foreign policy, especially the economic field in
responding to the transformation or shifting of world
economy, so that it gets positive benefits. 2. What
strategies can Indonesia undertake to accelerate
development in order to achieve the positive benefits
of the world economic transformation or shift.
Economic transformation is a process of changing
economic structure characterized by a shift from the
industrial and service sectors, where it can affect the
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in a
region or State. In general economic structural
change, it is often referred to as structural
transformation, which can be defined as a sequence
of changes interconnected with one another in the
composition of demand, trade, production and use of
the factors of production necessary to support the
development process and economic growth.
Sustainable (Chenery, 1979). In analyzing the
economic structure there are two main theories,
Arthur Lewis Theory. In his theory, Lewis
assumes that a single-country economy is essentially
divided into two, namely; the traditional economy in
rural areas dominated by the agricultural sector and
the modern urban economy with industry as the
main sector. In rural areas, population growth is high
resulting in excess supply of labor. Due to
oversupply of labor. This, the wage rate becomes
very low. It attracts a lot of manpower, moving
fromi the first sector to the second sector resulting in
a process of migration and urbanization. In addition,
the level of income in the country concerned
increases so that people tend to consume a variety of
industrial products and services. This is the main
engine of output growth in non-agricultural sectors.
Hollins Chenery Theory Chenery's theory
focuses on structural change in the stages of
economic processes in a country undergoing
transformation from traditional agriculture to
industrial sector as the main engine of economic
growth. There are several factors causing economic
transition, namely; (3) The pattern of income
distribution (4) Characteristics of industrialization
(5) Existence of natural resources, (6) Foreign trade
policy. A country that implements a closed-door
policy (inward & lookingpolicy), the pattern of its
industrialization results will grow inefficiently
compared to countries with outward looking policy.
Policy Approach There is a simple way to
approach trade policy for development that is
outward-looking or inward-looking policy. Outward-
looking development policy is a policy that can
encourage export value. Meanwhile, the policy of
inward-looking development is a policy that
encourages or favors domestic goods, including the
development of domestic technology, limits imports,
and weakens foreign investment. In essence, this
simple development strategy relation is concerned
with import substitution or export promotion.
This study is descriptive from various literary
perspectives with case study approach on
international economic policy. Stages include
internal and external strenght analysis, formulation
and selection of strategies, implementation and
evaluation. The steps taken to achieve the goal are 1)
List all the variables that need to be researched, 2)
Search for each variable on "subject encyclopedia",
3) Select descriptions of necessary materials from
available sources, 4) Check the index that contains
the variables and topics of the problem studied, 5)
Furthermore, the more specific is to look for articles,
books, and biographies that are very helpful to
obtain materials that are relevant to the problem
under study. 6) Once relevant information is found,
the researcher then "reviews" and organizes the
literature in order of importance and relevance to the
problem under study, 7) Information materials
obtained are read, recorded, organized and rewritten.
8) In the last step, the process of research writing of
the materials that have been collected together in a
concept research.
4.1 Indonesia's Foreign Economic
Policy in Responding to the
Transformation of Changes in
World Economic Power
Indonesia's economic progress has increased
Indonesia's role in the global economy. Indonesia
currently ranks 17th largest economy into the world,
surpassing some developed countries such as
Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, and South Africa. In
2010 our income is already above US $ 3,000. The
role of Indonesia in the context of bilateral, regional
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship