How to Improve Business Performance: A Financial Analysis on
Micro Tapioca Industry
Febtri Wijayanti, Fithria Novianti, Mirwan A Karim, Arie Sudaryanto, Carolina Carolina
Center for Appropriate Technology Development - Indonesian Institute of Sciences
Keywords: Tapioca, market collaboration, delayed sales, working capital, small scale producer.
Abstract: Village tapioca starch production is an important economic activity in cassava value chain benefitting
manufacturers and cassava farmers. There are 6 small units actively running in Subang West Java Indonesia
capable to produce only 15 ton/month of tapioca. The limited capacity causes them to face stuck in sales
situation from time to time, since marketing is performed individually and it makes them difficult to meet
required quantity of product procurement fixed by middlemen. This problem remains for decades and makes
it difficult for small tapioca producers to grow competitively. In order to find appropriate solution, a case study
was conducted to reveal the underlying predicament. Based on financial analysis to the processing technology,
it can be concluded that tapioca producer with the capacity less than 1 ton a day is burdened by high production
cost. To meet the requirement fixed by middleman who procure minimum quantity of 2 tons tapioca, the best
approach to solve this problem is by establishing a marketing collective action. The scenario shall be to create
groups enabling them to sell the product as frequent as once in every 2 days to improve conversion rate. Most
effective system would be a group of 5 to 7 tapioca small scale producers, providing they agree upon group’s
mission benefitting all members. The tapioca producers group will enable them to also obtain not only market
access, but also access to technology, finance and other supporting policy.
Cassava has an important role in agriculture
commodity in Indonesia. It has second biggest
productivity beside rice. Not only used for food, but
also to feed and bioenergy. With the extent of use of
cassava, it should be able to become an agro industry
commodity to increase society welfare, especially for
cassava farmers. The added value of agricultural
commodity should become the source of just and fair
prosperity gain for those who are involve in the
activity (Wilkinson; Dongan, Mior, 2011). This study
explores cassava potential as one of important
commodity for agricultural community in providing
prospective value add as tapioca starch. The
production process of which could be performed by
various level technology and scale as well. Making it
one of a potential agro industrial activity to support.
Gandhi, Kumar, and Marsh (2001) stated that in
order to achieve successful agro industry, at least
there are 6 prerequisites to fulfill, i.e. 1) incentive for
farmers as main producer, 2) provision of agriculture
input and determine who will bear the loss, 3) access
to technology 4) visionary consumer behavior
relevant to market effectiveness, 5) attractiveness of
investment 6) attention to organization, asset
ownership, business management, and quality
control. As a business unit, small scale tapioca
industry are inflicted with those problems. More
specific venture tribulations are: 1) lack of
appropriate drying technology, 2) irregular raw
material supply, 3) low efficiency due to the business
scale, 4) market limited option.
Agroindustry development requires effective
business association between farmers and
manufacturers regardless of the size (Rebeca,
Jonsson, Knutsson, 2013). It commonly found that
position of agriculture based small industry in the
supply chain management is weak. Unequality in
socioeconomic status resulted in failure to create
business linkage among potential actors. In reference
to latter, this study focuses on business management
of small scale tapioca industry in Tanjungsiang
Subdistrict of Subang District to unearth the causal
factor of low conversion rate of product into cash
experienced by them. Revealing the case will direct
us to discover strategic solution of the problem to
productively trigger achievement of improved
business performance which the source of income for
those who are involved in cassava value chain
Wijayanti, F., Novianti, F., Karim, M., Sudaryanto, A. and Carolina, C.
How to Improve Business Performance: A Financial Analysis on Micro Tapioca Industry.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 240-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The research about the dependency of SMEs to
market provider (middleman) has been done by many
researcher. Chau, Goto, Kanbur (2001) conducted a
study about the role of middleman as a bridge to reach
consumers more widely, despite the negative stigma
that middleman considered taking profit too much.
Shorten the chain is one of alternative solution. The
other problem of SMEs are selling. In the tapioca
micro industry, time required to sell the product
approximately 1 month. During the time, they should
provide production cost. Provide operational cost for
1 month is being their problem.
Cooperation and collaboration concept by
Schutze, Baum, GanB, Ivanova, Muller (2011) as a
success solution for SMEs. Ignatiadis, Briggs,
Svirskas, Bougiouklis, Koumpi (2007) introduce a
collaborative business model for the (European) ERP
industry of SMEs through PANDA project. In
reference to latter, this study focuses on business
management of small scale tapioca industry in
Tanjungsiang village of Subang District to unearth
the causal factor of low conversion rate of product
into cash experienced by them.
2.1 Time and Location
The study was conducted in Tanjungsiang Subdistrict
which administratively is part of Subang District of
West Java Province. The area selected is well known
for its cassava agro ecosystem owned and managed
by local farmers. Field observation was carried out in
2 periods i.e. July-September 2014, and February to
July 2016.
2.2 Method
In order to achieve the objective, this study was
arranged to use a case study approach. Case study
allows us to reveal a complex phenomenon in a
limited observation space (Baxter & Jack, 2008).
Quantitative data was collected by a survey to 6
tapioca industries as listed on official Village Data,
followed by qualitative data collection to 2
representative small scale industries in study location.
Technique used in primary data collection was in
depth interview utilizing guided questions and direct
field observation. Quantitative data was then used to
construct financial analysis of the venture.
Descriptive analysis was employed to further
elucidate the phenomenon, specifically relevant to
tapioca production technology and the business
Analysis Approach using financial analysis,
which data and information of production process in
Tapioca industries processed into balance sheet. From
financial report it can be seen the weakness from the
production system and the cycle of sales of tapioca.
Based on it, the strategic recommendation is made.
The discussion is focused on the problem of
capital utilization which effectiveness is indicated by
business cash flow. Assuming there is not much
change in productivity except price of raw materials
during high and low session, depiction of 12 months
production activity is projected to 5 year. Looking at
the cash flow will enable us to depict and predict the
prospect of capitalization; and further recommend a
strategy to improve the business performance.
3.1 Local Trade System of Tapioca
Tanjungsiang Sub District in Subang Area is known
for its cassava production. Supported by its agro
ecosystem, Gandasoli, together with Rancamanggung
village in Tanjungsiang become prominent cassava
cluster. Cassava harvested area in Tanjungsiang
District reach almost 500 hectares, and the land
productivity about 20 tonns per hectare
(Tanjungsiang SubDistrict Profile, 2012). Most of the
cassava is used as raw material for food processing,
i.e chips and “peuyeum” or fermented cassava.
Important to mention, is utilization of small size
cassava tuber called “sampeububuk” for tapioca
In Tanjung Siang Subdistrict of Subang, there are
6 tapioca producers. As a village popularly known for
its good quality of cassava produced by local farmers,
tapioca producers becomes an important part of the
product’s supply chain. Tapioca producers absorb
smallsize cassava or “sampeububuk”, a low valued
product that is not utilized by other food processing
units. The price of smallsize cassava, the main raw
material for tapioca producers, is around IDR600 to
IDR1000/kg. Price fluctuates depend on the season.
The quantity of raw material input differs among
producers. It depends on the amount of money readily
utilized as business capital. From 1 ton of raw
material, they can produce 220250 kgs of tapioca.
The process of tapioca production from peeling,
washing, grinding and milling takes only 5 hours. The
crucial time required in traditional tapioca production
system is drying which depends on climate. During
How to Improve Business Performance: A Financial Analysis on Micro Tapioca Industry
dry season, it will take 2 days in average; and
eventually longer in rainy season. Dry starch is then
stored, and it will be sold when the quantity reaches 2
tons. The minimum quantity fixed by middleman for
he utilizes truck capacity as standard. For small scale
tapioca producers, the minimum quantity of tapioca
collection to sell means prolonged time to store and
worst of all, low conversion rate of product into cash.
They will keep the milled produce in “sedimentation
ponds” or the dry flakes in their storage for one month
before they finally have sufficient quantity
The existing marketing systems only provide sale
opportunity once in every 2 weeks. The average sale
frequency of twice in a month allows them to gain
approximately IDR28.000.000, from selling tapioca
and its waste that still bear economic value. On the
other hand, they still have to keep producing tapioca
and this situation is a heavy burden for small scale
industry with low capital. In short, they must have
sufficient cash to support monthly production activity
(Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Production, Stock, and Sales of Tapioca Product
It is shown that every month, sales are always
lower than production. This situation indicates a high
cost of production for conversion rate of product into
cash is low due to the imbalance of production and
This condition has been going a long time, from
the beginning they start to produce tapioca. Many
times, producer complained about lack of capital,
while, it happen in the situation when fresh cassava
as main raw material is cheap. It could happen
because of no sales activity. It means they have no
cash to finance their production. It could happen
because of their sales set to quota of middleman.
Those situations make the stock accumulation in
sedimentation ponds or in warehouse. This
accumulation has a risk of damage.
Despite their high dependency to the middlemen
negatively affects productivity, being independent is
not bearable for marketing cost for small scale tapioca
producers to include transportation are not affordable.
It is therefore the main reason of why they have no
other choice than being controlled by middlemen.
3.2 Investment and Cost of Production
Initial investment or fixed cost is the amount of
money need to be spent to start a business. Based on
financial analysis of small scale tapioca with a
production capacity of one ton a day, initial cost of
IDR 74.325.000 is needed to construct production
facilities, provide tools and equipment and also to
obtain legal business.
In many cases, producer is not count their asset
such as land, house, and water installation as their
initial investment. In the traditional industry, it could
happen. But, in order to this study, we insert it to their
initial investment for analysis. As well as legal
business. In many producer, especially micro small
scale industry, legal business is a things that they
ignored. They worry if they have legal business, they
have to pay the tax. But, without legal business, they
will easily being victimized of “informal tax”, or
being criminalized.
Table 1 below indicates amount of money they
should provide to start the business. In general,
tapioca producer should provide three things, there
are: legal business, unit production, and
Table 1: Initial Infestation of Tapioca Small Scale Industry
Total (IDR)
Unit Production
Land Rent
Production Room
Water Installation
Water Pump
Precipitation Pool
Equipment and Machinery
Drying Rack
Bamboo Woven
Total Infestation Cost
Source: Primary Data, Processed
On the other hand, cost of production for tapioca
business with the capacity of 600 quintal a day is
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
approximately IDR20 million depends on raw
material price. The amount of money sufficient to
provide raw material, workers, other supporting
materials and utilities. Raw material cost takes about
78,3% of overall cost. It indicates in Table 2.
Table 2: Production Cost of Small Scale Tapioca Industry
Total Cost/Month
Raw Material (Cassava)
62.64 %
Other Expenses
Total Production Cost
To be able to have a continuous production
activity, a business entity should provide enough
money to cover several activities in a row. In the case
of small scale tapioca producer in Tanjungsiang
Subdistrict, when sales can only be done once a
month, the amount of working capital should then be
provided to support 4 production activities. To have
sufficient amount of money, they usually use the help
of money lenders; and paying it back when the
product is successfully sold.
Figure 2: Effect of Sales Delay to Working Capital
The graph in Figure 2 indicates the amount of
money needed by the small scale tapioca producer to
have continuous activity. Present situation in which
sales is only achieved in delayed time, the amount of
capital needed becomes higher. Two week delay will
cost them Rp. 6,403,000, and the more delayed time
of sale, the more money required for them to support
production activity.
Because working capital is usually obtained from
the middlemen, the consequences is they have to pay
higher price of money. The business relationship cost
them a low bargaining power in product marketing in
which standard price is usually determined by the
middlemen. In the long run, this condition limits
tapioca producers to gain sufficient profit and benefit
as they are supposed to earn.
3.3 Collaboration as Strategic
Lack of capital is one of problem of the small scale
tapioca producer. They don’t realize that their lack of
capital are happened because of the sales system,
which occur from time to time. Entrepeneurs
knowledge traditionally cause small scale tapioca
producers do not accustomed to recording their
expenses and sales in detail, doing market research,
and making sales plan.
The problematic delayed sale is a decade long
problem encountered by small scale tapioca producer
in Tanjungsiang Subdistrict. Their limited working
capital and storage space causing have placed them
into a situation which hamper their business growth.
There are cases of business closure due to this
unsolved situation. This is the underlying reason of
stagnant quantity of tapioca producers in
Tanjungsiang Subdistrict. Practically there is no
supporting scheme implemented to solve this
particular problem.
Six tapioca producers in Tanjungsiang Subdistrict
are able to survive despite many limiting factors.
Maximum production capacity performed by this
study respondent, KS, is 650 kgs dry tapioca/week.
Smaller scale, owned by SR, is able to produce only
100 kg tapioca/week. Based on the sale pattern
determined by 2 tons quota set by middlemen, KS
suffer delayed sale for 3 weeks and worst case may
reach 10 weeks. Figure 3 depicts the dynamics of
productivity contrasted with sale quota.
Figure 3: Productivity Each Responden (Kgs/week)
SMEs are in need of marketing knowhow to
determine proper markets and customers for their
products and to improve design and quality
parameters (Aykan;Aksoy;Sonmez, 2013). For SMEs
the best way for them to enter new markets is to
establish alliances with other SMEs - or with larger
How to Improve Business Performance: A Financial Analysis on Micro Tapioca Industry
firms (Robson & Bennet, 2000). In the case of small
scale tapioca producer who have no other option or
more appropriately said is lacking access to
alternative market has caused placed them on
stagnation. Individual marketing effort is eventually
cost them more and the situation makes lower profit
gain; but it seems that they do not have a proper
Marketing collaboration can become a proper
solution for small scale tapioca businesses. Although
not a new concept, networking could be the most
appropriate strategy for small scale industries to
develop strong business capable to compete.
Collaboration allows business to manage risk through
sharing scheme, provide access to resources so that
improvement of business performance can be
achieved (Chakraborty; Bhattacharya;
Dobrzykowski, 2014). Collaboration will help small
scale businesses like the tapioca industries in
Tanjungsiang Subdistrict to have competitive
advantage. Financial analysis indicates that
collaborative scheme implementation will help them
to gain more profit and benefit as well, among others
broader market option and higher bargaining position.
No delay sales can be achieved, and thus, cash
availability could be better due to improved
conversion rate.
Collaboration is a process in which those who are
involved share information, resources and other
responsibilities to plan, implement and evaluate the
activity; in other word, collaboration is an
arrangement to work together
(Camarinha&Afsarmanesh, 2006). Collaboration
among tapioca producers in Tanjungsiang Subdistrict
is prospective to be established. Economically the
strategy is advantageous because: Sales can be
performed in a shorter period or higher sale frequency
is obtained, Higher sale frequency means faster
turnover rate, turn the product into cash, Less
working capital is needed
It is shown in Figure 3 that is sales can be done
every week, working capital needed is only
IDR3.201.000,- depend on the capacity, which can be
used to cover the cost of the week after production
activity. Through collaboration, sales period can be
shortened to become 1 week only rather than 2 weeks.
Collaboration scenario based on each tapioca
producer capacity. For the information, in
Tanjungsiang Subdistrict, 6 unit small scale tapioca
industry have different capacity depends on their
ability to provide initial investment. The idea of
collaboration can be done without limiting their
production capacity. Based on the producers
information, we account that with the average of their
productivity, the group can collecting and selling
tapioca to middleman in every 1 week as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Small Scale Industry Collaboration in Market
According to Coulter (2007), collaboration of
small development, however there are drawbacks that
should be anticipated as mentioned by Jonathan
(2007) as “hidden cost” i.e. : Lost of autonomy to buy
and sell certain quality of product, as well as decision
to choose buyer and selling time; Lost of time for
groups meetings and consolidation; Cost of
establishing same perspective, principle and behavior
among members; and also to construct and implement
rewards and punishment system as a commitment.
In order to reduce high cost of proposed
collaboration system, social capital becomes an
important key element to humanistic economic
development. Important factors embedded in social
capital are among others valuable social relation,
plausible social transformation and established social
network. Due to its significance role in improving
economic achievement, it is therefore important to
gain thorough understanding of human interaction
complexity (Vallejos; Macke; Olea; Toss, 2008).
Villagers in general, still hold the principle of
social interaction in which family relation becomes
valuable bond. And this is found in Tanjungsiang
Subdistrict, especially among farmers where
collective action is still performed in many
agricultural management activities (Carolina
&Novianti, 2016). This is a strong foundation for
Tanjungsiang Subdistrict community to establish a
collaborative network for economic purposes.
Reinforced by a good institutional development,
collaboration among small scale tapioca producers is
a prospective proposal.
Figure 4. Small Scale Industry Collaboration in
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
It is expected that collaboration will be
established not only for product marketing, but also
include the whole production system. As part of the
supply chain, small scale tapioca production unit
should possess better bargaining position in cassava
industry. Collaboration will enable them to be
exposed to a broader market, and other benefits such
as possibility to cost share and opportunity to
technology transfer in order to improve productivity
and business performance. However, collaborative
network will not be achieved without trust among
members (Petrescu; cRuz; Negrusa, 2014). An
important point which possible to attain in a
community with strong social capital.
It is fair to conclude that the character of small
scale enterprise in rural area is traditional in which
their natural resource base activity is heavily depend
on raw material availability and local market system.
In globalization era, holding to that principle will
place them into a vulnerable position. It is important
to strengthen them with relevant entrepreneurial skill
and knowledge to help them survive by increasing
their competitiveness. This will require a collective
action and institutional approach to shift the paradigm
from traditionally managed small scale enterprise to
collaborative network. The collaboration of which
will enable them to strengthen their bargaining
position, solving problem collectively, which at the
end creating a more efficient and effective marketing
system (Barham &Chitemi, 2009). Proper support is
required to increase the capacity and capability of
small scale industries to adapt well into meeting
market demand and thus establish sustainable
business activity they could rely upon (Aykan;
Aksoy; Sonmez, 2013).
Of course, to realize the idea of collaboration,
there should be one of tapioca producer who
pioneered. Communication between producers is
absolutely necessary. Intensive communication and
meetings required to equalize perception and group
purpose. In this part, the role of facilitator is
necessary. Facilitator has an important role to be a
mediator to make similarity understanding.
Delayed sales is one of the problem of small scale
tapioca producer, especially in Subang Region. It is
need problem solver to cope that condition.
Collaborations could become a prospective
alternative to support the business performance of
small scale tapioca industry. Collaboration can
strengthen them in bargaining power, technology
innovation, and market share. They growth together,
and create an social ties more closely. The existing
social capital plays an important role to establish an
effective knot of collaboration which function not
only to improve marketing system, but also to gain
better access to technology, capital and supporting
policy they deserve.
The authors acknowledge the Center of Appropriate
Technology Development Indonesian Institute of
Science for supporting this study. We also extend our
gratitude to all respondents’ tapioca manufacturers in
Tanjungsiang subdistrict for being diligently
accommodating us with data and information; also to
Hari SiswoyoAji, Abah Cumid and all tapioca
producer in Subang, who have contributed in many
aspects of the research.
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