Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator
through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning
B. Lena Nuryanti, Dian H Utama, Usep Saepudin
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no.229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Project-based learning, Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Abstract: This research attempts to compile the Entrepreneurial Learning Pattern by using project learning model so
that it can grow student's mindset to become an entrepreneur. The purpose of this study is to find out the
picture 1) Project-based learning on the students of Education Business Management Education Course 2014
Faculty of Economics and Business Education, University of Education Indonesia, 2) Entrepreneurial mindset
on students 2014 Education Management Education University of Indonesia, 3) The magnitude of the
influence of project-based learning on entrepreneurial mindset on students and Education Management
Education 2014 Education University of Indonesia. As for the sample in this study are 70 students of Business
Management Education 2014, University of education Indonesia. Data analysis techniques used in this study
is a simple linear regression. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) Project-based learning in stu-
dents 2014 Education Management Education, University of Indonesia Education in very high category, 2)
Entrepreneurial mindset in students of Business Management Education 2014, University of Indonesia Ed-
ucation in high category, 3) Entrepreneurial mindset is positively influenced by project-based learning. Based
on the results of this research is recommended as a basis for other research on project-based learning with
different indicators and objects.
Education basically has two big tasks. First pre-pare
a generation that has the ability to adapt to en-
vironmental expectations. Second, to prepare them to
overcome the problems found in new ways. Through
the first students learn to understand the conditions
and patterns that are around them. The third
encourages students to innovate. There is another
reality that is being faced by this nation that is the
problem of unemployment and manpower. So far,
education has succeeded in generating the mind-set of
a generation of job seekers. Almost all gradu-ates are
busy looking for work while employment is very
limited. (Putu Aditya Antara, 2012: 1)
Mindset or mindset is formed due to education,
experience and prejudice someone in dealing with
something. Whether or not someone is addressing
something is important because it is related to the
decision making process. There are two types of
mindset or human mindset: a fixed mindset that
includes egoism, closed nature, self-employment,
opposition to others and even feels destined to be a
lowly person (Mauer, R., Neergaard, H., and Linstad,
A. K., 2017:293-317). Springer International
Publishing.. Instead the other mindset is a
developing mindset that puts forward the optimistic,
positive thinking, diligent and enterprising work and
feel able to change something. In the business world
an entrepreneur must have a mindset or mindset
(Entrepreneurial mindset) that can be built and
designed by an entrepreneur to determine a wise
The mindset of an entrepreneur is a productive,
creative, innovative mindset because it is this way of
thinking that all entrepreneurs need to run a business.
( Access 20:15 pm Sunday,
October 25, 2015). Enterpreneurial Mindset can be
built in various ways, one of them is with learning
both inside and outside the classroom. Learning is
basically an effort to direct the students into the
learning process so that they can get the learning
objectives in accordance with what is expected.
Learning should pay attention to the condition of
individual peseta learners because they are the ones
who will learn.
The education that the community is interested in
in the future is in addition to the quality of learning
Nuryanti, B., Utama, D. and Saepudin, U.
Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 134-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
process, the results are also qualified, good quality in
the academic field, quality in emotional assistance
and quality in spiritual guidance. Quality learning,
teachers and lecturers are given the freedom to
actualize the field of learning optimally so that
potential learners can grow. While the learning model
refers to the Four Pillars of Education proposed
Delors (1996: 85-97) that is Learning to know,
Learning to do, Learning to live together and
Learning to live with other and Learning to be
(learning to be someone).
The process of education is not separated by the
learning process. Learning is an attempt to create
conditions conducive to student learning
(Wlodkowski, R. J., and Ginsberg, M. B. : 2017).
From this boundary it appears that the process in
learning and learning of the main target is on the
learning process target students or students. Students
are in-dividuals who are different from each other,
have the uniqueness of each is not the same as others.
Therefore, learning in high society should pay
attention to the individual differences of the student,
so that the learning can really change the condition of
the students from the do not know to know, from who
do not understand to understand and from who
behaves Less good to be good ( Montgomery, D. C. :
2017). The real condition of students like this, so far
received less attention among lecturers. This is
evident from the attention of some lecturers who tend
to pay attention to the class as a whole, not individual
or group of students, so that individual differences are
less attention. Another symptom is seen in the fact
that many lecturers use teaching methods that tend to
be the same each time the classroom meetings take
In addition, lecturers often ask students to retell,
define, describe, describe, and register instead of
analyzing, drawing conclusions, connecting,
synthesizing, criticizing, creating, evaluating,
rethinking. As a result, many universities who
graduate students who think superficially, only stand
on the surface of the problem, not the students who
are able to think deeply and think critically in
addressing a matter (Erickson, H. L., Lanning, L. A.,
and French, R. : 2017).
