.
Then, create business field an average of 3 million
companies from 47 million the number of businesses
that exist nationally.
Creative Economy can provide a very broad role
in improving the image of the national economy as
well as the ability to lift the local cultural heritage
then to develop them. Based on the observation that
there can be concluded that the creative economy is
believed to be able to challenge the basic problems
of the national short and medium term, namely: (1)
the high contribution to national economic growth
(an average of 7.28% per year); (2) employment in
the midst of high unemployment (7.75%), and (3) an
active role in international trade. (Mokhamad, 2007)
Economic development of a nation is an important
pillar for the implementation of the process of
development in all fields. Because if the economic
development of a nation is successful, then other
fields such as law, politics, agriculture, and others
would be very helpful. (Dumairy, 1997).
Advantages of the Industry sector of which
contribute to employment and can create value
added (value added) higher on a variety of
commodities produced. According to the Theory of
Economic Development, the higher contribution of
the industrial sector of the economy. The
development of country then the country is moving
forward. If a state contribution of the industrial
sector has been above 30%, it can be said that
country classified as developed countries (Sadono
Sukirno, 2001 in Mokhamad 2007).
2.5 Role in Improving Economic
Cooperation of People (Creative
Koperasi Indonesia in the framework of economic
development and the development of the welfare of
members in particular and society in general, the
role and duty to unite, guide, nurture and develop the
potential, creativity, the power of people's business
to increase production and realize the achievement
of a fair income and prosperity (Kartasapoetra, et
Koperasi has benefits and important role in
helping to improve the economy and society as well.
Not only the members, the cooperative board also
felt the same way. Benefits perceived by them in
accordance with their needs. Savings and loans unit
managed by cooperatives Mitra Sehati, such as
providing fresh air for the surrounding community.
Koperasi Mitra Sehati is a cooperative that is based
on the principle of kinship, always provide the best
for its members and the community. The benefits of
a cooperative that is reflected from the objective is
to improve the welfare of members of both the
economic and social level. Welfare is closely related
to the utilization of the services of the cooperative
helped members in the face of difficulties, especially
concerning financial matters.
As one of the pillars of the national economy
increase, the cooperative must continue to evolve in
order to reduce poverty and social welfare. By
looking at the important role of cooperatives in
improving the creative economy, the cooperatives
need to be developed, as it has been in the know that
the benefits of this cooperation is very much among
others, that help people who are less able, with a
view to the welfare of society at large. Social life
more closely and intertwining straps silahturahmi
fellow members and the community.
2.6 Relevant Research
The few studies that are considered relevant to the
investigation to be carried out by the researchers,
which can be used as a reference, among others:
1) The study, entitled "Community Empowerment
through Cooperative Credit Union (A Study on
the Credit Union Pontianak Equator Bakti)" by
Ayub Barombo, Asrori, and Donatianus.
Research results showed that the CU as a
public institution in its activities indirectly
implement community empowerment process
for CU facilitate cooperative society in
economic and social development. This study
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
certainly have similarities in terms of
community development, but still have
differences that lie in different cooperatives
and different studies.
2) The study, entitled "The Role of Cooperatives
in Bricks Crafters Community Empowerment
(Case Study on Credit Unions in Desa Jaya
Mandiri Kandangan Trucuk District of
Bojonegoro" by Moch. Joseph. This study aims
to describe how the above mentioned
cooperative role in community empowerment
of brick crafters. it turns out that these
cooperatives provide credit easily to its
members both credit for working capital or for
daily needs, and help market the members
smoothly and decent prices, provide the means
of production used members in the process of
making bricks and to provide guidance to
produce the bricks so that the bricks are
qualifiedly produced. The difference with this
study is to be conducted this research not on
brick producers, but on the overall economic
activity in the creative community of
cooperative members who joined together
constantly in achieving Pekanbaru Program.
3) The study, entitled "The Role of Cooperatives
in Empowering Communities in Medan City"
by Elisabeth Purnama. This study aims to
determine the number of credits earned
development of cooperative members can
increase / economic empowerment of the
family and what the constraints. It is associated
with factors that encourage people to use
cooperative services such as service, location
and people's desire to add to its earnings. The
differences of this research were not looking
for anything like studied by these investigators
but rather on what activities are carried by
cooperative to support community-based
economy of the creative economy.
This study was conducted in Rukun Warga 14 of
Sail at the District of Tenayan Raya, Pekanbaru. The
research period was from August to November,
2016. The population of the research is people in
Rukun Warga 14 at Sail, District of Tenayan Raya
of Pekanbaru, while the sample of the research is the
chairman of RW 14, the Koperasi supervisor and the
members of Koperasi Mitra Sehati. In this study
used qualitative research methods, it can be
described the design of the research consists of: the
stages of collecting the necessary data, the reduction
and then summarized. Research Library., in this case
the researchers collecting data by studying and
reading related books and theories or documents.The
field research, the authors directly down to the field
to conduct interviews with informants.
Documentation, such as AD / ART of Koperasi
Mitra Sehati. The data obtained by researchers were
analyzed with qualitative analysis technique, then
they were descriptively presented in written. This
technique aims to describe the facts and the data
obtained systematically, and the results of research,
from the results of field studies and literature to then
clarify the results.
Koperasi Mitra Sehati is one business cooperatives
precisely addressed at Jalan Ikhlas Gg. Madrasah
RT01 / RW 14 Sail at Tenayan Raya District of of
Pekanbaru. Koperasi was established in August
2015. At the beginning of this cooperative engaged
in the business or activities of savings and loans. But
then the cooperative will also undertake production
business units, marketing business unit, a business
unit of consumption and services business unit. This
cooperative at inception chaired by Ade Syaputra,
and the supervisor is Kalayo Hasibuan. The
cooperative now has initial capital consists of
principal savings and mandatory savings member
Rp. 46.98 million, - which consists of 50 members.
Related savings and loans made by Koperasi
Mitra Sehati, this cooperative has provisions from
the member savings. Each member must pay the
principal in cash at the time of admission of Rp.
50.000,- and each member is required to pay a
mandatory deposit of Rp. 10.000, or capital
investments are calculated as the capital base as
determined in the Bylaws or Member Meeting
Resolutions. (Source: Basic Budgeting of Koperasi
Mitra Sehati, 2015).
As we know that the unit savings and loan
cooperative is also an empowerment effort
associated with moving the cooperative effort in the
utilization and use of resources owned by members
of a cooperative established by member economies
to meet members in particular and society in general.
The role of this cooperative effort is to improve the
community economy, especially the economy of the
people through the creative economy which is now
being developed at this time.
Popular economy (creative economy) in general
is a micro business sectors of the economy which is
cultivated by the common people as members of
Mitra Sehati Business Multipurpose Cooperative.
The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People’s Economy as a Way of Community Empowerment
Given the importance of the micro business sector
who have joined in a cooperative, the cooperative
movement must become a priority of the coaching
and development of the business, because businesses
can thus provide jobs and reduce unemployment. It
is only logical that the micro sector who are
members of the cooperative to get attention to be
further developed so it really can be the main
support of the national economy.
Based on AD / ART of Koperasi Mitra Sehati, it
is also described in general business activity is to
serve members by applying economic principles of
cooperatives. The efforts are as follows:
1. Raise funds from members through the
principal savings and mandatory savings
2. Run the savings and loan and other efforts to
Based on interviews with administrators and
supervisors (in October 2016), it was revealed that
Koperasi Mitra Sehati business have categories of
1. Activities savings and loan
Consists of collecting deposits time and
savings cooperatives cooperatives of members
and prospective members, other cooperatives
and or members; provide loans to members,
prospective members and or its members to
uphold the principles of sound lending by
considering the feasibility assessment and loan
application capabilities.
2. Procurement of creative economic activity and
community members
Koperasi Mitra Sehati also involved in
providing training to increase the creative
economy can be developed communities that
do not have a job as housewife. The role of
Koperasi Mitra Sehati provide significant
economic contribution; Creating a positive
business climate; Developing-based economy
to a renewable resource; Innovation and
creativity which is a competitive advantage of
a nation; Provide a positive social impact.
In terms of improving social welfare is also
related to co-operative societies of creative
economic activity Mitra Sehati has sought
assistance activities / allowance or
remuneration to the members, administrators,
supervisors and managers or employees.
3. The sharing of Operations Revenues (SHU)
In cooperative gains referred to as Operations
Revenues (SHU), is "the difference between
the income earned by the costs incurred in
business management, cooperative revenue
derived from service members and the
The distributions of business is not given directly
to members of the cooperative, but will be used as
capital for cooperatives in the next year, which will
then be used as the management of the cooperative
(Interview with chairman of the cooperative in
October 2016).
Based on the results of research on the role of
Koperasi Mitra Sehati described above, it can be
concluded that Koperasi have a very important role
in supporting the economy of the community, one of
them through the economic activities of the people
(creative economy). Koperasi has become an
alternative to other business institutions. In this
condition, people have felt that the benefits and role
of cooperatives better than any other institution This
is consistent with the understanding of the
cooperatives themselves according to Law No. 25 of
1992, that: "The business entity consisting of a
person or legal entity with the bases cooperative
activities based on the principles of cooperation as
well as people's economic movement based on the
principle of family".
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The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People’s Economy as a Way of Community Empowerment