The Use of Problem Solving Method in Increasing Students’ Thinking
Ability Analysis
Neti Budiwati and Eka Yuliyanti
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning activities, analytical thingking, and problem solving.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the low condition of student learning outcomes in analytical thinking ability
which become the main competence in economic subjects. The aim of this research is to know whether the
use of problem solving method can improve students' analysis ability. The research used Classroom Action
Research with two cycles in Class XI Social Science of UPI Laboratory High School. Data of learning result
in though by using descriptive method with technique of mean number and percentage. The results showed
that the use of effective problem-solving methods can improve students 'learning activities and students'
analytical skills, as seen from the increasing percentage of students who are active in learning and the number
of students who are able to answer problem-solving cases. Therefore, this method can be an option for teachers
in teaching economic material that has the characteristics of problem solving.
The problem with economic education is the same as
that of other social sciences. Economic problems
have mismidimensional problems, Multi-dimensional
problems will require a multidimensional theoretical
answer also (Otsch and Kapeller, 2010).
Economic Learning equips students with
analytical skills and problem-solving abilities that are
oriented towards problem-solving skills. Both of
these capabilities are high-order thinking required by
Curriculum applicable in Indonesia. However, the
results of this study are still low, this also indicates
the low ability to think problem solving that requires
students to think critically. Still less problem solving
in formal education. Because of less understanding of
teachers, and individual student factors may affect the
problem-solving process (Jonassen, 2000).
On the other hand, economic learning materials
are more charged with analytical skills that bring
students to solve problems (Mergendoller,, 2001;
Bryn Mawr, 2007). For that required professional
teachers who can package the learning to be effective,
professional teachers with good competence is very
supportive of educational success (Unnantn &
Boonphadung, 2015, Shukla, 2005). A professional
economics teacher will package economic learning
by choosing approaches and problem-solving
methods. Economic learning needs to be developed
towards learning that triggers creativity, critical
thinking and analytical (Beaudin, 2017).
A suitable learning for that is problem-solving
learning, as problem solving is seen as more effective
in economic learning than lectures and discussions,
and problem-solving learning is appropriate for
analytical and critical thinking (Mergendoller,,
2001; Voss, 1987). Economic learning is considered
effective if using problem-based learning approach
with problem-solving methods, considering the
characteristics of Economics Subjects is: 1) depart
from fact or symptoms real economy; 2) Economic
subjects develop theories to explain facts rationally;
3) the analysis used in economics is the method of
problem solving; 4) The problem-solving method is
suitable for use in economic analysis because the
object in economics is the basic economic problem;
5) The essence of economics is to choose the best
alternative; and 6) The birth of economics because of
the scarcity of the source of the satisfaction of human
needs (Budiwati, N and Permana L, 2010).
Economic learning with problem-solving
methods is based on a constructivism theory that
emphasizes learning processes, not on outcomes in
the form of learning behaviors. According to
Budiwati, N. and Yuliyanti, E.
The Use of Problem Solving Method in Increasing Students’ Thinking Ability Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 492-496
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
constructivism theory, students use their cognitive
processes to form an understanding of teaching
materials, so that the assessment of learning is
oriented to Process assessment in addition to result’s
assessment The constructivism approach supports
student centered curriculum and instruction rather
than teacher-centered patterns Students are key in
learning Teachers who engage in classroom activities
are based on constructivism, knowing that learning is
a process Make sense actively, where the person
learning is not a passive recipient of information
(Parkay & Stanford, 2008).
Several studies have shown that the quality of
teaching and teacher competence is considered the
most powerful predictor of student success (Shukla,
2009; Bulger, et al. 2002). Related to this problem
Slavin (2011) says: To teach effectively, the subject
matter knowledge is not the issue of someone who
becomes a walking encyclopedia. Effective teachers
not only know the subject matter of their subjects but
also can convey their knowledge to students.
Teachers play a role in practicing high-order
thinking skills of students, through the provision of
learning experiences and providing opportunities for
students to develop their thinking skills problem
solving method is a way that teachers do to deliver
teaching materials and improve problem-solving
skills through thinking analysis, not feeding students
with as many teaching materials. The importance of
the ability to think in learning as described Piaget (in
Trianto, 2009), namely the learning process occurs
when the process of data processing actively from the
Active data processing is a continuation of the
activities of students looking for information which
then proceed to the discovery of new ideas or ideas.
Piaget's theory also argues that everyone has had a
basic intellectual capacity from birth, but at different
levels. This intellectual capacity is the basis of a
person in receiving information, managing
information and making decisions.
Problem-based learning is a learning that comes
from problems, which invites students to solve
problems by identifying and gathering information so
that students will find their own way of learning. This
classroom action research, trying to answer the
question of whether the use of learning method &
problem solving can improve learning activities and
improve students' analytical thinking skills?
This research is a type of classroom action research
conducted on class XI of Social Sciences of Senior
High School of UPI Laboratory, with the factors
studied are (1) student and teacher activity 2)
Learning result of student's analytical thinking
ability. Type of data obtained and collected by the
researcher in the form of observation sheet and
student learning outcomes to know how when the
research took place in relation to the role of teachers
and student involvement in learning, with tools in the
form of tests (about pre-test and post-test) and non-
Tests (observations, interviews and documentation).
Test result data will be analyzed with descriptive
statistics such as averages and percentages (%).
While data obtained from observation and interview
will be analyzed quantitatively. Like most classroom
action research, this study is designed with 3 cycles,
which consists of plan, action and reflection
The process of conducting the research using the
following cycles:
2.1 Cycle I
Plan: (1) Looking for data related to the use of
the problem solving method of learning
approach. ; (2) Teachers studying class XI the
Senior High School UPI Laboratory , as well as
preparing lesson plans with economic problem
solving materials.
Action: (1) The teacher delivers or introduces
topics, lesson materials, goals learning; (2)
Teachers using learning method Problem
solving in economic learning, things teachers
should prepare are: (a) Master establishes a
group; Groups of students consisting of 4 or 5
people; Each group will solve the problems
presented by the teacher. (b) The teacher
provides stimulus / motivation to deliver the
students to connect with the problem to be
provided. Then the teacher presents the
problem; (3) The teacher guides the students
during the learning process and helps to change
the students' thinking thoroughly. The activities
that occur during the process of problem-based
learning are as follows: Students discuss and
keep a record of what information / facts they
can get from problems they read. Next, students
identify and formulate the problem. (c) Students
collect information relating to the problem. This
is done by identifying what concepts / principles
The Use of Problem Solving Method in Increasing Students’ Thinking Ability Analysis
they should learn, what learning resources they
will use, and what they should do. After
collecting information, students attempt to
formulate some troubleshooting solutions and
identify them. (d) Students exchange
information with their group of friends to select
and decide the best alternative from some
alternative problem solving solution that has
been formulated. (e) Each group presents the
results to the other group as an evaluation of the
results of its work. After the student presents his
or her work result, the teacher asks questions;
Questions that are metacognitive and reflective
in order to strengthen clarity.
Observation: (1) Conducting observation of
learning activity of economic problem matter
with approach of problem solving learning
method; (2) Observation of students' thinking
ability before and after use of problem solving
learning method.
Reflection: Reflection is done after making
observations. If the action has not been achieved
optimally, then it needs improvement in cycle II.
2.2 Cycle II
Implemented as in cycle I, in this research stops at
cycle II, because after observation and reflection is
obtained result that learning has succeeded in
improving learning activity and result of learning
ability of student analysis, so activity stopped at cycle
Table 1: Results of learning ability analysis thinking
using problem solving method.
Table 1 shows the value obtained by the students,
the value before the learning using problem solving
method and the learning time using problem solving
method in cycle I and cycle II. There is a significant
increase of value from pre cycle I and cycle I, while
from cycle I to cycle II also there is an increase,
although not as big as in cycle I. The number that
meets the minimum value criteria also has a
significant increase, at the end of the cycle only 21%
or 6 of 29 students whose value is still below the
minimum value criterion.
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Results Cycle I
After the implementation of the planning and action
on cycle I, found the fact that the data obtained there
are some discrepancies between the planning, action
and objectives of the research, namely:
Some students who previously tended to be
passive, now seen already active, at least
actively give opinion to the working group.
Classroom conditions become more vibrant and
vibrant, as teachers reward groups that are all
active members.
Students are more excited even though entirely
entrenched, because it is allowed to explore
material from the internet by using their
respective mobile phones.
As the presentation of the results of the
discussion analyzed the problems associated
with the distribution of national income, some
students enthusiastically listened to his friend's
Although not yet accustomed to the evaluation
given by the teacher in the form of a matter of
analysis, still tried by the students to be
completed, and it turns out the results obtained
quite encouraging because almost 50% of
students achieve scores above the minimum
3.1.2 Results Cycle II
A After the implementation of the planning and
action in cycle II, found the fact that the data obtained
there are some discrepancies between the planning,
action and research objectives, namely:
Students who tend to be passive in cycle I,
appear to have begun to decrease, meaning that
students are more active in giving opinion to the
working group Classroom conditions become
more vibrant and vibrant.
As the presentation of the results of the
discussion analyzed the problems associated
with the distribution of national income, some
students enthusiastically listened and
commented on his friend's presentation.
Low High Ave-
% Achievement
of minimum
value criteria
(score = 70)
Pra Cycle 30 80 53 14 86
Cycle I 45 86 70 52 58
Cycle II 60 90 75 79 21
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Students are seen accustomed to carry out
evaluation given by teachers in the form of
problem analysis, and it turns out that the results
obtained quite boasted because there is a
significant increase of students.
3.2 Discussion
The conclusion obtained from the experiment using
problem solving method is that this method can
increase student learning activity and achievement of
value. This is in line with the purpose of using
problem solving method, which in addition to
increase student learning activities as well as to
improve learning outcomes, especially the ability to
analyze (Beaudin,, 2017). The use of problem
solving method is not conventional, because
conventional problem solving is used through
discussion, so there needs to be a modification in
using problem solving method (D'Zurilla, T. J., &
Goldfried, M. R., 1971; Sweller, 1988).
The ability of teachers in encouraging students to
be active in the thinking process becomes the core of
problem solving, because the advantages of this
method is the advantage of the problem solving
method is to stimulate the development of students'
creative thinking skills and thoroughly so that
students can have the ability to solve economic
problems in real life, Besides the problem-based
learning is an authentic approach with the intent to
compose their own knowledge (Arends, 2007;
Hamiyah & Jauhar, 2014).
That method of problem solving can increase
student learning activity, of course very dependent on
teacher ability to organize learning, let alone this
method requires ability of student academic above
average. In addition, even if economic learning is
loaded with problem solving, it does not mean that
this method is suitable for all materials, it must be
seen that its material characteristics contain problem
solving. This should be the focus for teachers in
developing their learning Problem solving involves
important cognitive, affective, and conative
processes, and therefore requires real instructional
support. (Jonassen, 2000).
Therefore, although effective problem solving
methods to improve learning outcomes and ability to
analyze, still requires the creativity of teachers to be
able to create effective learning. It should be
remembered that economic learning should be able to
bring students to economic thinking that brings
students into a rational and economic literate (Schug
and Wood, 2011).
In addition, it should be remembered that there is
no perfect learning method, so in the implementation
of the teacher must be creative to create an interesting
learning in line with the characteristics and objectives
of each teaching material, for example by using
variations and modification methods. In this case
collaborative learning becomes an alternative chosen
by the teacher (Barkley,, 2005).
This study shows that the use of problem solving
methods in economic subjects can encourage student
learning activities, and simultaneously improve
learning outcomes especially in the ability to analyze.
However, to use the problem solving method
effectively, it requires the teacher to be creative in
order to modify the use of this method. This is
because conventional problem solving methods are
not effective in creating analytical thinking skills. The
use of problem solving method in economic learning
is only suitable for teaching materials containing
problem solving content. In addition, the use of
problem solving method requires students who have
academic ability above average.
This classroom action research is a collaborative
research between researchers and economics teachers
at the UPI lab school, facilitated by UPI. Therefore I
thank you for the opportunity that has been given by
the UPI to conduct this collaboration research,
especially to Mr. Prof. Aim Abdulkarim and head of
the UPI laboratory.
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