The ability to think critically is an ability that must
be mastered in the learning process in college.
Because critical thinking is one of the skills that train
students to think higher. Critical thinking is trained so
that students have a thorough understanding of both
the concept and the thinking process itself to solve
real-life problems. Critical thinking should be one of
the learning experiences gained by students, as
critical thinking is needed in the application of
knowledge and will greatly affect the student's
decision making process in dealing with real-life
issues (Brookfield, S. D. : 2017).
Student's critical thinking skills can be improved
through a character building learning model through
experience that leads students to the daily issues of
the environment. Learning oriented to students'
critical thinking skills requires a strategy that can
stimulate students to develop their thinking skills, the
consequences of experiential learning emphasize
much on fieldwork (observation), observation
reports, communicate student observation results.
From experience perceived by this experience-based
learning method it often clashes with the difference
of interest that is where the student wants the freedom
from homework and assignment of course task
(Bantimaroudis, P. : 2017). while the lecturer through
applying approach to form the character of the student
to become human. Who are crit-ical, dare to stand
firm in principle and in their position and dare to bear
the risk, and dare to take re-sponsibility for what it
does, but sometimes the effort is fruitful simalakama
student do not accept with duty which they perceive
burden, lecturer As this becomes unpopular for
students who tend to see that the status of students is
just prestigious, present in the classroom is a body
without soul .
Lessons that pay attention to individual
differences of students and based on teacher centered
will make it difficult to deliver students towards
achievement of learning objectives (Brookfield, S. D.
: 2017). Conditions like these that generally occur in
conventional learning. The consequence of such
teaching-learning ap-proaches is the apparent gap
between the smartest student and the less intelligent
student in achieving the learning objectives. This
condition resulted in a lack of learning objectives, so
that the process oriented teaching-learning system did
not produce re-sults in the sense that only a few
students could change their mindset, while the rest
were only students who had not been clear about their
destination. This proves a failure in the learning
process in col-lege.
According to Putu Aditya Antara (2012: 4), one
of the challenges facing education in Indonesia in the
future is quite a lot of high school graduates who do
not continue his studies (dropping out of school), and
many college graduates (PT) who can not afford
Apply his knowledge in everyday life. Meanwhile,
with the globalization, free market and Asean
Economic Community (MEA), foreign workforce has
now filled various job fields . In Indonesia, which
should be the land occupation is filled by indigenous
employees. It's never too late that . The Indonesian
Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning
nation must design an educational system that is
capable of preparing qualified human resources that
have independence, work ability, ability to adapt,
compete, have life skill and be able to open their own
The problem faced is how to prepare for the
education world able to produce graduates who are
able to adapt, compete, and have life skills (life skill)
so as to open their own business and able to face
global competition. On the other hand the
implementation of education should indeed not far
from the needs of society and the potential that ex-ists
in society. This is absolutely irrelevant because the
National Education Law requires a community-based
education that expects the implementation of
education based on the religious, social, cultural,
aspirational and potential characteristics of society as
the realization of education from, by and for society
(Soedijarto 2000: 77 ).
Being aware of these facts, experts seek to find
and formulate a model of learning that can embrace
all the differences that students have. Learning model
offered is an active learning strategy (Project Based
Learning). During this process of learning is more
often interpreted as a lecturer explains learning
materials and students passively listening, on the one
hand feel had fallen duties obligation on the other side
felt had followed the lecture well.
From several studies it has been found that the
quality of learning will increase if the student in the
learning process gets a wide opportunity to ask,
discuss, and use active lecture time to gain new
knowledge (Wlodkowski, R. J., and Ginsberg, M. B.
: 2017). In this way it is also known that the new
knowledge tends to be better understood and
The role of student and lecturer in the context of
project-based learning becomes very important.
Lecturers play an active role as facilitators who help
facilitate students learn and consult about things that
need deeper understanding (Harrop-Allin, S. : 2017).
as managers who are able to design and implement
meaningful learning activities, as well as manage the
necessary learning resources. Students are also
involved in the learning process alongside the
lecturers because students are guided, directed to
learn to find, seek to question something to
investigate the answers to a question, manage and
communicate the results communica-tively. The
student is expected to be able to modifier the new
knowledge received with the experience and
knowledge he has ever received.
Through the project-based Learning model,
students are expected to be able to recognize and
develop their learning capacity and potential. In
addition, full and conscious students can use the
potential of learning resources in their surroundings,
more trained to initiate, systematically think, crises
and responsiveness, so as to solve everyday problems
through tracing meaningful information to them.
Learning based on Entrepreneurship Project requires
Lecturers to work professionally (Cincera, J.,
Biberhofer, P., Binka, B., Boman, J., Mindt, L., and
Rieckmann, M. : 2017), to teach systemati-cally, and
based on effective and efficient learning principles.
That is, lecturers can engineer learning models that
are implemented systematically and make the
learning process as a meaningful experience for
Therefore, lecturers as educators in universities
must have the ability to utilize learning resources in
their environment optimally in the learning process
(Atherton, M., Shah, M., Vazquez, J., Griffiths, Z.,
Jackson, B., and Burgess, C. : 2017)., to develop new
ideas, to reduce the gaps of knowledge gained by
students with knowledge gained from the real life
environment in the commu-nity, learn the
relationvansi and relevance of Entre-preneurship
subject courses with daily needs in the community,
developing students' knowledge, skills and behavior
gradually and intactly, giving students the
opportunity to develop optimally according to their
abilities and apply the principles of entrepreneurship,
Principles of learning with a process ap-proach and a
Student Centered approach.
Project-based learning like this is assumed to be
able to change the mindset or mindset of students who
had selfish nature, intrfert nature, self-employment,
opposing others even felt destined as marginalized
people, became a forward thinking pat-tern with the
meaning of changing into patterns Thought
entrepreneurial or entrepreneurial mindset with a
developing mindset put forward the attitude of
optimism, positive thinking, diligent and enterprising
work and feel can change something.
Based on the description on the background of the
above research, project-based learning can be seen as
a strategy to improve the entre-preneurial mindset
that can grow so as to create new entrepreneurs (Huq,
A., Huq, A., Gilbert, D., and Gilbert, D. : 2017)., it is
deemed necessary to conduct research as outlined in
the title "Change Student's Mindset From Job Seeker
to Creator Employment Through Learning-based En-
trepreneurship Project ".
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Project-based learning is a learning by using real
projects in life that are based on high motivation,
challenging questions, tasks or problems to form a
competency mastery undertake in a joint effort to
solve problems (Ovenden-Hope, T., and Blandford,
S. :2017), in training materials of Directorate of
PSMK 2016. Applied learning model analysis
Purpose of Project Based Learning. Is improving
learning motivation, team work, collaboration skills
in achieving high lev-el academic / taxonomic skills
needed level of crea-tivity in the 21st century
(Pellegrino, J. W. : 2017).
Implementation of Project Based Learning model
can be done on one pair of KD and / or some KD from
the competency unit at the level or high level.
The synthesis / stages of the Learning-Based
Learning model, include:
1) Determination of basic questions (Start with the
Essential Question);
2) Designing project planning;
3) Scheduling (Create a Schedule);
4) Monitor the Students and the Progress of the
5) Testing results (Assess the Outcome), and
6) Evaluate the Experience., in the training
materials of the Directorate of PSMK 2016.
The entrepreneurial mindset is a framework of an
entrepreneurial-oriented mind, preferring to undergo
the avoidance of the avoidors, seeing things simpler
than others who can only see them in a complex way,
willing to learn about something that comes from
taking risks (Mc Granth and MacMillan, 2000: 2).
Here are five characteristics of the entrepreneurial
mindset of an entrepreneur according to Mc. Granth
and MacMillan (2000: 3), namely:
1) Have a passion for new opportunities True en-
trepreneurs will remain vigilant, always look-
ing for profitable opportunities from chang-ing
the way business is done. The greatest in-
fluence comes when they create an entirely new
business model within an industry. The new
business model will revolutionize the revenue
and operational activities of all the same
industry companies. (Sandy Wahyudi, 2012:
2) Just chasing the best opportunities True entre-
preneurs are only pursuing the best sources and
avoiding the exhaustion that will occur if every
option of opportunity is to be pursued. Although
already quite wealthy, an entrepre-neur remains
disciplined to limit the number and variety of
business projects that will do. They strictly
control the portfolio of oppor-tunities taken at
each stage of development, they strictly link the
company's large strategy with the choice of
specific projects, rather than spending too much
effort on a project that is not the same as the
company's vision. (Sandy Wahyudi, 2012: 105)
3) Discipline yourself to realize opportunities True
entrepreneurs are not only vigilant about what
they might be exploring, but also ensure they are
able to realize those opportunities. Some
entrepreneurs often record all the ideas for the
opportunities in their notebooks so that when
certain actions are required, they will not run out
of ideas. (Sandy Wahyudi, 2012: 106)
4) Focus on execution decisions, not just plan-ning
An entrepreneur with an entrepreneurial
mindset executes a business immediately, they
never analyze too long a chance of an idea.
