Developing Model of School Accountability Based on Archive
Nina Oktarina, Joko Widodo, Hengky Pramusinto, Ismiyati Ismiyati and Indri Murniawaty
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
{ninaoktarina, jokowidodo}
Keywords: school accountability, archive, senior high school.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a model of school accountability based on archives at Senior High
Schools in Semarang. The study was designed for two years and this paper is the result of the first year
research. This study used Research and Development (R & D) approach. The subjects of this study were all
the parties relating to the accountability of schools, namely: students, teachers, employees, society and
educational departments. Analysis of data used qualitative approach. The results show that accountability of
school performances is not supported by sufficient documents. Besides that, schools have not maintained
archives properly and archive management is not consistent with used archival system. Archives are difficult
to find quickly and schools even loss the archives. It is suggested that schools should manage archives based
on system. Schools provide the facilities of archives management and delegate administrators to have archive
management training.
Schools as an educational institution that is
accountable able to maintain the quality of its output
so that it can be accepted by the public. So, in this
case accountable or not an educational institution
depends on the quality of its output. In addition, the
accountability of an institution also depends on the
ability of an institution accountable to the public
authority. How the school is able to account for the
authority given to the public, certainly the challenge
the school's responsibility. Jalal (2001) states in
Indonesia, many educational institutions are weak
and not a few educational institutions that are not
accountable. The results of Pratiwi (2012) shows that
the school accountability in Junior High School and
Senior High School at Semarang is still low, the
school has not been able to account for its
performance with both the stake holders.
Slamet (2005) states Accountability is the
obligation to account or to answer School
accountability is an attempt to account for the entire
school activities, both legal and moral to related
parties, either success or failure of a program of
activities that have been implemented. Accountability
according Rosjidi (2001) consists of two types of
internal and external accountability. School was time
fully responsible, both to internal customers
(teachers, students, employees) and external (the
government and the public). Accountability is very
necessary if associated with efforts to improve school
quality and customers' trust in the school. Any
liability undertaken by the school to internal and
external parties must be accompanied by physical
evidence to ensure legal.
School accountability includes accountability
both of academic performance and financial
performance. Schools must be able to account
academic performance to internal and external
parties. One measure is the school's accreditation. In
fact that the school is not optimal accountability, one
of them caused by the inability of the school to
provide supporting evidence accountability to
internal and external parties. Based on data from the
Department of Education a total of 41 secondary
schools in the city of Semarang value of accreditation
has not yet reached the value of A. The data can be
seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Data results of school accreditation at semarang.
New school
Sources: Department of education in 2012 were processed
Oktarina, N., Widodo, J., Pramusinto, H., Ismiyati, I. and Murniawaty, I.
Developing Model of School Accountability Based on Archive.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 515-519
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Results of preliminary observations indicate the
school is also not optimal in providing accountability
to internal parties. When students who have passed
several years ago requires data on the value of their
academic, the school can not provide fast and often
the data is lost. The headmaster when in need,
supporting data for planning also can not obtain data
quickly. Even if the data exists, discovery when
needed requires a long time. The condition is a result
of lack of attention to records management in schools.
This indicates that the school over the years, less
attention to the carrying capacity of the document as
proof of authenticity. Documents created on the basis
of the accreditation request when it will be
implemented, so that the document is not complete
and accurate. During this time the school has not been
archived documents in accordance with rules
governing school archives.
Based on the results of preliminary observations
also known that the school was less concerned about
the archives so that the school experienced problems
when requiring the data to be used for accountability
both on internal and external parties. Factual
conditions related to the management of archival
schools are as follows: 1) the school does not have
guidelines for archiving, 2) system archive storage
were applied inconsistently, 3) archiving procedures
are not in accordance with the system, 3) the
discovery of an archive of more than 1 minute, 3)
archives many were damaged due to lack of
maintenance, and 4) lost archives. Therefore, the
accountability of schools needs to be studied and
looked for alternatives solution especially
accountability model, along with the carrying
capacity of accurate documents. So that every school
accountability to internal and external parties can be
accompanied by support documents are accurate and
secure legality. At the end of the realization of the
accountability of schools will be able to improve the
quality of education. This research was conducted at
the Senior High School in the city of Semarang.
Based on the background of the problems that
have been raised can be formulated research problem
as follows: 1) How is the implementation of school
accountability in high schools in Semarang for this ?,
2) How is the design of a development model based
school accountability archives at high schools in
Semarang ?. The purpose of this study are: 1) describe
the implementation of accountability in high schools
in Semarang that runs for this, 2) develop a model of
school accountability based archives at high schools
in Semarang.
2.1 Accountability
Accountability is the ability to give an answer to a
higher authority for the actions of a person/ group of
people to the wider community within an
organization (Rasul, 2002: 8).
Meanwhile, according to UNDP, accountability is
the evaluation of the process of implementation/
performance of the organization to be held
accountable as well as feedback for the leadership of
the organization to be able to further improve the
performance of the organization in the future. Turner
and Hulme (1997) suggests the notion of
accountability as follows: Accountability is a
complex concept that is more difficult to realize than
on combating corruption. Accountability is a
necessity of public sector institutions to put more
emphasis on horizontal accountability (public) not
only vertical accountability (a higher authority).
Accountability is the responsibility of a person or
group of people who were given the mandate to carry
out specific tasks to the mandate for either vertically
or horizontally. There are five dimensions of
accountability that namely: 1) accountability of law
and honesty (accountability for probity and legality),
2) managerial accountability, 3) program
accountability, 4) policies accountability, and 5)
financial accountability (Rasul, 2002).
2.2 Filing and Archive
Filing mentioned are matters relating to archives
(Article 1 of Law No. 43, 2009). Archives in the
language means a place to store. By the term archive
is a recording of activities or events in various forms
and media in accordance with the development of
information and communication technology have
made and received by state agencies, local
government, educational institutions, companies,
political organizations, community organizations,
and individuals in the implementation of social, civic
and the state. Archives have a character called
archival characteristics, where these characteristics
can distinguish archival quality. Characteristics of the
archive that is authentic, legal, unique, and reliable.
Authentic, the archive is the information attached
to the original form (except electronic archive),
includes; content, structure and context. Legal, the
archives are created as documentation to support the
tasks and activities, have official status as a material
evidence for decisions and implementation. Unique,
not mass created or duplicated, in contrast to archive
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
books, journals and other publicity materials.
Reliable, trustworthy presence of the archive so that
it can be used as material to support the
implementation of activities. For organizations, the
archive has a very important value. To become a
qualified professional organization and it must
implement a system of administration that is good and
right. According Mulyono, et al. (2011: 3-4) archival
storage is the procedure for handling slips according
to the rules and procedures applicable to the given
three key elements include storage, placement and
Archive storage system is a storage system that is
used in a letter to ease employment can be created
storage and retrieval can be performed quickly and
accurately where mail stored at any time required. In
the management of the archive there are five archival
storage systems, namely: (1) The alphabetical system,
(2) the number system, (3) the date system, (4)) the
subject matter, and (5) region. (Gie, 2000).
This study was designed to approach R & D
(Research and Development) are basing the
principles and measures Borg and Gall, with
simplification measures into four stages: (1) the
preliminary study stage, (2) the stage of development
of the model, (3) the validation phase and a limited
test to find the final hypothetical model, and (4) the
stage of determination of the model is to find a model
end and dissemination models. Stage preliminary
studies carried out in the 11 Senior High School,
Widya Wiyata Senior High School and Al Uswah
Senior High School. Stage design development
models of school accountability based archive with
experts through focus group discussions and
consultations/ discussions. Validation phase and
limited testing will be conducted on the object of
research and validation internally with peers and
experts people. The third phase will be implemented
in the first year, second year implementing external
validation phase with the implementation of the
model to find the final model and dissemination.
The data source can be divided into two, namely:
(1) human; and (2) are not human. Serves as a source
of human data subject or key informants. While the
data sources are not human sourced from documents.
Determination of informants as a data source using
purposive sampling techniques or with particular
consideration is to know and be involved in the
organization of schools, especially related to school
accountability to both internal and external parties.
Data sources include: (1) headmaster, (2) teachers, (3)
students, (4) administration staff, (5) parents, (6)
stakeholders. Sources and techniques of data
collection and research subjects can be seen in Table
Table 2: The sources and techniques of data
Research Goal
The sources of
1. Describing the
of school
which goes
2. Establishment
of school
model based on
archives with
Expert people
3. Establishment
of a
model of school
based on
Expert people,
staff, teachers.
4.1 The Implementation of School
Accountability at Senior High
Implementation of school accountability in the senior
high school in Semarang has been poorly supported
by documents are complete and accurate. Based on
observations in the field note that school
accountability to both internal and external parties are
not offset by the carrying capacity of the document.
Documents to support school accountability is often
incomplete or tucked away when needed. Standards
related to school performance, majority of schools
use accreditation standards and some of them use the
accreditation and ISO standards. Conditions in the
Developing Model of School Accountability Based on Archive
field related to school accountability, poorly
supported by the availability of documents complete,
accurate and quickly found when needed.
Implementation of school accountability that is
held in accordance with the results of interviews and
observations at the senior high school in the city of
Semarang, the majority of schools did not support the
document management system and mechanism for
good. So that the document is tucked away, damaged,
or lost are still common. In summary, model of school
accountability in the senior high school in the city of
Semarang is running, it’s can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Academic performance accountability of factual
4.2 The Components of School
School accountability is an attempt to account for the
entire school activities, both legal and moral to related
parties, either success or failure of a program of
activities that have been implemented. The
Components of school accountability based on
interviews and observations include: 1) Standards of
school performance, 2) personnel, 3) school
administration system, and 4) infrastructure.
Conditions in the field indicate far less attention to the
school management of documents related to school
activities. During the educational process takes place
on the input, process and output there will be a
document that accompanies it. However, during these
documents are not managed properly.
4.3 School Accountability Model Based
on Archive
Implementation of school accountability is not
optimal because the implementation is not supported
by the documents are complete, accurate, and quickly
found when needed. The school realized the
importance of supporting documents accountability if
there will be accreditation or external parties who
need the information. During these documents that
exist in every process of education in schools, that of
input, process and output managed a modest
regardless of the mechanism of the correct document
storage system. Lack of competence of the
administrators is also one of the causes for these
schools do not have good document management.
Under these conditions, the model developed with the
school accountability based on archives. The model
image can be seen in figure 2.
Figure 2: School accountability model based on archive.
The conclusion of this study are: 1) the
implementation of school accountability in the senior
high school is not supported by the documents are
complete, accurate, and quickly found when needed,
2) school accountability that was developed based on
archival of input, process, and the output of education
in schools. It is suggested that schools should manage
archives based on system. Schools provide the
facilities of archives management and delegate
administrators to have archive management training.
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Developing Model of School Accountability Based on Archive