The Entrepreneurial Behavior and Practical Industrial Work
Experience as the Determinant Factor of Entrepreneurial Intention
Junaidi H. Matsum
Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurial intentions, Vocational High School, Industrial Work Experience.
Abstract: Generally speaking, competent workers and entrepreneur ready graduate are the challenges in the education
system, especially for Vocational High School. This paper aimed to reveal the entrepreneurial behavior and
industrial work practice experience as the determinant factor of entrepreneurial intentions of Vocational
High School 2 in Singkawang City. This research employed descriptive method in the form of correlation
research study with 44 graduate students as sample of this research. Results revealed that in fact, (1) the
entrepreneurial behavior factor is significantly and positively influences the entrepreneurial intention, (2)
the factor of industrial work practice experience is significantly and positively influences the entrepreneurial
intention, and (3) the entrepreneurial behavior and the experience of industrial work practice are both
significantly and positively influence the entrepreneurial intention. Considering the foregoing results, it is
demanding for Vocational High School to improve their quality in to create professional competency for
employment market.
One economic development can be determined by
the entrepreneurship. In this globalization era, the
entrepreneurial behavior is expected to exist. The
entrepreneurial behavior refers to every individual
response towards risk in conducting business and
their courage in facing the challenge of the
entrepreneurship world. The theory of planned
behavior by Icek Azjen (in Srigustini, 2014)
expressed that the intention is influenced by the
attitude as the form of both positive and negative
trust of someone towards a behavior and subjective
norm. According to this statement, the
entrepreneurial behavior is a foundation in the
creation of entrepreneurial intentions.
According to Wibowo (2011:110), the
intermediate education, particularly vocational high
school is performing professional skills education
that combines educational and entrepreneurship
program at the school in systematic and
synchronized approach towards practical work in a
business sector in order to create professional
worker/labor. For these reasons, in recent decades,
the Vocational High School students who are being
educated need to be put into a perception that the
graduates should conceive entrepreneurial behavior
besides their opportunities to work in the business
and industrial world. However, in fact, graduate
students from vocational high school in Indonesia is
less keen on becoming successful entrepreneur.
Majority of them, consequently, are becoming
Entrepreneurial behavior is one of the major
areas of entrepreneurship research. Lately, Daim et
al. (2016) carried out previous research on the
entrepreneurial intensions of students in terms of
genders and country of residence differences. The
paper explores perceived feasibility and desirability
for students in 10 countries. In fact, the results
indicate that gender impacts entrepreneurship
intention and the way it impacts is influenced by
which country the students are from (Daim et al.
2016). Meanwhile, this research aims to reveal the
entrepreneurial behavior of the students from West
Kalimantan, where the city is near border area of
Serawak, Malaysia. It is expected that they will have
a very good potential for successful enterprise.
Another related study was from Pakpahan
(2013), providing insight into practical industrial
work experience. The results confirmed that there is
a positive relation between practical industrial work
experience and entrepreneurial intention of the
eleventh grade students in Motorcycle Engineering
Program of SMK Persatuan Amal Bakti (PAB) 6
Medan Estate in the academic year of 2012/2013. By
Matsum, J.
The Entrepreneurial Behavior and Practical Industrial Work Experience as the Determinant Factor of Entrepreneurial Intention.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 351-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
contrast to this, the researcher purposely chose
graduate students as the subject of research based on
the consideration that they are a ready-used
graduates that are expected to utilize their practical
industrial work experience. The distinction also
toward the review of literature and with the
difference variables.
All in all, taking up those points, this paper aims
to explore on how the entrepreneurial behavior and
industrial work practice experience as the
determinant factor of entrepreneurial intentions of
Vocational High School 2 in Singkawang City.
Thus, the following research questions are
postulated: (1) Is there any influence of
entrepreneurial behavior towards the entrepreneurial
intentions of Vocational High School 2 Singkawang
City graduates? (2) Is there any influence of
industrial work practice experience towards the
entrepreneurial intentions of Vocational High School
2 Singkawang City graduates? (3) Is there any
mutual influence of entrepreneurial behavior and
industrial work practice experience towards the
entrepreneurial intentions of Vocational High School
2 Singkawang City graduates?
2.1 Entrepreneur Intention
For as long as has been discussed in the
entrepreneurship literature, many studies have
focused on intentions (Bird, 1988; Krueger et al,
2000). The intention as the tendency of desire
creates and utilizes the existing opportunity by
optimizing the available resources. According to
Winkel (1996:30) “intention is the tendency that
lives in the subject, to feel an interest towards a
certain thing/sector as well as felt delighted to be
involved in that sector”. Basically, the
entrepreneurial intention is a will or a feeling of
someone interest in conducting the business activity
and the willingness to work hard or being adamant
without fear towards the risk that would be faced.
Pintrich and Schunk (2002) sounded the same,
stating that the entrepreneurial intention is (a)
General attitude towards the activity. The like or
dislike feelings, agree or disagree, with the general
activity towards positive trait or favoring activity.
(b) Specific conscious for or living the activity,
which is the awareness to decide an activity or
object. (c) Enjoyment of the activity is the delight
feeling towards the interesting activity. (d) Personal
importance or significance of the activity to the
individual. (e) Intrinsic interest in the content of the
activity, which is the intrinsic intention towards the
content of the activity with the flow of delightful
emotion. (f) Reported choice of or participant in the
activity, which is the individual that choose or
participate in the activity.
Speaking in further, Harun and Ramayah
(2005:28) expressed that the individual intention to
become entrepreneur can be known from the
decision, the interest, the delighting, and the courage
in risk taking.
By referring to the explanation above, the
entrepreneurial intention is (a) The will to become
an entrepreneur, (b) The interest in entrepreneurship,
(c) The tendency to run business/entrepreneurship
activity, (d) Contain high curiosity regarding
entrepreneurship world, (e) Delight in conducting
entrepreneurship activity, and (f) Being adamant to
conduct entrepreneurship activity. The factors that
influence entrepreneurial activity according to
Suryana (2011) in outline are grouped into intrinsic
and extrinsic factor. The intrinsic factors include
income, prestige, and pleasure feeling. The extrinsic
factors include family environment, community
environment, opportunity, and knowledge/education.
2.2 Entrepreneurial Behavior
The entrepreneurial behavior is the determinant
factor of entrepreneurial intention. Wijaya (2008:97)
expressed that “Behavior is based on the interest
towards business opportunity, positive perspective
towards business failure, eager to taking the risk,
and challenge”. Wijaya (2008:95) boldly added that
“Behavior is the foundation to produce the
intention”. The entrepreneurial behavior is the will
of someone to move forward and dare to take the
risk in business sector in order to fulfill their needs
independently, which is influencing the high and
low intention towards entrepreneurship.
2.3 The Industrial Work Practice
The education/knowledge acquired through
industrial work practice gives the experience
towards students that in further grows their intention
in entrepreneurship. According to The Department
of Education and Culture (2005:112); industrial
work practice is the part of a dual educational
system, defined as the form of the educational
process of professional skill that combines
educational and entrepreneurship program at the
school in systematic and synchronized approach
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
towards practical work in the business sector in
order to achieve certain competency level.
According to Wena (1996:61), the students
experience that has been conducting industrial work
practice can be measured through: (a) the accuracy
of student in mastering a particular skill, (b) the
student work swiftness in conducting an
assignment/time efficiency, (c) the quantity and
quality of students’ work results, (d) learning shift
level, and (e) the compatibility in conducting work
with procedures or according to the instruction from
the work supervisor.
By that means, industrial work practice is the
form of training and education that provide
experience from the industry or workplace
intentionally to equip the graduates with knowledge
and skills in accordance with that entrepreneurship
2.4 Theoretical Framework
Entrepreneurial intention and practical industrial
work experience are core to achieve successful in
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial intention is
defined as the willingness in undertaking actions or
activities, and cope with the existing opportunity on
the available resources. Therefore, entrepreneurial
behavior is the very beginning step to take into
account in becoming successful entrepreneur. In line
with this matter, practical industrial work experience
is also considered as an underpinning to gain
entrepreneurial intention. Industrial work practice
experience is a part of dual educational system, in
which educational and entrepreneurship program are
combined together.
From the aforementioned theories, it is clearly
seen that to become an entrepreneur, one needs to
have entrepreneurial behavior and practical
industrial work experience. Therefore, this research
aims to reveal how are the entrepreneurial behavior
and industrial work practice experience as the
determinant factor of entrepreneurial intentions of
Vocational High School 2 in Singkawang City.
This study was carried out using descriptive method
in the form of correlation research study. The place
of research is Vocational School 2 Singkawang City.
The amount of sample was taken with the
formulation of Isaac & Michael (Sugiyono,
2014:128). The proportional random sampling
method is used for each class with 44 students.
Regarding the technique and data collection tools,
the researcher used indirect communication with a
questionnaire, direct communication through
interview guideline, and documentary study
technique with the notebook. Hypothesis is
formulated and tested using multiple regression
analysis. The steps of analyzing the data were
normality test, multicollinearity test, hypothesis test,
multiple regression analysis, coefficient of
correlation, and coefficient of determination. Then,
the data was analyzed by using the 16 Version of
SPSS software.
4.1 Research Finding
Based on the data analysis result and hypothesis test,
it can be known that: (a) the entrepreneurial
behavior is significantly and positively influences
the entrepreneurial intention of graduated students of
Vocational High School 2 Singkawang. The
influence strength is showed by the 23.72% value of
determination coefficient. (b) The industrial work
practice is significantly and positively influences the
entrepreneurial intention of Singkawang City 2
Vocational High School graduates. The strength of
the correlation is showed by the 66.26% value of
determination coefficient. (c) The entrepreneurial
behavior and the experience of industrial work
practice are both significantly and positively
influence the entrepreneurial intention of Vocational
High School graduates. The influence strength is
showed by the 75.86% value of determination
4.2 Research Discussion
4.2.1 The entrepreneurial behavior factor
has an influence towards the
entrepreneurial intention.
The entrepreneurial behavior is significantly and
positively influences the entrepreneurial intention of
Vocational High School 2 Singkawang graduates.
The influence strength is showed by the 23.72%
value of determination coefficient. This condition
shows that the entrepreneurial behavior conceives
the important role for Vocational High School
students. In line with the opinion of Wijaya
(2008:95) which stated that “The behavior is the
foundation to produce the intention”. In that order,
The Entrepreneurial Behavior and Practical Industrial Work Experience as the Determinant Factor of Entrepreneurial Intention
the entrepreneurial behavior could affect
entrepreneurial intention. The students who own
high entrepreneurial behavior level will emerge the
high entrepreneurial intention level as well and for
the opposite, the students who own low
entrepreneurial behavior level will result in the low
entrepreneurial intention level. This research is in
line with the research of Wijaya (2008) which
explained that the behavior variable directly
influences the entrepreneurial intention.
4.2.2 The industrial work practice
experience has an influence towards
the entrepreneurial intention.
The industrial work practice experience is
significantly and positively influences the
entrepreneurial intention of Vocational High School
2 graduates in Singkawang City. The strength of the
correlation is showed by the 66.26% value of
determination coefficient. This condition shows that
the industrial work practice experience conceives the
important role for Vocational High School students.
The students who own high industrial work practice
experience level will emerge the high
entrepreneurial intention level as well and for the
opposite, the students who own low industrial work
practice experience level will result in the low
entrepreneurial intention level. The industrial work
practice or entrepreneurship is the effort of the
educational institution to conduct learning activity
that being directed towards the development of soft
skill and professional competency for the need of
job market outside the main school activity.
Theoretically, the dual educational system is a
professional skills education that systematically
combines the educational program at the school with
the skills development that acquired through
working in directed business sector to achieve
certain professional competency.
Therefore, the industrial work practice is having
a high influence towards the high and low level of
graduate student entrepreneurial intention. This
condition is caused by the valuable experience
acquired by the students while conducting industrial
work practice that enhancing their intention in
4.2.3 The factor of entrepreneurial behavior
and the experience of industrial work
practice are having influence towards
the entrepreneurial intention.
The entrepreneurial behavior and the experience of
industrial work practice are both significantly and
positively influence the entrepreneurial intention of
graduated students of Vocational High School 2
Singkawang. The influence strength is showed by
the 75.86% value of determination coefficient. Thus,
if the students conceive the entrepreneurial behavior
followed by the high industrial work practice
experience, the entrepreneurial intention would be
high as well. In the opposite, if the students conceive
the entrepreneurial behavior followed by the low
industrial work practice experience, the
entrepreneurial intention would be low as well. This
condition shows the importance of high
entrepreneurial behavior and industrial work practice
that should be existed as the addition value towards
the enhancement of professional skills competency.
The entrepreneurial intention always related to its
influencing factors. Aside from the entrepreneurial
behavior and industrial work practice, there are
many other factors that could influence the
entrepreneurial intention. Suryana (2011) divided
the influencing factors of entrepreneurial intention
into two massive group which are the intrinsic and
extrinsic factor.
Based on the foregoing findings and discussion, it
can be concluded that the entrepreneurial behavior
factor is significantly and positively influences the
entrepreneurial intention of Vocational High School
graduates showed by the 23.72% value of
determination coefficient. In addition, the factor of
industrial work practice experience is significantly
and positively influences the entrepreneurial
intention of graduated students of Vocational High
School showed by the 66.26% value of
determination coefficient. Also, the entrepreneurial
behavior and the experience of industrial work
practice are both significantly and positively
influence the entrepreneurial intention of Vocational
High School graduates showed by the 75.86% value
of determination coefficient.
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