in Bandung. Based on the results of data processing,
obtained a model of regression coefficient and
coefficient of Sub-structure 2:
Y = 0.228X1-0,152X2 + 0,968ei
Based on hypothesis test result, the coefficient
value of curiosity variable path to learning result
variable with t value count 3,264 > T Table of 1.649
with a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 then H0 is
rejected and Ha accepted, meaning that the
coefficient of variable path curiosity to learning result
variable can be stated significant. So it can be
concluded that the variable curiosity effect on student
learning outcomes on economic subjects.
Furthermore, also obtained the coefficient value
of self-esteem variable path to learning result variable
with t value counted │2.168│ > T Table of 1.649 with
a significance value of 0.031 < 0.05 then H0 is
rejected and Ha accepted, meaning that the
coefficient of self-esteem variable path to learning
result variable can be stated significant. So it can be
concluded that the variable self-esteem effect on
student learning outcomes on economic subjects but
has a negative relationship.
Based on data analysis of sub-structure model 1
and sub-structure model 2, it is known that direct and
indirect influence, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The decomposition of influence of intervals.
Causal Influences
Direct Indirect (by X3)
to Y -0,152
(0,559 x 0,114) =
to Y 0,114 - 0,114
Based on Table 18 it is known that the direct effect
of X1 to X3 is 0.410, whereas for direct effect X2 to
X3 is 0,559. For X1 to Y its direct effect is 0.228
while its indirect effect is 0,047 so its total influence
is 0,275. For X2 to Y its direct effect is -0.152 while
its indirect effect is 0,064 so its total influence is -
0,088. For X3 to Y its direct effect is 0.114.
3.2 Discussion
The results of research and hypothesis testing known
that simultaneously independent variables affect the
dependent variable, this is indicated by the value of
Fcount of 531,169 and FTable 1,200 (with significant
level & alpha =0.05).Thus, since F count is greater
than F Table, it means has is accepted and H0 is
rejected. This shows that curiosity and self-esteem
influence simultaneously to student's learning
motivation on economic subjects.
Furthermore, from the research results can be
seen that the partial variable curiosity and self-esteem
influence on student learning motivation on economic
subjects. Curiosity is a curiosity that comes from
within a person. Curiosity encourages how one sees
or experiences something that will motivate them to
keep searching for information. As Zelick expresses
(in Yau Hon-ken et al., 2012) that curiosity is defined
as the intrinsic desire to know, to see, or to experience
something, which motivates. (Ardiyanto in
Puspitasari et al, 2015) reveals that curiosity will
make students become active thinkers, active
observers so that the situation will motivate students
to learn more deeply that they do not know and negate
the boredom to keep learning.
From the above expression confirms that with
good curiosity will also from a good learning
motivation. Based on the results of research and
hypothesis testing, it can be seen that the curiosity
owned by the students of class XI Social Studies in
state Senior High School as Bandung influence on
students' learning motivation on economic subjects
and have a positive relationship.
The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Yau Hon-keung, (2012) in
Hongkong Education stating that curiosity has a
significant relationship with intrinsic motivation.
Self-Esteem is a view or an assessment of oneself.
Self-Esteem has an excellent influence on one's
learning motivation. Harter (in Novarindhini &
Latifah, 2012) states that the element that can build a
child's self-esteem is a motivation, whether intrinsic
or extrinsic. More Novarindhini Latifah (2012)
reveals that the better one's self-esteem will form a
good motivation as well.
Based on the results of research and hypothesis
testing, it can be seen that self-esteem owned by
students of class XI Social Studies in state Senior
High School as Bandung influence on students'
learning motivation on economic subjects and have a
positive relationship. The results of this study are in
line with research conducted by Novariandhini
Latifah (2012) which states that self-esteem has a
Influence of
Causal Influences Total
Direct Indirect
to X
0,410 - 0,410
to X
0,559 - 0,559
to Y 0,228
(0,410 x 0,114) =