while the competence variable has a significant
influence on Tax Proceed Security.
The results of this study show that partially
Representative Account Competence significantly
influences the Security of Tax Proceed. Based on
these results note that the competence in this expertise
obtained from education and training can encourage
tax revenue through Account Representative
Expertise in conducting tax audits professionally. The
success of Account Representative in performing its
function is done through competence; the competence
of an Account Representative is measured by its
ability to execute and mastery of good tax regulation.
It is expected that one may provide convenience to
study the objective conditions of taxpayer business
activities. The main objective of these activities is to
obtain information or provide consultative tax-related
issues. By doing this it may stimulate the taxpayer
compliance level in relation to its obligation to
perform the payment of tax payable to the state.
Simultaneously the competency of account
representative and account representative
independence can influence the increase of security
of tax proceed although relatively low. The security
of tax proceed can be increased in terms of revenues
when examining beyond the two variables that have
been studied in this matter. Similarly, if viewed
partially the variable independency account
representative is not sufficient enough to be able to
stimulate the taxpayer in carrying out its tax
Considering that this research involves only the
tax authorities, it is necessary to include the taxpayer
in the study of the variables that have been studied.
To be able to obtain a sound review of the results
related to the factors that can increase the potential
improvement in tax revenue following the security it
is advisable to add other variables beyond the
competence and independency account
representative. With the studying addition of
variables are expected to explain securing of tax
proceed better
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