The Effect of Online Shop Ownership and Learning Outcomes of the
Craft and Entrepreneurship Subject on the Entrepreneurship
Interest of the Students
Darawahyu Maretna Asmarani, Hari Wahyono and Ro’ufah Inayati
Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Online shop, learning outcome of Craft and Entrepreneurship subject, entrepreneurship interest.
Abstract: The increasing of unemployment rate is one of the problems in Indonesia. It can be overcome by attempting
entrepreneurship. With the current technological development, it can be done online by establishing an online
shop. Supported with the learning outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject, the students’
understanding about entrepreneurship will improve. This study aims to determine: (1) the effect of online
shop ownership on the students’ entrepreneurship interest, (2) the effect of learning outcomes of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject on the students’ entrepreneurship interest, (3) the effect of online shop ownership
and learning outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject on the entrepreneurship interest of the
students. This is a descriptive quantitative research which uses population study using purposive sampling
technique with a total 36 students owning online shops. The data was collected using questionnaires and
documentation. The results of the study indicate that (1) online shop ownership has a significant effect on the
entrepreneurship interest, (2) learning outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject has a significant
effect on the entrepreneurship interest, (3) online shop ownership and learning outcomes of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject are jointly affecting the entrepreneurship interest. Among the two independent
variables, online shop ownership variable has a greater contribution than the learning outcomes of the Craft
and Entrepreneurship subject because online shop ownership is a practice or direct action performed by
students. It certainly will affect the students' interest in entrepreneurship because students who have an
experience of owning an online shop have learned a bit more about the real world of business, not just theories
told by the teachers. The implication of this study is that in developing the curriculum of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject should contain entrepreneurship practice by the students.
Indonesia is a country with a large population which
is expected to be the strength of Indonesia,
particularly in the economic sector. Instead, the
increase of population in Indonesia causes problems,
one of which is the increase of unemployment rate.
The statistical data in May 2015 showed that the open
unemployment rate in February 2015 increased to
5.81% from 5.70% in February 2014 (Central Bureau
of Statistics of Indonesia, 2015). One way to decrease
the unemployment rate is by creating your own job or
known as entrepreneurship.
In this modern era, entrepreneurship can be done
in a more practical and easy way. Supported by the
increasingly sophisticated technological
developments, one way of entrepreneurship that is
often found nowadays is by establishing online shop.
With the growing number of ever-growing social
media such as facebook, twitter, instagram, and
others, they can now be used as a means to run
entrepreneurship. Tokopedia and Bukalapak are some
of online business sites that continue to grow and
make it easier for people to open their own online
shop. Given the online business is more utilizing the
sophistication of technology, then it is possible that
students are also able to establish their own online
Education and knowledge on entrepreneurship
will help students to develop their knowledge about
entrepreneurship. Kakuoris and Georgiadis (2016)
stated that “Entrepreneurship education has been
connected with entrepreneurial intention, vocational
training and lifelong learning. Entrepreneurial
learning is the targeted outcome of education and also
Asmarani, D., Wahyono, H. and Inayati, R.
The Effect of Online Shop Ownership and Learning Outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship Subject on the Entrepreneurship Interest of the Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 155-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a certain component for understanding and theorising
about real life business venturing”. In the 2013
curriculum, there is a new subject that is Craft and
Entrepreneurship which is taught to all students of
SMA, SMK, and MA. The Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject will provide initial
provision for students in actual practice of
entrepreneurship (Buku Guru Pendidikan Prakarya
dan Kewirausahaan, 2014). The students' success in
the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject will be
reflected in their learning outcomes. Learning
outcomes are the abilities that are possessed by
students after receiving learning experience (Sudjana,
The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the
effect of online shop ownership on the students'
entrepreneurship interest, (2) the effect of learning
outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject
on the students' entrepreneurship interest, (3) the
effect of online shop ownership and learning
outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject
on the entrepreneurship interest.
This research is categorized as a quantitative research
as it aims to determine the effect of independent
variables (the online shop ownership and the learning
outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship) on
dependent variable (the entrepreneurship interest) of
the students using numbers in the data collection.
The population in this sudy is all students who
own online shop. Due to the small number of
population, the research uses population study or
population research with purposive sampling
technique. The researchers used the total of 36
students who own online shop as sample. Thus, this
research is called population research or survey.
The researchers used questionnaires and
documentation in collecting the data. Questionnaires
are used to obtain data on online shop ownership and
interest in entrepreneurship. Documentation is used to
obtain data on the students' learning outcomes on
form of final examination score of the odd semester
of the students on the Craft and Entrepreneurship
3.1 The Effect of Online Shop
Ownership on the Entrepreneurship
Interest of the Students
The analysis results show that there is an effect of
online shop ownership on the entrepreneurship
interest with the significance value t of 0.000, which
is smaller than the alpha significance level 0.05. It can
be interpreted that if the students are more eager in
running online shop, their entrepreneurship interest
will increase. Online shop ownership can affect the
students' entrepreneurship interest because the
students who have owned an online shop have
indirectly experienced the real business world. The
students do not only experience business competition,
but also experience the profits while running their
online shops. There are various things that become
the students' reasons in owning online shop, such as
hobby, for extra allowance, and following the trend
of doing business online.
They have various reasons of owning online shop,
but it shows the willingness to realize their ideas into
the real business world. Students who own an online
shop will automatically experience the real business
world as well as the profits from their online shops.
Those who have experienced the profits after running
the business will continue to improve their
performance and develop their buiness which will
certainly increase their interest, make them continue
to innovate, and creating jobs rather than looking for
one. This is in line with Drucker's opinion (in
Winarno, 2011:11) which explains that
entrepreneurship is the nature, character, and traits
attached to someone who has a strong will to realize
innovative ideas into the real world of business and
develop them earnestly. Starting a business even just
to fill the free time, as hobby, and following trends is
a gateway to develop into a big business.
It is also in line with Ginzberg's theory of career
development and selection (in Patrikha, 2012) which
explains that interest is the basis of a person's career
selection. An interest to be an entrepreneur does not
grow instantly, but through various stages. In
accordance with Ginzberg's theory of career
development and selection that high schoolers (11-18
years old) are included in the tentative stage. There
are several stages in this phase. One of them is an
interest-based stage where the career development is
only based on fun or interest, without considering
other factors. Entrepreneurship interest is defined as
a strong desire or passion possessed by a person to
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
open or start a business with awareness and pleasure,
resulting high passion and concentrating all his
attention on the object of interest.
In this study, online shop ownership is one of
realizations or real actions based on individual
awareness to start a career. Advantages and
experiences obtained by the students during running
an online business will make them continue to grow
their business which means that the students are
increasingly interested in entrepreneurship.
3.2 The Effect of Learning Outcomes of
the Craft and Entrepreneurship
Subject on the Entrepreneurship
Interest of the Students
The analysis results show that there is an effect of
learning outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship
subject on the students' entrepreneurship interest of
the students. It is proven by significance value t,
which is smaller than the alpha significance level
0.05, of 0,009. The learning outcomes of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject has an effect on the
entrepreneurship interest because in addition to
providing knowledge, the subject also provides
guidance for students in business management.
Students have the opportunity to practice
entrepreneurship so they can enjoy the learning
process and will be more interested in
entrepreneurship. Students' ability after attending
learning process will be shown in the learning
outcomes obtained by students. The higher result the
students get, the more interested they are in
This study supports Bygrave's theory (in Alma,
2013:9) which explains that one of the factors that
play a role in entrepreneurship interest is
environmental factor. The students' courage to
establish an online shop is often motivated by the
teachers of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject in
schools and the surroundings such as following trend
of online business. This study is also in line with the
purpose of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject,
which is providing entrepreneurship education in
schools to stimulate students' interest in
3.3 The Effect of Online Shop Ownership
and Learning Outcomes of the Craft
and Entrepreneurship Subject on the
Entrepreneurship Interest of the
The result of the study shows that there is a
simultaeous effect of online shop ownership and the
learning outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship
subject on the entrepreneurship interest. It is indicated
by the significance value in F test of 0.000, which is
smaller than the alpha value of 0.05.
There are various things that become the students'
reasons in owning online shop; hobby is one of them.
Students run online business based on a hobby or fun
will certainly enjoy what they do. They will have a
higher passion to continue to grow their business. The
hobby that they run, in this case, will generate much
profit for him. Having a hobby that brings profits will
certainly make students more interested in doing it, in
this research is entrepreneurship. Another reason of
the students inowning online shop is for extra
allowance. Students have many needs, therefore they
want to get extra allowance in their own way. One
way to get it is by running an online business because
it is easy and does not interfere with their school time.
Students who want extra allowance and have
experienced the profits of their business will certainly
want to continue innovating and growing their
business. It means that students will be more
interested in entrepreneurship.
The learning outcome of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject is one of the factors that
affect entrepreneurship interests of the students
because they have obtained good results on that
subject. The learning outcome obtained by the
students is a reflection of their understanding on the
learning materials of Craft and Entrepreneurship that
can be applied in their daily activities, particularly on
the online shop managed by students. It means that if
students are more serious in online shop ownership
and are complemented by a good learning outcome of
the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject that reflects
the students' ability or expertise after attending the
learning process, it may affect the increasing interest
of students in entrepreneurship, and vice versa.
Among the two independent variables, online
shop ownership variable has a greater contribution
than the learning outcomes of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject because online shop
ownership is a practice or direct action performed by
students. It certainly will affect the students' interest
in entrepreneurship because students who have an
The Effect of Online Shop Ownership and Learning Outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship Subject on the Entrepreneurship Interest of
the Students
experience of owning an online shop have learned a
bit more about the real world of business, not just
theories told by the teachers.
There is an influence between the online shop
ownership to the entrepreneurship interest of
students. The more eager the students in running
online shop, the more increasing their
entrepreneurship interest will be.
There is an influence between the learning
outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject to
the entrepreneurship interest of students. The better
the learning outcomes obtained by the students, the
more increasing their entrepreneurship interest will
There is a simultaneous influence between the
online shop ownership and the learning outcomes of
the Craft and Entrepreneurship subject to the
entrepreneurship interest. The more eager the
students in running online shop and the better the
students' learning outcomes of the Craft and
Entrepreneurship subject, the more increasing the
entrepreneurship interest of students will be.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship