“NI” Junior High School (SMP “NI”) is a private
school located in suburban or rural area. In sub
district area where SMP “NI” is located, there are 8
schools at Junior High School level: 3 public and 5
private ones. The 8 (eight) schools always compete
for obtaining students in the beginning of school year
annually. Despite between-school competition for
obtaining students, SMP “NI” never lacks of students
even this school occupies is the private school with
the largest number of students following the three
upper ranks occupied by Public Junior High Schools.
The reality that the number of students relatively
increasing over years indicates that the public’s trust
in SMP “NI” is so high that they enrol their children
in SMP “NI”. The public’s trust results from, among
others, the accountability of SMP “NI”’s bureaucracy
to the public. For that reason, there should be a critical
analysis on the school’s bureaucratic responsibility to
external stakeholders: parents and students in SMP
“NI”. The objective of research is to find out how the
school’s bureaucratic responsibility is to the external
stakeholders in SMP “NI”.
The essence of bureaucracy, according to Sagala
(2003), is the work of running government by those
ruling professionally. School bureaucracy is
organized deliberately, systematically and directed.
As a work organization, every personnel, media and
program of it should be controlled in order to create
process or activities directed to certain objective.
Individual, group and community and society can
be said as stakeholder if it has characteristics as
suggested by Budimanta et.al (2008): having power,
legitimacy, and interest in organization. From so
many arguments, it can be concluded that
stakeholders are those including individual, group,
and community that can affect and be affected by
organization action in achieving the objective of
Stakeholders can be divided into internal and
external stakeholders. In the context of school,
internal stakeholder includes Headmaster, teacher,
personnel, administrative staff, chairperson and
administrators of foundation. Meanwhile, external
stakeholders are students and parents/guardian of
students. This research focuses on external
stakeholders, constituting the direct beneficiary of
service provided by the school bureaucracy.
Responsiveness is bureaucracy ability of
identifying the community’s need, organizing agenda
and service priority, and developing programs
corresponding to the community’s need and
aspiration. Responsiveness measures bureaucracy’s
responsiveness to expectation, wish and aspiration,
and demand of community (Tangkilisan, 2005).
Responsiveness is very desirable in public service
because it is the evidence of organizational ability of
identifying the community’s need, organizing agenda
and service priority and developing public service
programs corresponding to the community’s need and
aspiration. An organization with low responsiveness
will have poor performance as well (Osborne &
Plastirk, 1997). Dwiyanto (2002) develops some
indicator of public service responsiveness including:
service user’s grievance, the use of users’ grievance
as public service reference, the bureaucracy
apparatus’ various action in providing service, and
the placement of bureaucracy apparatus in service
system enacted.
Justice is essentially to treat an individual or
others according to their right. Justice value is often
used in public service distribution, as the effect or
follow up of a policy is the value of equality
(Sudarmo, 2011). Such justice (equality) is based on
simultaneous treatment, service providing or product
distribution, service or usefulness to the citizens
generally without considering the specific needs of
each individual. In this case, everyone is treated
Responsibility, according to Ratminto (2005) is
the measure indicating the extent to which the
compatibility of governance to law or regulation and
procedure specified. To evaluate what the stance, the
behavior, and action of public bureaucracy are, there
should be a distinctive standard evaluation that is
administrative or technical rather than political in
nature. Responsibility is related to the extent to which
the government institution perform all of its activities
corresponding to the correct principle and regulation
with standard professional and technical competition
owned in the attempt of achieving the optimal
Accountability is an indicator experiencing
amelioration. Formerly, accountability is defined as
financial accountability. But now, it serves as well to
find out the effectiveness and performance of
government in the program it performs.
Fox and Brown (1998) as cited by Ebrahim (2003)
simultaneously describing accountability as “the
process of holding actors) responsible for an action.
Public accountability, according to Widodo (2008), is
the obligation of being accountable for or of
answering and explaining action performance of an
individual/legal entity or an organization’s leader to
those entitled or authorized to ask for information or