hypothesis servant leadership have positive effect to
organizational commitment and organization
citizenship behavior. It is evident that if a servant
leadership has a close or tied influence with the
company, the employee will be committed to his
organization and will be willing to do a job that is not
his responsibility voluntarily and voluntarily as
quoted by Schake (1991) in Erturk, Et al., 2004).
Effect of Servant Leadership and Organizational
Commitment of Employees on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) to Blue Bird Group
Surabaya. Vania Claresta Prabowo and Roy Setiawan
Business Management Program, Management
Studies Program, Petra Christian University Jl.
Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya E-mail:
vania_09246@yahoo.com; Roy@petra.ac.id. The
purpose of this study is to test and describe the effect
of servant leadership and organizational commitment
of employees to organizational citizenship behavior
in Blue Bird Group Surabaya. The population of the
study was non-driver Blue Bird Group Surabaya
employees, which amounted to 224 people with a
sample of 60 employees. Data analysis technique in
this study using SPSS program version 16.0.Hasil
research indicates that: (1) Servant Leadership does
not significantly affect the Organizational Citizenship
Behavior. (2) Organizational commitment has
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior. (3) Servant Leadership and organizational
commitment have a significant effect on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
The Influence of Organizational Culture on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Case
Study at Pt. Mirina Nusantara. Risna ananda putri¹,
tarcisius t. Sipayung², drs.³. Management (Business
Management Telecommunications & Informatics),
Faculty of Business Economics, Telkom University.
2013. The result of data analysis in this research
shows that organizational culture of PT. Mirina
Nusantara is included in the strong category of
69.32% and the behavior of organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) of PT. Mirina Nusantara is included
in the high category of 75.38%. In addition, there is a
non-significant influence between organizational
culture on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
at PT. Mirina Nusantara is 18.1%.
The Influence of Organizational Culture
Variables, Commitment and Job Satisfaction of
Employee to Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Employee. Ida Ayu Brahmasari. University of 17
August 1945 Surabaya. 2008. Based on the results of
research and discussion that was described previously
can be summarized as follows: (1) Organizational
values, Organizational Climate, Attention to Detail,
Organizational Structure, Commitment of employees
and Employee Satisfaction simultaneously have a
significant influence on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (2) Organizational values have no
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (3) Organizational situation has a
significant influence on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (4) Attention to Detail has no
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (5) The organizational structure has
no significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (6) Employee commitment has no
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB); (7) Employee satisfaction has a
significant influence on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB). In general it can be concluded that
of the four organizational culture variables, only
organizational situation variables have a significant
effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB). In addition, employee satisfaction variables
are also shown to have a significant effect on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
The Influence of Transformational Leadership on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior and
Organizational Commitment with Mediation of Job
Satisfaction (Study to Fixed Teachers SMA Negeri in
East Lombok). B. Maptuhah Rahmi. Faculty of
Economics Udayana University (Unud), Bali,
Indonesia. The results showed that transformational
leadership had positive and significant effect on
organizational citizenship behavior, transformational
leadership had positive but not significant effect on
job satisfaction, transformational leadership had
positive and significant effect on organizational
commitment, job satisfaction had positive and
significant effect on organizational citizenship
behavior, Positive but insignificant to organizational
commitment. The purpose of this study is to describe
the contribution of dominant factors that influence
OCB. Based on the above description, about the
importance of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in
an organization that can improve productivity,
effectiveness, and organizational efficiency, thus, the
authors are interested in conducting research entitled
"Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Analysis of
Dominant Influencing Factors to OCB at Education
Personnel of FKIP Unversitas Kuningan)".
1.1 Statement of the Problem
How is Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction,
Commitment, Transformational Leadership, and
Servant Leadership toward Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Teaching Staff of
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship