Students are seen accustomed to carry out
evaluation given by teachers in the form of
problem analysis, and it turns out that the results
obtained quite boasted because there is a
significant increase of students.
3.2 Discussion
The conclusion obtained from the experiment using
problem solving method is that this method can
increase student learning activity and achievement of
value. This is in line with the purpose of using
problem solving method, which in addition to
increase student learning activities as well as to
improve learning outcomes, especially the ability to
analyze (Beaudin,, 2017). The use of problem
solving method is not conventional, because
conventional problem solving is used through
discussion, so there needs to be a modification in
using problem solving method (D'Zurilla, T. J., &
Goldfried, M. R., 1971; Sweller, 1988).
The ability of teachers in encouraging students to
be active in the thinking process becomes the core of
problem solving, because the advantages of this
method is the advantage of the problem solving
method is to stimulate the development of students'
creative thinking skills and thoroughly so that
students can have the ability to solve economic
problems in real life, Besides the problem-based
learning is an authentic approach with the intent to
compose their own knowledge (Arends, 2007;
Hamiyah & Jauhar, 2014).
That method of problem solving can increase
student learning activity, of course very dependent on
teacher ability to organize learning, let alone this
method requires ability of student academic above
average. In addition, even if economic learning is
loaded with problem solving, it does not mean that
this method is suitable for all materials, it must be
seen that its material characteristics contain problem
solving. This should be the focus for teachers in
developing their learning Problem solving involves
important cognitive, affective, and conative
processes, and therefore requires real instructional
support. (Jonassen, 2000).
Therefore, although effective problem solving
methods to improve learning outcomes and ability to
analyze, still requires the creativity of teachers to be
able to create effective learning. It should be
remembered that economic learning should be able to
bring students to economic thinking that brings
students into a rational and economic literate (Schug
and Wood, 2011).
In addition, it should be remembered that there is
no perfect learning method, so in the implementation
of the teacher must be creative to create an interesting
learning in line with the characteristics and objectives
of each teaching material, for example by using
variations and modification methods. In this case
collaborative learning becomes an alternative chosen
by the teacher (Barkley,, 2005).
This study shows that the use of problem solving
methods in economic subjects can encourage student
learning activities, and simultaneously improve
learning outcomes especially in the ability to analyze.
However, to use the problem solving method
effectively, it requires the teacher to be creative in
order to modify the use of this method. This is
because conventional problem solving methods are
not effective in creating analytical thinking skills. The
use of problem solving method in economic learning
is only suitable for teaching materials containing
problem solving content. In addition, the use of
problem solving method requires students who have
academic ability above average.
This classroom action research is a collaborative
research between researchers and economics teachers
at the UPI lab school, facilitated by UPI. Therefore I
thank you for the opportunity that has been given by
the UPI to conduct this collaboration research,
especially to Mr. Prof. Aim Abdulkarim and head of
the UPI laboratory.
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