model, this study examines the direct and indirect
influences of religiosity and worldview on the
development of hedonistic behavior as moderated
through parental and peer attachment. Drawing on a
quantitative survey of 408 malaysian university
students, Structural Equation Modeling and Path
Analysis findings reveal that peer attachment
moderated the relationship between religiosity and
worldview, and hedonistic behavior. The results
further show the unique moderating effect of trust
and alienation within peer attachment. The results
are discussed in light of Malaysia’s unique socio-
cultural setting. Implication from the findings are
also discussed. Juliana and colleagues concluded in
his research entitled The Effect of Economic
Literacy on Student Consumption Behavior FKIP
UNTAN as follows: 1) The level of economic
literacy or understanding of students to the economy
give influence to someone in the economic action,
especially consumption activities; 2) Respondents
have consumption behavior in accordance with the
level of knowledge and understanding of the science
of economics; 3) There is a positive influence of
economic literacy on consumption behavior.
The previous research which became the
reference in this research consists of several research
with focus of theme relevant to the variables in this
research,that is individual modernity, social
environment, economic literacy, lifestyle, and
consumption behavior. The author has not found
exactly the same research with this research, all the
previous research results that became the reference
have their own characteristics. The importance of
these variables to be examined because 1) individual
modernity is a condition of one's level of personality
in which there is a set of personality traits such as
views of values, attitudes, and behavior that make
individuals active and dynamic to follow the
development of advanced societies 2) Pride, self-
esteem, mental attitude, achievement motivation,
work ethic, spirit of life, consciousness of a person
or group in everyday life. How meaningful family as
a social environment to the encouragement of
achievement of a member. Similarly, the role of
other social environments, such as friends, peers in
the work of encouragement to a person to remain
vibrant, achieving, and ultimately achieving success,
3) Economic Literacy is a life skill that is useful for
making the right economic decisions , 4) Lifestyle is
the way a person displays his identity through the
use of time, money, and goods more leads to fun and
appreciation regardless of what the actual needs, 5)
Consumption activity is no longer based on the
needs but because the product has Certain symbols
that can increase the prestige of the purchaser.
Consumption activity is increasing due to
globalization because globalization as a product of
modernity offers all forms of ease of technology in
human life.
Respondents in this study are students of Vocational
High School Business and Management in Bandung.
Vocational students with an age range of 15-18
years with their analytical unit at the individual
level. Sampling technique to determine the unit of
analysis with proportionate random sampling
technique. The determination of the sample number
of students is done through calculations using the
formula of Taro Yamane (Riduwan, 2008: 44).
Based on these calculations, the minimum sample
size in this study is 386 students from 12 Vocational
Schools consisting of 3 Vocational Schools of
Business and Management Affairs and 9 Vocational
Secondary Vocational Business and Private
Management. Female respondents as many as 260
students (67.36%) while the male sex of 126
students (32.64%).
In this study the questionnaire is used to measure
all the variables of both dependent and independent
variables, measured by using the Likert Scale.
According to Riduwan and Kuncoro (2011: 20),
Likert Scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions,
and perceptions of a person or group of social events
or phenomena.
Hypothesis testing in this study using structural
equation model analysis or commonly referred to as
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is a
statistical technique used to test a series of
relationships between several variables. More
clearly Hair, (1998) put forward as follows:
Structural equation modeling, often referred to
simply as LISREL (the name of one of the more
popular software packages), is multivariate
technique combining aspects of multiply regression
and factor analysis to estimate a series of
interrelated dependence relationships simultaneousl.
It is characterized by two components: (1) the
structural model and (2) the measurement model.
The structural model is a “path” model, which
relates independent to dependent variables
(indicators) for a single independent or dependent
Hypothesis Testing 1: The Influence of Social
Environment, Individual Modernity, and Literacy
Economics on Lifestyle. The research findings show
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship