Broadening the Literacy of College Students on Capital Market,
Would Galeri Investasi be Able to do the Task?
Retno Mustika Dewi and Dhiah Fitrayati
Faculty of Economic Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesia Stock exchange, Galeri Investasi.
Abstract: Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) is an affiliated company of Jakarta stock exchange and Surabaya stock
exchange. In order to advance Indonesian public’s knowledge on capital market, IDX have made cooperation
with universities to construct a learning space called Galeri Investasi. The presence of Investasi is expected
to be a means of learning space for academics to apply their knowledge which they obtained from attending
classes and to support research activities conducted by academics. The Galeri Investasi program, includes
seminar and workshop as its activities, is intended for education & socialization of capital market. Moreover,
the presence of Galeri Investasi is significantly meaningful for students since they can learn any kinds of
products traded on capital market such as share and mutual funds and apply how to make a transaction in
capital market. The purpose of this study are to describe (1) Efforts of Indonesia Stock Exchange and OJK in
increasing capital market literacy, (2) Investment Gallery benefits in increasing student capital market
literacy, and (3) Impact of Investment Gallery at University. Furthermore, this article will discuss the merits
and impacts of Galeri Investasi IDX placed on universities.
Kemu (2016) stated that OJK as one of the Trisula
units of the financial sector together with the Ministry
of Finance and Bank Indonesia plays an important
role in developing the financial sector. Particularly in
terms of carrying out the OJK policy instruments
trilogy are financial inclusion, financial literacy
(including capital markets) and consumer protection.
The OJK policy trilogy is conducted in order for the
financial sector to grow sustainably and consumer
empowerment occurs. If both matters are well
executed, then the ultimate target of the OJK policy
trilogy is (i) economic growth, (ii) poverty alleviation
and (iii) equal distribution of income can be achieved.
Capital markets that are part of the financial sector,
have great potential to contribute in the achievement
of these targets because of its enormous potential but
not yet developed optimally. Based on best practice
in various countries, capital market is the second
largest source of funding after banking. Therefore, the
government should be more focused and seriously to
raise Indonesia's capital market which is currently its
role as a source of financing only reaches 47% of
In this regard, the Financial Literacy Survey
conducted by the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
in 2014 reveals the Indonesian public's literacy
towards the capital market is still sad. Director of
Capital Market Regulation of OJK said that the
survey mentioned only 4% of the total population of
Indonesia who know about the capital market, from
4%, only 0.01% utilizing the capital market to invest
and no more than 600 thousand who have securities
account. To encourage the growth of these figures,
OJK will fix and facilitate the opening of securities
Channels connecting capital markets and
customers are also important for people to more
easily buy the existing investment instruments in the
capital market. Meanwhile, in order to support OJK
mission in increasing the financial literacy of society,
East spring again held East spring Tour de Campus
2016 by cooperating with Faculty of Economics and
Business Universitas Udayana, Bali. East spring Tour
de Campus is an investment education program in the
form of seminars at selected universities. Previously
East spring Tour de Campus was held at Andalas
Dewi, R. and Fitrayati, D.
Broadening the Literacy of College Students on Capital Market, Would Galeri Investasi be Able to do the Task?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 582-586
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
University Padang, Padjajaran University Bandung,
Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Lampung
University and Bina Nusantara University. The event
aims to introduce investment, capital market industry
and exposure to career opportunities in the capital
market to students by bringing in capital market
practitioners from East spring. Chief Marketing
Officer of East spring said the interest of Indonesian
people, including young people such as students in
investing in the capital market is still very small.
"OJK mentions that 600 thousand of these securities
accounts are only 300-400 thousand who invest in
mutual funds. This figure when compared with
Thailand which has reached 25 million accounts, is
still very small.
In line with the previous statement, the Financial
Services Authority (OJK) stated that the capital
market literacy rate in Yogyakarta is still very low or
only 0.11%. This figure is the lowest among other
financial products. Based on that consideration, OJK
Yogyakarta continues to socialize and educate to
improve knowledge about capital market. The low
public literacy on the capital market is in contrast to
the potential in the capital market. Because the
transactions and profits can be very large. Mentioned,
one of the efforts to carry out socialization and
education about the capital market, the OJK doing
stock lab game competition. Stock lab is a card game
like a monopoly card that contains the terms of the
capital market. Stock lab is a means of socializing and
educating the stock market for the layman. This card
is packaged as simple as possible, so it's easy to
understand. Competition Stock Lab is able to attract
students, at least there are 167 people who come from
students and students participate in this competition.
