Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study o
Social Entrepreneurship Community
Margunani Margunani, Etty Soesilowati and Inaya Sari Melati
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Keywords: empowerment, food empowerment, organic vegetables, technology.
This study aims at organizing a family-based food empowerment; applying technology for organic vegetable
farming in narrow land; and improving technical, price, and economic efficiency on production factors. The
subjects of this study are housewives in Gunungpati, Semarang by employing an exploratory sequential mixed
methods research design. The technology used in this activity is quite unique since the organic vegetables are
cultivated using polybags considered as a pot or a place to grow vegetables. Treatments for disease control
and pest vegetables harness the local herbs as an environmentally friendly medicine. The results show that
organic vegetables produced by a housewives group meet the needs of food consumption, especially on
vegetables. Vegetables cultivation sustainably maintains the family’s food self-sufficiency and lead to semi-
commercial needs of the surrounding communities. Housewives community are pleased, satisfaction and be-
come more productive in terms of economic matters.
The demand for organic produce in developed
countries keeps growing year by year (Wier &
Calverley, 2002; Dangour et al., 2009; Detman &
Dimitri, 2010). Take organic vegetables as examples.
The growing population of middle class is taking the
lead in purchasing them. They are even willing to
offer more money as long as they obtain goods which
are not only healthier but also environmentally-
friendly. Increased awareness of a better place to live,
a healthy lifestyle, supports from government
policies, food industries, and markets taking up 50%
of organic products, high prices among consumers,
“organic” labelling, and adamant national
campaigns on organic farming are the main factors in
driving the demand for organic vegetables.
Furthermore, farmers apply farming conservation
in an organic manner due to matters such as
environment, social economy, independence, and
health (Baudron et al., 2012). In Indonesia, organic
farming has been developing for about five years
which is expected to gain more profitable outcomes.
However, they turn out to be not fulfilling, especially
for those who do not own adequate farming land,
because of unpredictable all year round rainfall levels
(2016-2017) resulting in damaged crops. One
apparent cause for this to happen is the way they
manage the cultivation which is still conventional. A
number of emerging farming development
technologies and information cannot easily reach
them and change their mind-sets and styles in
farming. This is where a social entrepreneur comes to
the rescue to undergo systemic changes on social
environment by encouraging social changes
(Nicholls, 2006).
Gunungpati, Semarang, Central Java, is one of
regions famous for producing durians and rambutans.
Besides, it is also well-known for other nature
potentials, such as tourism spots like Goa Kero and
Sendang Abimanyu, fishing spots (Ngrembel Asri,
Dewandaru, and Pagersalam), and Jatibarang Lake.
Grounded on its landscape characteristic, Gunungpati
consists of impressive natural resources, such as
geographic location, climate, soil and topography,
water, biota (flora and fauna), sound, scenery,
settlement patterns, and architectural structures. With
a good and proper policy and management, such
Margunani, M., Soesilowati, E. and Melati, I.
Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study of Social Entrepreneurship Community.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 429-435
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
promising nature potentials will lead to an abundant
supply of quality products.
The growth and development in Gunungpati as
the green belt of Semarang is closely related to the
aspect of social economy of the people who earn their
living from growing fruit and laboring as their side
jobs. The latter is necessary for them to meet their
daily needs as growing fruit is seasonal. Most of them
are not intensive farmers. They grow fruit for their
own consumption and sell the rest of it. Be-sides, they
own limited size of farming land. Cultivating organic
vegetables in narrow land around their houses can be
an alternative way that should be taken into
consideration, for it can not only fulfil their needs on
hygienic food but also preserve the nature. A model
of efficient and effective cultivation is required for
this to happen.
Unfortunately, filed based observation indicates
that there are some issues which are likely to be
obstacles to the people of Gunungpati’s real income
when starting a business of organic vegetables
cultivation, namely: (2) a small number of people
who are into cultivating them; (2) inadequate farming
land; (3) insufficient technology to function narrow
land; and (4) the people’s lack of knowledge on the
cultivation of organic vegetables. The state is not only
the responsibility of the government but also all social
elements. A harmonized cooperation among the
government, farmers, and intellectuals must occur in
order to enhance the productivity of farming
products, especially the organic ones which are not
only environmentally-friendly but also safe for daily
Pioneering organic vegetable business is an in-
novation that can be done to increase family income.
This refers to the research results of Ulfah & De-
wanto (2014) which is found that if the producer
developed a product innovation follow the rapidly
changing world, make the consumer give more
interest in to the local product. That indication could
build an engagement between local producers and
consumers. Nevertheless, creating business
innovation in the form of organic vegetable farming
is not the only solution in empowering the community
for economic strengthening. Innovation does not
mean anything without the competence to manage the
business. Loh & Dahesihsari (2013) found that
entrepreneurial quality and business success depend
heavily on personal characteristics of business people
(in this study are women), not on any formal
education system or training. The study also found
that many women were able to develop a strategy of
anticipating a strong business failure. As a
consequence, they are able to develop despite facing
many social, cultural and political barriers.
This research further examines: (1) how family-
based food security model is; and (2) how the cost and
benefit of cultivating organic vegetables in narrow
land are. The research also aims at providing short-
term benefits, namely (1) as an activity for
housewives and the members of local youth
organizations not only to be entrepreneurs but also to
meet daily needs on food, (2) making use of vacant
land in the neighbourhood, and (3) as a piloting
project of cultivating hygienic and efficient organic
vegetables. The long-term one is for how this farming
can be used as a piloting project associated with
integrated family-based conservation and security
food pro-gram before applied widely and also as a
chance to export organic vegetables to international
Conventional farming refers to a farming sys-tem
making use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and
pesticides and other materials to manage weeds and
pests leading to potential risk to humans and other life
forms and unwanted side effects to the environment,
such as pollution, residual pesticides on food, health
issues, loss of useful wildlife, growing resistance of
insects and pathogens, and pest resurgence (Arya et
al., 1996). This farming method can be developed
further provided that farmers are in possession of a
large amount of capital and able to predict the weather
and prices to cover production cost. Agribusiness as
a commercial farming invasion may grow as what
occurs in Zimbabwe (Kinsey, 2010). On the other
hand, the use of synthetic fertilizers poses a likely
threat to soil fertility. In fact, they can enhance the
production of nutrients needed for soil fertility, yet
they may also disrupt absorption and balance of other
nutrients in the soil and reduce the growth of soil
microbes causing the production of humus to
suppress (Glass, 1987). To lessen these hazards, an
alternative technology-based organic farming in the
form of recycling soil nutrients by utilizing organic
residues as fertilizers and nitrogen fixation,
employing natural enemies and cutting down
chemical substances needs to be developed.
Organic vegetables farming is an organic
agriculture which is supposed to be managed well and
intensively in the form of a firm with a complete
structure organization and transparent job
descriptions in order that its fixed and variable costs
function effectively and optimally and guarantee
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
products with good quality, quantity, and continuity.
The seeds in organic vegetables farming are not
derived from genetic engineering or genetically
modified organism (GMO), but they are gained from
organic farming plantation and do not apply synthetic
fertilizers and phytohormones. Soil fertility security
is practiced through providing organic and natural
fertilizers, plant residues, and legume rotation and
avoiding the use of synthetic and chemical pesticides
while weeds and pests are controlled manually with
natural pesticides and agents and plant rotation.
Synthetic phytohormones and additive substances on
fodder and manure are also prevented from use. Post-
harvest and food preservation are handled in natural
Nutrient control technology on organic farming is
practiced though recycling plant nutrients naturally to
enhance biological, physical, and chemical soil
fertility. Macro and micro nutrients taken away
during harvest are brought back by adding organic
fertilizers and plant residues periodically into the soil
in the form of either green manure or compost. It is
highly recommended that organic fertilizers are
obtained from organic substances, such as composted
manure, legume residues, and hedgerow cuts organic
waste, as well as tithonian diver’s folia as a green
manure. The applied manure should not be taken from
live stocks managed in factory farming. The existing
is-sue of narrow land in fact occurs due to planting
pat-terns with soil as its direct media. Potting system
and polybag nursery can be silver bullets to over-
come this issue so that farming activities continue to
The research is conducted in Gunungpati consisting
of 12 villages with 89 hamlets (RW) and 418
neighbourhoods (RT). The people who have already
cultivated organic vegetables on a daily basis for
more than two years and founded a community, Fe-
male Farmers Organization (KWT), called Sri Rejeki,
are those from RW 3 of Plalangan with 24 house-
wives as the members.
This research is specific, meaning that the subject
is family groups, and holistic, implying that it covers
the aspects of both agricultural technology and
agricultural economics. Both the researcher and the
subject are interactively involved at a particular time
and context. Regarding the distinctiveness of the
subjects, the objects, and the characteristics of the
research, it employs exploratory sequential mixed
methods, a mixed research method pertaining to a
sequence of activities experienced by the researcher
to gather both quantitative and qualitative data
(Creswell et al., 2010).
In this research, qualitative data collection is
gathered prior to the quantitative ones. It is essential
to do so, for the purpose of the research is, at first, to
explore the issues being examined, and then proceed
with quantitative data which can be utilized to
analyze larger samples, so the results of the research
can be commended to a population (Creswell et al.,
2010). More specifically, the goal of the use of
qualitative (Bogdan and Biklen, 1998) and
naturalistic re-search method (Kuncoro, 2007) is to
observe a natural phenomenon without any
manipulation in a con-text of entity. With this
approach, the researcher is required to apply
inductive procedures to describe the phenomenon
with a person as the main instrument. Quantitative
method, on the other hand, is in-tended to expose
nutrient content of a medium and a plant and to
calculate the degree of technical, price, and economic
efficiency, and the cost and benefit of cultivating
organic vegetables.
4.1 Family-Based Food Security Model
Based on theoretical analysis, family-based food
security model is formulated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Theoretical model of family-based food security
through the cultivation of organic vegetables in narrow
This model is tested in the field to be further
evaluated and perfected with some inputs and
revisions from experts.
Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study of Social Entrepreneurship Community
4.2 Cultivation of Organic Vegetables
in Narrow Land
Farming organic vegetables in narrow land in the area
of the research makes use of the courtyard and the
yard of a house, and the roadsides which certainly do
not hinder traffic. The cultivation also exploits
domestic waste, such as plastic packaging of mineral
water, frying oil, and detergent, paint cans, used
buckets and gutters, and other used materials. Tiny
size ones are functioned as the substitute of polybags
for seedlings. More than one liter/kg size of used
materials is used to cultivate organic vegetables and
are placed in every vacant nook and cranny of the
The vegetables are planted one by one in the
media, such as used paint cans, buckets, and plastic
packaging of frying oil holed at the bottom part for
water absorption. Approximately two meter long
gutters are used to plant vegetables placed in a row.
Used plastic is to be recycled, but it can also benefit
farmers with an issue of narrow land.
The members of KWT Sri Rejeki also belong to
Family Welfare Movement (PKK) of small groups of
ten families (Dasa Wisma), RT, and RW. Their effort
to undergo family food security through cultivating
organic vegetables in narrow land is supported by
their husbands, children, and parents. Besides, they
also provide treatment of the plants, control pests
naturally by taking advantage of local potentials, and
market the products after harvest if some are left after
meeting their family’s daily consumption. Husbands
play roles in preparing the media and plants’ sitting
places, and making bamboo hydroponic kit to show
their supports whereas children and parents deal with
the treatment and harvest. Post-harvest handling
includes sorting and grouping based on size and
standard to ease the process of marketing the
4.3 Food Security of Organic
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in World
Food Summit of 1996 defines food security as
follows: “food security exists when all people, at all
times, have physical and economic access to
sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their
dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
healthy life.” Based on the definition, a country is not
considered having sustainable food security if its
citizens happen to be in famine and lack of nutrition.
Thus, food security is any country’s mission, for ac-
cess to food is human’s right and must be guaranteed
by the country. One of many efforts a country can
implement is to provide access to food for the poor in
order that they can lead productive life to raise the
state of their economic status. Food security is also
required for the purpose of growing healthy and
quality human resources to increase productivity and
national competitiveness and security.
Table 1: The Flow of marketing of organic vegetables in
narrow land in Gunungpati, Semarang.
No Marketing Pattern Total Percentage
1. Farmers Æ Consumers 23 95.83 %
2. Farmers Æ Sellers Æ
4.17 %
3. Farmers Æ Collector
sellers Æ Sellers Æ
Total: 24 100 %
Farming production of vegetables is seasonal and
requires particular location. The products are
distributed through marketing to consumers. The flow
of marketing used by the farmers of organic
vegetables in Gunungpati, Semarang, is through
direct marketing system, from the farmers to
consumers (95.83%). Marketing efficiency is
accomplished by analyzing the marketing flow. There
are two patterns in marketing organic vegetables in
Gunungpati. In general, the pattern is where the
farmers market the products to consumer’s first-hand.
It is a definitely efficient way of marketing, for the
farmers can savor all marketing profit margin for
themselves. It is in accord with Soekartawi (1989)
who argues that percentage of price margin paid by
consumers and producers are not too high. The
efficiency supports food security in Gunungpati in
particular. Similarly, Baipheti & Jacobs (2009) in
their research assert that farming contribution is
subsistent to food security in South Africa. In
addition, Ahmed & Lorica’s re-search findings
(2002) reveal that aquaculture handled domestically
improves food security in Asia.
Organic vegetables in narrow land produced in
Gunungpati are subsistent, which means that the
farmers cultivate them to meet their daily needs, and
market the rest if any. If one seeks for polybag plants,
they will trade them. Thus, they contribute a great
deal in providing nutritious, healthy, and safe
vegetables for their family. Moreover, the subsistent
characteristic also raises family’s income. Davidova
et al., (2012) in their research conducted in European
Union support this.
The result of discussion by the research team,
experts, and farmers concludes that family-based
food security model and the use of narrow land
generated based on empirical study in Plalangan is
further developed to be gradually disseminated to
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
other villages or larger society. The model of family-
based food security through cultivation of organic
vegetables in narrow land which has been developed
and gains inputs from experts can is presented in this
following figure.
Figure 2: Empirical model of family-based food security
through cultivation of organic vegetables in narrow land
This improvement model will be applied to
conduct dissemination of the implementation of
family-based food security through cultivation of
organic vegetables in narrow land in defined loci in
all villages in Gunungpati, Semarang.
4.4 Cost and Benefit of Family-Based
Food Security through Cultivation
of Organic Vegetables in Narrow
Cost Benefit Analysis is a technique of analyzing cost
and benefit involving estimation and evaluating
benefit associated with alternative acts which will be
performed (Schniederjans; Hamaker; and
Schniederjans, 2004). Cost Benefit Analysis is
employed to predict loss and profit of a program. It
calculates cost and benefit obtained from carrying out
the program. Furthermore, it can be used to detect
how good and hazardous a program is. By including
profit and social cost, it can function as a firm basis
to determine decision making or funding and assure
investors as donators of a program, in this case the
farmers of organic vegetables, to come to a decision
whether to run the business or not.
Data in the field indicate that fixed cost and
variable cost needed by the farmers to cultivate
organic vegetables are relatively low. They will only
bear fixed cost if they provide hydroponic kits for
creeping plants on their own. Based on information
from the farmers of organic vegetables in
Gunungpati, Semarang, the fixed cost of the kit is
Rp.150,000.- to Rp.200,000.- depending on the
width, and there are only four farmers using them. As
mentioned before, the kit will come in handy for
certain vegetables requiring media for them to creep,
such as chayote, Chinese okra, and bitter melon.
Variable cost, on the other hand, covers the purchase
of seeds and planting media. However, not all farmers
buy planting media. Most of them take the ad-vantage
of used cans and common soil as planting media.
Land, manure, pesticides, and irrigation practically do
not require a lot of money since the land used is
privately-owned, the pesticides are self-made, and the
irrigation is from their own well.
Table 2: The cost of production of organic vegetables.
Kinds of
Farming Means
Farmers Total Price
Fixed Cost
1. Hydroponic Kit 4 1 Rp. 150,000,- Rp. 600,000.-
Variable Cost
24 4 Rp. 3,000,- Rp. 288,000.-
2. Manure 24 0 0 Rp. 0.-
3. Husk 12 1 Rp. 5,000,- Rp. 60,000.-
4. Polybags 12 40 Rp. 250,- Rp. 120,000.-
Total Cost Rp. 1,068,000.-
Source: Analyzed data
Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study of Social Entrepreneurship Community
Benefits in Cost Benefit Analysis are both
tangible and non-tangible. The former is income
gained by the farmers from selling organic vegetables
while the latter is a way for them who mostly are
housewives and teenagers to spend their spare or non-
productive time doing something useful, in this case
farming, so, even without cost, they benefit from what
they do such as producing organic vegetables on a
daily basis.
Basically, a business is worth running provided
that the average return compared to the total cost is
bigger than 1 as the higher a ratio of a business is, the
higher the profit will be. According to cost and
tangible benefit, the ratio of benefit and cost in
cultivating organic vegetables is Rp. 1,381,000: Rp.
1,068,000 Thus, the ratio is 1.29 (> 1) indicating that
this business is indeed worth running.
Table 3: Income of organic vegetables in Gunungpati.
Source: Analyzed data
Cultivation of organic vegetables in narrow land
intended to provide activities for society for the
purpose of accomplishing family-based food security
is able to accommodate local wisdom of the people in
Plalangan, Gunungpati by applying family-based
food security model which is still required to be ana-
lyzed further. Donation from 24 organic vegetable
farmer families in Gunungpati as many as 2892.2
kilograms of organic vegetables by making use of
narrow land in the yard of their houses is proven to be
able to meet FAO recommendation standard in
consuming vegetables in big families as many as
144.6 kg/capita/year. Technology of cultivation of
organic vegetables in narrow land which is
environmentally-friendly supports conservation
movement by reusing waste for planting media and
refraining from employing chemical substances
during production process. According to the ratio of
cost and benefit which is higher than 1, it can be
concluded that economically, cultivation of organic
vegetables is worth running as a potential business to
raise the in-come of organic vegetable farmers in
Plalangan, Gunungpati.
The implication in this research is that the
dissemination of innovation cannot be done with one-
time socialization activity, but must be done
continuously to the community, to internalize the
productive and innovative mind-set in running the
business. The recommended follow-up study to
complement and refine the results of this study is re-
search related to the utilization of waste for organic
vegetable planting medium.
Kinds of
Farmers Harvest (kg)/bln Price/kg Income
1. Bok cho
24 24 x 5 k
= 120 k
. 5,000.- R
. 600,000.-
2. Lee
22 22 x 0.5 = 11 k
. 6,000.- R
. 66,000.-
3. Water spinach 8 8 x 1 kg = 8 kg Rp. 3,000.- Rp. 24,000.-
4. Choy su
8 8 x 0.5 = 4 kg Rp. 5,000.- Rp. 20,000.-
5. Spinach 10 10 x 1 kg = 10 kg Rp. 3,000.- Rp. 30,000.-
6. Cosmos 6 6 x 1 k
= 6 k
. 2,500.- R
. 15,000.-
7. Lemon basil 5 5 x 0.2 k
= 1 k
. 7,000.- R
. 7,000.-
8. Celer
5 5 x 0.2 k
= 1 k
. 6,000.- R
. 6,000.-
9. Garlic chives 20 20 x 1 kg = 20 kg Rp. 4,000.- Rp. 4,000.-
10. Lettuce 2 2 x 1 kg = 2 kg Rp. 10,000.- Rp. 20,000.-
11. Cauliflowe
1 0 Rp. 10,000.- 0
12. Chili 22 22 x 0.1 k
= 2.2 k
. 20,000.- R
. 44,000.-
13. Broad beans 2 2 x 5 k
= 10 k
. 5,000.- R
14. Peas 0 0 Rp. 20,000.- 0
15. Winged bean 2 2 x 2 kg = 4 kg Rp. 5,000.- Rp. 20,000.-
16. Tomato 20 20 x 0.5 kg = 10 kg Rp. 7,500.- Rp. 75,000.-
17. Lon
beans 0 0 R
. 6,000.- 0
18. E
lant 20 20 x 1 k
= 20 k
.5,000.- R
. 100,000.-
19. Bitter melon 4 4 x 10 k
= 40 k
.5,000.- R
. 200,000.-
20. Cucumbe
2 2 x 10 kg = 20 kg Rp.5,000.- Rp. 100,000.-
21. Rhizome 18 0 0 0
Total: 289.2 kg Rp.1,381,000.-
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Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study of Social Entrepreneurship Community