Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student
Learning Result
Dewi Kartika Sari, Ikaputera Waspada and Amir Machmud
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Consumption, Righteousness, Cleanliness, Moderation, Beneficence, Morality.
Abstract: The main problem of this research is consumption behaviour of poor society is prefer to fulfill worldly need
then afterlife need is not yet completed. This aims of research is to know the general description of
consumption principles in the poor society, as seen from the righteousness, cleanliness, moderation,
beneficence, and morality. This research uses survey method with descriptive type. Population in this
research is 220 recipients of Zakah in BAZ Bandung City. Sample in this research amounted to 68 persons
using proportional random sampling. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Data analysis technique used
descriptive statistics. The research show generally description of consumption principles of zakah recipients
society in BAZ Bandung city is Islamic enough category. The righteousness is righteous enough category.
The cleanliness is clean enough category. The moderation is modest enough category. The beneficence is
beneficent enough category. The morality is moral category.
The problem of poverty is one of the crucial
problems faced by various regions in Indonesia.Kota
Bandung is one area in the province of West Java
which has a fairly large number of poor. Bandung
City dubbed as a metropolitan city and as the center
of economy and development in the Province West
Java. It does not necessarily cause the city of
Bandung regardless of the problem of poverty.
Poverty in Islam begins with human error in
economic behavior from the side of consumption
which is more oriented to the maximization of
satisfaction or profit without considering the
mashlahah or the full benefit of blessing. Islam has
taught how humans should behave in the economy
(Amir Machmud and Eeng Ahman, 2015). One of
the economic activities that can not be separated in
life society is consumption. Consumption in Islam is
one of the economic activities undertaken by human
beings with the aim to increase worship and belief to
Allah SWT in order to obtain blessings, either by
spending money or income for his own needs and
for good deeds for others.
Consumption in accordance with the provisions
of Allah and Rasulullah SAW will ensure a more
prosperous human life. As the word of Allah SWT
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 168 on the rules of human
consumption, But the problem, many current
consumption behavior is less in accordance with
Islam, which tend to be more satisfying desires in
the consumption of goods and can not distinguish
between the needs And the desire and unbalanced
between worldly needs and the needs of the
hereafter. As a Muslim, of course, must meet the
demands of consumption, in which a Muslim is
required to keep the existence of Islam and see its
influence on the future prosperity. A true Muslim,
although possessing some wealth, will not use it
himself, because in Islam every Muslim who gets
the property is required to distribute his personal
wealth through zakat, infaq, and alms. National
Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) is one of the zakat
management institutions established by the
government in the effort to alleviate poverty and is
the Institute of Utilization of zakat funds which then
appears BAZ in every region. In this case, BAZ
Bandung strives to channel the funds already
received to those who really have the right, and try
to change the fate of the mustahik into muzaki or
those who previously received the charity to be the
giver of zakat. Poor people as the recipient of zakat
Sari, D., Waspada, I. and Machmud, A.
Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student Learning Result.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 176-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in BAZ Bandung, of course, perform various
activities including in the consumption activities. As
a first step the author conducted preterminal research
to 10 respondents that can be seen in the following
Table 1: Bandung Community Expenditure
Consumption behavior like this will certainly
bring kemudharatan and prolonged catastrophe,
because consumption behavior in Islam not only
meet the needs of individual / physical needs but
also social needs / spiritual needs as well. The
purpose of this study is to find out the general
description of the principles of consumption of the
poor seen from the principles of justice, the principle
of cleanliness, the principle of simplicity, the
principle of generosity and the principle of morality.
This study uses the theory of M. A. Mannan, on the
principle of Islamic consumption are: (1) Justice, (2)
Cleanliness, (3) Simplicity, (4) Generosity, (5)
Morality. The principle of Justice is to find a halal
and not permissible law rizki. This command is set
in Q.S. Al-Baqarah, (2): 168, which forbids eating
and drinking such as: blood, pork, dead animals,
khamr. The principle of Hygiene, ie by consuming
good or suitable food, is neither dirty nor repugnant.
This government is contained in the hadith of the
prophet which reads "Cleanliness is part of the
faith." The principle of Simplicity, ie, avoids the self
of lavishness, is not excessive in all P. This
command is set in Q.S. Al-A & rs, raf, 7: 31. The
principle of Generosity of the Heart, that is by
obeying the command of Islam when eating and
drinking kosher. This command is set in Q.S. Al-
Maidah, 5: 96. The Principle of Morality, ie not just
about food and beverage directly but also with the
ultimate goal. A Muslim is taught the name of God
before eating and expresses his gratitude to Him.
This command is set in Q.S. Al-Maidah: 91. With
these five principles, a Muslim consumer will be
able to control his consumption behavior in
accordance with Islamic rules, rules and values to
achieve the happiness of the here after. (Ms. A.
Mannan, 1992, p45)
The method used in this research is descriptive. The
population in this study is the recipients of zakat or
mustahik Badan Amil Zakat Kota Bandung Year
2016 consisting of mustahik and economic as much
as 220 people. The sample of research is 68 people
by using proportional random sampling. Data
collection techniques used are questionnaires. Data
analysis techniques used for descriptive research
type is the processing of descriptive statistical data
(descriptive statistics).
4.1 Principles of Consumption of the
Based on the results of the research note that the
principle of consumption of zakat recipient
community in BAZ Bandung city is in the category
of Islamic enough where the total real score is only
6,162 (69.7%) of the total score of 8,840
expectations. Simply Islamic in the sense that the
recipient community of zakat in BAZ Bandung City
has applied the principle of morality in its
consumption but not fully apply the principle of fair,
& nbsp; Clean, simple, and generous. Therefore, to
further improve the application of the principles of
consumption is expected to constantly increase
ketaqwaannya by adhering to the guidelines of
Islamic rules so that consumption is not exaggerated
and protected from wasteful, miserly, and mubadzir
so that it can be achieved the purpose of
consumption is kemashlahatan. As mentioned in
Hadith "It is a waste if you eat anything you desire
to eat" & rdquo; (Ibn Majah).
4.2 Principles of Consumption of the
Poor seen from the principles of
Based on the results of research, it can be seen that
the principle of consumption of the recipient
Type of expenditure (per month)
(in thousands of rupiah)
Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student Learning Result
community of zakat in BAZ Bandung City seen
from the principle of fairness including into the
category fairly fair. Fair enough means that the
recipient community of zakat in BAZ Bandung city
has been fair to stay away from kemudharatan in
konsumsinya activities in accordance with Islamic
teachings but the recipient of zakat in BAZ Bandung
City has not been fair in adjusting the expenditure
with income so as not in accordance with the
teachings of Islam. It is necessary to make justice in
the consumption of zakat recipient community in
BAZ Bandung is in Islamic category, that must be
increased again justice by always fair way in
managing its income where between expenditure
with income must have suitability. Because, if there
is a discrepancy between the expenditure with the
income is feared the recipient of zakat in BAZ
Bandung City fall into mudharat such as stealing or
owing to rentenir. The recipient community of zakat
in BAZ Bandung should always be in the corridor of
good and pay attention to halal and good During the
consumption activities so as not to endanger his soul
because it is part of the fair to self. Consuming a
need that is lawful and good will affect the lives of
Muslims in carrying out the command of Allah and
deliver the sunna of the Prophet, so will also affect
their behavior next. As the word of Allah in the
Qur'an, Surat al-Baqarah verse 168, which means:
"O people, eat what is lawful again from what is on
earth, and do not follow the steps of shaitan; For
verily shaitan is a real enemy to you ".
4.3 Principles of Consumption of the
Poor Seen from the Cleaning
Based on the results of research, it can be seen that
the principle of consumption of zakat recipient
community in BAZ Bandung City seen from the
principle of cleanliness included into the category is
clean enough. Quite clean in the sense that the
recipient community of zakat in BAZ Bandung
Bandung has run the rules of Islam by taking into
account the benefits of goods consumed but not yet
pay attention to cleanliness of the good process.
However, the results show that the real score with
the expectation score has considerable differences.
Therefore, the hygiene in the consumption of zakat
recipient community in BAZ Bandung City should
be improved again by constantly running cleanliness
orders in Islam, where humans are demanding to
maintain hygiene and call for balancing in
consumption as a principle action in maintaining
health. Taking into account the cleanliness of its
consumption will affect the physical and mental
health of humans. To that end, Allah SWT
commands humans to consume by looking at clean,
healthy, and lawful aspects.
4.4 Principles of Consumption of the
Poor Seen from the Principle of
Based on the results of research can be seen that the
principle of consumption of zakat recipient
community in BAZ Bandung City seen from the
principle of simplicity including into the category
quite simple. Quite simple in the sense that the
recipient community of zakat in BAZ Bandung city
already applies simple by consuming the goods that
are required. However, there are still people
receiving zakat in BAZ Bandung that has not been
applied simply by saving money. To improve the
simple behavior of the poor in consumption so as to
always be Islamic, it must be done by using the
property fairly and not exaggerating in the sense of
not wasteful, make the priority scale to buy goods
that are in accordance with the needs, and must
always set aside some of its income to be combined
So that later have stock for the future. As expressed
by Akhmad Nur Zaroni (2012) "The principle of
simplicity that is not excessive and not miserly will
give the balance of a person in spending his wealth.
Because the simple behavior that is applied in
consumption will give birth to noble morality".
4.5 Principles of Consumption of the
Poor Seen from the Principle of
Based on the results of the research can be seen that
the principle of consumption of zakat recipient
community in BAZ Bandung City seen from the
principle of generosity included into the category
quite generous. Enough generous meaning is the
community has been carrying out its obligations in
infak / alms and help alleviate to people in need.
But, Some are not yet generous in their consumption
activities. Looking at the facts, it can be concluded
that not all the people receiving zakat in BAZ
Bandung City are generous in their consumption
activities, there are still some of the poor people who
are said to be "stingy & rdquo; In setting aside his
income for people who are more in need due to the
high demand demands while the income is not large.
Therefore, to improve the generous behavior of the
poor in consumption so as to always be Islamic, it
must be done by caring for others. As expressed by
Syaparuddin (2011) in the journal entitled The Basic
Principles of Al-Qur'an "About Consumption
Behavior, that" Concern to the needs of others will
affect the consumption behavior that will affect how
much goods will be purchased ". In addition must
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
also follow the teachings of Islam by setting aside
income for expenditure on the path of Allah SWT
(zakat, infaq, shodaqoh) because in every income
received there are rights of others in it. As the word
of Allah (SWT) in the Qur'an which means: "The
parable (income earned by) those who spend their
wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed that grows
seven ears, in every grain of a hundred seeds. Allah
multiply (reward) for whom he wants. And Allah is
widespread (His grace) is Knowing. " (Q.S. Al-
Baqarah (2): 61).
4.6 Principles of Consumption of the
Poor Viewed from the Principles of
Based on the results of the research can be seen that
the principle of consumption of zakat recipient
community in BAZ Bandung City viewed from the
principle of morality included into the category
bermoral. Result show that the recipient community
of zakat in BAZ Bandung has run the rules of Islam
by applying morality in konsumsinya. In order for
the principle of morality can be implemented
properly according to Islamic teachings then every
human being should pay attention to the limits set by
Allah and always remember Allah SWT at the time
of consumption activities.Islam has advocated to use
his morale in consumption, because it can
distinguish the human from the creature As
expressed by RR.Anita Nugrahaeni (2015) "For a
Muslim the pattern of consuming behavior as a
whole must be framed by the morality contained in
Islam so that it does not merely meet all the needs".
The conclusion in this research is the principle of
consumption of the poor as a whole belongs to the
category is quite Islamic. Of the five indicators that
measure the research, the principle of morality has
the highest value while the principle of fairness has
the lowest value. The principle of consumption of
the poor is seen from the principle of fairness,
including in fairly fair category. This is because the
poor already Stay away from the hunger in their
consumption activities but the poor have not been
able to adjust their spending with income. The
principle of consumption of the poor is seen from
the principle of cleanliness included in the category
of clean enough. This is because only some of the
poor who pay attention to the benefits of the goods
they consume and pay attention to the cleanliness of
the good process. The principle of consumption of
the poor is seen from the principle of simplicity
included in the category is quite simple. This is
because the poor only consume the required goods,
but the poor recipient of zakat in BAZ Bandung City
has not been simple by saving. The principle of
consumption of the poor is seen from the principle
of generosity included in the category of generous
enough. This is because only a few poor people who
carry out their duties in infak / alms and help
alleviate to people in need. The principle of
consumption of the poor is seen from the principle
of morality included in the moral category. It shows
that the poor have run the rules of Islam by applying
morality in its consumption where before and after
its consumption activity ends intended only to Allah
SWT and give thanks to Allah SWT for all the
blessings that have been given.
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Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student Learning Result