The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards
Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students`
Neiny Ratmaningsih, Aim Abdulkarim and Diana Noor Anggraini
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Entrepreneurship learning, modelling, entrepreneurship attitudes and behaviour.
Abstract: This article aims to illustrate the effect of entrepreneurship learning based Modelling towards
entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour. This research uses quantitative approach with descriptive method.
Data collection technique is done by questionnaire with attitude scale and data analysis technique is using
correlation-regression. The population in this research is students of Faculty of Social Sciences Education
with a sample of 98 people. The results show that: 1) The planning in entrepreneurial learning based on
modelling as a whole is contained in the outline of learning / curriculum programs, syllabus and Semester
Learning Plan: (2) The core activities of modelling entrepreneurial learning directly bring an entrepreneurial
model that tells success stories in managing their business so as to provide experience directly and interacting
with the academic community, and (3) modelling-based entrepreneurship learning has a significant positive
effect on entrepreneurship attitudes and behaviour.
A nation will progress if the number of entrepreneurs
is at least 2% of the population. This is in line with
what the American Sociologist Mc Clealland (1961)
says that tens of years ago if a country needed
entrepreneurs at least 2% of its population become a
prosperous country. While Indonesia today according
to Syarief Hasan (former Minister of Cooperatives
and Small and Medium Enterprises), in the event
Ciputra University Entrepreneurship Online at
Ciputra World, South Jakarta, Monday, February 17,
2014). There are only 1.56% of the number of citizens
who are 240 million, meaning for up to 2% still
needed 0.44% or about 960,000 inhabitants. Compare
in 2014, Singapore's entrepreneurship amounted to
7.2%, the United States 12%, Malaysia 4%, Thailand
4.1%, and Japan 10% of the population.
Almost two million Indonesians annually work in
the world. It is a challenge for the Indonesian
government to stimulate the creation of new jobs so
that the job market can absorb the growing number of
job seekers. The birth of young unemployed from
various universities is one of the main concerns and
needs quick action. The anxiety often color the world
of Education in Indonesia after graduation
inauguration every year, Higher Education affirms
the new profession as "unemployed". The tendency of
graduates to find employment is so inherent that the
needs of job vacancies are fewer. When we look at
the state of our education graduates there is an
increasingly alarming phenomenon with the growing
unemployment of high school and higher education
graduates and enables the graduates to be
unemployed (Tilaar, 1999).
College as one of the leading mediators and
facilitators in developing the nation’s youth have an
obligation to teach, educate, train and motivate their
students to become independent, creative, innovative
and able to create various business opportunities.
There is evidence that academically educated
entrepreneurs are more important in developing
regional economies than entrepreneurs with a lower
level of education. This view is based on research
results that reveal that entrepreneurs with a higher
academic background are more often innovative, use
modern business models, and base their ventures on
the use of new technology (Taatila, 2010; Pajarinen, 2006).
The fundamental paradox lies in the robustness of
the education foundation to establish a generation of
innovators, creative, skilful, characterized and
Ratmaningsih, N., Abdulkarim, A. and Anggraini, D.
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 483-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
capable. Indications of an individual’s quality gap
from cultural backgrounds have fuelled the nation’s
problems. Entrepreneurship education is a systemic
effort to cultivate a generation of innovators, creative,
skilful, characterized and capable to open job
vacancies as widely as possible. The manifestation of
entrepreneurship behaviour increasingly necessary to
develop entrepreneurship interest. Entrepreneurship
behaviour includes three important things namely
innovation, ability to read opportunities, have a vision
and mission (Ciputra, 2008).
Entrepreneurship education applied in college
should pay attention to active and fun entrepreneurial
learning by looking at things from the real world
(contextual). Entrepreneurial education there should
be a shift from transmission models of teaching
(learning ‘about’) to experiential learning (learning
‘for’) in order to offer students techniques that can be
applied in the real world (Herrmann et al, 2008: 21).
One of the alternative models of entrepreneurship
education based Modelling in college is intended to
provide provision for academic community in
developing entrepreneurship behaviour. Modelling in
social learning theory is a process of learning by
imitating the behaviour of others who made the model
(Bandura, 1977). The model in this entrepreneurial
learning is a successful entrepreneur with various
experiences he has. The “vicarious” experience of a
successful entrepreneur model is part of a learning
process that reinforces learners drawn from stories
and experiences about what the model has done with
entrepreneurship, including its failures and successes.
Bandura in his theory states that a model can be
delivered in any form that can be used to convey
information, such as people, movies, TV,
demonstrations, drawings or instructions (Bandura,
1977). However, strengthening more deeply when
learners are able to look directly with the model so
that the results of learners’ behaviour can be in
accordance with the expected by the model. The
acquisition that is the result of learners’ behaviour is
derived from the strengthening of the “vicarious”
model (Hergenhahn, 1982). Therefore, the
entrepreneurship model chosen for entrepreneurial
learning should be truly stimulating, motivational,
exciting to imitate.
One approach to entrepreneurship learning based
Modelling through the approach “success story”.
Referring to the result of Murtini's (2008) research on
success story as an entrepreneurship learning
approach, the success story is seen as an
entrepreneurial learning approach, as a model of
learning approach to encourage entrepreneurship
behaviour for learners through attract attention
process (pay attention, recognize, identify, observe),
recall/retain, reproduce into actual behaviour, grow
motivation to imitate and duplicate, then new
innovations emerge. Based on some of the above
opinions, and referring to the concept of learning
Bandura (1977), then “modelling” can be used as a
model of entrepreneurial learning to develop of
entrepreneurship behaviour. Therefore, the authors
are interested in finding the influence of
entrepreneurship learning based Modelling towards
entrepreneurship behaviour in higher education. This
model is used to initiate efforts to grow the learners’
entrepreneurship behaviour through the process of
imitating and duplicating the model of successful
entrepreneurs who are exemplified.
This research used quantitative approach with
descriptive method and verification method. Based on
the type of research, namely descriptive and
verification research, the research method used is
explanatory survey. Survey method is descriptive and
verification, explanatory or confirmatory, data
collected from predetermined samples, data of
research variables collected by using certain data
collection tool, that is questionnaire (Kerlinger, 1990;
Gall & Borg, 2003)
Subjects of the study were college students` and
lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences Education of
University in Bandung, West Java. The research
sample is determined through purposive sampling
technique. The data collection technique is done with
closed questionnaire and attitude scale where
alternative answer positive value 5 to 1. Data analysis
technique use to give description about each variable
X and Y, used descriptive analysis by using
correlation-regression test. Hypothesis test the
relationship between research variables performed
through a simple correlation test is done by Pearson
Correlations analysis technique. While the regression
line linearity test using Anova table, proposed
hypothesis as follows: (1) Ho: regression model is
non-linear; (2) Ha: The regression model is linear.
The test criteria are as follows: reject Ho and accept
Ha if the Significance value of Deviation from
Linearity> of the specified α value is 5%.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
3.1 The Planning of Entrepreneurship
Learning Based Modelling
The design of entrepreneurial learning is precise,
meticulous and well planned, starting from the
curriculum design, syllabus, lecture objectives, the
competence of graduates of learning materials,
learning methods, learning resources/media,
procedures and evaluation tools. First, the success of
education or entrepreneurial learning in college is
largely determined by the curriculum used. When the
entrepreneurship curriculum that is prepared is
appropriate and in accordance with the goal of
entrepreneurship education to be achieved then it can
be said that entrepreneurship education was
successful. Entrepreneurship learning is integrated
into the Social Studies Education course which is a
faculty subject.
The planning of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling as a whole is embodied in the outline of
learning program/curriculum, syllabus, Semester
Lesson Plan (RPS). In designing the entrepreneurship
curriculum the output should pay attention to the goal
of attitudes and entrepreneurial behaviour that must
be achieved by the students. Clearly, entrepreneurial
attitudes and behaviour fit into the curriculum,
syllabus and Semester Lesson Plan (RPS). Elements
of entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour proposed
by Meredith (2005: 37) while entrepreneurial
behaviour based on opinion according to Hisrich et al.
(2005), namely:
Table 1: Entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour
implicitly in curriculum.
a. Confidence;
b. Oriented to tasks and
c. Taking the risks and
likes challenges;
d. Leadership;
e. Originality, innovative
and creative and
f. Oriented to the future.
a. Technical skill;
b. Business
c. Entrepreneurship
skills personally.
Second, the material compiled in entrepreneurial
learning based modelling refers to the competence of
graduates in the Indonesian National Qualification
Framework (KKNI) curriculum. Course materials in
Social Studies Education cover a wide range of social
science disciplines such as economics, social,
politics, geography, and citizenship.
Entrepreneurship learning is internalized to all social
disciplines that are taught in Social Studies Education
courses. The material is focused into the economic
study, where the Indonesian economy becomes a
foothold in the formulation of entrepreneurial
Third, the method used through the lecture
method and the “success story” method. Both
methods are an element of the method in the
Modelling learning model. Entrepreneurship learning
based Modelling methods directly bring in
entrepreneurial models that tell success stories in
handling their business so as to provide a direct
experience of interacting with the academic
community. Another method is the development of
business ideas by students as outlined in the form of
business/business design duties to be developed, field
observations in successful small and medium
enterprises, and making business feasibility studies.
This will help students to develop imagination,
internalization and motivation for entrepreneurship
through observation, exploration and reflection.
Fourth, learning media can be prepared, among
others, learning films containing “success story”
entrepreneurs, reading material books of “success
story”, teaching materials slides with power point
program or in focus, an appropriate entrepreneurship
textbook, as well as an instrument for manual
workmanship and learning evaluation. All media are
prepared to accommodate learners where they have
different potential for vision, audio and capture. This
learning media is by no means a substitute for
successful entrepreneurial functionality but the model
will be presented in the class where necessary.
Fifth, the evaluation tool in entrepreneurial
learning based Modelling is the authentic assessment
of both test and non-test. The test was performed
using multiple choice questions as well as essays
while non tests were performed using attitude scales.
Attitude scale is used to find out how the
entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour of students.
Assessment is done at the Middle Exam Semester
(UTS) / Final Exam Semester (UAS). This evaluation
tool becomes a consideration for educators in
assessing student’s final ability test.
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students
3.2 The Learning Activity of
Entrepreneurship Learning Based
The activity of entrepreneurship learning based
Modelling to establish entrepreneurship attitude
refers to the concept of social learning theory
proposed by Hergenhahn (1982), where there are four
process variables that influence learning Modelling
i.e.; (a) attentional processes, (b) retentional
processes, (c) motor reproduction processes, and (d)
motivational processes.
3.2.1 Attentional Processes
This stage of attention process emphasizes the
characteristics of the model that will attract attention
if; (1) has similarities with learners, e.g. sex, age and
others, (2) is respected, (3) has a high status, (4)
shows high competence, (5) very strong thinking, and
(6) ) attractive (Hegerhahn, 1982). Therefore, the
models are often brought in lectures i.e. entrepreneurs
such as corporate CEOs, TV station owners, hotel and
resort owners, and other entrepreneurs.
3.2.2 Retentional Processes
Based on the theory, retention is done in the storage
of information symbolically in two ways, namely
imaginary and verbal. The symbols stored in the
student’s imagination contain an actual picture of the
model experience that will be restated (retention) and
will be done in the future. Thus, information symbols
imported by the model enter in long-term memory.
Verbal symbolization is mostly done in the cognitive
process of learning. Other symbol codes are derived
from interesting drawing images, in the form of
successful travel stories containing entrepreneurial
struggles from the start of the business to achieving
success today.
3.2.3 Motor Reproduction Processes
In this stage the student begins to reproduce the
behaviour of the model shown. Students translate
model behaviour into the learning process. From the
actual behaviour it acquires, the imagination and the
verbal symbol codes that are in the student’s memory
will guide the learning process. This will appear in the
learning process as well as at the end of the lesson
with the task activities undertaken (developing
business ideas, making business plans,
entrepreneurial practices and learning achievements).
3.2.4 Motivational Processes
In this stage students are encouraged to get a
motivation to imitate the model in the hope of getting
strengthening such as praise, greatness, popularity,
future success, and other added value in him. Thus,
the student is already at the stage of being motivated
to be successful like the model example seen, known,
observed, internalized, and liked.
The four stages are part of the process of
entrepreneurship attitude formation that internalize
themselves by doing self-motivation (motivation) to
cultivate entrepreneurship behaviour. The growing
attitudes of Social Studies Education students are
seen from indicators of confidence, task-oriented and
results, risk-taking, leadership, originality, and
future-oriented. Referring to the results of the study,
there is a picture of the highest rated indicator that is
oriented to the future with an average score of
17.62%. While the lowest rated indicator is the risk
taker with an average score of 15.34%.
Table 2: The average score of entrepreneurship attitude.
e Score
Oriented to
tasks and
Taking the
Oriented to the
The overall variables of entrepreneurship attitudes
can be seen in the continuum review of the
respondent’s assessment through the calculation
process by finding the ideal score where the highest
score is multiplied by the number of items multiplied
by the number of respondents. Obtaining scores based
on the results of data processing on entrepreneurship
attitude variable is 25.877 or 79.32% of the ideal
score, the scores on a continuum can be described as
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
0 6525 13050 19575 26100 32625
Based on the continuum value picture of the
entrepreneurship attitude variable that the total score
for that variable is 25.877 is on the continuum line
with the high category. Thus, students who follow the
Social Studies Education course of entrepreneurial
learning based Modelling can show the high attitude
of entrepreneurship in everyday life.
Furthermore, entrepreneurship learning activities
based Modelling for entrepreneurship behaviour
formation is done through four stages, namely
foundation stage, business experience stage,
preparation stage, business development stage.
3.2.5 The Foundation Stage
In the early stages of learning process aimed to
cultivate the soul, interest, and entrepreneurial
motivation in students. At this stage all students are
required to take Social Studies Education courses.
The activities undertaken include public lectures by
bringing guest lecturers, industry visits, sharing of
entrepreneurial alumni testimony with students, and
bring in other business figures. At this stage the
learning targets include changing the mind-set,
cultivating entrepreneurial behaviour, fostering and
exercising creativity and innovation, fostering
confidence and entrepreneurial interest.
3.2.6 Business Experience Stage
After students see and take experience from the
model, students are grouped with the task of choosing
business ideas, developing business plans, and
directly implementing them in the form of real
business. In this course students are required to start
with the simplest type of business and until the end of
the semester they must be able to create creative and
innovative products/services that can be sold in the
market. Students are also given the opportunity to
attend seminars, training, and competitions in the
field of entrepreneurship both carried out by the
campus and conducted by parties outside the campus.
3.2.7 Preparation Stage
In this stage students who have the interest and desire
to become an entrepreneur is given the opportunity as
wide as possible with self-awareness can arrange
Business Plan in accordance with the type of
entrepreneur who is involved. Students can share
experiences with the model in preparing a good
Business Plan.
3.2.8 Business Development Stage
The final task of this course is to conduct business
development in accordance with Business Plan which
has been compiled beforehand. Students who already
have a business can take advantage of this task as a
media to develop their business, while students who
have never owned a business can take advantage of
this task as a stepping in his career in the future. At
this stage students will use intensively existing
business incubators, so that later after graduating
Business College they are ready to run independently.
The four stages are part of the process of
entrepreneurship behaviour formation that was
previously the result of the embodiment of
entrepreneurship attitude. Entrepreneurship
behaviour that grows in Social Studies Education
students seen from the indicators of technical skills,
business management skills, and skill personally.
Table 3: The average score of entrepreneurship behaviour.
Technical Skill
managerial skills
skill personally
The table above shows the recapitulation of the
variable picture of entrepreneurship behaviour. The
highest rated dimension is business managerial skills
with an average score of 34.17%. While the lowest
rated is entrepreneurship skill personally with an
average score of 32.58%.
An overall description of entrepreneurship
behaviour variables can be seen in the overall
continuum review of the respondent’s assessment
through the calculation process by finding the ideal
score where the highest score is multiplied by the
number of items multiplied by the number of
respondents. Obtaining scores based on the results of
data processing on entrepreneurship behaviour
variable is 25.065 or 71.87% of the ideal score, the
scores on a continuum can be described as follows:
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students
0 6.975 13950 20925 27900 34875
Based on the continuum value picture of the
entrepreneurship behaviour variable that the total
score for that variable is 25,065 is on the continuum
line with the high category. Thus, students who
follow the Social Studies Education course of
entrepreneurial learning based Modelling can show
the high behaviour of entrepreneurship in their
3.3 The Impact of Entrepreneurship
Learning Based Modelling
Towards Entrepreneurship
Attitude and Behaviour
Based on hypothesis I testing: There is a significant
positive relationship between applications of
entrepreneurship learning based Modelling with
entrepreneur-ship attitude and behaviour.
Ha: that there is a significant positive
relationship between application of
entrepreneurial learning based Modelling
with entrepreneurship attitude and
: that there is no significant positive
relationship between applications of
entrepreneurial learning based Modelling
with entrepreneurship attitude and
Decision considerations are based on the
following rules: Reject Ho, if ρ value ≤ α = 0.05, and
accept Ho, if ρ value> α = 0.05. To see the correlation
between X variables (entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling) with Y (entrepreneurship attitude and
behaviour) can be seen in the following table:
Table 4: Correlation of variable X with Y.
PeSarson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The correlation table above shows Pearson
Product Moment correlation r = 0.570 and P-value
(Sig.) = 0.001. Since P-Value (Sig,) = 0.001 is smaller
than α = 0.05, it can be stated that there is a significant
linear relationship of 0,570 between application of
entrepreneurship learning based Modelling with
entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour
Furthermore, hypothesis II: There is influence of
entrepreneurship learning based Modelling
application with entrepreneurship attitude and
Ha: that there is influence of entrepreneurship
learning based Modelling application with
entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour.
: that there is no influence of
entrepreneurship learning based Modelling
application with entrepreneurship attitude
and behaviour.
Decision-making is based on the following rules:
Reject Ho, if ρ value ≤ = 0.05; Accept Ho, if ρ value>
α = 0.05. The results of regression analysis, shown in
Table 5. below:
Table 5: Regression X and Y.
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error
of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Y
Based on the calculation using SPSS 20, it can be
known the amount of coefficient of determination of
variable X to variable Y is equal to 325 or 32,5%.
That is, the variable Y is influenced by the X variable
of 32.5%, while the rest of 68.5% influenced by other
factors. The empirical results of this study informs
that the application of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling has a significant positive effect towards
entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour.
3.4 Discussion
Creation of quality learning, lecturers should be given
the freedom to actualize the field of learning
optimally so that student potentials can develop.
Entrepreneurship learning based model refers to the
principles of learning to know, learning to do,
learning to live together and learning to be. Through
the design of entrepreneurial learning is precise,
meticulous and well planned, starting from the
curriculum design, syllabus, lecture objectives, the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
competence of graduate learning materials, learning
methods, learning resources/media, to procedures and
evaluation tools. This makes entrepreneurship
learning based model has a planned and measurable
An important part of the entrepreneurship
learning based model cycle should not be directed
from the outside, but learning should be directed into
students. Entrepreneurship learning is based on
personal interests and the environment so as to
empower students by creating strong internal
motivation. Motivation leads to business
development that is model by entrepreneurs. Thus,
learning elicits student competence in accordance
with the model of the entrepreneur. This is because
the model meets the criteria; (2) is respected, (3) has
a high status, (4) shows high competence, (5) very
strong thinking, and (6) attractive (Hegerhahn, 1982).
Beginning with learning, personal interest, and
motivation, it leads to the development of constant
entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours for the
people and their current business environment.
Entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours of
individuals emerging from entrepreneurial learning
based Modelling are supported by college criteria
concerned with the importance of building
entrepreneurial education in their academic
environment. In addition to academic activities, other
student activities are organized by Indonesia
University of Education, through: 1) Student Activity
Unit or Business Community; 2) Business Incubator
of Institution of Community Service (LPPM) UPI, 3)
Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Week, and 4)
Entrepreneurship Student Program.
Supportive programs for college graduates who
have entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviour is very
influential on the criteria of graduates who are
expected to answer the nation’s challenges. Graduates
are no longer getting negative predicates, but with the
creation of abductive knowledge learned beforehand
will assist students in thinking, innovating and acting.
Abductive students are students who can reason from
a reality to action or conditions that lead to the reality.
An increasing need for entrepreneurship
education in educational institutions should not be
seen as a threat but as a real possibility to renew the
quality of pedagogy in producing superior, creative,
and innovative graduates. The pedagogical method
used refers to the cycle of entrepreneurship education
held in college. The cycle can be seen as follows.
Figure 1: Entrepreneurship education cycle in higher
Optimization of entrepreneurship program in
Indonesia University of Education environment
needs to be implemented tightly and professionally.
Not just there, but its existence should bring a high
role in fostering attitudes and behaviour of student
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education at
universities has a direct relationship in shaping
student attitudes in taking risks for new business
establishment (Lee & Wong, 2003). Entrepreneurs’
perception is increasingly positive through
entrepreneurship education, but also influenced by
external environmental factors and entrepreneurial
support by educational institutions or government.
Entrepreneurship learning activities based
modelling for entrepreneurship attitude formation
refers to the concept of social learning theory
proposed by Hergenhahn (1982), where there are four
process variables that influence learning Modelling
i.e.; (A) attentional processes, (b) retentional
processes, (c) motor reproduction processes, and (d)
motivational processes. This supports Bandura's
cognitive social theory where; (1) learning using
strategies that can attract the attention of learners, (2)
the observation process undertaken by the learners of
the successful entrepreneurial model is not too
complex, (3) new knowledge and skills derived from
the model, related to the initial provision of
knowledge of learners, (4) ) Use exercises to ensure
long-term retention, (5) using positive model
behaviours to enable learners to be motivated to
repeat the behaviour of the model or learners to
conduct new behaviours as a result of the model
observation process.
Furthermore, entrepreneurship learning activities
based Modelling for entrepreneurship behaviour
formation is done through four stages, namely
foundation stage, business experience stage,
preparation stage, business development stage. This
is the model of entrepreneurial education as an
iterative decision cycle, in which the entrepreneur
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students
continually chooses between referring to knowledge
previously gained and acquiring new knowledge.
Emphasize the existence of a self-reinforcing cycle
that drives entrepreneurial learning, to the extent that
the entrepreneur is increasingly learning to control the
outcomes of the business activity and, incidentally,
the learning process itself. The next section exposes a
new approach to entrepreneurial learning, which
entrepreneurial learning and what forces these drives
processes (Minniti and Bygrave, 2001; Ravasi and
Turati, 2005; Franco & Haase, 2009)
Empirically the results of this study informs that
the application of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling has a significant positive effect of 32.5%
on entrepreneurship attitude and behaviour. It is
influenced that attitudes are related to the courage of
starting a business, psychosocial strength, persistence
and change-oriented as well as the local cultural
environment in influencing entrepreneurial behaviour
(Marvel & Lumpkin, 2007). While entrepreneurial
behaviours are clinging to the need for success is very
high, have the appropriate power and high energy
levels, persistent and focus do best for business
success, and have the courage to take risks
(Belousova, Gailly and Basso, 2010). Research on
entrepreneurial skills has been conducted for decades.
For example, Schumpeter (1926) stated that
successful entrepreneurs should be innovative,
creative and risk-taking. Entrepreneurial behaviour is
formed by three factors, namely innate, environment,
and training (Wahyudin, 2012: 61). Furthermore,
from these three factors, the exercise factor will give
a better effect than the other two factors. Through the
training undertaken entrepreneurial behaviour can be
formed in particular related to psychological
independence and entrepreneurial mental attitude.
The design of entrepreneurial learning is done
precisely and accurately, starting from the curriculum
design, syllabus, the purpose of the lecture, the
competence of the learning material, the learning
method, the source/instructional media, to the
procedure and the evaluation tool. This makes
entrepreneurship learning based model has a planned
and measurable readiness.
Entrepreneurship learning activities based
Modelling for entrepreneurship attitude formation
there are four process variables that influence
learning Modelling that is; (A) attentional processes,
(b) retentional processes, (c) motor reproduction
processes, and (d) motivational processes.
Meanwhile, entrepreneurship-based entrepreneurship
learning activity (Modelling) for entrepreneurship
behaviour formation is done through four stages,
namely foundation stage, business experience stage,
preparation stage, business development stage.
Empirically the results of this study informs that
the application of entrepreneurial learning based
Modelling has a significant positive effect of 32.5%
of entrepreneurship attitudes and behaviours. It is
influenced that attitudes are related to the courage of
starting a business, psychosocial strength, persistence
and change-oriented as well as the local cultural
This research can be an input for policy makers in
improving the effectiveness of lectures at the Faculty
of Social Sciences Education Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia. Similarly, as input for the government and
university as an effort to foster and develop education
in producing human resources superior knowledge,
have the attitude and entrepreneurship skills, so that
become independent young generation.
This research is grant from Faculty of Social Sciences
Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The
author would like to express sincere appreciation for
all supports provided.
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