However, they are very adaptive, able to make
changes to follow the real opportuni-ties, keep
looking for the best way to make it happen.
(Sandy Wahyudi, 2012: 106)
5) Involves the ability of others in the team True
entrepreneurs involve many people to realize
opportunities, both from within and from
outside the organization. They create and
maintain relationships with partners rather than
working alone. They leverage the intel-lect and
ability of others to achieve common goals.
(Sandy Wahyudi, 2012: 106).
This study uses an entrepreneurial approach, es-
pecially on the influence of project-based Learning on
entrepreneurial mindset. As for the object of research
as independent variable (eksogen) is pro-ject-based
learning (X) with sub-emphasis of learning process
on developing skill of analytical and critical thinking.
Then the object of research into the de-pendent
variable (endogen) is the entrepreneurial mindset (Y).
Objects that are used as respondents in this study are
students. Education Management Busi-ness 2014,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
This research was conducted at Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia. Based on the period of
research conducted in the period of less than one year,
the research method used is cross sectional method.
Based on the level of explanation and field of
research, then this type of research is descriptive and
verification research, with research method used is
explanantory survey. The population in this study is
Student of 2014 Business Management Education,
Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning
University of Education Indonesia with amount of N
= 70 people. In this study the number of samples is
determined by sampling technique with saturated
samples in which all members of the population are
4.1 Descriptive Discussion
4.1.1 Project-based learning
Based on the results of empirical research on the
implementation of project-based learning on the
students of Education Business Education 2014,
University of Education Indonesia, the findings
suggest that faster feedback indicators will occur in
the learning process has contributed quite high for
entrepreneurs in achieving learning-based Project.
4.1.2 Entrepreneurial Mindset
Based on the results of empirical research on
entrepreneurial mindset of students and Education
Management Education 2014, University of
Education Indonesia, the findings that the dimension
is only the pursuit of the best opportunities has
contributed quite high in achieving entrepreneurial
4.2 Discussion
By using SPSS 21.0 for Windows program, the
following regression coefficients are obtained:
Table 1: Simple Linear Regresy Model
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Project Based Learning
a. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurial Mindset
Y= 59488,242 + 0,655X
Constant value of 59488,242 states that if there is
no project-based Learning, then the amount of
entrepreneurial mindset is 59488.242. The regression
coefficient of 0.655 one unit of value means that any
increase in project-based learning will increase the
entrepreneurial mindset of 0.655 one unit of value and
vice versa, if there is a decrease of entrepreneur-ial
mindset, project-based learning will decrease the
entrepreneurial mindset of 0.655 one unit of value.
The relationship between project-based learning
towards entrepreneurial mindset is derived from the
summary model described in detail below:
From the above table we can calculate the
following Coefficient of Determination value = 0.278
x 100% = 27.8% The above calculation shows that the
magnitude of coefficient of determination is 27.8%
which means that the entrepreneurial mindset is in-
fluenced by project-based Learning of 27.8%, while
the rest of 73.2% influenced by other variables not
examined in this study.
Table 3: t-Test
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Project Based Learning
a. Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurial Mindset
Table 2: Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change
Sig. F
a. Predictors: (Constant), Priject Based Learning
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Calculation of t-test with the help of SPSS 21.0
for windows program obtained tcount of 3.966 with
5% significance level. Compared with ttable value,
the acquisition of tcount has bigger than ttable (3.966
> 1.665), hence the null hypothesis (H0) is re-jected
and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a positive
influence of project-based Learning on
entrepreneurial mindset.
Based on the discussion of theory, research re-sults,
and testing of linear regression analysis con-ducted
on Changing Students' Mindset From Job Seeker to
Creator Employment Through Learning based on
Entrepreneurship project can be summa-rized as
follows: The results that the Learning-based project
of the student is good. Indicators that have the highest
rating of faster feedback will occur in the learning
process with the score of 930, while the indicators
that have the lowest rating of emphasis of learning
process on the development of skills of analytical and
critical thinking with the score of 552. The results
stated that, entrepreneurial mindset students is good.
Charac-teristics that have the highest appraisal are
only pur-suing the best opportunities with the score
of 1,831, while the characteristics that have the lowest
rating that is Focus on execution decisions, not just
plan-ning. The result of this research stated that
project based learning has positive influence on
entrepre-neurial mindset with direct influence of
27,8%. This shows that the higher the implementation
of project-based learning, the higher the
entrepreneurial mind-set.
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Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning