to become a stock investor, to educate the theory of
stock selection to be invested, and to provide
information about institutions in capital markets that
provide facilities and Protection to investors, and (6)
organizing capital market seminars and workshops,
the purpose of this program is to enable students and
communities to interact directly with capital market
Furthermore, the benefits of investment gallery
establishment in universities are (1) For Indonesia
Stock Exchange as a means of socialization &
education in academic circles so that it can be done
well, so that academic community is expected not
only to know Capital Market from theory side but can
directly do (2) For universities, there are strategic
alliances with capital market actors (BEI, AB, Vendor
Data) and Improving Brand Name and Sales Value of
Higher Education, (3) For Securities Exchange
Member Company, as a media promotion step among
students / Academician and as media recruitment of
reliable Capital Market Human Resources, (4) For
Data Vendor, as a media step of promotion of data
product among academicians, do not issue hardware
investment for corner of Indonesia Stock Exchange &
Capital Market Lab and as media recruitment Human
Capital HRM .
Next, the impact of investment gallery
establishment on Higher Education are (1) the
education or socialization of capital market through
Investment Gallery in the form of capital market
training with themes such as introduction of capital
market products, transaction mechanism,
fundamental analysis and technical analysis. In
addition to the training there are also stocks
simulation activities, capital market schools and some
other activities related to the capital market, (2)
students can use the available computer facilities in
the Investment Gallery room to learn about capital
market products, study Danareksa's research on
economics , Stocks and bonds, and see information
on stock price movements and news that are the
concern of investors in the stock market, (3) Increase
the knowledge of students in terms of investment,
especially stock investment, students can directly
participate to feel investing with stock instruments,
(4) keep up with the economic, business, security,
social trends that affect the dynamics of stock
movement, (5) to grow the soul and investment
climate and to minimize the "literacy" of investment
among students or the generation Young in general,
and (6) attract students And the young to become
investors in the capital market.
Based on the results of discussion in this article is
expected to encourage and motivate students to invest
and take part in the stock exchange so as to create
young investors. Furthermore, the conclusion of this
article as below.
Efforts made by BEI OJK in increasing capital
market literacy include East spring Tour de Campus,
stock lab game competition program, such as 'Yuk
Saving Stocks', establishing several investment
galleries scattered in universities in Indonesia,
conducting Market Schools Capital (SPM) and
Syariah Capital Markets School (SPMS), organize
seminars and capital market workshops. The role of
Investment Gallery is a means of socialization &
education in academic circles, strategic alliances with
capital market actors (BEI, AB, Data Vendor) and
Improve Brand Name and Sales Value of Higher
Education, media promotion step among students /
academics and as media recruitment Capital Market
HR is reliable, and as a media step promotional
product data among academics. The impact of
investment gallery establishment in Higher Education
is the education or socialization of capital market
through Investment Gallery, students can use
computer facilities available in Investment Gallery
room, Increase student knowledge in investment,
keep up with economic, business, security, Social,
growing soul and investment climate as well as
minimal "literacy" of investment among students,
attract students and young people to become investors
in the capital market.
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Broadening the Literacy of College Students on Capital Market, Would Galeri Investasi be Able to do the Task?