Activist learning style is very high reached 35%.
The data illustrates that most respondents have a
flexible and open attitude, are easily bored with the
consolidation and are optimistic and open to change.
But respondents with learning style criteria tend to
often act without preparation, make quick decisions
and take unnecessary risks. In addition, respondents
love challenges, have a high social spirit.
Furthermore, the results of research on reflector
style learning variables, students who have reflector
learning style with very high criteria reached 59.1%
of students. This illustrates that some respondents
are students who have a careful, conscientious, more
considerate attitude, good listener, part of
participation, methodical, not jumping to
conclusions, slow to decide, thorough and wise,
happy to be bowed and humble.
Students who have theorist learning style with
very high criteria reach 43%. This illustrates that
some respondents are students who have a
disciplined attitude, good logic, be rational and very
conceptual. Students who have a theoretical learning
style will experience barriers to learning when they
engage in objective activities and are involved in
unstructured activities.
Students with this type of learning will be good
at learning on activities when in a structured
situation with clear goals. Students who have a
pragmatic learning style with very high criteria reach
48%. This shows that some respondents are students
who do not like long-standing discussion but
students who want to immediately do real action or
directly down the spaciousness.
Students who have pragmatic learning styles will
learn well on active activities when they are
introduced to ideas or techniques to perform as
clearly as have practical advantages and have a high
quality of appearance and they have the opportunity
to try and practice techniques / theories with expert
guidance Trusted and given the opportunity to
implement what they have learned.
Metacognitive ability in reflector learning style is
greater than the learning style of activist, theorist
and pragmatic. The results of this test show that
students who have reflector learning style have
metacognitive ability is better than students who
have learning style of activist, theorist, and
The results are reinforced by the results of
research conducted Teti (2015) which shows that
reflector learning style has a greater influence on
metacognitive ability compared with other learning
styles. Students who have reflective learning styles
more time to observe before they act. They do not
want to take the initiative to act because they do not
want to be a leader. In accomodating the learning
styles of students, teachers should train students to
look at learning well, teachers should pay attention
to student learning styles according to what students
Therefore, teachers must adjust the learning
model with the learning style of students. In the
learning process the teacher should act as a
facilitator by providing direction and guidance
through questions so that students ask
themselves.Siswa yang memiliki gaya belajar
pragmatis dengan kriteria sangat tinggi mencapai
That most students have metacognitive regulation
with very high criteria means that students can do
planning, goal setting, and resource allocation before
learning very well, have the skills to process
information very efficiently, can assess the way
learning and strategies used, always evaluate
Success and effectiveness of learning strategies.
That most students are very careful and very
careful, excellent listeners, always part of
participation, very methodical, not quick jump to
conclusions, always be thorough and wise, very
happy to be dibangku. But, very considerate, slow to
decide, very low self. There is a difference in
metacognitive ability seen from student learning
styles. The students' metacognitive abilities with
reflective learning styles outweigh the activist,
theoretic and pragmatic learning styles.
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