Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and
Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education
Research Methodology
Ati Sadiah and Gugum Gumilar
Universitas Siliwangi Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Digital media literacy, learning style, learning achievement.
Abstract: Student achievement is the result of student learning that must be achieved after taking the education process.
The focus of this study on the description of learning achievement is the final value of the subject of economic
education research methodology in which the achievement of these values can influence learning style and
the level of digital media literacy. In the course of research methodology students have various ways of
learning, with the assumption that most major research methodology is difficult or difficult to understand.
Therefore the authors have an initiative to research and make descriptions of the level of digital media literacy
and learning styles with student learning achievements, on the premise that technological sophistication now
enables students to be able to study independently with the help of technology. This research is descriptive
research by using survey method. Based on the results of questionnaire processing, it can be concluded that
the level of litersai of digital media of students in the subject of research methodology of economic education
is included in good category, meaning that students have the ability to access information and knowledge by
available means. Furthermore, the learning style that is owned by the majority of students who follow the
research methodology visual learning style is evident/is proved with the results of data processing with the
highest percentage is in the visual style. The students' learning achievement described is still not maximized,
it is shown by the final test score data which is mostly at the 69-71 value interval, and the value is within the
minimum interval.
Learning achievement is the result of the learning
process. In the process of learning achievement can
be used as an indicator of the success of the process.
Therefore, all people who are pursuing the process of
education is always oriented to the achievement of
maximum learning achievement.
Learning achievement that became the focus of
this research is the achievement in the subject of
research methodology of economic education. In the
department of economic education this course
includes one of the subjects considered as difficult
course by students. Every year there are always
students who repeat this course. Even for them who
are in the semester of the academic year 2016/2017
there are 10% of the old students.
Learning achievement can be defined as the
ability of the learners (including students) as a result
of learning, implementation is done by assessed or
tested. According Sardiman (2002: 46) learning
achievement is defined as the real ability of the
interaction between the various factors that influence
both from within or from outside the individual self
in learning.
Furthermore, Winkel in Hamdani (2011; 138)
learning achievement is a proof of success that has
been achieved by someone. Thus the learning
achievement is the maximum result achieved by a
person after carrying out the learning efforts.
The process of learning achievement determined
or influenced by certain factors, according to
Hamdani (2011: 139-146) "the factors that affect
learning achievement can be classified into two parts,
internal and external factors (external). Internal
factors such as intelligence (intelligence), physical
factors or physiological factors, attitudes, interests,
talents and motivation. While external factors are
family circumstances, school situation, community
The carrying capacity of the environment can be
seen from various aspects that are so vast, the
development of science and technology has produced
Sadiah, A. and Gumilar, G.
Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education Research Methodology.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 128-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
various kinds of ease in the learning process. Much
information can be obtained with the ability to access
information in various media and use social media in
sophisticated gadgets can also be utilized to obtain
various information. The ability to access various
information from various sources and ways is part of
digital media literacy.
Media literacy can be defined as “the ability to
access, analyze, evaluate, and create message in
variety of form” (Aufderheide&firestone, 1993, p.7).
It describes as set of capacities related to media
consumption and creation that one can acquire.
Digital media literacy extends the traditional
understanding of media literacy to include new skills
that are required to navigate today’s new media
environment, and it also involves creative production
and instruction on how to evaluate and use
information critically (Buckingham, 2003;Jenkins,
2006;Joseph Kahne, Nam-Jin Lee;&J.T Feezell.
Literacy of digital media is part of the information
literacy. Bawden (2001: 2) "Digital literacy or also
called digital information literacy is a concept that
explains the concept of literacy in the digital age."
According to Gilster (1997: 1-2), Digital literacy is
described as the ability to understand and use
information from various formats. Literacy is not
only about the ability to read but read with meaning
and understanding.
Digital media literacy is not only a technical
capability but must be a critical thinking art which
means not all information from digital media can be
absorbed sober but must be accompanied by critical
evaluation of what is found through the digital media.
According to Gilster, in addition to the art of critical
thinking, the competence required is to learn how to
construct knowledge and build a reliable set of
information from several different sources. A person
with a digital literacy needs to develop the ability to
search and build a strategy in using search engines to
find information that matches their information
Renee Hobbs, 2010. Essential Competencies of
Digital and Media Literacy;
1. ACCESS, Finding and using media and
technology tools skilfully and sharing
appropriate and relevant information with
2. ANALYZED & EVALUATE, Comprehending
message and using critical thinking to analyze
message quality, veracity, credibility, and point
of view, while considering potential effect or
consequences of message.
3. CREATE, Composing or generating content
using creativity and confidence in self-
expression, with awareness of purpose,
audience, and composition techniques.
4. REFLECT, Applying social responsibility and
ethical principles to one’s own identity and lived
experience, communication behaviour and
5. ACT Working individually and collaboratively
to share knowledge and solve problems in the
family, the workplace and the community, and
participating as a member of a community at
local, regional, national and international levels.
Students at the present time are highly skilled in
using visible gadgets from activities that can be traced
in cyberspace on social media, activities that occur in
the room with a hotspot is tight. Gadgets and laptops
seem to have become the main and important tool to
take to campus. It can be said gadgets and laptops
become part of the learning style.
Furthermore, internal factors that affect learning
achievement is learning style (habit). Every student
has different habits in the learning process. Because
basically every individual has the ability or different
power to obtain the same information or knowledge.
It can be called learning style.
According to Nasution (2008: 93) "learning style
or student learning style is the way students react and
use stimuli-stimuli received in the learning process".
Bobbi DePorter and Mike Hernacki (2000: 110-
112) "learning styles are a combination of how one
absorbs and then organizes and processes
information." Learning styles are not just aspects of
facing information, seeing, listening, writing and
saying but also the aspect of information processing
of secular, analytic, global or left-brain right brain,
another aspect is when responding to something in the
learning environment (abstractly and concretely
According to Drummond (1998: 186) defines
learning style as "learning an individual's preferred
mode and desired conditions of learning" means
learning style is considered as a learning or learning
conditions favoured by the learner.
Broadly speaking there are 7 common approaches
known as reference frameworks and developed also
by different experts with their respective variance.
Adi Gunawan (2004: 140) summarizes the seven
ways of learning are:
1) Approach based on information processing;
Determine different ways of viewing and
processing new information. This approach was
developed by Kagan, Kolb, Honey and Umford
Gregorc, Butler and McCharty.
Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education Research
2) Approach based on personality; Determine the
different character types. This approach was
developed by Myer-Briggs, Lawrence, Keirsey
& Bartes, Simon & Byram, Singer-Loomis,
Gray-Whellright, Holland and Geering.
3) Approach based on sensory modalities;
determine the degree of dependence on certain
senses. This approach was developed by
Bandler & Grinder, and Messick.
4) Approach based on environment; determine the
different responses to physical, psychological,
social and instructional conditions. This
approach was developed by Witkin and Eison
5) Approach based on social interaction; determine
the different ways of dealing with others. This
approach was developed by Grasha-reichman,
Perry, Mann, Furmann-Jacobs and Merill.
6) Approach based on intelligence, determining
different talents. This approach was developed
by Gardner and Handy.
7) Approach based on brain region; determine the
relative dominance of various parts of the brain,
e.g. left brain and right brain. This approach was
developed by Sperry, Bogen, Edwards and
Kind of style of learning according to Canfield
(1998) individual learning styles are differentiated in
several types of social, independent, applied, and
conceptual. Students of social type are those who
prefer to study in groups. Independent learners are
those who prefer to study independently. Students in
applied learning prefer learning by direct practice.
The conceptual learner is a learner who likes to learn
The learning style is further the result of the
research of Professor Ken and Rita Dunn of St.
University. John in Jamaica New York and the
Neuro-linguistic programming experts Richard
Bandler, John Grinder and Michael Grinder, the
experts identified three different learning styles and
1. Visual, learn through seeing things. We like to
see pictures or diagrams. We love performances,
show or watch videos.
2. Auditory, learning through listening to
something, we love listening to audio tapes,
lectures, discussions, debates and verbal
instructions (instructions).
3. Kinaesthetic. Learning through physical activity
and direct involvement. We love to handle,
move, touch and feel / experience (Rose, Colin
& Malcom J. Nichol; 2002; 130-131).
Based on the description can be explained again
that the learning achievement will be influenced by
the ability of digital media literacy and student
learning style itself. Therefore, the authors are
interested in researching and describing in detail the
relationship between digital media literacy and
learning style of economic education students in the
subject of economic education research methodology
with the learning achievement achieved in the course
with the title: "Description of digital media literacy,
learning style and Student achievement in Economics
education research methodology course".
The formulation of the problem described are:
1. What is the competency of digital media literacy
of students in the subject of economic education
research methodology?.
2. How is the student learning style in the subject of
economic education research methodology?
3. How is the student achievement in the subject of
economic education research methodology?.
This research use descriptive approach with survey
method. Isaac and Michael (1980) stated that
descriptive research aims to describe the phenomena
in detail about the relationship between the level of
digital media literacy and learning styles with the
descriptive approach. Student achievement. The
author only describes the data obtained by the survey
therefore this research is also called qualitative
The research was conducted in Siliwangi
university environment as a unit of analysis which is
the 3rd grader of Economics education which
followed the subject of economics education research
methodology in academic year 2016/2017 which
amounted to 194 people. Because using survey
method, the writer uses random sampling technique
with sample size about 50% from population that is
counted 97 people.
The data required in this study were collected by
using several techniques as follows:
1) Questionnaire / quesioner
Questionnaire is a technique of collecting data
by using a list of statements that have been
prepared previously. The contents of the
questionnaire contains questions about the level
of digital media literacy, and learning styles. In
this study the questionnaire will be distributed
to the responden is a sixth semester student
majoring in economic education that follows the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
recovery of economic education research
Questionnaire used is a closed questionnaire
means the author has provided the desired
answer so that the respondents just choose.
2) Interview
In the interview, the author held a direct
question and answer with respondents to obtain
accurate and precise information. In this case the
authors will conduct interviews with some
students from class representatives who became
representative of respondents.
3) Documentation study
Documentation study is used to obtain data of
learning achievement, which is the learning
achievement in question is the final value in the
course of economic education research
The data has been collected and then analyzed by
descriptive analysis and using percentage (%), this
analysis aims to provide an overview of the state of
research variables.
Based on the survey results on the specified sample.
Through a questionnaire about the competence of
digital media literacy and questionnaires about
learning styles it can be obtained research data as
3.1 The competency of digital media
literacy of students in the subject of
economic education research
The competence of digital media literacy is
supported by the ownership of various supporting
technologies such as gadgets, computers, laptops, use
or ownership of various social media applications,
and data quota facilities / internet connections that
support both personally and available around the
siliwangi university campus.
In measuring the literacy competence of digital
media, the writer distributed questionnaires in
accordance with the competence of digital media
literacy proposed by Renee Hobess ACCESS
(including the ability to access various media),
ANALYZE & EVALUATE (including the ability to
analyze and evaluate information), CREATE
(including the ability to use or utilize various media ),
REFLECT (including responsible use and use of the
media, ACT (including the use of various media in
order to solve problems encountered such as the
problem of lecturing comprehension and work on
tasks assigned by lecturers).
To get a clearer picture the writer makes a
classification by using interval value, as follows:
NJI = (highest-lowest value) / (number of statement
Information ;
NJI = interval to define criteria very well, well, good
enough, no
Well, not very good
Highest value = 97 x 42 x 5 = 20370
Lowest value = 97 x 42 x 1 = 4074
Number of statement criteria = 5
Thus the value of interval level for the questionnaire
data of the digital media literacy level is;
NJI = (20370-4074) / 5 = 3259
4074 - 7333 category is not very good
7334 - 10593 categories are not good
10594 - 13853 category is good enough
13854 - 17113 good category
17114 - 20373 very good category
Based on these categories, the total score of all
respondents as much as 14506 means the level of
literacy ability of digital media students in the subject
of research methodology of economic education
included in the category of good, which means that
students basically have the ability to access various
information and knowledge with good facilities
Personally or the facilities available in the campus
3.2 The student learning style in the
subject of economic education
research methodology
Learning styles are a combination of how one
absorbs and then organizes and processes
information. Learning styles can also be interpreted
as a way a person in processing information or how a
person in acquiring knowledge.
