Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery
Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons
Dewi Enggalaras and Nurul Farida
Post Graduate of Surabaya State University, Indonesia,
Keywords: Discovery learning, critical thinking, creative.
Abstract: This research aims to understand increased capacity think critically and creative and knowing opinion students
in terms of the capacity to think critically and creative learning after conducted by the use of discovery
learning .This research using methods quasi design experiment with the control group non equivalent of
.Sampling done with sampling techniques purposive namely one as a class experiment and one as a class of
control. Discovery learning the result is better able to improve thinking skills critical and creative on two
cycles namely by value asymp.sig value of 0.000< 0.05 it compared with conventional model of learning,
and most of the students felt the capacity to think critically and creative learning increase during done with
discovery learning model.
Entrepreneurship having such a big for a country
economic development .Many entrepreneurs would
have profound effects for better a country economy.
Wirausahaakan created a variety of products with a
ciptanya which will then absorb the labor and
mobilized available resources to increase
productivity national. Entrepreneurship having such a
big for a country economic development .Many
entrepreneurs would have profound effects for better
a country economy .Entrepreneurs will create a
variety of products with a ciptanya which will then
absorb the labor and mobilized available resources to
increase productivity national.
“Based on data from BPS 2016 with a population
of 252 million , the number of entrepreneurs non
agricultural who settled reached 7,8 million
people or 3,1 percent .Therefore the level of
indonesia has become entrepreneurship 2 percent
of the population , as conditions at least a society
would flourish .And he also mnegatakan that
entrepreneurial ratio of 3,1 percent was much
lower than in other countries , like malaysia % 5 ,
china 10 % , singapore % 7 , japan % 11 and 12
% US” (Humas Kementrian Koperasi dan
UKM.2017.Ratio Wirausaha Indonesia Naik Jadi
3,1 Persen.
persen/, diakses tanggal 24 juli 2017).
Efforts have been made the government to raise
entrepreneurs .Of course this had received a positive
response by the department of education and culture
by inserting lessons entrepreneurship as a subject
obliged in national curriculum. Entrepreneurship
learning not only given to the level of vocational
education but also given at the primary school, junior
high and high schools. At a vocational high school
known as the art projects and entrepreneurship.
“Subjects the art projects and entrepreneurship
can be grouped into knowledge transcience
knowledge, which is develop knowledge and
training skills based skills life art and technology
economic based .It began with learning exercise
expression creative to pour ideas and the idea that
please others, and rationalized in teknologis that
these skills rises appreciation new technology,
ergonomic results and applicative in utilizing the
environment with regard to the ecosystem,
management and economically” (Yandriana,
2013. Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar
Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan untuk SMA, SMK
dan MA.,
diakses tanggal 24 Juli 2017.
Considering the importance of creative thinking
for students so students can compete in the world of
work and his private life, hence the ability of creative
berikir important developed in learning activities .Of
Enggalaras, D. and Farida, N.
Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 168-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
schools as institutions is very formal education play
important roles in cultivate and develop the ability of
creative thinking students .One of the subjects
prioritising creative thinking the students were on the
subjects of group b curriculum 2013 in vocational
high school that is the lesson the art projects and
According to novan ( 2012: 23 ), ”creativity is an
effort to create a mental ability and various kinds of
skills typical man who produce disclosure unique,
different original, entirely new, beautiful, efficient,
target and and innovation right to exist because of an
effort to create a higher”.
One of the effort make students can think critical
and creative is through the proper learning model.
discovery learning was one of the curriculum
recommended in 2013. Research conducted Prof Dr
Abdelrahman Kamel (2014) show discovery learning
strategy helped to recruit activities where students
learn for them selves and apply what know it in new
situation which in turn led to achieving effective
learning. From the interviews and the fact in the field,
showed the capacity to think critical and creative
students of vocational high school airlangga sidoarjo
is low. The lessons students have so fulfilling in
aspect of knowledge and skills, studies in the field
show in practice teachers still in a conventional put
students as audience and registry, so that the pattern
think students have developed because of learning
only hooked on teachers. Leading to the need for
proper strategy in changing thought process students
became more critical and creative. Because basically
role of teachers only have a facilitating, teachers
should be able to help students to obtain
pemahamanya itself against matter. Discovery
learning as a model learning was hoped to change the
think students became more critical to phenomena in
the field to find an opportunity, with their creativity
made opportunities as a step in innovate as a
enterpreneur. Discovery learning able to change
learning that teacher oriented to student oriented,
change from students who just received information
overall the discovery the students to find information
own. According to background has been told above,
the study is done to see if there has been increasing
the capacity to think critical and creative through
learning with discovery learning? and how opinion of
the students learning using discovery learning?
