Financial knowledge will develop financial
behavior that is influenced by individual characters
such as personality into financial ability, so that in the
future will form a financial wellbeing. According to
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (2015),
financial wellbeing supported by financial ability
encompasses how to make financial decision, how to
process financial information to financial decision,
and how to execute financial decision.
Five major social group that had been identified
for education activities as stated by OECD (2013) are
as follows: (1) school children, (2) students, (3)
professional, (4) economic institution, and (5) other
group (including housewives and informal sectors)
There are several parties of National Strategy on
Financial Education which are responsible to to
organize and to create people’s awareness of financial
education. This strategy is an approach to (1)
recognises the importance of financial education, (2)
creating collaboration between stakeholders, (3)
establishing roadmap of finance stability in the period
of time, and (4) as a guidance for individual to apply
financial education strategy (OECD, 2013). National
Strategy on Financial Education describes as follows.
Financial education for public implies three
indicators, (1) improve awareness, (2) behavioral
changes, and (3) bank minded society. Banks as
financial intermediaries serve to maintain financial
stability and promote economic growth.
2.2 Financial Stability
Financial system stability is a condition in which
economic mechanisms in pricing, allocation of funds
and risk management function well and support
economic growth
si/Contents/Default.aspx). While the instability of the
financial system is triggered by various causes and
turmoil, the market failure, which can be sourced
from external (international) and internal (domestic).
The financial system itself is accompanied by other
activities such as credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk
and operational risk.
The financial system supposed to be stable if: (1)
the monetary policy transmission is functioning
normally, (2) the function of banks and other financial
instruments as intermediary proceeds accordingly, (3)
public confidence in the financial system, and (5)
systemic crises can be addressed properly
Central Bank plays an important role on
implementing financial education program to five
major social groups (OECD, 2013). For school
children and students, central bank implemented
through the curriculum. Content of curriculum should
be supported with the learning tools, as mini bank,
student cards, and interactive games related with the
products of the bank.
According to the Indonesian Banking
Architecture, financial education increased through
financial literacy and consumer protection to enhance
financial stability. Increasing financial literacy should
be able to manage financial better, protect from unfair
practices of financial institutions, and self-reliance
when involving in financial activities
3.1 Data
This study used secondary data sourced from BPS
and BI. In addition, data also obtained from university
websites that been used to identified the curriculum
containing financial education in the economics and
business department. BPS data was included national
income in various sectors, particularly financial and
insurance activities. The BI was employed to identify
data included the results of a consumer confidence
survey of future financial developments and the
position of public savings in commercial banks and
rural banks by ownership structure.
3.2 Sample
Sample of data was defined by Gross Domestic
Products (GDP), consumer confidence survey,
number of banks, and the curriculum. GDP seen from
the amount of contribution to GDP by industry.
Industry is grouped into 11 groups, while the data
collection period is 2011-2016. Survey data to the
consumer confidence using April 2017 data, on
society's expectation of the next economic condition.
Moreover, this study was also incorporate banks’ data
development as financial intermediary number from
year of 2012-2016.
The curriculum data drawn randomly which was
representative of the University throughout
Indonesia. The sample of the university included
Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Indonesia
University (UI), and Hassanudin University
(UNHAS) with the range of courses included in
finance education at Economic Science Program.
The Importance of Financial Educations against Financial Stability through Banking Sector and Higher Education in Indonesia