This study discusses three learning styles:
1. Visual, learn through seeing things. We like to
see pictures or diagrams. We love performances,
show or watch videos
2. Auditory, learning through listening to
something, we love listening to audio tapes,
lectures, discussions, debates and verbal
instructions (instructions)
3. Kinesthetic. Learning through physical activity
and direct involvement. We love to handle,
Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education Research
move, touch and feel / experience (Rose, Colin
& Malcom J. Nicholl; 2002; 130-131).
The characteristics of someone who has a visual
learning style include: (a) remembering what is seen
rather than what is heard, (b) likes to scribble things,
(c) fast and diligent readers, (d) prefers reading rather
than read, (I) better understanding of drawings and
charts than written instructions, (j) knowing what to
say, but not Thinking the right word, (k) usually not
bothered by the commotion, (l) remembering with
visual associations.
Furthermore, an auditory-style person displays
the following characteristics: (a) more quickly
absorbs by listening, (b) moving their lips and
uttering the text in a book while reading, (c) enjoy
reading aloud and listening, (d) Repeat and imitate the
tone, rhythm, and color of the sound, (e) good at
speaking and telling stories, (f) speaking in patterned
rhythm, (g) remembering what is discussed rather
than being seen, (h) speaking, discussing, (J) like
music and singing, (k) can not be idle for a long time,
(l) loves to do group work.
Whereas, a kinesthetic person has characteristics
such as: (a) always physically oriented and multi-
motion, (b) speaking slowly, (c) likes to use various
tools and media, (d) touching people to get their
attention, (F) using the finger as a pointer when
reading, (i) using a lot of body cues, (j) can not stand
by when talking to people, (e) learning through
practice, Sitting quietly for long periods, (k) wanting
to do everything, (l) love games and sports.
Table 1: tendency of learning styles of students of economic
education research methodology
Learning styles
Visual auditory
Visual Kinesthetic
Source; Result of learning style questionnaire data processing
Based on the findings in the table, it can be
explained that most or 43.3% of students have a
tendency visual learning style, 25.8% of students
have auditory learning style, 10.3% of students have
kinaesthetic learning style, 10.3% Visual and
auditory style tendencies, 8.2% of students of visual
and kinaesthetic-style tendencies and 2.1% of
students have kinaesthetic auditory learning styles.
With the scores obtained, if it is compared then it
can be concluded that most students in the course of
research methodology mostly have a visual learning
3.3 The student achievement in the
subject of economic education
research methodology
Winkel's learning achievement in Hamdani (2011:
138) is a testament to the success one has achieved.
Thus the learning achievement is the maximum result
achieved by a person after carrying out the learning
efforts. In this study the learning achievement in
question is the final value of the exam in the course
of research methodology semester academic year
2016/2017, presented in the table as follows.
Table 2: Distribution of Student Achievement Frequency in
Educational Research Methodology Course
Source; Result of data processing of learning achievement
Figure 1: The frequency distribution of student
achievement of economic education research methodology
Based on the data table above the final value of
the subjects of economic research methodology
obtained the highest value of 90 and the lowest value
of 65. After presented in the form of frequency
distribution table obtained the picture that most
values are at intervals 69-71. There are only 2.1%
who get great value. With the description above, it
describes the achievement of learning in the course of
Chart Title
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
educational research methodology is still not
maximal because it is in a very small interval.
Based on the description, it can be concluded that the
level of digital media literacy of students in the
subjects of economic education research
methodology with a total score of 14506 means good
category, which means that students basically have
the ability to access various information and
knowledge with the means they have either
individually or the facilities available in the campus.
Students' learning style in the subject of research
methodology of economic education in the course of
research methodology as much as 43.3% of students
have a tendency of visual learning style. 25.8% of
students have auditory learning styles, 10.3% of
students have kinaesthetic learning styles. And there
are several combinations of styles that students have
such as auditory, kinaesthetic and kinaesthetic
auditory. With these findings, the lecturers of
economics education research methodology should
make an effort to maximize the learning media that
can be seen such as drawings, interesting slides and
other information displayed neatly and attractively.
The learning achievement described is the final grade
of the methodology of educational research in
economics, there is a high score of 90 and the lowest
score 65. However, the acquisition of most students
is at intervals 69-71, the numbers that can be said not
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Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education Research