The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to
Economic Learning Achievements
Hendra Kunhardianto
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Economic learning, achievements, difficulties, internal factor, external factor.
Abstract: The purpose this research is analyze the factors internal and external effect of learning difficulties on
economic learning achievements. The population are all students of class XI IPS SMAN 1 Mojosari
Mojokerto. To take the sample using proportional sampling technique combined with random sampling
techniques and sample size of 62 respondents. To obtain accurate data used data collection instruments, such
as questionnaires and documentation. Furthermore, to process the data used formula Person Product Moment.
The results of data analysis can be concluded there is a positive effect internal factors difficulty learning to
the achievement of economic study and there is a positive effect of external factors on the achievement of
learning difficulties demonstrated economic study.
Education plays an important role in the development
of the whole Indonesian people in order to improve
the dignity of the nation, as stated in the National
Education System (Sisdiknas) in 2003 which states
that the national education system should be able to
ensure equal distribution of educational opportunities
to meet the challenges of changing local, And global
so it is necessary to do the renewal of education in a
planned, directed and sustainable. Thus it is
appropriate that improvement and improvement of
education should be given top priority and must
achieve the right target. Along with the development
of science and technology today the quality of
education is expected to be able to face challenges in
the future.
This expectation is in accordance with the strategy
set forth in the function and objectives of national
education as stipulated in the Law on National
Education System: No. 20 year 2003 that national
education function to develop ability and forming
character and civilization of dignified nation in order
to educate nation life, aims to develop student
potency to become human belief and piety to God
Almighty, have noble character, healthy knowledge,
Creative, independent and become a democratic and
responsible citizen. Indeed, economic growth is key
in the development of a region.
Learning in the classroom can be said to be
successful, as the criterion is individual if the student
has been able to reach KKM (Minimum Criteria of
Completeness) which has been determined by the
teacher and classically when 85% of the total students
have reached KKM. Likewise for economic learning,
if the teacher has established KKM 75, then the
students said to be complete learning when it has
obtained economic value of 75 and above but for
those who score below 75, they must follow the
remedial program so that later can complete the study.
Likewise, the class is declared thoroughly studied in
classical if 85% of the number of students have
obtained the value of KKM 75 and if the number of
students less than 85% who get the value of KKM
then the class is incomplete classical learning and
must follow remedial program. Thus, if the students
have not finished learning or have not yet completed
the classical learning classical, of course this
illustrates that the students have difficulty in learning
and this needs to be immediately searched and found
any factors that cause learning difficulties to the
According Djamarah (2002: 212213) that
someone who is experiencing learning difficulties
will feel a barrier or obstacle in achieving good
learning achievement. Some of the symptoms as an
indicator of learning difficulties can be seen from: 1)
low learning achievement, 2) learning outcomes
achieved are not balanced with the effort undertaken,
3) students are slow in doing the task, 4) the students
Kunhardianto, H.
The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to Economic Learning Achievements.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 279-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
show a less reasonable attitude, Such as indifference,
pretence, etc. 5) protégés exhibit unusual behaviors,
such as lack of joy, alienation from their friends,
angry, moody, 6) students are classified as having a
high potential IQ Should achieve high learning
achievement, but in reality achievement is low, 7)
students always show high learning achievement for
some subjects, but at other times learning
achievement decreased drastically.
The fact that the researchers face the students in
grade XI IPS of SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari Mojokerto,
based on data of inventory result on DKN (List of
Values) of XI IPS-1 students up to XI IPS-5, shows
their learning achievement in economic subjects is
low. From the data obtained, shows that the average
daily average value of 71.14 is still below the KKM
that has been set by the teacher is 75, in addition to
the average completeness of classical learning
reaches only 50.87%, means that learning
completeness classically Not yet reached. Thus it can
be seen that there are still many of the students who
have difficulty learning economics, so that their
learning achievement becomes low. Therefore need
to be analyzed immediately to know the factors that
affect their learning difficulties.
To obtain an overview of the factors that led to
low student learning achievement, researchers have
made initial observations through interviews with
economics teachers and students. The results of
interviews with economic teachers can be outlined as
follows; (2) many of them do the job, just imitate their
friends, (3) in the learning they are usually passive,
do not want to ask or answer, (4) There are still many
of them who think that it is important to actively enter
the class and do not violate the school rules, it will be
up to class, (5) many of them do not have textbooks,
only have LKS which there is only material summary
and its scope is limited, (6) the number of textbooks
available in the Library is not proportional to the
number of students and (7) teachers rarely utilize
instructional media in the form of LCD in learning,
(8) sometimes they misjudge or mislead friends so
that They get carried away by their friend's habit, (9)
many of them are graduated, but not continuing to
university Gi, so for those who graduate and have a
high school diploma that can be used to work in the
factory, not the important ones can carve a high
Similarly, based on the results of interviews with
some students, about why their value in many
economic subjects are under the KKM, and in general
the results of the interviews can be described as
follows: (1) for those who are important to get the
value in accordance with the KKM they already have
(2) a lot of elusive economic material, especially
those that are calculated or math, so there is a sense
of laziness to learn it, (3) most of them, want to learn
only if there will be a repeat the next day, (4) if it gets
The duty of the teacher, usually they only imitate or
borrow and copy the task of a clever and finished
friend, (5) if they have difficulty in understanding the
material, in general they simply ask friends and that
is enough for them ) Often they get bored quickly in
following the economic lesson, especially when it has
entered the material counting black G, (7) most of
them have no economic textbooks, only have existing
LKS economic and material summaries are very low,
(8) rarely among those who do the task or solve
economic problems with group work, but simply
imitate or borrow And copy the tasks of a clever and
finished friend who is important to them has already
collected the task, (9) many of them are not
continuing to college, due to lack of parental support,
(10) sometimes the elderly are less supportive of them
Learning, (11) the tools available at home are less
supportive of them in learning, (13) their time
consuming much, because they have to help the
parents at home and the many activities they have to
follow in the neighbourhood, (12) Not continuing to
college, so for us important follow the learning
process and go to class XII and (13) k Most of them,
if they go to college will not choose the economics
majors because rival is very heavy and tight.
Based on the above description, the authors are
interested to examine the influence of internal and
external factors of learning difficulties on economic
achievement. So, the research formulation in this
research are: 1) Is there an effect of internal factors of
learning difficulties on economic learning
achievement in students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri
1 Mojosari Mojokerto? ; 2) Is there an effect of
external factors of learning difficulties on economic
learning achievement in students of class XI IPS
SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari Mojokerto? The purpose of
this study is to analyze the effect of internal factors
and external factors of learning difficulties on
economic achievement in students of class XI IPS
SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari Mojokerto.
2.1 Learning
According to Degeng (1998: 1) is the preparation of
knowledge from concrete experience, collaborative
activities, and reflection and interpretation.
Furthermore, Purwanto (2004: 85) emphasized that
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
learning is a change in behavior where change can
lead to better behavior, but it also may lead to worse
Further study by Skinner in Sudarmanto (2003: 5)
is a process of adaptation or adjustment behavior
progresses progressively. According to Hilgard &
Bower in Purwanto (2004: 84) learning is related to a
person's behavior change towards a particular
situation caused by his repeated experience in the
According Sudarmanto (2003: 5) learning defined
a business process undertaken by a person to obtain a
new change as a result of his own experience in
interaction with the environment.
Added by Slameto (2003: 3) that learning is a
process of business that a person undertakes to obtain
a whole new behavioral change as a result of his own
experience in interaction with his environment.
Then reaffirmed by Hamalik (2008: 154) that
learning is a relatively stable behavior changes thanks
to exercise and experience. This means learning is a
process of activity and not a result and purpose.
Learning not only remember, but more broadly than
that is experiencing. Learning outcomes are not a
mastery of training outcomes but behavior change.
Added also by Gagne (in Sagala 2005: 13) that
learning is as a process by which an organism changes
its behavior as a result of experience.
Learning is a component of the science of
education with respect to the objectives and reference
materials of interaction, whether explicit or implicit
in nature. Activities or learning behavior consists of
psychic and physical activities that work together in
an integrated and comprehensive integrally. Along
with that learning can be understood as trying or
practicing in order to gain intelligence. In its
implementation according to Sagala (2005: 13)
learning is an individual activity to acquire
knowledge of behavior and skills by processing
materials learning.
So from some opinions mentioned above, it can
be concluded that learning is a change that occurs in
a person after doing a certain activity.
2.2 Learning Difficulties
Learning difficulties not only affect low ability
students, but also experienced by high ability
students. In addition, learning difficulties can also be
experienced by students with average ability (normal)
caused by certain factors that hinder the achievement
of academic performance in accordance with
According to Ahmadi (1990: 68) that learning
difficulties are conditions of learning process
characterized by certain constraints to achieve
learning outcomes. Difficulties in learning is a
condition in which the competence or achievement
that is achieved not in accordance with the predefined
standard criteria.
2.3 Learning Difficulties Factors
Ahmadi (1991) suggests that factors causing learning
difficulties can be classified into 2 groups, namely:
(1) Internal factors are things or states that arise from
within the students themselves which include:
Physical factors (which are physical) such as Sick or
not fit. Psychological factors (spiritual) such as the
level of intelligence, student attitudes, student talents,
student interests, student motivation and (2) external
factors that are things or circumstances that come
from outside the self that includes: Non-social factors
such as family , Economic conditions, learning tools,
building conditions, curriculum, school time and
work discipline, parents. Social factors such as mass
media, socializing friends, neighbourhoods, activities
in society.
Similarly, according to Purwanto (2004: 102)
states that the factors that cause learning difficulties
can be classified into 2 groups namely (1) individual
factors are factors that exist in the organism itself,
such as factors of maturity / growth, intelligence,
training, motivation And personal factors, and (2)
social factors that are factors outside the individual,
such as family / household factors, teachers and
teaching methods, tools used in teaching learning, the
environment and available opportunities and social
Added also by Asrori (2008: 225226) that the
cause of the problem of learning difficulties are
heredity, brain function disorders, organizing
thinking, malnutrition and environmental factors.
Furthermore, it is explained that many students
experience difficulty in reading, writing and spelling
due to hereditary factors. Then impaired brain
function can also lead to someone having difficulty in
learning. Furthermore, students who experience
slowness or learning difficulties will have difficulty
in accepting explanations about the lessons caused
they are not able to organize the way of thinking well
and systematically, for example children who are
difficult to read will be difficult also feel or conclude
what he sees. Experts argue that they need to be
trained repeatedly with the aim of improving learning
power. The following found that there is a close
correlation between learning delays with
The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to Economic Learning Achievements
malnutrition. That is, malnutrition causes one of the
causes of delay or learning difficulties. Although the
opinion is not entirely correct but many books state
that if at the beginning of a child's growth is very
malnourished, the condition will affect the
development of the main nerve, causing less well in
the learning process. Likewise environmental factors
are unfortunate things that can interfere with the
mental development of children, whether occurring in
the family, school or community environment. The
disorder may be a pain of heart, family pressure and
foster parenting errors applied to them. these factors
may affect learning difficulties, but they are not the
only cause of the learning difficulties. However, it is
certain that these factors can help the activities and
concentration of children. Based on experience can be
seen that the unfavourable environment can affect
student learning process.
2.4 Learning achievement
Activities undertaken by a person was obtained
covering various areas of life, such as learning
activities. The ability of students in learning activities
will greatly affect the learning achievement. This
means that if a student has a low ability to do learning
activities then he will get a low learning achievement,
and vice versa if students are high learning ability, he
can do high learning activities, it can be predicted
high learning achievement.
Described by Muhibbin Syah (2005: 213) states
that in principle the disclosure of ideal learning
outcomes includes a psychological field that changed
as a result of experience and student learning process.
Then confirmed by Makmun in Mulyasa (2005: 189)
that learning outcomes are behavioral changes that
have certain characteristics. These characteristics
include intentional changes in the sense that the
experience or practice of the exercise is deliberately
and consciously done, the changes are positive in the
sense in accordance with the expected, the changes
are effective in the sense that changes in learning
outcomes are relatively fixed and every time needed
can be reproduced and used.
Based on the above understanding, then the
achievement of student learning is the result of
learning that has been achieved according to his
ability after he did the learning activities. To know the
level of learning achievement and student progress, a
teacher usually do evaluation which is usually called
by replication of block which done after student finish
one or some basic competence. To make it easier for
teacher to measure student achievement level usually
indicator used is in the form of value or number with
a range of 1 to 100.
This study was conducted to find out how much
influence internal and external factors of learning
difficulties to economic learning achievement in
students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari
Mojokerto. Thus, this research can be categorized in
the type of quantitative descriptive research. The
research design matrix, as follows:
Figure 1: Research Design
Research design is needed for research that will be
done can run well, smoothly and systematically.
Given the research conducted aims to find whether
there is influence of internal and external factors of
learning difficulties to economic learning
achievement in students class XI IPS SMA Negeri 1
Mojosari Mojokerto, the research design used is
descriptive correlational.
Population in this research is all students of class
XI IPS SMAN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto year lesson
2015/2016 consisting of 5 (five) study group which
amounted to 161 students. Basic consideration of the
students taking class XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari
Mojokerto as a population, because researchers want
to know the extent to which the level of internal and
external factors of learning difficulties affect student
Sampling of 62 students from the population of
161 people is based on Proportional Sampling
technique. According to Narbuko, et al (2010: 115)
that proportional sampling technique is sampling
technique from each subpopulation by taking into
account the size of the sub subpopulation. The final
step is to apply a random sampling technique or
randomly by way of an even number on a student's
absence to take 62 students from each of the assigned
classes as a sample.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
In this research data analysis technique used is
correlation analysis technique to know influence of
one variable to other variable. In this research, Person
Power Moment correlation formula is used. This
formula is used with the reason that in this study the
hypothesis consists of 2 variables, internal and
external factors of learning difficulties (X) that
produce interval data and student achievement (Y)
that produce interval data, so that it can use Person
Product Moment formula.
4.1 Correlation Test of Internal Factors
of Learning Difficulties with Student
Based on the results of analysis Test the correlation
between the internal factors of learning difficulties
with student achievement with the help of SPSS 16.0
for Windows can be described the results as follows:
Table 1: Result of Calculation by Using Product Moment
Correlation formula
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
(Source: data processed by researchers)
Rxy = 0.658
d.f = N 2 = 62 2 = 60
r-tabel = 0.254
So, rxy (0.658) > rtabel (0.254)
Based on the above table known magnitude rxy
value of 0.658. With a significance value of 0.000<
alpha value 0.05, then Ho is rejected which reads:
"There is no influence of internal factors of learning
difficulties to student achievement" and Ha accepted
that read "there is influence of internal factors of
learning difficulties to learning achievement Students
". It can be concluded that internal factors of learning
difficulties have a significant influence on student
Data about internal factor variable of student
learning difficulties class XI IPS SMA Negeri 1
Mojosari Mojokerto connected with economic
learning achievement, which successfully collected
from respondents as many as 62 students are as
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Internal Factor Score of
Learning Difficulties and Student Learning Achievement
Student learning achievement
99 120
91 100
76 98
75 90
53 75
60 74
30 52
40 59
< 40
(Source: data processed by researchers)
Based on table 2 it can be seen that as many as 4
respondents or 6.45% have low learning difficulties,
56 respondents or 90.32% have learning difficulties
enough and 2 respondents or 3.23% have difficulty
learning high enough and no students who have
difficulty Learn high. Then there are no students who
achieve very good learning achievement, 36 students
or 58.06% achieve good learning achievement and 26
students achieve enough learning achievement. From
this data, it can be seen that the lower internal factors
of learning difficulties faced by students show better
student learning achievement, and vice versa. Thus it
can be seen that the high and low internal factors of
learning difficulties affect the high low student
achievement as well
4.2 Correlation Test of External Factors
of Learning Difficulties with Student
Based on the results of the analysis Test the
correlation between factors external factors of
learning difficulties with student achievement can be
presented results of the calculation as follows:
Table 3: Result of Calculation by Using Product Moment
Correlation formula
Sig. (2-tailed)
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to Economic Learning Achievements
(Source: data processed by researchers)
Rxy = 0.647
d.f = N 2 = 62 2 = 60
r-tabel = 0.254
So, rxy (0.647) > rtabel (0.254)
Based on the above table known magnitude rxy
value of 0.647. With a significance value of 0.000
<0.05 alpha value, then Ho is rejected which reads:
"There is no influence of external factors of learning
difficulties to student achievement" and Ha accepted
that read "there is influence of external factors of
learning difficulties to learning achievement Students
". It can be concluded that external factors of learning
difficulties have a significant influence on student
Data about the external factor variable of learning
difficulties of class XI IPS of SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari
Mojokerto connected with the achievement of
learning, successfully collected from the respondents
as many as 62 students are as follows:
Table 4. Frequency Distribution of External Questionnaire
Score of Learning Difficulties and Student Learning
Questionnaire external factors
learning difficulties
Student learning
99 120
91 100
76 98
75 90
53 75
60 74
30 52
40 59
< 40
(Source: data processed by researchers)
Based on table 4 can be seen that as many as 31
respondents or 50% have learning difficulties low, 31
respondents or 50% have difficulty learning enough
and no respondents who have difficulty learning high
enough and no students who have high learning
difficulties. Then there are no students who achieve
very good learning achievement, 36 students or
58.06% achieve good learning achievement and 26
students achieve enough learning achievement. From
this data, it can be seen that the lower the external
factors of learning difficulties faced by students show
the achievement of learning achieved by students is
getting better, and vice versa. Thus it can be seen that
the high and low external factors of learning
difficulties give effect to the high low achievement of
learning achieved by students as well.
4.3 The Effect of Internal Factors of
Learning Difficulties on Student
Based on the calculation of Pearson Correlation
above the rxy value of 0.658, with a probability value
of significance of 0.05. This shows that the high and
low internal factors of learning difficulties faced by
students have an impact on student achievement. The
lower internal factors of learning difficulties faced by
students will be followed by increase in learning
achievement, and vice versa. Thus the change in
student learning achievement is influenced by the
high and low internal factors of learning difficulties
faced by students and obtained rxy comparison
(0.658)> rtabel (0.254).
Taking into account the comparison shows that
rxy (0.658)> rtabel (0.254) means that the high
internal factors of learning difficulties have an effect
on the high achievement student learning.
Thus based on the explanation of the results of
data processing on internal factors of learning
difficulties to student achievement mentioned above,
it can be seen that there is a significant influence
between the achievement of economic learning with
internal factors of learning difficulties. This means
that the lower internal factors of learning difficulties
faced by students show the achievement of learning
achieved by students better, and vice versa. Thus it
can be seen that the high and low internal factors of
learning difficulties give a significant effect on the
high and low achievement of learning achieved by
students as well.
4.4 The Effect of External Factors of
Learning Difficulties on Student
Based on the result of calculation of Pearson
Correlation above rxy value equal to 0,647, with
probability value of significance equal to 0,05. This
shows that the high and low external factors of
learning difficulties faced by students have an
influence on student achievement. The lower external
factors of learning difficulties faced by students will
be followed by increased learning achievement, and
vice versa. Thus the change in student achievement is
influenced by the high and low external factors of
learning difficulties faced by students and obtained a
comparison of rxy (0.647)> rtabel (0.254).
Considering the comparison shows that rxy
(0.647)> rtabel (0.254) means that the high of
external factor of learning difficulties give influence
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
to the high of student achievement. Therefore based
on explanation result of data processing about
external factor of learning difficulties to student
achievement above, it can be seen that there is a
significant influence between economic learning
achievements with external factors of learning
difficulties. This means that the lower the external
factors of learning difficulties faced by students show
the achievement of student learning is getting better,
and vice versa. Thus it can be seen that the high and
low external factors of learning difficulties give a
significant effect on the high and low achievement of
learning achieved by students as well.
There is a positive influence between the internal
factors of learning difficulties to economic learning
achievement is shown from the results of the test
rhitung with rtabel value is rhitung (0.658)> rtabel (0,
254), with significance level 5%. This shows that the
high internal factors of learning difficulties have an
effect on student's economic achievement. Thus the
lower level of internal factors of learning difficulties
faced by students will be followed increase in
economic learning achievement, and vice versa.
There is a positive influence between the external
factors of learning difficulties on economic learning
achievement is shown from the results of rth test with
rtabel value is rhitung (0.647)> rtabel (0, 254), with
significance level 5%. This shows that the high and
low external factors of learning difficulties have an
impact on students' economic achievement. Thus the
lower level of external factors of learning difficulties
faced by students will be followed by increased
economic learning achievement, and vice versa.
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The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to Economic Learning Achievements