extensive promotional products or a
combination of other marketing efforts.
2. Market Development Strategy
The market development strategy is to expand
the marketing area of KESRA SMEs to new
geographic areas that have not been reached by
the number of people who have purchasing
power and are likely to become potential buyers.
This can be done outside the area of Surabaya or
East Java. Most closely for example trying to
establish relationships with existing partners in
Sidoarjo, to market the product. Not only can
that, opening a new outlet in a new area also be
an alternative strategy. The right distribution
channel is a key support for the implementation
of this strategy. Add more design variation
while maintaining unique designs with
embroidery techniques and festoon puncture,
increase production capacity, fixed the
packaging by adding the brand/logo that became
the hallmark of KESRA SMEs.
3. Product Development Strategy
This product development strategy can be done
by KESRA SMEs by improving packaging with
an attractive appearance to support the different
product sizes. In addition, the company is also
biased to provide a new and varied design, it is
intended to anticipate the saturation of
consumers will be a product design that does not
change and monotonous though the customer
who have been loyal to the company remains a
potential buyer, Expand the marketing area,
create a well-structured and organized
Strategies recommendation using swot analysed to
develop market share in KESRA SMEs of handmade
fashion should be Provide product variations and
design innovation according to market developments.
Improve the quality of packaging more attractive.
Expand the marketing area with promotional mix.
Maximize marketing efforts by adding nesting for
advertising and sales promotion so as to enlarge
existing market share. Therefore, the advice for this
research is a KESRA SMES engaged in trading
business, SMEs should keep up to date information
about the market.
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