Same as with research conducted by Ghullam
Hamdu and Lisa Agustina (2011). The results showed
that in general the motivation of learning and learning
achievement of fourth grade students of elementary
school Tarumanagara quite good. The analysis also
shows that the influence of learning motivation
influences greatly on the students' learning
achievement. So as Keller revealed that the learning
achievement can be seen from the change of personal
input results in the form of motivation and hope to
succeed. His research was done by Narwoto (2013:
231). The results of the analysis indicate that
achievement motivation has an influence on the
learning achievement of vocational theory is also in
line with the theory of needs developed by David C.
McClelland. According to David C. McClelland there
are three needs of a person: 1) need for achievement,
2) need for affiliation, and 3) need of power. The need
for achievement is an inner drive to overcome all
challenges and obstacles in an effort to achieve the
goals. The achievement motivation shown by the
studentsβ shows that their need for achievement is
Table 4: Result Test Coefficient of Determinant R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a.Predictors:(constant), student motivation
b. Dependent Variable: learning outcome
Coefficient of determination π
displayed on
Table 4. The result of analysis shows that π
value is
0.032. This means that as much as 3,2%, the learning
outcome of XI Social Class of Public senior high
school in Kabupaten Bandung was influenced by
student motivation leverage, amount while the rest of
96,8 % was influenced by other factors.
It answered the reason of hypothetical result in
this research which resulted that the influence of
students' motivation was still small on student
learning outcomes, influenced by the small the
students learning motivation. The data acquisition
explains that every indicator of student's learning
motivation was not maximal yet and was categorized
as high enough even there are sub indicator which
was stated in the statement which was thrown to the
student of data acquisition mentioning that the student
in follow the guidance of economics learning in other
institution outside school of acquisition the average
value of 1.50 which was included in the category was
very low, the students set the pocket money to buy the
economic book the average value of 1.99 is
categorized as low category and the students discuss
with the economic teacher in the teacher's room if
there was material that has not been understood
Earned an average rating of 2.05 that fall into the low
category. So with this clear reasons why the influence
of the student learning motivation on learning
outcomes is still small despite significant and positive
Tella (2007) in his research justified the
importance of motivation to academic achievement.
Teachers have a great influence in the learning
process because they must try to maximize the
motivation that studentsβ hade during the learning. In
addition, parents and government should be involved
in programs that could motivate students to improve
student academic performance.
Motivation of student achievement in learning
will facilitate the learning process conducted in the
classroom. For students, achievement motivation will
encourage them to be in the spirit of learning. This is
in the opinion of Nicholls (Nurwanto: 2012: 232)
which states that "optimum motivation as one that
provides the greatest degree of intellectual
development", high motivation is one aspect of one's
intellectual development. For a teacher in school,
student achievement motivation will facilitate the
delivery of learning to the students, the absorption
becomes higher so that student learning achievement
will also increase. Therefore, achievement motivation
is very instrumental in learning, because the higher
the achievement motivation of students, the spirit of
students to learn is also increasing.
Based on the results of research analysis and
discussion, it is concluded that the level of student
learning motivation owned by Social Class of Public
senior high school in Bandung State Senior High
School can remind students of student learning
outcomes is proven by majority of students in Social
Class of Public senior high school get a thoroughness
in economic lessons and the level of students learning
motivation have Positive and significant influence on
student learning outcomes. This means that the level
of student learning motivation is an important factor
to change the level of the student learning outcomes.
Abin Syamsuddin Makmun. 2004. Psokologi
Kependidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya
Adedeji Tella. 2007. The Impact of Motivation on Studentβs
Academic Achievement and Learning Outcomes in
Mathematics among Secondary School Students in
Effect of Student Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes in Economics Lesson