Head of Capital Market Division of OJK DIY Farhan
Nugroho added, stock lab card is a means of
education for capital market literacy. Stock lab game
has been introduced since 2016. In the early stages,
this card has been widely played in 40 campuses
throughout Indonesia. Although there is no exact
figure, the learning model through the stock lab card
can increase the literacy rate. What happened to DIY
did not rule out also happened to other regions in
Indonesia. Stock lab is a card game that is packaged
as simple as possible with various terms in the capital
market. In addition to learning the term, through this
card later the public can directly conduct transactions.
Because, they know when to buy stocks and sell
shares. Because in stock lab card game there is also
learning how and when to transact. Head of Indonesia
Stock Exchange (BEI) Yogyakarta, acknowledge if
some terms of the capital market is feels foreign and
difficult to understand by ordinary people. Through
this game is expected to increase understanding of the
public related to the capital market. The goals of the
game are high school students and also students.
Socialization through this stock lab card has been
done through 29 investment galleries at the
In 2016 the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
released a national survey on Literacy and Inclusion
of Indonesian Finance. Based on survey results, it is
stated that Indonesia's financial literacy and inclusion
increased at 67.82 percent in 2016 from 59.74 percent
in 2013. This indicates that the capital market has
become known by the public. Efforts made by
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in order to increase
the literacy of public financial inclusion is to organize
programs such as Yuk Saving Stocks, with only Rp
100.000 and established some investment gallery
spread over the Universities in Indonesia. The
program is expected to achieve Indonesia's financial
inclusion literacy target of 75 percent by 2019.
Currently in Indonesia there are 258 investment
galleries and by 2017 will grow to 300 investment
galleries. Head of Representative Office (KP)
Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) DIY stated that with
the segmentation of young people through the product
Yuk Nabung Shares is expected from a young age
already familiar with stock products so that no longer
stuck with the investment is not clear. The existence
of investment gallery in a number of college
campuses of Higher Education adds opportunities for
students to practice in the investment world.
Investment Gallery Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) is a means to introduce the Capital Market
from an early age to the world of academics.
Investment Gallery BEI concept 3 in 1 which is a
collaboration between BEI, Higher Education and
Securities Company is expected not only to introduce
Capital Market from the theory side but also practice.
Going through IDX Investment Gallery which
provides real time information to learn to analyze
stock trading activity, is expected to be a bridge to the
mastery of science and its practice in capital market.
Investment Gallery BEI provides all publications and
printed materials regarding capital markets issued by
the Indonesia Stock Exchange including Capital
Market regulations and Laws. The information and
data in IDX Investment Gallery may be used by the
academic community for academic purposes, not for
commercial purposes in the case of sale and purchase
With the Investment Gallery BEI expected to be
mutually beneficial for all parties so that the
dissemination of capital market information on target
and can provide optimal benefits for students,
Broadening the Literacy of College Students on Capital Market, Would Galeri Investasi be Able to do the Task?
economic practitioners, investors, observers of
capital markets and the general public in the region
and surrounding both for the benefit of socialization
and education / Capital market education or for the
benefit of economic or alternative investment
Lusardi and Mitchell (2007) stated that financial
literacy is a financial knowledge with the aim of
achieving prosperity. Lawrence et al (2006) also
states a similar thing that it takes knowledge of how
to manage finances and how to invest in techniques
that cannot be ignored, like previous times.
Furthermore Cude et al stated that the cause of the
development of financial instruments without
accompanied by the desire of people to invest one of
them is the low literacy financial community. Thus
financial literacy plays an important role in increasing
knowledge about capital market.
Based on the above statement, this research will
discuss about (1) Efforts of Indonesia Stock
Exchange and OJK in increasing capital market
literacy, (2) Investment Gallery benefits in increasing
student capital market literacy, and (3) Impact of
Investment Gallery at University.
This research is descriptive qualitative research type.
A method of examining the status of a group of
people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of
thought or a class of events in the present. The
purpose of this descriptive study is to make the
description, description or painting systematically,
factually, and accurately about the facts and the
nature or relationship between the phenomena being
investigated. The object investigated in this research
is the role of Investment Gallery in increasing capital
market literacy. Furthermore, this research use
triangulation for collecting data there are observation
and documentation.
BEI-OJK's efforts in increasing capital market
literacy are (1) held East spring Tour de Campus 2016
by cooperating with Faculty of Faculty` on Higher
Education. This program has been implemented at the
Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana
University, Bali. East spring Tour de Campus is an
investment education program in the form of
seminars at selected universities. Previously East
spring Tour de Campus was held at Andalas
University Padang, Padjajaran University Bandung,
Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Lampung
University and Bina Nusantara University. The event
aims to introduce investment, capital market industry
and exposure to career opportunities in the capital
market to students by bringing in capital market
practitioners from East spring, (2) carrying out a stock
lab game competition program. Stock lab is a card
game like a monopoly card that contains the terms of
the capital market. Stock lab is a means of socializing
and educating the stock market for the layman. This
card is packaged as simple as possible, so it's easy to
understand. The stock lab game training is held to
expand and improve the knowledge and role of
students in the use of financial products and services
in the capital market. Competition Stock Lab is able
to attract students, at least there are 167 people who
come from students and students participate in this
competition in the area of Special Istimewa
Yogyakarta. Through this game is expected to
increase the understanding of the community related
to capital markets, (3) organize programs such as
'Yuk Saving Stocks', with only Rp 100,000. The
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) invites all
Indonesians through the 'Yuk Nabung Saham (YNS)'
campaign to start investing in the capital market. By
providing knowledge to the public about the ins and
outs of capital market investments, BEI wants to raise
awareness of the importance of investing in stocks,
increasing the number of local investors also
improving the economy of Indonesian society, (4)
establishing several investment galleries scattered
across the universities in Indonesia. Investment
Gallery BEI concept 3 in 1 which is a collaboration
between BEI, Higher Education and Securities
Company is expected not only to introduce Capital
Market from the theory side but also practice. In the
future through BEI Investment Gallery which
provides real time information to learn to analyze
stock trading activities, it is expected to be a bridge to
the mastery of science and its practice in the capital
market, and (5) organize the Capital Market School
(SPM) and Sharia Capital Market School (SPMS).
This capital market education and socialization
program is held regularly by the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX). All the general public can become
SPM and SPMS participants as long as they have
registered in accordance with applicable terms and
The purpose of this program is to provide a true
education about investment, to educate about stock
investments, to provide information on mechanisms
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
to become a stock investor, to educate the theory of
stock selection to be invested, and to provide
information about institutions in capital markets that
provide facilities and Protection to investors, and (6)
organizing capital market seminars and workshops,
the purpose of this program is to enable students and
communities to interact directly with capital market
Furthermore, the benefits of investment gallery
establishment in universities are (1) For Indonesia
Stock Exchange as a means of socialization &
education in academic circles so that it can be done
well, so that academic community is expected not
only to know Capital Market from theory side but can
directly do (2) For universities, there are strategic
alliances with capital market actors (BEI, AB, Vendor
Data) and Improving Brand Name and Sales Value of
Higher Education, (3) For Securities Exchange
Member Company, as a media promotion step among
students / Academician and as media recruitment of
reliable Capital Market Human Resources, (4) For
Data Vendor, as a media step of promotion of data
product among academicians, do not issue hardware
investment for corner of Indonesia Stock Exchange &
Capital Market Lab and as media recruitment Human
Capital HRM .
Next, the impact of investment gallery
establishment on Higher Education are (1) the
education or socialization of capital market through
Investment Gallery in the form of capital market
training with themes such as introduction of capital
market products, transaction mechanism,
fundamental analysis and technical analysis. In
addition to the training there are also stocks
simulation activities, capital market schools and some
other activities related to the capital market, (2)
students can use the available computer facilities in
the Investment Gallery room to learn about capital
market products, study Danareksa's research on
economics , Stocks and bonds, and see information
on stock price movements and news that are the
concern of investors in the stock market, (3) Increase
the knowledge of students in terms of investment,
especially stock investment, students can directly
participate to feel investing with stock instruments,
(4) keep up with the economic, business, security,
social trends that affect the dynamics of stock
movement, (5) to grow the soul and investment
climate and to minimize the "literacy" of investment
among students or the generation Young in general,
and (6) attract students And the young to become
investors in the capital market.
Based on the results of discussion in this article is
expected to encourage and motivate students to invest
and take part in the stock exchange so as to create
young investors. Furthermore, the conclusion of this
article as below.
Efforts made by BEI OJK in increasing capital
market literacy include East spring Tour de Campus,
stock lab game competition program, such as 'Yuk
Saving Stocks', establishing several investment
galleries scattered in universities in Indonesia,
conducting Market Schools Capital (SPM) and
Syariah Capital Markets School (SPMS), organize
seminars and capital market workshops. The role of
Investment Gallery is a means of socialization &
education in academic circles, strategic alliances with
capital market actors (BEI, AB, Data Vendor) and
Improve Brand Name and Sales Value of Higher
Education, media promotion step among students /
academics and as media recruitment Capital Market
HR is reliable, and as a media step promotional
product data among academics. The impact of
investment gallery establishment in Higher Education
is the education or socialization of capital market
through Investment Gallery, students can use
computer facilities available in Investment Gallery
room, Increase student knowledge in investment,
keep up with economic, business, security, Social,
growing soul and investment climate as well as
minimal "literacy" of investment among students,
attract students and young people to become investors
in the capital market.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship