The Influence of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour
Disman Disman and Amir Machmud
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
{disman, amir}
Keywords: Green Marketing, Green Product, Purchase Behaviour and Structural Equaion Model.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of Green Marketing on students' purchasing decisions in using green
product. The method used in this study is an explanatory survey with data collection techniques through
interviews and questionnaires. The collected data is then analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM).
The population is a student use green produc (Packaged tea drink Returnable Glass Bottling (RGB) amounted
to 160. The results from the study indicate that green marketing had a positive effect on the purchase order
.This finding implies that to increase buying interest and decision Purchase of tea drinks in RGB packaging
can be done through a green marketing strategy.
Green customer is a socially conscious consumer who
considers the social consequences of his or her
purchasing power to bring about social change.
(Webster, 1975). Green consumer is defined as a
conscious and interested consumer of ecological
issues, & nbsp; having environmental benefits can be
recycled, and sensitive to ecological concerns.
(Soonthonsmai, 2007 in nizam (2014), Mostafa,
2007). The purchase of green products is the purchase
of environmentally friendly products and avoids
products that disturb the environment (Chan, 2001).
Goods categorized as green products are
recyclable paper products, products not tested on
animals, environmentally friendly detergents, organic
fruits and vegetables, eco-friendly aerosols and
energy-efficient products. This product is often
referred to as a sustainability product. Go Green has
four general principles: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and
Replace (Anonymous, 2013). One of the go green in
Indonesia is as do the producers of drinkable
beverages in a glass bottle (returnable glass bottling),
where glass bottles can be packaged to repack after
the product is consumed (recycle).
This concept is included in reverse logistics or
green supply chain that can help reduce the impact of
environmental pollution on plastic waste. One of the
ready-to-drink drink products packaged in returnable
glass bottling (RGB) is tea. This RGB packaged tea
drink can be classified as an environmentally friendly
product. The characteristics of environmentally
friendly products are using safe, non-toxic, recyclable
components and using environmentally friendly
packaging to reduce the negative impact of product
consumption of the environment (Shamdasami et al.,
1993 in Sumarsono and Giyatno, 2012).
Community consumption of green products can
help save the environment from pollution. Low
awareness of the community led to tea drink
manufacturers in RGB packaging convert almost all
packaging products to plastic bottles because it is
considered more desirable. This certainly has
implications on the increasing plastic waste pollution,
so it takes a marketing strategy that can revive
people's interest to consume tea drinks in RGB
packaging. Consumer behavior is a process that
happens to consumers when deciding to buy, what to
buy, when and how to buy it. Thus, it can be
concluded that consumer behavior is a continuous
process (Ma'ruf, 2005).
Green marketing is becoming a major trend in
today's business world but this trend is still new in
Asian countries such as Malaysia (Wahid et al.,
2011). Currently, Asian Countries is a major target
market by international marketers due to increased
environmental awareness and consumer purchasing
power of Asia (Noor & Muhammad; 2012). In
addition, consumer and industry behavior and
practices in production and markets have also
changed due to increased awareness of environmental
issues (Barber et al., 2012). However, local and
international marketers face difficulties in developing
adequate and effective marketing strategies caused by
Disman, D. and Machmud, A.
The Influence of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 191-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lack of information related to green purchases from
consumers in the country (Aman et al., 2012).
Because of the experience, Malaysia's green
marketing strategy has been adopted from western
countries since factors that influence the behavior of
green purchases in Malaysia that were not identified
in the past (Shahnaei, 2012).
However, Shahnaei (2012) and Chen and Chai
(2010) studies show that there is no gender difference
in green purchasing behavior among Malaysian
consumers. Previous studies by Noor and
Muhammad (2012) suggest that the intensity of green
purchasing behavior does not encourage Malaysian
consumers. There are only 30 percent of 616
respondents from Malaysia who have experience in
buying green products. This situation indicates that
additional efforts are needed to improve Malaysian
consumers and consumers; Consumption of green
This study aims to analyze the influence of green
marketing on the decision of purchasing green
products by using green marketing concept approach
as a marketing strategy for green products. Green
marketing is term used to identify concerns about the
environmental consequences of diverse marketing
activities (Cateora and Graham, 2007). Green
marketing objectives include developing safer and
green products, minimizing raw materials and energy
waste, reducing environmental obligations and
increasing cost effectiveness by meeting
environmental regulations to be recognized as good
companies (Heizer and Render, 2006).
The variables in this study are from Green Marketing
(X) and Purchase Decision (Y). The indicator of
Green Marketing consists of Policy of green product
design, Pricing of Green Product, Distribution with
Green Criteria, and Green Publicity and Green
Sponsoring. Purchase Decision includes; Actual
Decision and Purchase Frequency.
The number of respondents in this study were as
many as 160 respondents. Respondents who will be
the object of research is the consumer beverage tea in
RGB packaging that has been aged over 18 years in
the city of Bandung. Respondents of that age often
purchase products and they can also make informed
purchasing decisions from a wide range of product
choices. Therefore they are expected to understand
the concept of green marketing and green products so
as to be more concerned about environmental issues
when making a purchase (Juwaheer, 2012).
Characteristics of respondents include gender,
age, last education, occupation, income or allowance
and marital status. Respondents who consumed more
tea beverages in RGB packaging were female female
customers, with age group 21-25 years old, students
and had income Rp. 1,000,000.00. Women tend to
have a gentle, caring, nurturing, environmentally
caring and sympathetic nature. Students with age
range 21-25 years old are young and productive. At
that age many respondents work and socialize with
peers and interact with various media, to quite easy to
accept and understand environmental issues.
The method used in this study is an explanatory
survey with data collection techniques through
interviews and questionnaires. The collected data is
then analyzed by using Structural Equation Model
(SEM). The SEM method has the advantage of being
able to perform two analyzed simultaneously (testing
the relationships of unobserved concepts and the
relationships therein and calculating the measurement
error in the estimation process). The research
framework and identification of latent variables and
indicators can be seen in Figures 1 and Table 1.
Figure 1: Structural Equation Model Research
Based on the results of the study, the results are
shown in Table 1.
Equation 1 on table 1, that shows the influence of
green marketing indicators. Based on the loading
factor, it can be seen that the indicators that measure
the green marketing variables from the highest to the
lowest consecutively are pricing of green product
), green publicity and green sponsorship (X
distribution with green criteria (X
) and policy of
Green product design (X
) with each value of 0.867;
0.778; 0.634; And 0.516.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Variable Green Marketing (X )
= 0.516X
+ 0.867X
+ 0.778 X
= 0.516 X + 0.238 e
= 0.867 X + 0.178 e
= 0.634 X + 0.269 e
= 0.778 X + 0.182 e
Variable Purchasing Behaviour (Y)
= 0.668 Y
+ 0.637 Y
= 0.668 Y
+ 0.355
= 0.637 Y
+ 0.511
Relationship Estimate SE CR P Label
X 1.888. 295 6.411 *** (***)
Price (price) has the most influence among other
green marketing indicator because consumers are still
very sensitive to price. Until now, as an eco-friendly
product, the price of tea drinks in RGB packaging is
cheap. A total of 46.9% of respondents agreed that tea
beverage prices in RGB packaging rational and as
much as 36.6% of respondents quite agree that the
price in accordance with consumer expectations. If
the price becomes expensive, not necessarily
consumers will still want to buy because only about
30.6% of respondents who are willing to pay more
expensive for environmentally friendly products.
Price is one determinant of the success of a company
because the price determines how much profit the
company will get from the sale of its products (Kotler
and Gary, 2012).
Equation 2 on Table 1 showed the effect of
purchasing decision-making indicators. Based on the
loading factor it can be seen that the indicator
measures the purchase decision variables is actual
decisions (Y
) of 0.668 and 11 frequency of purchase
) of 0.637. Actual decision which means the
willingness of consumers to buy environmentally
friendly products considering environmental health is
considered more able to reflect the actual purchase
decision of the product. The frequency on new
purchases can be measured after the consumer shows
his willingness to buy and consume the product.
Green Marketing (X1) has a significant and
positive effect on Purchase Decision (Y1). This
indicates that the increasing ; increasing of Green
Marketing, Purchasing Decision will also increase
The concept of green marketing consists of four
aspects: policy of green products design, distribution
with green criteria, pricing of green products, green
publicity and green sponsorship. An environmentally
friendly product is not only seen from its product
content but also from its packaging and distribution
system. Eco-friendly products also need to be
supported with product attributes that show their eco-
friendly side, such as eco-friendly certificates or
ecolabel certificates. It also needs to be supported
with promotional activities that are also
environmentally themed. These efforts serve to
inform the public and more convincing people about
the environmentally friendly products offered so that
it can ultimately affect their purchasing decisions.
Based on the results of research, the results
obtained that green marketing; Have a positive and
significant effect on purchasing decision. Thus, tea
drink manufacturers in RGB packaging can use green
marketing strategy to attract consumer buying interest
so as to improve consumer purchase decision. Green
marketing strategy that can be done can adopt green
marketing strategy developed by Ginsberg and
Bloom (2004) that is policy of green product design,
pricing of green product design, distribution with
green criteria, and green publication and green
Policy of green product design. Producers can
increase the freshness and nutritional content of tea
drinks in RGB packaging, designing RGB packaged
tea beverages simply, attractively and can
communicate itself as an environmentally friendly
product and contain information on the benefits it
contains, designing packaged tea beverages in RGB
packaging with friendly label Environment
(ecolabelling) and standardize and certify tea
beverages in RGB packaging as an environmentally
friendly environmental friendly product.
Pricing of green product design, manufacturers
can make several efforts such as Provide a logical,
affordable price and in accordance with the benefits
obtained, provide a cheaper price than tea drinks are
not packaged in RGB and provide discounts for tea
drinks in RGB packaging in large quantities.
Distribution with green criteria, manufacturers
can provide special display (Refrigerator /
refrigerator) for RGB tea beverage sales, reproducing
special display (refrigerator / refrigerator) for tea
beverage sales in RGB packaging, ensuring the
availability and completeness of products in each
RGB tea beverage sales outlet, improving distribution
channel performance into And outside the factory to
ensure the ease of consumers getting tea drink in RGB
Green publication and green sponsorship,
producers can do the promotion of tea drinks in glass
bottles as environmentally friendly products in
various media (television, newspaper, website, etc.)
Tea beverage advertisement in glassy glass bottle
Noodles and educate environmental concerns to
consumers, organize eco-friendly events as a means
of promoting eco-friendly products, providing
The Influence of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour
information on tea drinks in glass bottles as
environmentally friendly products in every sales
outlet, making factory visits to consumers in an effort
to demonstrate friendly production environment.
Consumers who care about the environment will
prefer products that have health and safety
(environmentally friendly) insurance. Consumers can
see certification on product packaging. Product
promotion strategy as an green product through
various media, event, held factory visit, is also an
effort to increase public knowledge about existence
of product as green product,
Based on the results of previous findings are expected
to be an input in increasing buying interest and
purchasing decisions of tea drinks in RGB packaging.
Strategies that can be expressed through green
marketing strategy. Thus, environmentally friendly
RGB packaging can compete with OWP packaging
(such as PET bottles) that are increasingly prevalent
today. For further research it is necessary to examine
the variables that influence purchasing decisions such
as attitudes, knowledge and marketing mix. In
addition, research needs to be done in relation to
reverse supply chain and value chain in beverages in
glass bottles and tea beverages in OWP packaging.
Thanks to the Directorate of Research and
Community Service, the Directorate General of
Higher Education, the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education as the grant
(Kemenristek Dikti) beneficiary grant.
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