2.1 Learning Model
In the process of teaching and learning required a
strategy required by teachers in carrying out teaching
and learning activities, according to Seels & Richey
(1994) model means abstraction something used to
help understand something that can not be seen or
experienced directly. The learning model in
accordance with the implementation of the 2013
curriculum is the meaning of Problem Based
Learning model, Project Based Learning model, and
Discovery/Inquiry Learning model of Learning.
Learning model used must be adapted to the learning
materials. Certain learning models are appropriate
only for specific learning materials. Conversely a
particular learning material will be able to succeed
maximally if using a particular learning model.
2.2 Discovery Learning
Discovery is a learning model developed in the
perception constructivism. Where this model insists
on the importance of knowledge of a concept in
learning through the involvement of students actively
in learning .Discovery learning is a model to develop
a way to study for students active with find yourself,
investigate own, so the results be loyal and durable to
memory, will not be easy forgotten students .By
learning discovery, children can also learn reflect
analysis and try to solve the problem facing own. In
learning, the students were encouraged to find
yourself and transform information complex, check
new information with existing in his mind, and
expand into information or capability in accordance
with the environment and age, the place and time he
2.3 Critical Thinking
Gunawan said (2003: 177) think critically is the
ability to think the level of complex and using a
process of the data analysis evaluation. There are 6
indicators in measuring think someone. As noted
(facion filsame, 2008) namely (1) interpretation is
understand and expressing the meaning of numerous
experiences, the situation, data, the incident,
assessment, habits, a procedure or criteria. (2) of
analysis inferential identify relations meant and
actual of statement, question, the concept,
description, or form repretasi other. (3) evaluation
menaksir credibility the statement or representation.
Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons
(4) inference means identify and obtain the the
necessary to make inferences.
2.4 Creativity
An entrepreneur is always inseparable from creativity
and innovation. Novan (2012: 23) says that
"creativity is an effort to be creative which is a mental
ability and various types of typical human skills that
can give birth to unique disclosure, different original,
completely new, beautiful, efficient, targeted and
appropriate and innovation created because An effort
to create a higher. "Be creative can be done by
developing things that already exist to be better again.
By creating a human being will be more appreciated,
known and has a characteristic of his creation.
This research is a quasi research experiment because
researchers intend to provide treatment to subject
research to next wants to know the whereabouts of
treatment increased the. The treatment is learning
model dikelas discovery learning and learning
experiment direct (direct instruction) in class control.
To know the influence of a model of learning
discovery learning on increased capacity to think
critically and creativity required class students other
learning old model (ekspository) who practiced daily
as for comparison. Results from class this control will
become comparator of a class experiment to know
whether the results of a class experiment higher or
better than class control .
The design experiment used the equivalent
control non grups design.About design this is pretes,
treatment and postes. Pretes and postes given to the
(experiment and control) sedangkkan treatment only
given to the experiment.But the design is as follows:
E O1 X O2 Suharsimi A (2010: 12)
K O3 O4
To assess the critical thinking and creativity of
students during the learning took place the authors
used measurement instruments indicator critical and
creative thinking, to know the opinions of students on
this learning model used a questionnaire filled after
the end of learning. The population in this study all
students of SMK Airlangga Sidoarjo class X. Sample
selection is done by purposive sampling technique
that is one as the experimental class is the class X1
and the one as the control class is the class X2.
Improvement of critical and creative thinking in
students who receive discovery learning learning
compared to students who received direct learning the
competence taught in this research is the craft with
the inspiration of the object of local culture, with two
Table 1: Syntax of Learning Discovery Learning
Fase the activities of teachers
1. Prepare students and
deliver goals
Organizing, orientation,
apperception, motivating the
importance of understanding the
craft of local cultural inspiration,
giving references and dividing
learners in groups with each group of
4 students.
2. Stimulation Observing: observing the cultural
diversity of Indonesia
Questioner: Discuss opportunities
gained by an entrepreneur from the
cultural diversity of Indonesia
Discuss the problems, objectives and
working steps of planning the
3. Data collecting Collect data: collect field data
(observations) to find business
opportunities and find other sources
that suppor
4. Data Processing Associating: Processing the data
obtained by making the planning and
production process of local cultural
inspiration works
5. Test results Associating: Counting data planning
and production process errors
(according to local concept, theme,
and condition)
6. Generalization Associating: Arranging conclusions
y creating a written planning repor
The core activity of the discovery learning model
lies in the second to sixth phases. Students are given
the opportunity to find problems, find solutions, and
conclude the results of completion by combining the
concept with field conditions so that students are able
to think analytically by doing a search trying to solve
their own problems so that results will be durable in
memory, will not be easily forgotten students.
Result of students' critical thinking skills in the
experimental class.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Table 2: Results of critical thinking skills in experimental
class (Including indicators of interpretation, analysis,
evaluation and inference)
N Valid 35 35 35
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 54.49 75.97 88.54
Median 56.00 75.00 88.00
Mode 50 75 88
Std. Deviation 10.074 10.551 6.917
Minimum 25 50 69
Maximum 69 94 100
Sum 1907 2659 3099
From the above table it is known in the experimental
class that it has improved both from the initial ability
test, cycle I and cycle II with an average of 54.49;
75.97; And 88.54. Average score gain gain of critical
thinking is 0.47 and 0.53 (medium category) Standard
deviation shows the ability of critical thinking is very
varied, critical thinking ability in the scale of the
minimum value has increased ie 25; 50; And 69 with
a maximum score of 69; 94; And 100. The result of
student's observation shows that students are very
enthusiastic in solving the problems given by the
teacher through worksheet by unifying the concept of
what is received from teacher, book, internet and
direct observation in field changing the original
teacher center become student center, From what they
do not know. The discovery learning model applied
to the experimental class can improve critical
thinking skills.
4.1 The results of critical thinking on the
control class
Table 3: Results of critical thinking skills in the control
class (Including indicators of interpretation, analysis,
evaluation and inference)
N Valid 35 35 35
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 53.06 64.66 65.06
Median 56.00 63.00 63.00
Mode 63 63 63
Std. Deviation 9.828 8.246 8.324
Minimum 38 44 44
Maximum 69 81 88
Sum 1857 2263 2277
From the above table it is known in the control
class that the number of students in 35 has increased
but is relatively small both from the initial ability test,
cycle I and cycle II with an average of 53.06, 64.66;
And 65.06. The average score of gain is 0.23 and 0.01
(low category) The standard deviation shows the
critical thinking ability varies greatly, the critical
thinking ability in the minimum value scale is 38; 44;
And 44 with a maximum score of 69; 81; And 88. The
data shows that there is an increase after the
conventional learning process in the control class but
the low categorized increase. Based on student
observation less enthusiastic because the learning
centered on teachers, passive students, and did not
find things - things that they find apart from teacher
information. From Table 1 and Table 2, there is a
difference of descriptive statistics between the
experimental class and the control class. The average
value, the highest value, and the gain gain of critical
thinking are still better experimental classes than
control classes. Learning discovery learning model
can improve students' critical thinking process when
compared with conventional learning pattern.
The ability of creative thinking in students who
get discovery learning learning is better than those
who get direct learning. Research conducted by
researchers in line and by another study suggested by
Noor Syafi’i (2013) show that the discovery learning
to increase the process think critically which includes
interest in asking questions, apply the concept, and
settle from different ways. His research conducted by
Windarti, and Tjandrakirana Widodo (2013) show
learning by using the method discovery terbimbing
effective to train skills think kitis junior high school
4.2 The result of creative thinking ability
in the experimental class
The creative thinking ability of the students is done
by using the skill assessment of the students' ability
to produce the work with inspiration of local cultural
object which includes the stage of idea searching,
sketching, prototyping and product making. The
following is the distribution of students' creative
thinking ability in the experimental class:
Table 4: Statistics of students' creative thinking ability in
the experimental class (Includes indicators of fluency,
detail, flexibility, originality)
N Valid 35 35 35
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 49.09 78.14 87.00
Median 50.00 75.00 88.00
Mode 50 75 94
Std. Deviation 10.866 10.190 8.530
Minimum 25 50 56
Maximum 69 94 94
Sum 1718 2735 3045
Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons
From the above table, it is known in the
experimental class that there is an improvement of
critical thinking ability both from the initial ability
test, cycle I and cycle II with an average of 49.09,
78.14; And 87. Average score gain of critical thinking
is 0.58 and 0.39 (medium category) Standard
deviation shows the ability of critical thinking is very
varied, critical thinking ability in the scale of
minimum value has increased that is 25; 50; And 56
with a maximum score of 69; 94; And 94.
At the time of learning both cycle 1 and cycle 2 of
the observation, students in the group are very
enthusiastic solve the problems given teachers
through the worksheets by looking for inspiration
ideas from various sources, write and develop ideas
that they can then make a sketch to make their ideas
come alive, Followed by making ideas in 3
dimensions through the prototype, and the final stage
of creating a variety of product creations, the ideas
they have a variety of students freely search and
determine ideas according to the subject without
being determined by the teacher, the creativity of
students appears even many products with various
innovations that appear And not obtained from other
Table 5: Statistics of students' creative thinking ability in
the control class (Includes indicators of fluency, detail,
flexibility, originality)
N Valid 35 35 35
Missing 0 0 0
Mean 48.20 53.43 58.20
Median 50.00 50.00 56.00
Mode 50 50 50
Std. Deviation 7.415 5.611 7.062
Minimum 38 44 50
Maximum 63 63 69
Sum 1687 1870 2037
From the above statistics table, it is known in the
control class that the number of students in 35 has
increased the ability of creative thinking, but
relatively small both from the initial ability test, cycle
I and cycle II with an average of 48.4; 53.4; And 58.2.
Average gain scores are known to be 0.09 and 0.10
(low categories), the distribution of creative thinking
capacity is not very large, creative thinking ability on
a minimum value scale of 38; 44; And 44 with a
maximum score of 69; 81; And 88.
Based on the results of observations students are
less flexible in determining ideas, ideas obtained as
exemplified by the teacher, they make sketches,
prototype as what is exemplified although there are
few students who start adding their own creations, but
in terms of originality has not emerged towards
innovative this is due to the pattern Learning is still
teacher-centred, causing the mind set of students to
not develop.
From Table 1 and Table 2, there is a difference of
descriptive statistics between the experimental class
and the control class. The average value, the highest
score, and the increased gain of creative thinking are
still better experimental classes than the control class.
Learning discovery learning model can improve
students' creative thinking process when compared
with conventional learning pattern.
This is the result of researchers according to
research conducted by Prof. Dr Abdelrahman Kamel
Mahmoud (2014) saying discovery learning strategy
helped to recruit activities the where students learn
for themselves and apply what know it in new
situations which in turn led to achieving effective
learning. And research conducted by Siti Handayani,
Pargito, and Trisnaningsih (2015) showed discovery
learning in the three cycles show increasing creativity
student learning.
4.3 Data analysis
Data analysis was done with SPSS program version
22, The first Prerequisite test was conducted
normality test, after the normality test with
Kolmogorof-Smirnov test showed the gain of 1
experiment 0,142 gain 1 experiment equal to 0,142>
0,05 meaning the normal distribution, gain 1 control
equal to 0,200 > 0,05 means the normal distribution,
but the gain of 2 experiments is 0.000 <05 then the
distribution is not normal and the gain of 2 controls is
0.000 <0,05 abnormal distribution, because the
abnormal distribution data is done Mann Whitney test
with result :
Table 6: Hypothesis Testing Results Critical Thinking
Ability gain experimental class and control class
Test Statistics
Gain 2
Critical Thinking
Mann-Whitney U 4.000
Wilcoxon W 634.000
Z -7.541
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Based on the statistical test output in the mann-
whitney test above it is known that the value of
Test Statistics
Gain 1
Critical Thinking
Mann-Whitney U 182.500
Wilcoxon W 812.500
Z -5.063
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 <0.05 it can be
concluded Ha accepted there is difference gain of
critical thinking ability between experimental class
and control class. There is an influence of using
learning discovery learning model to critical thinking
This is consistent with research conducted by
N.Makoolati, M.Amini, SH Yazdani and Av.Razeghi
(2013) said the higher level of learning in higher
cognitive level and the preference of the students to
Guide Discovery Learning compare lecture indicates
their attention to active more modern learning
methods and motivate them to further study and
enhance learning in higher levels of cognition. His
research conducted by Ali Gunay Balim (2009) said
that there is a significant difference in favour of the
experimental group over the control group in terms of
academic achievement scores, perception of inquiry
learning scores and retention of learning scores in
both cognitive and affective levels.
Table 7: Hypothesis Test Results Creative Thinking Ability
gain experimental class and control
Critical Thinking Gain 2
ann-Whitney U 179.500
Wilcoxon W 809.500
Z -5.187
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Based on the statistical test output in the mann-
whitney test above it is known that the value of both
gain 1 and gain 2 is known asymil.Sig. (2-tailed) of
0.000 <0.05 it can be concluded Ha accepted there is
a difference in gain 1 creative thinking ability
between the experimental class With control class.
There is an influence of using learning discovery
learning model to creative thinking ability.
To know whether there is difference of mean of
two samples is done analysis of statistical data
Wilcom test so it can know whether there is
difference or increase between Test of Ability of
beginning, post-test of cycle 1 and post-test cycle 2.
Table 8: Wilcom Test Results Increased Critical Thinking
Ability on Pre-test -Post-test 1, Post-test 1- Post-test 2
(Experiment Class)
Sum of
.00 .00
18.00 630.00
Ties 0
Total 35
.00 .00
18.00 630.00
Ties 0
Total 35
Z -5.186
Asymp. Sig. (2-
.000 .000
Negative rank between pre-test and cycle 1, cycle
1 and cycle 2 is 0 either on the N value, Mean Rank
or SUM Rank it shows no decrease in value, Positive
rank between pre-test, cycle 1 and post-test cycle 1-
post-test 2 Is 35 with the mean rank or average of the
increase of mean 18 and SUM 630. Known
Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) in pre-test post 1 of 0.000
<from 0.05, and Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) in post-test1 -
post-test 2 of 0.000 <from 0.05 then Ha is accepted
which means there is a difference between pre-post-
test 1 study results, and post-test 1-post-test 2 which
can be concluded there is influence of model
Learning discovery learning on students 'critical
thinking ability is learning discovery learning model
can improve students' critical thinking ability in each
Table 9: Hasil Uji Wilcom Peningkatan Kemampuan
Berpikir Kreatif pada Pre-test–Post-test 1, Post-test 1- Post-
test 2 Kelas Eksperimen
N Mean Ran
Sum of Ranks
.00 .00
18.00 630.00
Ties 0
Total 35
.00 .00
15.50 465.00
Ties 5
Total 35
Creative Gain 1
Mann-Whitney U 9.000
Wilcoxon W 639.000
Z -7.142
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons
Table 9. Cont.
Test Statistics
Z -5.190
Asymp. Sig.
.000 .000
Negative rank between pre-test and cycle 1, cycle
1 and cycle 2 is 0 both on the value of N, Mean Rank
and SUM Rank it shows no decrease in value,
positive rank between pre-test and cycle 1 is 35 with
mean rank or average - The average increase is equal
to mean 18 and SUM 630. However, in cycle 1 and
cycle 2 there are Ties of 5 meaning there is the same
value between cycle 1 and cycle. Known Asymp.Sig.
(2-tailed) in pre-test post 1 of 0.000 <from 0.05 and
Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) on post-test1 - post-test 2 of
0.000 <from 0.05 then Ha is accepted which means
there is a difference between pre-post-test 1 and post-
test1 - post-test 2 that can be concluded there is
influence of the use of discovery learning model
Learning to students 'creative thinking ability that is
learning discovery learning model can improve
students' creative thinking ability in each cycle.
According to the analysis of data on known
discovery learning to increase the capacity to think
critical and creative researchers supported by opinion
research conducted by Khabibah , Masykuri and
Maridi have shown that the use of module based on
discovery learning on respiratory system matter is
more effective in increasing students generic science
skill. That which a component part of generic skill is
critical thinking and creativity. And research
conducted by Anyafulude Joy Ph.D. (2014) said
discovery-based learning has promoted to great
extent in effective teaching and learning and
improved student’s knowledge.
Figure 1: Students' opinions on learning activities using
discovery learning model in terms of critical and creative
thinking skills
From the above graph, it is known that students
opinion after learning with discovery learning model
shows 74% strongly agree, and 26% agree learning
discovery learning model make more creative
develop ideas. 66% strongly agree and 34% agree
discovery learning provides freedom to create and
work. As much as 29% strongly agree, 71% agree
discovery learning can make thinking more critical.
51% strongly agree and 49% agree with discovery
learning gives freedom in terms of mind set. 46%
strongly agree, 51% agree and 3% disagree with
learning discovery learning model gives the
opportunity to understand more about material than
conventional learning. 54% strongly agree and 46%
agree learning discovery learning model is applied to
entrepreneurship subjects. 46% agree, 46% agree and
8% disagree if this learning model is applied to the
next material or other subjects, there are 3 students
disagree because they feel bored if this learning
model is applied continuously, so that the required
variation or other teaching strategies to overcome this
are certainly conditioned with the material to be
taught. The result of questionnaire shows that most
students feel the ability to think more critically and
creatively during the learning process because this
syntax of learning discovery learning requires
students to think critically solve a problem through
their mind set, and the students' creativity is more
challenged because students are required to be active,
learning becomes Centred. The researchers presented
at odds with research Diana, Maridi and Yudi (2015)
that students agree with the discovery learning to
participate actively students, and never and saturated
for learning that affects the study results.
Based on the research conducted can be concluded:
1. Learning discovery learning model proved able
to improve critical thinking skills this is
indicated by the test of critical thinking ability
showed an increase of pre-test 54,49, post-test
of cycle 1 equal to 75,97; And post-test cycle 2
is 88.54 with an average gain score of 0.47 and
0.53, this is reinforced by Wilcomn test which
shows asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) in pre-test post 1 of
0.000 <from 0.05, and Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) on
post-test1 - post-test 2 of 0.000 <from 0.05 then
Ha is accepted. Discovery learning is also
proven to improve the ability of creative
thinking aimed by the average results in each
test that is 49.09, 78.14; And 87. Average gain
scores increased critical thinking by 0.58 and
Pendapat %
Aspek Pertanyaan
Student's opinion on the discovery
learning model
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
0.39 (medium category). Reinforced by a
wilcomn test which shows asymp.Sig. (2-tailed)
in pre-test post 1 of 0.000 <from 0.05 and
Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) in post-test1 - post-test 2
of 0.000 <from 0.05 then Ha accepted and it can
be concluded there is influence of the use of
learning discovery learning model to the ability
of critical thinking and creative students that is
learning discovery learning model can improve
critical thinking skills and Creative students in
each cycle.
The ability to think critically and creatively on
students taught by discovery learning model is
higher than conventionally it is proved by mann-
whitney test each with Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)
value of 0.000 <0.05 then it can be concluded
Ha accepted. There is a difference in the gain 1
of critical and creative thinking skills between
the experimental class and the control class.
There is an influence of using learning
discovery learning model to critical thinking
2. From the results of student opinion analysis,
most students feel the ability to think both
critical and creative more developed after
getting the teaching with the model of learning
discovery learning. However, there are 3
students disagree if this learning model is
applied continuously.
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Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons