
Intensi Entrepreneurship → Entrepreneurship
Behavior. Path coefficient of entrepreneurship
intentional influence to entrepreneurship behavior is
0.198 with tstatistic equal to 2,082 which is bigger
than ttable value 1.96, it shows that there is significant
positive influence between entrepreneurship intent to
entrepreneurship behavior. That is, an increase in the
intention of entrepreneurship will result in the
improvement of entrepreneurship behavior
significantly, 5) Effect of Entrepreneurship Attitudes
→ Entrepreneurial Behavior. The coefficient of the
path of entrepreneurship attitudes toward
entrepreneurship behavior is 0.391 with tstatistics of
4,602 which is greater than the value of ttable 1.96, it
shows that there is a significant positive influence
between entrepreneurship attitudes towards
entrepreneurship behavior. That is, an increase in
entrepreneurship attitudes will result in an increase in
entrepreneurial behavior significantly, 6) Influence of
Behavioral Control → Entrepreneurial Behavior.
Path coefficient of influence of behavior control to
entrepreneurship behavior is equal to 0.324 with
tstatistic equal to 3,006 bigger than ttable value 1.96,
it shows that there is significant positive influence
between behavior controls to entrepreneurship
behavior. That is, an increase in behavior control will
result in a significant increase in entrepreneurial
Based on the results of data management using Partial
Least Square (PLS) analysis, the following
conclusions can be drawn: 1) There is a significant
positive influence between entrepreneurship attitudes
towards the intention of entrepreneurship at the
consultant PT. X, 2) There is a positive but
insignificant influence between subjective norms on
the intention of entrepreneurship at the consultant PT.
X, 3) There is a significant positive influence between
the behavior control on the intention of
entrepreneurship at the consultant PT. X, 4) There is
a significant positive influence between the intention
of entrepreneurship on entrepreneurship behavior at
the consultant PT. X, 5) There is a significant positive
influence between entrepreneurship attitudes toward
entrepreneurship behavior at the consultant PT. X, 6)
There is a significant positive influence between
behavior control on entrepreneurship behavior at the
Consultant PT. X.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship