continually chooses between referring to knowledge
previously gained and acquiring new knowledge.
Emphasize the existence of a self-reinforcing cycle
that drives entrepreneurial learning, to the extent that
the entrepreneur is increasingly learning to control the
outcomes of the business activity and, incidentally,
the learning process itself. The next section exposes a
new approach to entrepreneurial learning, which
entrepreneurial learning and what forces these drives
processes (Minniti and Bygrave, 2001; Ravasi and
Turati, 2005; Franco & Haase, 2009)
Empirically the results of this study informs that
the application of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling has a significant positive effect of 32.5%
on entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour. It is
influenced that attitudes are related to the courage of
starting a business, psychosocial strength, persistence
and change-oriented as well as the local cultural
environment in influencing entrepreneurial behaviour
(Marvel & Lumpkin, 2007). While entrepreneurial
behaviours are clinging to the need for success is very
high, have the appropriate power and high energy
levels, persistent and focus do best for business
success, and have the courage to take risks
(Belousova, Gailly and Basso, 2010). Research on
entrepreneurial skills has been conducted for decades.
For example, Schumpeter (1926) stated that
successful entrepreneurs should be innovative,
creative and risk-taking. Entrepreneurial behaviour is
formed by three factors, namely innate, environment,
and training (Wahyudin, 2012: 61). Furthermore,
from these three factors, the exercise factor will give
a better effect than the other two factors. Through the
training undertaken entrepreneurial behaviour can be
formed in particular related to psychological
independence and entrepreneurial mental attitude.
The design of entrepreneurial learning is done
precisely and accurately, starting from the curriculum
design, syllabus, the purpose of the lecture, the
competence of the learning material, the learning
method, the source/instructional media, to the
procedure and the evaluation tool. This makes
entrepreneurship learning based model has a planned
and measurable readiness.
Entrepreneurship learning activities based
Modelling for entrepreneurship attitude formation
there are four process variables that influence
learning Modelling that is; (A) attentional processes,
(b) retentional processes, (c) motor reproduction
processes, and (d) motivational processes.
Meanwhile, entrepreneurship-based entrepreneurship
learning activity (Modelling) for entrepreneurship
behaviour formation is done through four stages,
namely foundation stage, business experience stage,
preparation stage, business development stage.
Empirically the results of this study informs that
the application of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling has a significant positive effect of 32.5%
of entrepreneurship attitudes and behaviours. It is
influenced that attitudes are related to the courage of
starting a business, psychosocial strength, persistence
and change-oriented as well as the local cultural
This research can be an input for policy makers in
improving the effectiveness of lectures at the Faculty
of Social Sciences Education Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia. Similarly, as input for the government and
university as an effort to foster and develop education
in producing human resources superior knowledge,
have the attitude and entrepreneurship skills, so that
become independent young generation.
This research is grant from Faculty of Social Sciences
Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The
author would like to express sincere appreciation for
all supports provided.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship