The Responses of Teachers and Students to the Use of Multimedia
Presentation in Scientific-Based Economics Learning
Dadang Dahlan, Kusnendi Kusnendi and Leni Permana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Multimedia presentation, economics learning, scientific approach.
Abstract: This study aims to describe teacher and student responses to the use of multimedia presentations in
economics learning based on a scientific approach. This study employed descriptive survey method
involving 27 teachers and 415 students as research subjects. The data collection instruments consisted of
questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGDs). The results show that teacher response to the use of
multimedia presentation is very positive, because it facilitates the implementation of economics learning
process with a scientific approach. Similarly, student response is very positive. The use of multimedia
presentations can improve the understanding of concepts, because abstract concepts can be simplified, and
they are more actively involved in the learning process. The results of this study suggest that the economics
learning process scientific approach-based can be more effective with multimedia presentation.
Utilization of media in the learning process has been
widely discussed and examined by experts. Kemp
and Dayton (1995) have shown a positive impact of
media use in classroom learning. Learning can be
more interesting and learning-quality can be
improved. Similarly, Sankey, M.D et al. (2011)
reported that most students increase their learning
outcomes as the impact of the use of multimedia.
One type of learning media that is being widely
used is multimedia presentation. Multimedia is a
medium that displays learning materials with
techniques that combine all advantages of audio and
visual media equipments with various presentation
techniques that utilize computer technology and
LCD projector as the main equipment. Briefly,
Mayer, Richard (2009) defines multimedia as
“Presentation of matter using words as well as
images”. Based on the idea, computer is an
electronic device that belongs to the category of
multimedia. Computer can involve various senses
and organs of the body, such as ear (audio), eye
(visual), and hand (kinesthetic). With the
involvement of these various senses, it is possible
that the information or messages conveyed become
easier to understand. Computer has the ability to
process various kinds of language symbols as a
stimulus, ranging from numbers, letters, words,
sound symbols, still images, motion pictures, and so
forth. Computer will be very helpful when it is used
as a medium of learning. Cruickshank et al (2006)
says, “The software available in your classroom
likely will be satisfactory with regard to both its
quality and ability to help learners develop a range
of lower-and higher-level thinking skills”.
Multimedia presentation is one form of
computer-based multimedia that can be used in
learning process. Presentation, according to
Cruickshank et al (2006), “is an informative talk a
more knowledgeable person makes to less
knowledgeable persons”. In the perspective of
learning process, presentation is one of learning
methods. The advantages of multimedia presentation
are as follows. (1) It is able to display objects that
are not physical (imagery). Cognitively, learning by
using mental imagery will increase retention of
learners in remembering subject materials. (2) It has
the ability to combine all elements of media such as
text, video, animation, image, graphics and sound
into an integrated presentation unit. (3) It has the
ability to accommodate learners in accordance with
learning modalities, especially for those who have
visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or other types.
Dahlan, D., Kusnendi, K. and Permana, L.
The Responses of Teachers and Students to the Use of Multimedia Presentation in Scientific-Based Economics Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 151-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In multimedia presentation, the visualization of
messages, information, or concepts to be conveyed
to learners is a very important part. Arrangement of
visual elements must be able to display vision that
can be understood, clear, readable, and attract
learners’ attention to fulfill its main function in
helping learners to achieve learning objectives.
The effect of the use of multimedia presentation
on student learning outcomes has been well
documented by researchers. Mayer and Moreno
(1998) report that multimedia presentation has an
effect on memory capability, as measured by
retention test, and applicability, as measured by
transfer tests. Tien-Chi Huang, et al (2009) and
Tolani-Brown N. et al (2009) state multimedia
presentation can improve learning outcomes.
This study did not examine the effect of
multimedia on student learning outcomes. Rather, it
focused on the benefits of using multimedia
presentation on economics learning based on an
inductive scientific approach. In a scientific
approach-based learning, the initial step begins with
the activity of observing an object that can be
displayed in the form of learning media. Based on
the observation of an object displayed in the media,
students are stimulated to ask, then to search for
data, to associate, and to communicate.
This research used descriptive survey method
because it aims to describe the behaviors or opinions
of a population by examining the sample (Cresswell,
W. John, 2010). Research subjects consist of
students and teachers of State Senior High-Schools
in Bandung that have implemented a scientific
approach in 2013 Curriculum. The samples
consisted of 415 students, which were determined
based on Morgan and Krecjie tables and were taken
proportionately from each school. The sample of
teachers consisted of 27 teachers, which are
determined purposively (each school is represented
by one teacher of economics).
Data required in this study were collected
through questionnaires, documentation, and focus
group discussions (FGDs). There were two kinds of
questionnaires prepared in accordance with the
expected data filled by research subjects (teachers
and students). Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was
used to obtain data that are more comprehensive
from teachers as users of instructional media.
The data analysis was done through quantitative
analysis (descriptive statistics) and qualitative
analysis. The quantitative analysis was intended to
describe the data in the form of frequency
distribution and tables. The qualitative data analysis
was done by first checking the validity of data that
has been classified according to categories that can
be objectively defined, as the construction of data
ready for further analysis.
3.1 Result Study
The teacher’s response to the needs of instructional
media in economics learning based on a scientific
One of the difficulties faced by economics
teachers in applying scientific approaches is the lack
of available learning media to support the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum-based
learning processes. In relation to these difficulties,
most of the economic teachers (94.44%), argue
about the need for instructional media support to
apply the scientific approach in the learning process.
The teacher’s response is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Teacher’s Response to the Need for
Instructional Media Support in the Application of
Scientific Approach for the Learning Process
Yes, learning media
is needed
Learning media is
less needed because
source books are
The data in Table 1 provides an illustration that
most of the teachers declare that the application of
scientific approach require the means of learning
media. Only 3.71% of teachers think that the source
books only are enough. The required media is
packaged in a multimedia presentation.
The student’s response to the needs of
instructional media in economics learning based on a
scientific approach.
In the opinion of students, the learning media is
needed in economics learning because the learning
material is relatively abstract. This is indicated by
the student’s responses stating that the subject of
economics is difficult to understand because it is
abstract. What the teacher conveys is less
Learning media that can be used in economic
learning are various. The student responses about the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
types of media needed in economic learning can be
presented in the Table 2.
Table 2: Students’ Opinions for the Material the
Teacher Explains are Easy to Understand
Teachers clarify
materials with
graphs, diagrams,
charts, posters,
cartoons, and maps.
Teachers show
interesting movies
and videos.
Teachers use the
Other (Games,
Practice, Field
The data in Table 2 illustrates that, in the opinion
of the students, the material described by the
teachers is easily understood by using visual media
(32.50%), audiovisual media (36.38%), power point
(26.56%), and games and field studies (4.56%).
3.2 Discussion
The results of this study provide a picture that, in the
learning process, students need stimulus in the form
of learning media that allows them to understand
learning materials more effectively. As many as
57.28% of students argue about the need of
audiovisual learning media, and 22.43% of students
argue about the need of instructional media that
guides students to do things (learning by doing), so
that students can understand learning materials more
Based on the opinions of teachers, there is a
tendency that the media in the form of drawings,
charts, diagrams, and others are much needed in
economics learning. This is in line with Banaszak
(1993), which explains that the purpose of pictorial
representation is to make the concepts of economics
being studied more concrete. The media diagram is
an abstraction of a real object. In this way, students
can visualize how objects are represented to
represent actual existence. This process can facilitate
the development of student skills in deploying
diagrams. Furthermore, it is explained that the image
media cannot stand alone, but it requires an oral
explanation so that it becomes more meaningful.
Therefore, it can be combined with audio media that
provides an explanation orally.
The learning media that can be considered in the
scenario is the graph. According to Banaszak (1993),
in economic learning, it is to present the data in an
easily understood manner. In this case, the quality of
any graphical appearances is measured by how far
the graphs are able to communicate the data to the
reader. The relationships that are difficult to be
visualized in narrative form will be more easily
understood with graphs. There are two stages when
students read the graph. The first is the mechanical
stage. At this stage, students observe the mechanical
features of a given graphic, the type of graph, the
symbol used, the description of the axis, and the data
source. Then, the student is asked to repeat the
graphic title in the question form. The second is the
interpretive stage. At this stage, students are assisted
in exploring, describing, and explaining the
relationships of the data presented and showing
ideas for data comparison. Furthermore, students are
invited to interpret the graphs, to conclude, to guess,
and to generalize the data. Other media that can be
combined is cartoon forms. According to Banaszak
(1993), in interpreting cartoons depicting economic
issues, students need familiarity with the basic
economics concepts represented by symbolic
The combination of the above visual media that
can be packaged in the presentation media is highly
relevant in scientific approach-based economics
learning, which will encourage students to have the
ability to observe, to question, to collect data, to
associate, and to communicate their knowledge.
Hence, the students will increase students’
understanding of the subject materials. The results of
research conducted by Mayer (2009) reports that the
use of images, as one of media presentation, can
increase the level of students’ understanding of the
subject materials. Similarly, Apperson, Jenifer
(2010) reports that the use of power point media as a
form of presentation media receive positive
responses from students because it can improve their
understanding of the subject materials. In line with
Bates (1995), based on pedagogical considerations,
multimedia presentation is suitable for use in
scientific approach-based learning.
Based on the student’s response, in the learning
process, stimulus is needed in the form of learning
media that allows students to understand the learning
materials more effectively. Learning media required
by students is audiovisual and able to guide students
to be able to do things (learning by doing).
The Responses of Teachers and Students to the Use of Multimedia Presentation in Scientific-Based Economics Learning
Therefore, students can understand learning
materials more effectively.
Media in the form of picture or photo, video, and
chart is much needed in economics learning. Picture
and chart that are presented or combined together
can visualize how objects are represented to
represent actual circumstances. The combination of
visual media image/photo, video, graphic, chart,
concept map, cartoon, and poster can be packaged in
multimedia presentation. According to the teacher’s
response, the use of multimedia presentations is
highly relevant to be applied in scientific approach-
based because it will encourage students to have the
ability to observe, to question, to search or to
explore for data/information, to associate, and to
communicate their knowledge.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship