As for SME4:N1, in which the operation is mostly
outdoor and associated with loud noise, the company
planted trees to absorb the sound as well as to reduce
the vibration effects from the explosion. Trees are
planted surrounding the quarry area. Meanwhile,
SME13:E3 also promotes employees’ involvement in
planting trees and plants. However, for SME11:N2
green efforts related to planting and cutting off trees
are considered a very crucial issue since it operates in
logging industry. Unlike other SMEs, SME11:N2’s
operation requires the company to cut trees rather
than planting them. In order to sustain in the industry,
the company could not avoid cutting down trees. As
such the focus is to minimise the environmental
impacts since it is impossible to achieve zero impact
in timber logging industry.
4.1.7 Develop Employees’ Environmental
Some of the SMEs also took the initiatives to create
environmental awareness among their employees.
SME6: M3E1 organised yearly campaign internally
where the campaign lasts about two months each
time. SME6:M3E1 also require their employees to
take turn to recite the company’s Environmental
Policy in the company’s morning assemblies.
Likewise, SME8:C2 provided proper training
programs for its employees along with frequent
meetings and reminders to ensure that no energy is
wasted. Moreover, SME8:C2 encourages its
employees to voice suggestions on production,
welfare as well as environment by providing
suggestion box.
On the other hand, SME10:P2 prefers to
constantly create environmental awareness using
non-verbal communications. Posters, stickers and
memos are posted and pasted around their work areas
as reminders to ensure environmental friendly
practices. The company pasted ‘saving resources’
stickers to create awareness almost anywhere
including the company’s washrooms so that the
workers get used to those practices. As for water
consumption, stickers are pasted near the taps. The
stickers ‘Tutup Bila Tidak Digunakan’ (Switch off
When Not in Used) were pasted near the switches in
the effort to save electricity. Meanwhile, SME14:N3
also applied non-verbal communication but the
prominence is more on pictures rather than words.
Pictures of people starving were pasted at the
cafeteria to remind its workers not to waste foods.
4.1.8 Influencing Customers and Suppliers
Apart from engaging in environmental initiatives for
the company, several SMEs also make some efforts
to assist as well as guide their suppliers to get
involved in environmental friendly initiatives.
SME5:C1 encouraged its customers to have a big
consumption area to enable the company to send the
material in bulk. Bulk purchasing has led to less
deliveries causing reduction in fuel usage. SME5:C1
also assist its suppliers to increase material ordering
so that photocopying of purchase order could be
Meanwhile, SME1:M1 issued the company’s
environmental policy to the suppliers for them to be
in-line with the company’s requirements. On the
other hand, SME3:F1 took some action upon
suppliers or contractors who act disobediently against
good environmental practices. The company
instructed them to follow the company's ISO
requirement where necessary and if they fail or
unwilling to do so, the company will resort to switch
to other suppliers.
4.1.9 Operations Related Activities
There are SMEs that have engaged in more
environmental initiatives as compared to others
because their industries are more environmental
sensitive. SME4:N1 which operates as quarry have
many direct environmental impacts inherent in the
industry which may cause all sort of pollutions such
as air and noise pollution. Due to that the company
are willing to spend thousands of Ringgit to use
amulet explosion that lower down the noise even
though the noise lasts for a short period of time only.
Furthermore, instead of using lorries which are
considered to be a way much cheaper alternative,
SME4:N1 decided to use conveyor belt to transport
the raw material to stock pile which could minimise
environmental impacts due to dust. In events where
the use of lorries are still necessary, then their loads
will be monitored to prevent overloading which may
cause further environmental impacts.
Likewise, for SME11:N2, it is unavoidable that its
logging activities are closely related to the
environmental impacts. As such, to minimize the
environmental impacts caused by the company’s
operational activities, SME11:N2 managed its
logging activities systematically and in a well-
planned manner. The company adopted sustainable
development in managing its logging activities with
30 years cutting cycle and the trees are cut according
to the quota set by the Forestry Council. Pre-felling
survey was conducted prior to logging activities to
identify ‘had batas tebangan (HBT)’; the cutting limit
in which the diameter of the trees allowable for
cutting is identified. Under sustainable development
system, SME11:N2 also had a system to replant those
trees systematically so that new timber will be ready
after the 30 years cutting cycle.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship